
After New Years the wedding was getting closer by each day. Margaret wanted a spring wedding; they ended up picking June 1st. But wanted everything figured out by May. That left three months. Everything was going slow, just how they wanted it to be. Even though they both wanted to get married they wanted it to be special and not rushed. All the children didn't care when they got married as long as it was with them. Sabrina was getting used to having all of the kids spending time with her and her mother. Sometimes it was just her and her mother and that's how she wanted to keep it. It wasn't as though she didn't love Hawkeye and the kids, because she did. It was just she wasn't used to having such a large family.

Wednesdays after school, Sabrina had ballet and her mother worked until five, she would be picked up by the babysitter and then picked up from dance by Hawkeye. The ride home was their time to talk.



"Are you okay honey? You've been really quiet lately."

"I'm just thinking."

"Do you want to tell me what about?"

"I don't want Mama to marry you."

"I thought you did?" He asked generally confused. Sabrina was excited at the thought that he was going to marry her mother.

"I did. But now I don't."


"I just don't want you to." Sabrina said matter-of-factly. Hawkeye nodded and said nothing else; he, Margaret and Sabrina were going to have to talk.

When they arrived at Margaret's house, Sabrina smiled and walked into the house and up to her bedroom. Hawkeye walked in and into the kitchen and started to make dinner. The rest of the kids were off at friends, except Rory who was spending time with Peg and BJ. Thirty minutes later Margaret walked in the door. She walked into the kitchen and saw her fiancée cooking.

"Hi there. What are you making?"

"Hey honey. Well I was thinking rigatoni alfredo."

"Yum. Where are the kids?"

"Baylee is at Ruthie's, Dorby is at Adam's, Finn is with Alex, Vincent is with Jason, and Katelyn is hanging out with Molly. And Rory is with BJ, he wanted to take her till bedtime. And Sabrina is in her room."

"Oh. Is anything wrong with her?" Margaret asked tasting the sauce.

"Actually there's something we need to talk about."

"What? I'm not pregnant am I?" Margaret teased pulling plates out of the cupboard.

"Well, I don't think so. But it's about Sabrina."

"What's the matter?" Margaret asked in worry. If anything happened to Sabrina she would die.

"Well, on the way home from dance today, she told me she doesn't want us to get married."

"What? That doesn't make any sense."

"I know it doesn't. That's why we need to talk. It doesn't sound like the Sabrina I know."

"I agree. I'm going to change out of my scrubs. I'll get her while I'm up there."

"Okay. Give me a kiss first." Margaret smiled and walked over to him. She gave a soft kiss and walked out of the kitchen. She ran upstairs and quickly changed into a pair of capries and a t-shirt, then walked into Sabrina's room.

"Hey little girl,"

"Hi Mama." Sabrina smiled looking up from her desk. Margaret smiled and walked over to her.

"Come on baby its dinner time."

"Kay. Mama?"


"Jean said that I have an extra lesson on Saturday cause of the recital."

"Okay, we'll get you there after piano." Margaret smiled taking her daughter's hand and walking downstairs.

"Thanks. You're going to come to the recital?"

"I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"Even if Hawkeye doesn't want you to go?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. You do a lot of things with Hawkeye and not so much with me."

"Oh honey, you know that you're my number one priority."

"What does that mean?"

"That means that no matter what happens you come before anyone in my life."

"Even Hawkeye?"

"Even Hawkeye. You are mine forever and ever. Nothing is going to come between us."

"I love you Mama."

"I love you too honey. Now come on lets go eat dinner."

"Okay." Sabrina smiled walking into the dining room holding her mother's hand. Hawkeye smiled when he saw the two. Both of them made his world complete.

"We're back. Now let's have some dinner and pick up the kids before you head home."

"No problem." Hawkeye smiled setting a glass of milk in front of Sabrina, and a wine glass in front of Margaret.

"Thank you." Margaret smiled.

"You're welcome,"

"Sabrina, Hawkeye told me what you told him today on the way home."

"Okay," Sabrina said softly, playing with her rigatoni.

"Why don't you want us to get married?"

"I just don't. I don't want to have everyone always here. I don't want to share my room."

"Sabrina," she said sternly.

