Rin was begrudgingly walking to school beside Yukio, he kept reminding himself it was only a few more years to go before he'd finally finish middle school and could hopefully put this shit behind him. But on approaching the gates he could hear the familiar taunts and whispers from his other classmates. Pretty much the whole school knew about him and his temper, he had a reputation for getting into fights. But this had been going on for years now since he was young. Parents, Teachers Students; they were all the same. They all called him a demon and said he should just disappear.

He was pretty sure in recent years even his brother had pulled away from him. They had been so close as children, most of the fights he had gotten into had been to protect Yukio. But something changed…he didn't know what but Yukio spent more time with the old man. It was like he knew something, sometimes giving a fearful glance when he lost his temper at home or at school. He'd always composed himself quickly enough, hiding behind a fake smile, but Rin still noticed. Even the priests and the old man did it on occasion.

As they approached the gates, Yukio walked on in whilst Rin stopped outside. He didn't feel like this today. With his bag hung on his forehead he shoved his hands in his pockets and carried on walking down the street. Yukio shouted after him, but he ignored it. Yukio wouldn't miss school just to chase after him anyway and just like he thought, Yukio gave up and went into school. Yukio was the smart one, the good son; the one who wasn't a screw-up or disappointment.

Rin had stopped at a nearby shrine, it was early and still empty. He took in the silence of the shrine. No one to taunt him, no one to look at him with that same fear and call him a demon child. Just peace and quiet and a few patrons stopping by the shrine to pay respects. Rin had snuck around the back of the building just by the gardens, where he would be left alone for the most part. He was sure the teachers at school would've phoned Father Fujimoto by now and told of his absence, again. The old man was probably scripting out his lecture already for when he got home.

Maybe he should just stay away, he was just a burden to them all anyway. He knew they didn't act like it, but there was always that niggling feeling in the back of his mind that they would be happier if he really did just disappear.

Would they be happier if he just didn't go home this time? The thought slipped into darkness along with Rin's vision when his eyes shuttered close.

By the time Rin woke up the sun had dropped to just above the horizon. Shit, school was over and it was getting late. The Shrine seemed to be shutting up soon as well, the last few stragglers of patrons filtering out of the main entrance to the grounds. Rin grabbed his bag and followed, he got to the bottom of the steps that lead to the shrine only to be faced with his internal dilemma. Should he go home?

Every responsible fibre in his body screamed yes. But that niggling voice in his head was saying he should keep walking the other direction. His body seemed to move on its own, subconsciously doing what that little voice wanted it to do.

Before he knew it, the sky was dark, street lights were on and he had ended up in a rundown part of Southern Cross. His stomach growled; he'd not eaten since breakfast. After falling asleep he'd completely forgotten to eat the bento he'd made the previous night. Figuring he might as well eat it now since the old man probably wouldn't feed him after the shit he pulled today. He began rummaging through his bag for his lunch when he heard cackles of laughter from a nearby alleyway.

His curiosity got the better of him and he moved towards the alley's entrance to see who was laughing and why. It was just a couple of older kids, Rin's nose crinkled at the smell of alcohol coming from the alley. He pulled back around the corner and started to wander away, he should probably go home before the old man gets a heart attack or something. Sighing in resignation he would have to face him at some point. The little voice still telling him he should run away. He shook it off.

A figure watched him from the shadows.

He began to walk back towards the busy streets when as he turned around, he bumped into someone. It was another older kid; going to join his friends. He grunted and gave Rin a disgruntled glare.

"Watch it, kid!"

"You watch it!" Rin spat back.

The youth shoved him roughly, but that just riled Rin up even more and he shoved back; forgetting his strength. The youth slammed into a nearby wall and was knocked out cold.

"Shit…" Rin grimaced looking at his hands and taking a deep breath.

The noise from the commotion drew the other youths out of their hidden alleyway. The drunken shock on their faces soon turned to anger as they saw their friend beaten against the wall. Their attention soon moved to the thirteen-year-old boy standing outside the alley.

