All feedback is appreciated.

Doko Katayama. Height: 5'9". Dark grey hair, violet eyes. Quirk: Teleport. He could teleport himself up to ten meters in any direction, more if he strained himself, and teleport small to medium-sized objects about the same distance.

Currently, he was washing the dishes.

Doko's father had just sat down at the breakfast table, scrolling through some news article on his laptop and placing his coffee mug down with a clink.

"M-morning, Father." Quit with the stutter. Today is your day of confidence, remember?

"Hmph." That was all he got in response.

"Morning, nii-san." His little sister emerged into the kitchen, yawning. "Morning, Dad."

"Good morning. What's my little girl doing up so early?"

"I've gotta see Doko off before he goes and gets himself killed, hehe."

"Shut it, you. I'm not going to die."

"Hmm." Their father narrowed his eyes, and Doko withered, letting a plate stay under the faucet a second too long before moving on. "So that's today, is it?"

"Yes. I mean, yes, Father."

His eyes fell back to the computer screen as he took another sip of his coffee. "Just finish the dishes first."

Doko nodded and turned back to the sink, scrubbing furiously. At any moment he could change his mind. Can't ruin it now when I'm so close.

Convincing his parents to let him take the UA entrance exam had taken more confrontation than he'd ever had with them before - but luckily, he'd kept a lot of his true feelings under the lid.

We've provided for your lazy ass for almost fifteen years, and now you ask for this?

I say let the boy give it a try if he wants to get himself good and killed. It's not like he'll succeed anyway.

Then in that case, you may apply. But you'll be applying to at least two other high schools as well, of our choice. And you must get in to both of them.

Of course his parents had picked two prestigious schools that required a truckload and a half of work to get into, but Doko had done it. He'd worked so hard just to get to this point. Just for a chance to receive an education in heroism.

His mother had entered the room, and after ruffling his sister's hair with a gentle smile, she gave him a raised eyebrow. "Up early, I see?"

"Y-yes, Mother."

"So you still plan on going through with this farce. Well, you filled all our requirements, so I guess I can't stop you now. Just remember how nice we've been to you for all these years, how generous we've been. We'll probably have to pay your hospital bill as well, when this is all said and done." She sat down with a grunt, squeaking the chair back a bit.

Doko's sister made eye contact with him. Her eyes and hair were black, like his parents'.

Doko sighed and gave her a reassuring smile, although he still felt sad and scared on the inside.

She closed her fist on the table, and put steel into her gaze. Go get 'em, that face seemed to say.

He finished washing the dishes, and grabbed his backpack from the edge of the kitchen. "W-well, I'll be going now..."

His father gave another noncommittal grunt. His mother waved her hand dismissively. "Don't be put out when you fail. You've got those other high schools to lean back on, but I imagine your fool self is convinced that this suicide run is your only path. Well, so be it."

His sister rushed forward and threw her arms around him, taking him aback. It took Doko a moment to reciprocate. It has been a long time since she has dared to hug me in front of them. Indeed, his father was now glaring at him with reproach, as if he might taint her somehow through physical contact.

Doko patted her head awkwardly. "You can do it," she whispered, and then stepped away.

He left the house.

On the way to the train station, a number of things were circulating through his brain.


Good for NOTHING!

You think you can just use that flashy Quirk of yours to do anything? It takes WORK to get through in life! Hard. Work.

I bet you think you're real clever, huh? I bet you think you can cheat your way past anything. Well, news flash, buddy, you CAN'T!

Don't you DARE influence her with your tricks!

She's got a bright future ahead of her, and we can't have you knocking her off that path, you bum.

But mom, dad, she'd protested, while Doko cowered and trembled, he was only showing me how he can move stuff from one place to the other. It's not a trick. It's real.

Yeah, it's real, and it renders him unable to do anything the NORMAL way. You don't have what he has; you can't be deluded by strangeness. Doko uses his abilities to cheat and steal and be lazy, honey. Do you want to do those things?


I don't do that, he'd mumbled. Not anymore. For speaking out of turn, he'd received a slap to the face.

