It End With Us…

Author's note/Warning: This is a Yaoi story as in male x male. The pairing is Kudou Shinichi X Kuroba Kaito. If it offends you, you might want to turn back now. For those that don't mind that, I hope you enjoy the story. All reviews are appreciated.

P.S: This is an Omegaverse story as in Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamic, you have been warned!

Disclaimer: I will only say this once. I don't own anything and make no profit off this story.

Chapter 1

The first time he saw him…

He knew it was love at first sight…



The first time he saw him, it was in the playground near his house, he thinks his mother took him there, or he was the one who went, he didn't know or remember, but he remembers sitting on the swing, alone… always alone… watching the kids playing, running, and shouting, no one approaches him, some were scared of him, and some just thought he was weird, so he was alone, it wasn't like he cared about it, or was hurt by it… it just… it would have been nice if someone, anyone, just came and start talking to him, maybe people fear him or were creped by him when he starts analyzing and detecting everything in their lives just by a sentence or two, but he couldn't help it, he loved knowing the truth, he liked to see the full picture… but no one liked that, no one liked talking with someone who was obsessed with Sherlock Holmes, and truth, who runs around the place playing detective every chance he had… that's why he always stayed home, away from people and their judgment looks. But that day, he didn't know why he was here, and he didn't really care, he was just tired…

The first time he saw him, the kid was sitting in the sandbox, he was building castles and figures that never seemed to crumble unless he destroyed them himself. He was surrounded by other children who admired his work and cheered him whenever he finished something new. He didn't remember the boy's face, but he knew one thing… the boy was breathtaking… Back then his family was living in Shinichi's neighborhood but now, he doesn't even remember where that place was, or if it was still standing, he just knew one thing; home was the boy in front of him…

He used the time he had before going home watching the boy from afar, observing his every move to figure out what his trick was. In the end, he noticed it soon enough, but still, he didn't walk right up to the boy and point out his superior knowledge, the thing that set him apart from kids his age, the thing that made him feel cursed. The constructions seemed too beautiful and wonderful to just ruin the magic and somehow, he wished for a little bit of magic to grant him one small wish.

The boy was laughing a beautiful laugh and obviously enjoying the attention, but deep down Shinichi wished the boy will notice him, that he will turn his head just a little and see him on the swing, maybe then he will offer the other kids goodbye and come to talk to him, even if it was for a second, he stayed the whole evening, waiting… hoping. He waited for the other kids to be called in. Only when the last girl had disappeared around the corner did the boy lift his head and meet the eyes that were staring at him.

The boy didn't laugh anymore and his face was blurry, but if Shinichi concentrates a little bit… just a little bit, he will catch a happy smile on that young face, he only sees the bottom of the boy's face and that smile, never his eyes, as much as he wanted to stand up and go to the kid in the sandbox… he didn't. And Shinichi knew that he fell in love with the boy when the setting sun touched his cheek and deep down he wished it was his hand.

He wished he remembered the boy now



"Shinichi-Sama, it's time to wake up…" The soft voice that was pleading with him to wake up, made the Alpha open his eyes to star at the Beta woman, who shivered as his cold blue eyes fell on her. "Alpha-Sama wished for you to join him for breakfast in an hour from now…" The woman whispered softly making the Alpha blink at that and looks at the ceiling of his room, a little while later he let a sigh and got up from the bed, not bothered about being nude underneath the blanket.

"You are dismissed." He said not paying the woman any attention, walking to the bathroom as ready as ever to start his day, not in the mood to see his father today… or any other day. When he entered the bathroom he saw that the tube was already full of hot water, steam rising up from the water making Shinichi sigh tiredly and start his morning routine.

For as long as he remembered, which was not that much, to be honest, if you didn't count the last seven years of his life… (Amnesia made sure to erase any memory he had before he reached his nineteen's birthday) It was funny how the only thing he could remember was his first name, age… and the smile of someone… his mate? He thinks, but he knows one thing, is that he was yearning to find the Omega that captivates his Alpha ever since he woke up seven years ago screaming and begging to see his Omega… whoever that was, as the only thing Shinichi remembers was a smile that captures his heart, and sometimes if lucky, flashes of memories here and there.