"Mama, I don't want to. I want it just to be us again." Sabina said as tears threatened to fall down her face.

"Honey, we're not going to lose us,"

"Yes we will. You'll be too busy with your new family." Sabrina said letting the tears fall. Margaret immediately took Sabrina into her arms and let the little girl cry. Margaret looked at Hawkeye who was looking at her strangely. Nothing like this had happened before.

Margaret gestured for her fiancee to come over to her. Hawkeye nodded and walked around the table and sat down beside them. He put a hand on Sabrina's back and looked at Margaret.

"Sabrina baby, who told you that I would be to busy with my new family?"

"Dorby," Sabrina cried harder. Hawkeye looked at Margaret who looked appalled. He was too for that matter.

"Baby what did Dorby say?"

"He, he, he said, that, um." Sabrina started as she tried to swallow the tears. "He said that he cant wait till you get married cause then you'll have a bigger family to take care of. And you would be doing things more with them than with me."

"Sabrina you know better than that." Sabrina nodded and cuddled into her mother. Hawkeye rubbed her back and looked at Margaret. She looked at him and Hawkeye nodded. He knew what she was thinking, he was thinking the same thing. Dorby needed to be talked to. After Sabrina settled down Margaret managed to get her to eat more before putting her in the bathtub and to bed early. After Hawkeye picked up his kids he got a sitter and went back over to Margaret's. He found her sitting on the steps of the front porch drinking a glass of wine.

"Hey honey,"


"What are you doing drinking? You know better than that," Hawkeye said taking the wineglass away from her.

"I know I have to work in the morning." Margaret said softly.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How could Sabrina say that? She actually believes that I wouldn't spend time with her anymore."

"I was a little surprised myself to say the least." Hawkeye smiled wrapping his arm around the woman next to him.

"I mean no matter what she'll always be my baby, the one I love more."

"I know honey, I know."

"She's the only link I have to Joseph and Michael. The only one, she'll always be first in my heart."

"And she should be. No matter what happens, I don't care what happens, Sabrina needs to be your number one." Margaret nodded. "I'll talk to Dorby after the others are in bed, I don't need them getting upset."


"Listen, everything will be okay."

"I know. Maybe we should hold off telling them that I'm going to adopt them."


"Listen, I know the kids never knew their mother, except the older ones, but I'm still worried what they will think,"

"Don't worry. Rory adores you. Vincent has been saying since we got engaged that he cant wait to have a Mommy. Finna loves you, Katelyn, we wont even go into how much Katelyn loves you and adores you. She worships you. Baylee, that little girl loves you. And Dorby, he loves you too. All the kids love you."

"And I love them. But,"

"No buts, I gotta get home. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay, night honey."

"Goodnight baby, sleep. Don't worry about anything." Margaret smiled and hugged her fiancee. Hawkeye hugged her tightly and kissed her before leaving. Margaret waved goodbye and walked into the house, and went straight to bed.

Hawkeye walked into the house and saw the babysitter sitting reading a book with Katelyn.

"Hey Laura,"

"Hi Doctor. How's miss Houlihan?"

"She's just fine. Don't worry about anything baby," Hawkeye said noticing Katelyn looking up.

"Okay. Daddy is it time for bed yet?"

"Sure is. I need to tuck the boys in first. I'll be in there in a little while." Katelyn nodded and hopped upstairs. Hawkeye smiled and walked into the boys bedroom. Finn was already asleep, poor little guy had just gotten over the flu and was still feeling really tired. Dorby was sitting reading.

"Hi dad," He said quietly.

"Hey. Go down to my office, I'll be there right after I tuck you sisters in." Dorby nodded and put down his book and walked out of the bedroom.

Hawkeye covered Finn up, then walked into Vincent's room, made sure he was in bed safely, then checked on Rory who was now in a bed. He smiled and walked into Baylee and Katelyn's room.

"Hi daddy," Katelyn grinned as she moved over in the bed. Hawkeye smiled and sat down beside her.

"Hey baby, how was your day?"

"Good. Daddy?"


"I'm sleepy, can we talk in the morning?"

"Of course. I love you."

"I love you too." Katelyn smiled lying down. Hawkeye tucked her in and kissed her on the top of her head then headed over to Baylee and did the same thing.