Indeed, it had been a long time since he'd used his Quirk in a normal place at all. Since that conversation, he'd started going to pick things up like a normal person, taking runs and walks like a normal person, fetching the mail and doing chores like a normal person. The only place his Quirk saw use was in the underground training he'd sneakily signed up for. If they found out about THAT, I'd probably be confined to the house for the rest of my life.

But today was the day in which he could show off his ability with pride. An ability that could be of such use in disasters, lifting debris, getting to people in need of rescue. And in fights, as well, its potential was wide and varied. It was a hero's ability.

Doko Katayama wanted to become a hero.

His family had never much cared about heroism. The great fights between heroes and villains never showed on their television. There was no All Might merch in his or his sister's rooms. He didn't even care that much about All Might, or any of the other heroes, although he supposed he might start if he wanted to work with them.

All Doko cared about was putting his Quirk to use where it mattered. Not for his own lazy personal benefit, but for others. Apparently warping-type quirks were incredibly rare. If that was the case, then the world needed him. How could he end up in some dead-end salaryman's office when he had this power brewing in his insides? That wouldn't be responsible at all.

In any case, he'd only recently decided this, and was incredibly late to the hero game. What little he knew about fighting was what he'd learned in the underground training, but other than that, he was completely clueless on the inner workings of hero schools, hero agencies, the press, and any of the currently active villains.

He boarded the train that went to the city where UA was, and found a seat near the doors. He leaned back and shut his eyes for a moment, sighing. This was earlier than he was used to waking up, and he would need all his energy for whatever was to come. A normal test, I know that much. With all the schoolwork I've been cramming to get into those other schools, that will surely be a breeze. And then...whatever comes next after that.


Doko opened one purple eye to see who'd just sat down next to him. A floating set of clothes.

He started.

"Ah! Hagakure-san! What brings you here, I mean, why are you on this train, at such an early hour? Yes. Question. I asked it." The truth was that Doko's Quirk wasn't truly Teleport; rather, it was a purple energy that stewed inside him that allowed him to teleport things and himself. Another side effect of that purple energy, which was connected to adrenaline and hyper-activity, was that Doko talked very quickly and in a scatterbrained manner, even if his inner monologue wasn't reflecting such a mood at any given moment. It was like he opened his mouth and all the thoughts came spewing out at once. He usually held it under control around his parents and sister, but people from his middle school, like one Toru Hagakure, often got full blast of it.

She giggled. "You never change, huh Katayama-kun? It should be obvious. I'm going to the UA entrance exams, like you!"

"Huh? How'd you know I was going to...oh, I suppose you just reached it via conjecture, huh. You're smart, Hagakure-san, real smart."

"Aww, you flatter me, but I'm as dumb as they come, really. I'm more worried about the normal test than whatever practical thing they throw at us."

"Yes, well, let's hope it's a situation where your invisibility comes in handy. You gonna strip down or something?" Why would I say that oh my god

"Katayama-kun!" She punched him lightly, but she was giggling. "Speaking of which, I don't actually know what your Quirk is, even though we were in the same class." She was tilting her head; he could tell from how her shirt had shifted.

"Ah. Right. Well, I suppose you wouldn't know, would you." Unlike the mutant types, his Quirk was not inherently obvious, even though his looks were faintly exotic. And he never made a point to show it off at school or his parents would hear of it. A few of his closer guy friends in that class had known, but Hagakure was only a friendly acquaintance at the edge of his social circle, nothing more. "My Quirk is Teleport. I can teleport myself ten meters in any direction, and can teleport objects the same distance or so, up to the weight of like, a desktop printer. But those limitations are loose-ish, I guess. I can go past that in distance and weight, but it'll exhaust me pretty quick."

Hagakure appeared to suck in breath in an awed kind of way. "I had no idea. But hey, maybe you shouldn't have told me all that, huh? We're about to be competing, after all." Her tone was playful, but Doko frowned.

What does she mean, competing? Is that what hero school is like? Will the students be set against each other?

"Hey..." she seemed to notice his drop in attitude. "No worries, man. Your Quirk sounds way better than mine. I'm sure you've got a better chance of getting in."