Half an hour later, Shinichi stood up and start drying himself, doing his daily routine… as strange as it was, Shinichi always felt comfortable when he stood in front of the mirror, no he was not vain, but he liked to state the facts and changes he saw in his body, he didn't know why, but he thinks that something happened a long time ago, that made him scared if he noticed something out of place in his body…

He was tall, six feet three inches tall; and he was also muscular thanks to him being Alpha, he weight over 200 lbs. He had dark brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes, he has several bolts wounds and several scars lettering his body, and his back was heavily tattooed in the symbol of his clan a Japanese-style tattoos of white tiger and Sakura's branches. Shinichi narrow his eyes a little more inspecting his body from top to bottom, trying to see if something happened to him overnight when he was satisfied that nothing happened and that he hadn't magically shrunk or mutated or given something in his sleep, he left the bathroom. There was already a dark blue pinstripe suit on the bed, making Shinichi contain his snarl at the idea of someone touching his things, but in the end, Shinichi just breathed through his nose and went to his bed to change…

After straightening his suit jacket, he walked to the door ready to go to the dining hall, his face was formed into an emotionless poker face as he opened the door, only to see maids rushing around the place, he walked down the hall, glancing at the grandfather watch in his way to see that it was 7:45 AM he was going to be early for breakfast… good, maybe he was going to be able to see his young sister and mother, he would love talking to them without his father's icy gaze that made his Beta sister and Omega mother shiver in fear.

Shinichi slid the door to the dining hall open, giving a small smile as he saw his little sister talking happily with their Omega mother, at the sound of the door the two looked up, giving small smiles at the sight. "Good morning, Nii-Sama…" the fifteen years old female said happily making Shinichi walk to her and ruffle her long black hair with a smile.

"Good morning, Karin-Chan…" He then turns to dark hair male sitting on the other side of the table he walked toward him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "Good morning Okaa-Sama…" His mother gave him a tired smile as Shinichi took his place on one end of the table, with his mother on his right side and his sister on his left. Shinichi frown as he saw bodyguards standing outside of the room, talking about privacy, he turns to his mother and the three of them start talking.

The sound of the door sliding open made the room become deathly silent as everyone turns around to see that it was Shirosaki Mura, the head of the Shirosaki clan. "Alpha-Sama…" The three of them stood up bowing a little for the Alpha that took a seat as the head of the table, Shinichi always hated how his father uses his status as a reason to bully those below him, and making people call him by that title was another kind of bullying.

His father gazed at the three of them with a cold look, leaving them standing as he took a sip of the tea that the maid put in front of him. "Sit…" He said offhandedly after five minutes passed, making the three glances at the older Alpha and sat, not daring to touch the food without permission. "Shinichi… we have some company today… make sure to give him a special treatment after returning from the company…" His father said, taking a bit of his food, Shinichi paused at that and nod his head with a sigh… another day at work. "Eat…" The Alpha barked making the Omega and Beta flinch, but took the chopsticks with shaky hands, not wanting to refuse the Alpha last they got in trouble…

Shinichi looked at his food and frown, but in the end, he starts eating thinking about everything that took place in the past seven years that changed his life… the one fact that made him frown was that his father was the head of the clan… not any clan but a Yakuza's one, he hated how he was forced to take care of the family company and to be the next heir… the next crime lord… but if he wanted to protect his mother and sister he had to keep his mouth shut, and doing that… being quiet and becoming the best of the best his father had ever saw in his life, made the older man do just that… stop hurting his mother and sister, he stopped forcing his sister to endure his cruel training, gaining bruise after bruise, breaking her bones and gaining nothing but humiliation, he also stopped whoring his poor mother who did everything he can to protect Shinichi and his sister from his father, his poor mother was living on fumes half of the time… Shinichi was waiting patiently for the older man to drop dead, he was anxious for that, and when that happened, Shinichi knew that he could finally get his clan out of the hole their father buried them in… his father always thought that everyone was loyal to him for his 'Generosity' but on the contrary… if he just paid a little bit attention, he will see that the loyalty had shifted within the clan, to someone more worthy…

Shinichi still couldn't believe that he woke up in the Shirosaki clan's compound seven years ago, at that time, he was confused and scared, not remembering anything other than the few details he knew and the flashes that he remembered from time to time, he was told that he was found by one of the maids who went to the river near their compound, he remembered that everyone thought of him as a spy, a liar, someone they wanted to get rid of, but his mother (Gods bless his soul) had stepped in and prevented that stating that he was going to adopt the strange teen that they found washed off in the river near their compound, he never saw someone looked as murderously and enrage as his father at that time, in the ends he let his mother do as he wanted… followed by the punishment that made his mother flinch for a month every time he sat, later on, Shinichi was told by Karin who was eight at that time, that her older brother had died three months ago, and that Shinichi looked startlingly like copy of her older brother that her mother was still grieving his loss, he was even his age, that her mother thought it was a second chance from heavens and fought tooth and nails to protect Shinichi from death.