Before Rin had a chance to move, they were on him, pinning him to the floor. One of the kids went to check on the boy that got hit; he started to come to. Rin struggled under the hold, he was strong but outnumbered and at a disadvantage; he couldn't move.

The injured youth approached him, albeit on wobbly feet.

"You pack a punch, kid" he coughed out "But isn't it past your bedtime? Ha-ha!" He pulled Rin's head up by his hair, before slamming his face back into the concrete. Rin screamed as the pain shot through his face; his nose broken. He felt the warm sensation of blood run down his face onto the cold ground below him. "Babies like you shouldn't be wanderin' the streets after dark. It's dangerous ya know?"

"No shit, sherlock." Rin spat. He wasn't sure why he was taunting the older kid now he was pinned to the ground, but the words just flew from his mouth.

"This kid doesn't know when to shut his mouth." One of the kids pinning him down pushed him harder into the floor as he spoke. Rin growled at the elbow shoved in the back of his neck.

"Did he just growl?!" The kids laughed "What are you a dog?" Someone poked his cheek, he snapped at the finger biting down hard drawing blood. The kid screamed in pain, gripping his hand and loosening his hold on Rin. But he still had two more on top of him.

The first kid gave him a serious look, he was the only sober one it seemed, he almost looked calculating.

"You wanna be violent, kid? Cos we can be violent too." He laughed, pulling out something shiny from a side pocket on his trouser leg. He flipped it open, to reveal a knife. He held up Rin's face with a vice grip. Rin could feel the bruising under his fingertips.

He held up the knife to Rin's cheek, the cold metal making him flinch.

"You've got quite the vile tongue on you kid, maybe we should cut it out." He laughed; Rin could see the sadistic gleam in his eyes. It scared him.

The kids on his back soon adjusted themselves, the third one returning after nursing his bitten finger. They forced Rin's mouth open and the kid in front grabbed hold of his tongue firmly. Rin panicked, were they really going to…he felt a tingling heat under his skin; his head throbbed. He needed to get away, he needed to get out of here and back home.

The kid pulled his tongue and the cold blade of the knife was touched to the surface, Rin couldn't speak, and could only get out screams, pleading them not to do it. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Stop it!

The kid started applying pressure before the heat in Rin's body exploded out of him, knocking everyone off and away from him. It was only after a few seconds he registered the screams of agony coming from the other kids. He looked around the alley was covered in blue fire; he turned his attention to the kids and the source of the screams to find them all rolling around on the floor…burning.

The rolling wasn't doing anything to stop the blue fire as it ate away at their clothes and their skin.

The smell of burnt flesh reached his nose, as he watched the bodies before him crisp and crumble, a look of absolute fear etched on his face. He then realised he to was on fire and started patting the flames to put them out, only to realise it wasn't working. But he wasn't burning, the fire was warm, comforting on his skin; only burning everything around him but leaving himself untouched.

Was the fire coming from him? How…? He was pulled out of his train of thought by sirens approaching in the distance. He needed to leave before someone found him surrounded by dead and burnt bodies. He stood up and ran deeper into the alleyway through the back streets, he had to get home—

He froze, he examined himself, still very much on fire. He couldn't go home… not like this. He found a narrow passageway behind a bar or restaurant, he shoved some rubbish out of the way so the flames wouldn't touch it and cause a bigger fire, sitting down behind a large bin.

He was shaking all over, he stared at his hands, the blue flames flickering ever so gently on the surface of his skin. He took deep breathes and closed his eyes trying to calm himself. After a few moments he opened his eyes again, the flames had disappeared; Rin sighed in relief.

He stayed sat behind the bin, too afraid to move and not knowing what to do. The older kids… he'd killed them all, the panic was starting to creep back into him, what was he going to do…

He heard footsteps enter the alley, as well as shouting from far away – probably where he'd just been. He stiffened as the footsteps got closer, holding his breath hoping that this person went away. Please just turn around and go away!