"Huh? No way, Jose. Don't speak down about yourself like that for my sake, Hagakure. You wouldn't be doing this if you weren't confident. We're BOTH gonna get in, okay? For all the people back at middle school. We'll show 'em who's boss!" I'd like to work together with the other students as much as possible. We'll all be heroes in the future, right? That means we have to collaborate, like in rescue operations and stuff.

Hagakure let out a squeak. "Ah...yes, of course," she mumbled. He couldn't see her face, but she seemed embarrassed. Fuck. "Uhh, yikes, that was kind of awkward, wasn't it? I mean, shit, I'm not supposed to call attention to how awkward it was...uh...sorry for embarrassing you, and I wish I could shut up..."

"It's okay," she interrupted, chuckling quietly. "That means a lot, actually. And you're right. Let's both do our best!"

"Aye aye captain." He gave her a ridiculous salute without a second thought. Where does my brain get these smackhead-ass ideas?

Hagakure kept laughing. "I never realised how funny you were, Katayama-kun. You must be in a good mood!"

"You mispronounced 'silly'. Also, I don't know if you can necessarily call my mood 'good' at this point. There are butterflies flapping around in my stomach. I feel like I'm going to puke."

"If you puke on my clothes, I'll kill you in your sleep. No one in your house will see me coming."

Ha, as if they'd protect me anyway...he actually managed to avoid saying that out loud.

"We're here. Would ya look at that."

The train stopped, and the two of them got off. It was just a short walk from there to UA, with its grand glass towers shimmering the morning daylight.

Doko almost walked past it.

"Katayama-kun, where are you going?"

"Huh?" He turned sharply, nearly tripping over himself, and immediately began walking up the steps. "I was just going to do my best in the UA entrance exam, like yourself. At UA. Yep, this is the place. I definitely knew that, and was definitely walking this direction the whole time."

Hagakure laughed again. "Did you actually not know what UA looked like? You didn't look at pictures or anything?"

"My parents don't let me use the Internet." Easily interpretable as a joke, right? Yes. Good. She was still laughing. "Did you abuse your privileges or something?" She asked in a teasing way.

"Yes. I overloaded the hard drive with Russian car crash videos. Oh, and porn. Lots of it."

"What the FUCK are you two talking about? Also, get out of the way!" A blonde boy broke through in between them, hitting both of them in the shoulder. He kept storming up the steps, hands closed into fists.

"Owww..." Hagakure rubbed her shoulder.

"You good?" Doko raised an eyebrow. That kid had been solid, like there was a lot of muscle going on under that uniform. Something about him seemed familiar, though…

"Yeah, I'll be fine. What an asshole though, huh."

"They do indeed exist. No worries, jerks like that can't get into hero school. Nice guys only beyond this point."

"Hehe...yeah you're probably right. We won't see him again."

They did, however, hear him again. Inside the big presentation room, he and some guy named "Deku" were arguing about something a few rows behind them.

"Deku kinda sounds like Doko," Hagakure whispered to him. They were still sat next to each other because the room had been organised by middle school.

"Yes, but Doko actually serves a purpose, for when foreigners need to ask where the bathroom is."

She giggled again.

"Excuse me," whispered a boy nearby, tall with blue hair so dark it was nearly black, and glasses impeccable placed on the bridge of his nose. "Could the two of you quiet down? They are about to start the presentation."

Doko turned to look at him. "Heya bud, there's some much louder idiots behind you. Why don't you bother them instead? Are we just much less intimidating?"

"Yes," said Hagakure plainly. "You are, at least." Doko made a show of pouting.

Glasses person was taken aback by this. "I do apologise for bothering you, it was not my intention. I would like you to quiet down, though, if you'd be so kind." He sat in his seat, suddenly appearing put out.

Doko's smile faltered. "Hey man, I was just kidding around. Haven't you heard a joke befo..."

Hagakure tugged on his sleeve. "Butt in the seat, Comrade Katayama! Present Mic's about to get this show on the road!"

"Who?" Doko sat down, confused.

Oh. Apparently it was that guy.

"WELCOME TO THE UA ENTRANCE EXAMS! LEMME HEAR YA SAY HEEYYYY!" The guy with the absurd blonde hair and booming voice threw a hand out toward the crowd.