Since that day Shinichi promised himself that he will take care of his mother and Karin, even if it cost him his life. Shinichi had to work until he bleeds to be accepted by his father as a part of the family, his intelligence, athletics body, and unmatchable skills both in and out of the field, which thankfully he didn't lose to the amnesia helped him, and two years after his adoption his father declared that he was his heir, a moment that Shinichi wanted to forget… "A good change from that useless son you had, Omega…" He remembered his father saying, which made everyone flinch and look away from the Alpha, Shinichi, on the other hand, was glaring at the older man murderously which only succeeded in making the man smirked at him, he didn't want to be a cold-hearted criminal like his father. But unfortunately, he had no choice other the bedding his time…

"Shinichi…" His father said, making the young Alpha look at him, his father only says his name, his sister and mother were always called by their secondary gender, which always enrages Shinichi considering that he was one of the people who believed equality. But his father's rule for anyone that was not an Alpha is 'To be seen but not heard' it made Shinichi wish for a gun to blow the Alpha's mind out of his useless body.

"Yes… Alpha-Sama?" Shinichi questioned, trying to keep his tone neutral and pleasant, he didn't want to start a fight in the morning, and he still hasn't departed for the family company, which ironically was the only legal thing his father invests in.

"I wanted to talk to you about something important tonight in my office, so make sure you are finished with our guest fast…" The older man said making Shinichi swallow the few chosen words he wanted to let loose at the man and just nod his head returning to his food… Shinichi didn't help but felt like something bad was going to happen, nothing good ever came from his father calling one of his family membered away, Shinichi turns his head a little to look at Karin's broken arm…

It was time…

The sound of whimpering made Shinichi sigh and lean on the wall behind him, he raised his hand to stop the next punch that was going to break the nose of the man that was tied to the chair… Classic, cliché, predictable… Shinichi thought with a bored look as he took in the Beta that was shivering and whimpering from pain, it made Shinichi roll his eyes and straighten himself, the guards/minions? Shinichi didn't care, backed away as they saw the Alpha get out of the shadows and advance on the Beta that was in the middle of the room.

"You will make this much easier if you talked Rei-San…" Shinichi said with a bored look, glancing on his Rolex now and then to see how much time passes, Shinichi despises unnecessary killing, but the man in front of him was leaving him no choice, if he didn't start talking, then Shinichi would have no choice but to kill him, he can't let his father think he was getting soft.

The man looks up shakily paling drastically as he saw who was talking to him, Shinichi wonders if someone can pale so much that they turn bright green, Shinichi gave a dark smile at the man that starts crying and begging Shinichi to be speared telling him everything he wanted to know, in the past five years or so, you can say that Shinichi regain a dark reputation… The Shinigami, people call him, there was always a dead body wherever he went, some say he sucks the souls out of their owners when he passed them, others say that those who enrage him disappear and were never found again, and some… some say that he was Lucifer himself summoned from hell by the Shirosaki clan to avenge their falling members. A reputation that Shinichi hates, but his father adores it, he always told Shinichi how proud he was of him for making a place for himself in the crime world… Shinichi hates it to the core but he knows there was no way out, as much as Shinichi hate to admit it, but you can't take every criminal in the world… they shaped the world as it was now, believe it or not, and trying to take them out especially the high-ranked criminals in the underground will not only cause a catastrophe, but a huge backlash, that Shinichi fear what it would do to the innocents, and unfortunately his family was one of the high ranked ones, if his clan fell… half of Japan will fall with it…

"Get him out of here…" Shinichi said after he was done, ignoring the pleas ad screams that fell from the man's lips as Shinichi's men surrounded him, as much as Shinichi hated unnecessary killing, the person behind him deserve it just like the other ones Shinichi killed, the person behind him was a rapist and pedophile, raped more than fifty young boy and girl, he made the mistake of hurting a child from one of the clan's good friends, it just made Shinichi rage that he wasn't caught by the police until his clan got their hands on him, that's why Shinichi never trusted the police, they were so weak and easily overpowered, he was thankful that the police let his family be, Shinichi suspect that it is mainly because the Shirosaki helped them most of the time, and paid their cheque the other times. Shinichi ignored the gunshot he heard and get out of the basement heading to the dining room ignoring that his father wanted to see him… for Shinichi, his mother and sister are more important than that old fart.

