
Normal Speech


Harry sat on his bed at number four Privet Drive, trying to think of a hundred an one different ways to kill the Dursleys, he was interrupted however when his Uncle, a great walrus of a man, barged into his room. "BOY, YOUR AUNT HAS CALLED YOU THREE TIMES YOU WILL LISTEN WHEN YOUR CALLED."

Harry raised his head, his emerald green eyes, staring at his uncle almost lifeless, "Sorry uncle". The boy murmured softly.

"You better be sorry boy", his uncle snarled, "Now do your chores and don't even try and mention your godfather won't like it, that freak Headmaster of yours told us he died".

Harry snarled in his mind, "fuck you Dumbledore." Out loud however, he stared at his uncle and said in a deathly quite voice, "Shut up". Vernon's face went red, "what did you just say to me". He whispered.

Harry smirked, "Are you deaf, I told you to shut up". Vernon's fist connected with his face, sending him stumbling backwards. "THIS IS MY HOUSE FREAK, YOU DON'T ORDER ME AROUND".

Harry's wand was in his hand in a flash, and pointed at his uncle, who took a step back in fear, "Your not allowed to do that outside of school, you'll be expelled." Harry sneered at his uncle, "I don't care, raise your fist at me again and I'll kill you."

Vernon turned a shade of green, "now listen here, I raised you boy." Harry snorted in disbelief, "You raised me, no you didn't, I practically raised myself, what you don't understand Vernon, is that my presence here powers the wards and keeps us safe so long as I call this place home."

Vernon nodded, "exactly you can't leave without being in danger." Harry smirked, "does it look like I care, I've never considered this place home anyway". Vernon's eyes widened in Horror, for as Harry said those words, there was a loud crack and a shockwave of magic rolled through the house as the Blood wards collapsed.

Harry's smirk widened, "looks like your all in danger now." Using his connection to Voldemort, he thought one thing, "I'm at number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging."

Harry's eyes gleamed as his scar flared, "His here, Voldemort is here". Vernon fell to the floor, as Harry walked downstairs and outside.

Voldemort stood there, with Mundungus Fletcher at his feet, the man turned his head, "Potter". He croaked, "Run". Harry stared at the man in disgust and looked at the man that had tried to kill him for years, "after your done with him, I ask but one thing".

Voldemort stared at the boy, "and what would that be Potter." Harry smirked, "Let me kill the filth in this house, and then you can do what you want". Voldemort's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched, "Very well, you may kill them, but Potter, use another's wand".

Harry walked forwards and grabbed Mundungus's wand, turning around he walked back into the house, Petunia was standing there a look of understanding on her face.

Harry smiled, at least she had the courage to stand brave in her demise, Pointing the borrowed wand at his aunt and thinking of all his years of hell, "Avada Kedavra". The jet of green light struck his aunt in the chest and she fell to the floor dead. Walking upstairs he found Vernon still on the floor.

Harry smirked, "I think I shall have some fun with you first".

Outside Voldemort's eyes widened yet again, when the flash of green went off in the house and seconds later a feral scream reached his ears.

Harry held the torture curse on his uncle for five minutes, before relieving him of the pain, "Did that hurt uncle". The man was a mess, and Harry just sneered at him, "trust me, I'm being merciful in granting you a quick death, pointing the wand at him again, he uttered the the words, Avada Kedavra." And for the second time that day a flash of green went off in the house, as Vernon Dursley took his last breath.

Walking outside he threw the wand back to its owner, "I'm finished". Voldemort just stared at the boy with something akin to pride, "I'm not going to kill you Potter." Harry stared at his enemy in confusion, "Why not". He asked.

The Dark Lord smiled, "Because I'm going to offer you a chance to join me." Harry sneered, "And be one of your Death Eaters".

Voldemort nodded his head, "Yes and No, you won't be a mere Death Eater, you'll be one of my elite, my right hand, my second in command if you will."

Harry smirked, "Well if that's the case then I accept". Voldemort smiled, "Then grab my arm Potter."

Harry walked forward and did as he was told. Voldemort smirked at him. And together they disapparated.

And thats Chapter one of my new story, Rise Of Darkness, Chapter two will be out soon.

As for my, Perseus The God Storms story the next chapter for that should be out soon as well, I'm just fixing a few things up, but it should be out in the next week or two.