No one replied. It's too early for this shit bruh.

What followed was an explanation of the practical exam. They would be fighting robots in an arena. Small robots worth a point, medium sized ones worth two, big bois worth three. From the visuals, Doko judged that he would not be able to teleport any of them in their entirety. They were all too large.

Then there was some stuff about a zero point robot the size of an office building, complete with another cameo from Glasses. He also called out some kid with green hair who had apparently been mumbling the whole time, although Doko had not heard a thing. Green haired kid was sitting next to the angry boy from the steps, the one that seemed so familiar. "Deku has been spotted," he murmured absurdly.

"Huh?" asked Hagakure.


They received their arena assignments. Toru and Doko were in different ones.

"It's probably to keep people from the same middle school from being able to strategize and tag team the robots," she explained. "So we'll both be surrounded by people with unfamiliar Quirks."

Doko frowned. "That's dumb. What's wrong with teamwork?"

"Aww, you're so wholesome. Anyway, I'm going now. See you after." She left with a wave.

Then they were off to take the normal test, which took at least a minute. Several hours, to be precise. Doko thought he did pretty well on it. He had always kept up decent grades, more out of fear than any desire to succeed, but it seemed that the recent cramming had really paid off.

Now it was time to fuck up some robots.

Doko stood outside the gates of the battleground with the others. Beyond the big walls appeared to be a cityscape, as he could see skyscrapers poking over the top. He didn't see Glasses, or the blonde haired guy that he swore he knew from somewhere, or "Deku" anywhere. There was a boy with white hair and jet black skin, a girl with pink skin and horns, some person with a speech bubble for a head...definitely some Quirky people. Heh.

Doko cracked his knuckles, and then his neck on either side. He flexed his legs for a second. Adrenaline had started to course through him, as the examinees stood ready. He could feel the violet energy stirring inside.

"START!" Present Mic shouted, and Doko warped forwards with a lavender flash.

Teleporting was different than most people probably assumed, at least in his case. Each warp required him to sort of take a half-step forwards, and then will himself the rest of the way. It was all in the legs, alternating between left and right. One warp was like the equivalent of taking one running stride, expending about the same amount of energy. Only his "strides" were ten meters, and before he knew it he was near the front of the pack, only behind a couple of people with powerful speed Quirks. He continued warping forward in rhythm. Left, right, left right. At a junction, he turned down the side street, and found some robots.

Two one-pointers and one two-pointer. A mouthful, that is. He held out his hands, and a purple light emerged from his palms. The same light enveloped the head of the one-pointer as it came toward him. Doko clenched his teeth together, and pulled with his hands.

The head warped off, crashing to the ground some eight meters away. The robot fell, disabled.

Doko turned to the two pointer, which had a considerably larger body. No individual piece seemed light Doko opted to shred it instead. He flicked his hands in rapid succession, sending off purple flashes. Bits and scraps of metal teleported off to the sides of the robot, exposing its innards. Doko warped his body sideways to avoid the robot's swipe at him, and then he used his powers to pull out some vital-looking wires. The two-pointer made a sad noise and seemed to deactivate.

He turned to the other one-pointer, just as some shadowy bird monster thing came crashing through, destroying it instantly. "TOO SLOW!" It shouted at him, as a boy with a bird's head came running from behind it. They were tethered together.

Doko opened his mouth to say something, but bird boy and his shadowy friend were already gone. I need to go faster. Three points won't be enough at all!

Using his warps, he moved himself quickly through alleys and side streets, taking out more one and two-pointers with the same methods as before. The three-pointers were too big for a Quirk of his caliber, and he avoided them. But otherwise, he managed to get into something of a rhythm, although occasionally another examinee would come along and steal his kill. Thirty-two. Thirty-four. Thirty-five.

Suddenly a three-pointer came bearing down on him, and he was pinned in an alleyway. Doko had never quite had the courage to try and teleport through solids, even if there was empty space on the other side. He was always worried he might cut himself in half. So the only option was to destroy this thing.