Shinichi slid the door open, seeing that his mother and sister were waiting for him, but what made his smile fall was his father sitting there at the head of the table with a smug look in his eyes, it made Shinichi want to stab his father, but he swallowed his pride and took a seat, looking at his sister who was fidgeting and his mother who was trying to stay still, Shinichi hated meal time with his father, it meant that any small joy the three of them can gather along the day will disappear as soon as the older Alpha step in the room.

The dinner was silent until his father cleared his throat making the room that was silent before, deadly quiet. "Shinichi…" His father started making everyone look at the older man who was looking at his son with a strange look. "As we all know, in three days you are going to be twenty-five…" Shinichi's blood ran cold, the puzzle pieces start falling in its place as he saw his father nod to one of his men to give Shinichi a file. "It's time to settle in, and choose a beautiful mate, and hopefully have a child, who is going to be the next heir…" Shinichi turned the rest of his father's words, his hands were shaky as he opened the file to look at a beautiful female, and it made Shinichi sick.

He can feel his sister shrinking on herself as their father throw her nasty look when she tried to get up and leave, his mother was looking at him with worried and heartbroken look, his mother knew about his hopeful mate, the Omega, whose smile made Shinichi's heart pound in his chest, he knew about the flashes of memories Shinichi had, and his mate's scent… Shinichi told his mother that he remembered his mate's scent, magic, happiness, and something else that made Shinichi melt, in contract to Shinichi's gunpowder, iron, and ice scent, that made Shinichi scrunch his nose in distaste half of the times.

Shinichi refused, he refused to let this man have the satisfaction of taking something vital from him again, he let that monster take his identity and change him from whoever Shinichi was before, to Shirosaki Shinichi, the CEO of the biggest and most successful company in the business world, he let this man turn him to a Shinigami the most feared criminal in the underground that was ranked the first, he even beat Phantom Lady who ends up ranking the second, he let this man turned him to whatever toy he wanted him to be, but mating… this was a red line everyone knows not to cross, Shinichi had spent seven years looking for that Omega with that gently and warm smile, he was not going to let his father control him anymore… enough was enough, it was time…

"No…" Shinichi said throwing the file toward his father, the room became silent and everyone was looking at Shinichi with shock, fear, and worry in his mother and sister's eyes.

After a long time of silent, his father leans on the table. "What did you say?" The Alpha asked in a low voice making everyone shiver and back away, everyone knows not to enrage the Alpha or someone will end up dead, everyone feared for the young Alpha's life, after all everyone knows he was their ticket out of this hell, Shinichi on the other hand just lean on the table with a bored look.

"I said, No…" Shinichi hissed, making his father let out a snarl and stand up from his chair, advancing on Shinichi who stood up and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Who do you think you are, boy? I made you into this and you… you dare to defy me!" His father screamed as he stood in front of Shinichi who was looking down at his father who was three inches shorter than him, that was one of the things that made his father rage, and took a knife from the table.

"What are you going to do, father? Kill my Okaa-Sama if I refused to do what you say?" Shinichi hissed taking a defensive position, which made his father growl and then smirks.

"Oh, you are wrong, dear son, I need a mate, but I don't need two children." He said pulling Karin who was shivering in her chair, Karin let out a cry as her father pulled her from her hair, and she couldn't free herself with only one arm.

"Let her go!" Shinichi snarled as he took a step back toward his father and sister, but his father only gave him a knowing and smug look, that made Shinichi growl and look at one of the guards that were fidgeting and looking at one another, it was time, Shinichi nods his head looking at his father. "Have it your way..." Shinichi said which let the older Alpha raise his brow and look at Shinichi.

"I know you will s-" The Alpha couldn't get the next word out as he starts choking on his blood; he looked at Shinichi who was pointing his gun at him…

"You should have known your place…" Shinichi hissed as his father fell on the ground letting his sister go. His sister ran to their mother crying and sobbing her eyes out, their mother was shaking as he gazed at the corpse of his husband. Shinichi looked at the corpse and point at one of the guards that was leaning on the door in relieve. "Take him away…" Shinichi hissed making the guards run to comply with his orders "Okaa-Sama…" Shinichi whispered tiredly, that made his mother look at him open his arm giving Shinichi a small trembling smile, Shinichi bit his bottom lip and went to hug his mother and sister tightly whispering that they were finally safe…

He let his tears fall for the first time in five years…

Shinichi frown to himself, not remembering why he was on a rooftop or how did he get here in the first place, Shinichi growled and mutter something, checking if his gun was there with him, he tensed a little as he felt nothing but that didn't matter as he could handle himself, he then start walking toward the door, or hopefully the direction of the door, planning on leaving this place as fast as he can and return to his mother and sister, after all a lot of work was waiting for him now that his father was finally dead.

