Hello! Wow, I can't believe we have finally come to the end of this!

As a bit of a fun farewell, here are Alya and Nino's speeches they made at the wedding.


Alya dinged her spoon against her glass, getting the attention of everyone nearby. After sending a brief smile to Marinette, she cleared her throat and began to speak:

"Hello everyone! First, I would like to start by congratulating Adrien and Marinette for finally getting to this point. We had our doubts that you two would figure it out, but thank the heavens, here we are!" She paused for a moment as laughter and clapping came from the crowd. She waited for it to die down as she continued. "I have known these two love birds since we were fourteen years old, and believe me, everyone knew from the start that they were meant to be except them. Now, I won't bore you guys with stories of how Marinette made effort after effort to get Adrien's attention, or how she stalked him during a few of his photo shoots. Those would take far to much time to tell. But I will say this:" She paused, turning to Marinette. She chuckled at the look of terror on her best friend's face. "We are all, so incredibly happy that these two have each other. And we know that you will continue to support one another, and love one another for the rest of your lives."

With that she stepped back, passing the mic to a very nervous looking Nino.

"I'm kinda wishing I had asked my lovely wife to write my speech now." He said, looking towards Adrien with a shaky smile. Had anyone else asked him to do this, he probably would have said no. This was so much different than DJ'ing. "Oh well, here goes I guess." He turned back to the crowd as they chuckled. A few of his old classmates sent him encouraging nods as he began. "Adrien is my bro, my dude, and my best friend. When I first met him, I found out quickly that he was a great guy, though he was missing a bit of social experience." Those who had experienced Adrien's first days at school nodded and laughed. Nino crinkled the corner of the paper he was reading from. "But through the years, I have gotten to watch him overcome every obstacle put in his path, and become a truly amazing man who inspires me and others to be the best possible versions of ourselves. I don't know what I'd do without you bro. I'm really proud of you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and you picked the perfect girl to ensure that. Congratulations you two."

As Nino passed the mic back to Alya, Adrien engulfed him in a tight hug.

Alya raised her glass and faced the crowd. "To the bride and groom!"

"To the bride and groom!" The rest of the guests repeated before taking a drink from their own glasses.