Doko looked to his left and saw a dumpster. His arms were already aching from all the heavy lifting (teleporting something was like lifting it for that amount of time, in regards to weight) but he had to try anyhow. With great effort, he slowly brought his arms up, closing them into fists up against his chest. The dumpster glowed violet. Light coursed through his arms. The robot beared down upon him.

With a cry of effort, Doko warped the dumpster up into the air, and it crashed down on top of the robot, crushing its head in and sending sparks flying. The robot shuddered, and began to sway.

Frantically, he tried to squeeze past it, in the small space against the alleyway wall. It was too thin to attempt a warp. He managed to squeeze through, but he'd taken too long. The robot fell...on top of his leg.

"ARGH!" The pain was immediate and intense, even through all the adrenaline. He was now pinned under a bunch of heavy metal.

He weakly tried warping the robot off of him, but that was no use even if his arms hadn't been worn out from the dumpster move. And he needed both his legs free to warp himself out. It was his left leg that was pinned and broken, but if he just used his right to warp, then he might end up amputating himself by accident. And that would be worse than a break.

So that's it then. I'm stuck here for the rest of the test, with thirty-eight points. Would that be enough? It didn't seem like it. And now he'd have to go to the hospital as well. Fear struck at his heart as he remembered his mother's words from that morning.! He hit his head with his hand. Stupid, stupid! How could I have let this happen!

"Oh no, are you okay?" a voice called out from the alleyway entrance.

Doko turned as much as he could. It was the pink skinned girl with the horns. She is pretty cute, isn't she?

"Does it look like I'm okay?" he asked dryly.

"No. Lose the attitude, idiot. I'm going to help you." And then she was walking towards him.

Doko waved a hand. "Hey, don't waste time with me. This robot's already destroyed. You should go get some more points while you can."

"Don't be silly! Heroes are supposed to help those in need, right?" She leaned over him, smiling with her eyes closed. Her grin was dazzling.

"Uhh...errrr." He briefly lost the ability to speak. Incredibly rare.

She reached out and touched the robot with her pink hands. Immediately, Doko felt heat, and steam began to rise from the metal.

"My Quirk is Acid," she explained in an excited tone. "I've been making quick work of these bucketheads. What about you?"

"Ah yes, my Quirk is Chick Magnet, it allows pretty girls to come to rescue my useless ass." She giggled; her cheeks flushed purple. Purple, huh? "Nah, but seriously I'm a teleporter. Ridiculous, right? I got myself trapped under a robot when I can literally move in an instant."

"Hang on, you're a teleporter? Why am I even helping you then! Just get yourself on out of there!"

"You're not clear on the finer rules. I'd rather not accidentally cut my own leg off, thanks."

"Oh, is that how it is? In that case..." she traced her acid-emitting hands in a line around where his leg was pinned, and he felt the heat intensify. "Get ready to scramble backward fast. I might be the one who ends up cutting your leg off."

When the robot piece fell away, the heat briefly exploded tenfold, and then Doko was scrambling away like she said, dragging his broken leg with him. "Jesus, that's some strong stuff you got," he said as she backed away from the robot wreckage. "My name's Doko Katayama. What's yours?"

"Mina Ashido." She offered him a hand up. "I'll support you if you like. This doesn't mean we're dating, though." She had the fiery light of teasing in her strange black eyes.

"I appreciate it," he answered, his energy sapped by the wound he'd sustained. She put an arm over his shoulder, and helped him walk. "I guess this means I won't be getting any more points th...WATCH OUT!" At the exit of the alleyway, another three-pointer was bearing down on them. Mina let out a yelp.

He gave her a shove as the shadow of the thing covered them. She stumbled out into the clear, safe, as he fell, having lost his support.

Mina turned, confused, and her alien eyes widened as she saw the shadow cover him. "Katayama-sa..."

He willed himself to hold onto his broken leg, and warped with his right foot. The robot came crashing down on empty space, and he reappeared next to Mina in a purple flash.

"Arm. Shoulder. Now." He said, pained.

Mina started as if surprised to see him next to her, and then supported him again. The three-pointer must have fallen on them from quite a height, because it had been destroyed, no longer moving. Sparks flew from it.

"Someone operating from the rooftops, maybe?" Doko mused.