"Night," Each of the mumbled as they fell asleep. Hawkeye smiled and turned off the light and walked downstairs.

Dorby was sitting in the office playing with a yo-yo.

"Hi dad,"

"Son. We need to talk."

"About what?"

"Sabrina told Margaret and I what you said to her,"

"Oh," Dorby said softly.

"Why did you tell her that?"

"I didn't mean to make it sound mean. I told her that once you and Margaret get married that she wouldn't spend as much time alone with her mother with us around."

"To her you made it sound like she was losing her mother,"

"I didn't mean to."

"You may not have meant to do it, but you did hurt her. Sabrina is going to be your sister soon."

"I know,"

"That means you're going to have to treat her the same way you treat Baylee, Katelyn and Rory."

"I know."

"You know what you're going to do tomorrow?"

"I'm going to apologize to Sabrina?"

"And to Margaret."

"Okay," Dorby said quietly.

"Go to bed." Dorby nodded and stood up. "Goodnight,"

"Night," Dorby said walking out of the room and upstairs. Hawkeye sighed and sat in his chair behind the desk. He leaned back and closed his eyes. It was going to be an adjustment everyone was going to have to make. It was going to be hard on Sabrina, but his children as well. He just hoped that everything would go smoothly.


Over the next few days things started to smooth out, Hawkeye and Margaret still hadn't told the Pierce children that Margaret was going to adopt them. They figured once they found a house everyone liked that they would go out to dinner and tell them. Margaret and Hawkeye had picked two houses, but they wanted the kids to like it. Since they were going to live in it until they moved out. Margaret chose a beautiful old Colonial style house. It had ten bedrooms, three baths, one bath in the master bedroom, a large kitchen, dinning room, a living room, an office, a den, an pantry and a hall. It had a huge back and front yard, and in the back had trees and a tire swing and a gazebo. The front porch had a porch swing, and the floors were all hard wood, except for the den and office. She had fallen in love with the house when she saw it. It was a perfect house for them. Every one would have their own bedroom and they would have a guest bedroom too. Two of the bedrooms were in the attic, which would be perfect for Baylee and someone else. Hawkeye chose a Victorian style house with only nine bedrooms. It had the same features as the house Margaret picked out besides it was carpeted.

They spent Saturday looking at the house. Everyone went to Hawkeye's house first, they all liked it. Rory was excited that she got to run around in the house. Normally she wouldn't be allowed to. But since they didn't have anything in it is was all right. After that house, they went to Margaret's choice. The kids were in total awe over the house. Sabrina, who was just like her mother when it came to picking things out, was pointing out the same things her mother loved about the house. The kids we're already picking where they were going to sleep. Hawkeye and Margaret watched their children's faces noticing every expression. Vincent's smile grew bigger when he saw the kitchen. Sabrina's widened when she saw the living room. It was big enough for a baby grand piano. Baylee loved the fact that there was an attic that she could live in. Katelyn was exploring every nook and crany of the house. Dorby was outside playing with Finn on the tire swing. And Rory was merrily running around the house.

"Well it looks like we found something they all like."

"It does, doesn't it?" Margaret smiled brightly. "KIDS!" She hollered. Soon all the children arrived in front of the two all with smile on their faces.

"They can all hear too." Hawkeye remarked. Margaret laughed and counted heads.

"Okay, lets go to dinner."

"Mommy?" Rory asked holding her arms up. Margaret smiled and picked up the child. "We pizza?"

"We'll go for pizza." Margaret smiled taking Sabrina's hand. Sabrina smiled and grabbed Katelyn's hand. Together the entire family made their way out of the house.

When they got to the pizza place, Margaret set Rory in a booster seat and the rest of the kids climbed into the booth. Margaret and Hawkeye sat on either end to make sure no one got up and left without eating.

After they ordered the pizza and drinks the two decided to tell them.

"Is everyone here?" Hawkeye asked checking the booth. All the kids nodded as some of them were drinking their soda. "Good, Margaret and I have something we want to tell you."

"What Daddy?" Baylee asked looking at her father.

"Well since Margaret and I are getting married, we were thinking that the best thing to do was have her adopt you guys. That means if anything happens to me that Margaret will get to keep you six."