The sound of a beautiful melody stopped him in his quest, he turned around and followed that voice, only for him to narrow his eyes when he saw someone standing near the edge wearing a jacket and a jeans, the jacket was bigger than him so it was obviously someone else jacket, he was about to call that person, when the man turned toward him. Shinichi's breath left him as he saw that person… his face was blurry as usual but he recognizes that smile anywhere, it was him… "Meitantei-Kun, you are finally here, what took you so long? It's not her again, isn't it?" The man… or was he a teenager? He looked like a high school boy (And why did he call him detective?) smiled happily at him making Shinichi's heart pound in his chest. Without Shinichi realizing, he was running toward the teen, hugging him tightly when he reached him, the boy laughed at that and returned the hug. "Now this is how to make someone feel appreciated." The teen said happily letting out a sigh.

"What do you think? I missed you, you stupid thief…" Shinichi opened his mouth, but those strange words get out, it made Shinichi froze in fear when his hand moved on its own to touch the teen's cheek, was this a memory? Shinichi's heart drop at that, no… God, please, no! Don't let this be a memory, he saw the teen hum and gave him a blue gem. "Not the jewel you are looking for?" Shinichi felt the word pouring out of his mouth, he hated that he had no control over his body.

"No… another failure…" A sad smile took over the Omega… it was an Omega, Shinichi was sure, he was also sure that this beautiful person should never give a sad smile like this, no, this beautiful person should always smile and laugh and do magic tricks that made Shinichi roll his eyes and give a small smile of his own.

"You know, you can tell me what you are looking after, I promise I will help." Shinichi hummed as he put the gem in his pocket taking hold of the Omega's hand and start walking to the door, the Omega pouts a little, and Shinichi got the idea that this pout meant he was thinking hard about what he was going to say…

"Have you ever heard of Pandora?" The Omega, in the end, asked him that question, making Shinichi blinks, and shakes his head. "Well, it is a gem that supposed to grant its possessor immortality. It's hidden inside a larger jewel that will glow red under the moonlight." The teen said swinging their joined hands back and forth, Shinichi didn't know how, but the scenery change and the two of them were walking down the streets.

"And you want this gem to become immortal?" Shinichi asked, laughter coloring his voice, it made the Omega snort and push him gently to the side.

"No, you big dummy…" That insult made Shinichi give the Omega an unimpressed look, making the Omega laugh a little. "I want it to…" Shinichi frown as he saw the Omega's lips moving but no words were heard.

"I… I can't hear you!" Shinichi said in a panic voice, the Omega paused a little then said something, it made Shinichi heart pound in his chest. "I…" Before being able to react someone pushed him hard and the sound of a gunshot made Shinichi freeze and set up from where he fell a scream left his throat as he saw the Omega on the ground, red staining the front of his shirt…

The sound of ambulance ringing in his ears...



"No!" Gasped Shinichi as he sat fast, he looked around the place, to see that he was in his room, sleeping on his bed, with his mother and little sister sleeping on the other side of the bed. Shinichi let out a breath as he remembered what took place several hours ago.

After killing his father, Shinichi was declared as the next clan head; he was told by the elders of the clan that the ceremony was going to take a place a week from now, the elders' innocence his leadership to the whole clan, which made a lot of members sighed in relieve that Mura was not the clan head anymore, everyone knows what Shinichi was capable of, how he was the person who will save their clan if given the chance…

Shinichi told his mother and sister they should sleep with him tonight, as much as Shinichi didn't want to admit it, he was still shaken by the thought that he nearly lost his sister and mother because of his father's selfish ambitions.

Shinichi stood up and from the bed; he went to the window and leaned his head on it trying to regain his barriers. "Pandora..." Shinichi hummed to himself, the name sound familiar, Shinichi looked at his hands and he sower he felt warm blood on them, Shinichi closed his eyes tightly and breath through his nose.

Whoever that teen was, Shinichi knew that he was the one he was after, he had that same beautiful smile, his mate was a high scholar, maybe he was twenty-four to twenty-six, after all, seven years passed and that memory can help him narrow his search for his mate…

His mate was looking for Pandora… a gem that glows red under the moonlight, if Shinichi could find Pandora, he was sure he would find his mate. That thought made his heart stutter in his chest, that gem was his ticket to return home and find his mate!

For the first time in years, Shinichi felt hope…

So what do you think?

This is my first DC/MK story, and it had to be an Omega-Verse, yay!

It's the first time for me writing in this fandom, hope you like the story, and if you have a question don't hesitate to ask…

Read and Review.

And tell me what you think…