"You saved me," mumbled Mina. "You pushed me out of the way. Hey, why didn't you just teleport us both?"

"I can't teleport other people. Only myself and inanimate objects. I tried a lizard once, cut its tail off. Those grow back though. Friends tried to convince me to warp a cat. I'm not a monster, though. Who knows what would have happened. Plus, even if I'd tried to take you with me, I might have left your clothes behind, and then you'd be naked right now. Yup, that's right, every time I warp I have to put a small percentage of energy toward bringing my clothes with me. Exhausting, right? I'm so exhausted."

"Goodness, haha." Mina put her other hand on his chest to keep him from stumbling as they walked down the street. "You're chatty, aren't you? I'm pretty chatty too, most of the time. I seem to be out of my game today, though." She frowned. "This is intense stuff."

They were surrounded by destroyed robots and ruined buildings. In the distance, they could hear the sounds of battle.


"Who's Recovery Girl?"

Mina raised an eyebrow at him. "Do broken legs make you delirious?"

"No, but overusing my Quirk kinda does. Sometimes. Other times I just throw up."

"Recovery Girl is a healer. She kisses people and magically fixes their injuries."

"Ah. A hero, huh? Does that mean I don't have to go to the hospital?"

"I don't know, if I was in charge I'd probably check you into the insane ward." She was smiling, though.

They found a central area near the front where many injured students had conglomerated. There was general chatter all over the place. Mina helped Doko sit down on a slab of concrete, and then sat down next to him, legs swinging playfully.

"You can leave if you want. Magic kiss lady is coming for me."

"Show some respect and use her name. And no, I'm staying to make sure you're good. You saved me too, remember?"

"Exactly, so we're even. You saved me first."

She stuck her tongue out at him, and then they lapsed into a comfortable silence, waiting.

"Say," she said, "how many points did you get?"

"Thirty-eight. I'm mega screwed, I think."

Mina opened her mouth in surprise. "I only got thirty-one!"

" that case, I'm not screwed. You're way too awesome to not get in, and I did better than you, so..."

She laughed musically, blushing lilac again. "Oh look, there's Recovery Girl!"

Doko blinked, baffled. "She's a senior citizen."

"Shutup and show some respect, like I said before."

The pint-sized old lady came hobbling over. "Oh dear, a broken leg, huh?"

"Very possibly. A large robot fell on me, you see," Doko explained.

"Yeah, yeah." She kissed him, and suddenly he felt the bones repair, felt the purple course through him again. It was like he'd been born anew. "Wow, that's amazing! Thank you, ma'am!"

"All in a day's work. What about you, missy? What's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Mina blushed again, startled. "Nothing, I was just waiting...with him..."

Recovery Girl laughed. "Oh, so that's what it is. I can't heal that, I'm afraid. Good-bye for now." She hobbled away.

"Strange woman. Was she implying that she can't fix stupid, like the old saying? Was she implying that you're stupid? Rude. I'm sorry she said that. Anyway, I'm feeling good as new, so I'll be off." He stood up and stretched.

"Haha...I guess." Mina was somewhat flustered, and her brain was moving kinda fast. "Wait, you're leaving?"

Katayama nodded. "Yep. They told us to go, after all. And I promised a friend that I'd meet her afterward."

Oh...he has a girlfriend...I see. "Well...bye. It was nice meeting you. Hopefully we'll see each other at school!"

"Hopefully." He gave her a two-fingered wave, and walked off. She waited for another minute before following, in the same direction.

Silly Mina, she thought.You got distracted by some guy and didn't keep your eyes on the prize. He didn't even seem confident about his own score, and mine was even lower. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Doko met back up with Hagakure, who seemed similarly unsure about her own results in the practical. He wondered to himself briefly how an invisible girl would even take out some big robots, but he did not voice this. She already seemed kinda down enough. "But hey," he told her as they parted at the home train station, "don't forget what I said. We're both gonna get in, alright?"

Toru might have smiled. Who knew. "Sure," she told him.

Doko arrived home and dropped his backpack by the door, exhausted. Right now he wanted to go to sleep for approximately forever, but he knew he had to face his family first.