Someone stood in front of him, shrouded in darkness Rin couldn't see their face. They were wearing a long overcoat that stopped just below the knees. He noticed slim legs and high heeled shoes on their feet.

"Well well well…" A feminine voice came from the figure as they knelt, Rin could make out the features of a face. A pretty woman with bright green eyes and dark skin was staring at him as if looking into his soul. Was she with the police? Was she going to arrest him for killing those kids?

"I had a feeling about you. I found you at the shrine, asleep. It was so faint but I felt it, no wonder they've managed to hide you for so long. I decided to follow you and thanks to those children back there you've finally awakened, dear brother." She examined his face, looking into his eyes. He was somewhat confused about the 'brother' comment but brushed it off.

"Quite the handsome little devil aren't you." She smirked.

"W-who are you…? Are you with the police?" Rin stuttered out. The sirens were still blaring in the distance, he could see the flashing lights of the various emergency services in the area.

The woman gave a little laugh.

"No little one. My name is Iblis, I am here to help you. I saw what happened back there in the alley." Rin's eyes widened in fear, trying to scoot further back as if he could pass through the wall and escape.

"Don't be afraid. As I said, I want to help you."

"How can you help me…why?" Rin eyed her warily.

"Because I'm just like you." She smiled and held out her hand. As he blinked red and orange flames appeared in her palm, unburning just like his own. The flame flurried all around her body before returning to her palm again, the flame disappeared as she closed her hand. Rin stared in awe. Someone like him…but what did that mean?

"I'm sure you have questions, but I cannot answer them here. It's not safe for you." She held out a hand to help the boy up.

"What I'm not following you, I don't even know you! I want to go home!"

She tilted her head at him, watching him carefully.

"And what happens when you accidentally set fire to your home." Rin froze "Your flames kill all whom you love and care for." The guilt and fear on his face when he looked back up to Iblis was obvious.

"You can't control that power, and it will destroy everything. I can help you; I can teach you. I can give you answers. We can give you a safe place to stay. Because now that your blue flames have become known, the Exorcists will come for you." Exorcists? Wasn't that his old man's counselling job? "The Exorcists will kill you."

"Who's 'we'" He asked with suspicion.

"An organisation I work for, that takes care of people like us. Now come child, before they come for you." He reluctantly took her hand, maybe he could just get some control over this fire thing before coming home again. Would they let him come home again…? Before he had a chance to contemplate the consequences of what he'd just done, he was surrounded by red and orange flames. Hearing footsteps quickly running towards them. He saw a small black cat with horns and two tails, followed by his Father and Yukio, turn the corner with a look of horror on their faces. He heard Father Fujimoto call out to him as the flames swallowed him and the alleyway disappeared.


When he'd gotten the call from Rin's school to say he hadn't turned up, Shiro had groaned in frustration. Nearly having the urge to go and find him right there and then, dragging him home by his hair. But he would wait, he wouldn't come straight away, but he'd soon get hungry and come home for dinner. Shiro considered making something meaty just so the smell would give the boy some grief when he was sent to bed with nothing but some rice. Before long, it was time for the schools to let out, Shiro had been lying in wait for Rin to walk in the door. Yukio had come first, alone, not too much surprise there. His youngest son had explained how his brother had just walked off at the entrance to the school upon hearing hushed whispers from classmates again. It was a shame; Rin had tried to fit in going against everything he was to do good things for others. It certainly was a miracle he hadn't turned out like his father. But not being able to control his strength or temper had been an issue growing up. Since a young age, he'd been shunned by most teachers and classmates because of it. His only friend was Yukio and even then, they were brothers and were very different from each other.

Dinner time rolled on, there was still no sign of Rin and it was started to get dark outside. Maybe he should've got Rin a cell phone as well… If he didn't get home soon it was gonna be prime time for demons on the streets.

In the end, the dinner was left and everyone decided to go looking for Rin. Yukio refused to stay home with Misumi and went along with Shiro to check out Rin's usual haunts. After turning up nothing, Shiro called the southern gate, wondering if anyone of Rin's description had passed through. But no, he was still in Southern Cross somewhere, before putting the phone down he requested they send Kuro.