They were in the living room; his mom spotted him before his dad. "That took a long time," she said with raised eyebrows. "Well, at least you're in one piece still."

"Nii-San!" His sister ran into the room, stopping short upon seeing him. Wait, how does my face even look right now? "How did it go?" she asked.

"It went. We'll find out in a few days."

His father grunted and turned back around. "Well, you gave it a try. We let you have your fun. May as well start thinking about those other high schools now." His mother nodded in agreement.

Doko said nothing; he only retreated to his room.

The next few days were uneventful. Doko exercised, he did chores, he kept his eyes down and his feet on the ground. It was like his parents had forgotten that he'd even taken the exam at all. He slowly came to realise that they had not once considered the possibility of him getting into UA. They already thought they'd won; that they'd gotten him into a useful high school for good. Soon he would be out in the regular workforce and out of their hair.

When the message came, Doko tried to keep his heart rate down, he really did. But it wasn't exactly working. He came back into the house with the letter in hand, and of course his sister spotted him.

She gasped. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Chill out. It could be a rejection letter." Doko had come to the conclusion that his point value was probably very average, so it could really swing either way. In any case, he didn't want his sister to know just yet. "Stay out of my room for a minute."

He closed the door behind him and sat down on his bed, opening the letter carefully. When light erupted from it, forming a projection, he shrieked and dropped it onto his sheets.

"I am a hologram!" It was All Might. Doko obviously knew the most famous man in Japan by sight, even though he wasn't big into heroes. Intrigued, he tilted his head and leaned closer.

"That's right, I, All Might, will be a teacher at UA this year! Doko Katayama! You passed the written exam very cleanly! And in the practical exam, you scored thirty-eight the attack category, that is."

Suddenly, a video clip was playing. Doko recognised himself, and the girl Mina. She was cutting him free of the robot with her acid, and then the other one came flying down from the roof...and he shoved her out of the way before warping himself.

All Might again. "Both you and Young Ashido proved yourselves worthy of the higher ideals of heroism! What kind of school would UA be if we did not reward the acts of saving others? And so, both you and Ashido received thirty rescue points each, more than enough to not only pass, but put you both in the top ten!"

Doko's mouth fell open. His eyesight seemed to shimmer, or was that just the projection? He couldn't believe it. I got in. I...I got in. His parents had never entertained this possibility, but until this moment he hadn't really been entertaining it either. He'd always assumed deep down that he'd failed. But...this was proof, wasn't it? From All Might himself? I must be dreaming. He gave himself a pinch.

"A written letter is also within containing the finer details. Please share it with your parents. I cannot wait to see you in the hero course very soon! Go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

The projection flickered out. All Might was gone.

Doko felt like a zombie as he walked into the living room. His feet seemed to move on their own. He didn't even know what to say to them.

"Oh? Is that the letter?" His mom gave him a look. "Let's see it, then." His dad was watching his expression closely. I look lost as fuck right now, which could go either way.

He silently handed the letter to his mother. She unfolded the paper, scanned the first couple of sentences, and her eyes bugged out of her head.

" got in," she murmured.

His dad's head snapped toward her. "What?" he demanded.

"WHAT?" his sister echoed, and suddenly she was running at him, laughing and crying. She leapt into his arms and they spun, laughing together. Doko couldn't help it; she was infectious. "You got in," she sang. "You did it, you did it, Doko did it!"

"I...I can't believe it," his mom breathed.

His parents both turned to look at him, his sister still hanging from his neck by his arms. "That's right," he told them. "I got in. Your son got into the most prestigious high school in the country. Do you object to him attending?" He didn't know where he'd gotten this steel from, but he was going to hold onto it for all it was worth, dammit.

They exchanged glances. "The school doesn't make you pay, after all. All he had to do was pass," his father mumbled.

His mother sighed. "You're right. I suppose it won't be much of an extra burden on us, in the end. You may go, Doko."

"Ha HA!" His sister exclaimed, and jumped up and down in victory. "My brother's gonna be a HERO! The best hero there ever was!"


Unsure about who Doko is going to replace in 1-A. In the first version I just went with Mineta, but that seems kinda safe. I might just randomize it (excluding the most important characters that obviously need to stay, of course). Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!