They headed back to the Monastery, there had been no more signs of Rin returning. Shiro grabbed something of Rin's and when Kuro arrived, they set out to track him down using his scent. They soon approached a crime scene, surrounded by police, firefighters and ambulances. Four body bags could be seen in the distance, murmurs of being burnt alive arose from the crowd. But apparently, no one saw a fire.

He hoped none of the bodies was Rin…

"Rin was here, I can smell him" He meowed frantically clawing at Shiro's leg, he might've been human and unable to understand the words, but Shiro always knew what Kuro was thinking. He grabbed a nearby officer and asked the situation.

The officer shrugged him off, he needed to leave the area so they could investigate.

"Look, my son is missing. I need to know what happened here." The worry on his face soon caused the officer to feel pity. He pulled Shiro and Yukio aside from the crowd and explained what he could of the situation.

"A bunch of kids were drinking in the alley; some other kid had wandered in and a fight broke out. A passing witness ran away to get help and on returning all the bodies were scorched beyond recognition. But the witness saw no fire in the area."

"No fire at all?" Shiro looked sceptical.

The officer shook his head. He thanked the officer and moved away from the scene.

"Could it have been blue flames? Aren't they invisible to those without temptaint?" Yukio asked, looking at his father. Shiro frowned. Surely not, it was too soon, wasn't it? The seal was supposed to last another few years at least. Maybe Mephisto had it wrong.

"I hope not, but it's possible…I'd need to check the sword, but first we need to find Rin." Kuro started meowing at them from the alley and darted down when Shiro and Yukio ran after him. He'd got a fresh scent; Rin was still here.

Please say he's okay.

Kuro stopped at the entrance to an alley, a bright light glowing from within. They turned the corner and found Rin and some woman surrounded by fire. Shiro and Yukio looked on in horror. The woman flashed a sharp canine at them as she smiled, a demon. Rin looked in their direction in shock, but before he had a chance to say anything, they both disappeared with the flames.

"NO RIN!" Shiro stumbled forward hand extended before he threw a punch at the wall. Yukio flinched. "Dammit…" he swore as he rubbed his fist. He looked down to Kuro "Anything?" Kuro gave Shiro a sad look and shook his head.

Yukio looked at the spot his brother had been, scorch marks surrounded the area. Shiro grabbed Yukio's arm and pulled him along out of the alley. "Dad, where are we going?"

"Back to the Monastery." He pulled out his phone, calling the priests and told them to meet him there.

"But what about Rin?"

Shiro sighed. "The scent has gone, we've no way to track him now. I need to speak with Mephisto. Right now, everyone needs to get back and I need to check the sword."

"Do you think the seal has broken?"

"I'm not sure, it could've been her that caused the earlier fire. We don't know that it was Rin's flames."

"Who was she?"

"That was Iblis…" Shiro frowned. "She must've been skulking around and spotted Rin when he skipped school. If she'd managed to sense his power then the seal is weakening."

They arrived back at the Monastery just as it started to rain outside. The other priests waiting expectantly, but gave confused looks when Shiro and Yukio arrived without Rin in tow.

"Where is he?" Nagatomo stepped forward, passing the two towels to dry off. Shiro gave a pained look.

"Iblis found him first." Gasps sounded around the room. Shiro didn't say another word before heading to his room, pulling out a key that hung around his neck from out of his uniform. Walking to a tall red chest of drawers he put the key in the lock and turned, opening the drawer.

His eyes fell to the item inside, a sheathed katana. The hilt and scabbard blue with silver decorative trimmings. A look of horror formed on his face when he realised the seal had burned away completely. No trace of the paper remained. So, he had awakened, and Iblis had sensed him.

Shiro carefully closed the drawer back up, locking again. The sword would remain hidden, for as long as they couldn't get their filthy hands on it, Rin would remain human. He would be useless to them, useless to him.