"What do you mean?" Katelyn asked looking at her father in confusion. The other kids nodded in agreement.

"What your father means honey is that if he dies, you get to stay with me."

"Stay with you?" Vincent asked. Margaret and Hawkeye nodded as they watched the kids carefully. Katelyn was the first to day something.

"That means I'll be Margaret's forever?"

"That's right Katie Baby, hers forever."

"I like it."

"That's good." Hawkeye laughed at his daughter.

"What about Sabrina?" Dorby asked looking at his father. "Are you going to adopt her too?"

"No I'm not."


"Well Sabrina already has her father's last name, and if I adopt her then she'll lose her name."

"Will we be Houlihans then?" Baylee asked not really knowing what her father was saying.

"No, you six will still be Pierces, but if Sabrina is adopted, then she'll be a Pierce, and not an Anderson."

"That's not fair!" Dorby screamed. Everyone stared at him. Including the other people in the restaurant.

"Dorby Montgomery Pierce, don't you ever yell like that again." Hawkeye said sternly looking at his son. "We'll talk about this at home young man." Dorby shot his father an evil glance before looking at his plate, the rest of dinner was spent talking about everything except the adoptions.

Once dinner was done the two adults decided for the better to go straight home and talk to the kids. Well Dorby in particular, it seemed Katelyn was fine with the whole things and Rory and Sabrina were too. So it was the older ones that they needed to be talked to. Hawkeye and Margaret walked hand-in-hand back to the car with the kids tagging behind them as they played with their toys. When they arrived back to Hawkeye's place Sabrina, Katelyn and Rory went outside to play while everyone else talked.

"Daddy?" Baylee asked sitting on his lap. "If Margaret adopts me will that mean she wont leave like Mom did?"

"She wont leave you ever honey."

"Then, I think I want Margaret to adopt me." Baylee confirmed. After thinking about it, and knowing that Margaret wont leave her, she made up her mind.

"That's great honey, why don't you go see what your sisters are up to?" Baylee nodded and hugged her father and Margaret before leaving the room. Margaret smiled at her fiancee and looked down at Vincent who was sitting on her lap. He looked up at her and hugged her.

"Me too. I love Maggie." He smiled brightly.

"I love you to honey," Margaret smiled before kissing his already puckered lips. She had to smile when she was around Vincent. He was the cutest thing that walked the earth. And the fact that he was a little Hawkeye, which everyone had to love.

"What about you my Seamus Finnegan?" Hawkeye asked looking at the middle boy. Finn looked at Margaret and then his father and then at his brothers. He didn't know what to say. He looked up to his sisters and his father, but Dorby was his older brother and he always agreed with him.

"I don't know." Finn said like he was thinking. He squiggled his nose up and thought for a few minutes. It wasn't like he didn't love Margaret, because he did, she was the mother that he never actually knew.

"Take you time buddy." His father smiled.

"Daddy," Finn started. "Umm. Why does Maggie love me?"

"Why don't you ask Maggie that?" He suggested. Finn turned around and looked at Margaret.

"Maggie. Why do you love me?"

"Because you make me smile. And no matter what whenever I see you I get this WAFF."

"Waff?" Finn asked in confusion. Being only five he was completely confused.

"Warm and Fuzzy feeling," She smiled at the little boy. Finn smiled brightly and looked at his brother. "Vincent I want to hug Maggie," Vincent smiled and climbed down. Finn smiled and jumped into his 'mother's' arms. Margaret hugged the little boy and set him down on her lap.

"So my Seamus Finnegan what do you think?"

"I think that I want Maggie to be my mommy." He smiled. Margaret smiled and hugged Finn. Five down and one more to go. They both knew that Dorby wasn't going to be as easy to convince as the other ones.

"Good. Why don't you and Vincent go outside with your sisters and play?" Hawkeye suggested. Both little boys nodded and hugged Margaret once more before walking out of the room. "Dorby, why don't you want Margaret to adopt you?" Hawkeye asked seriously, it wasn't like Dorby at all to not agree to things.

"Because, if she does than Mom wont come back! I'll never see her again!" Dorby yelled. Hawkeye looked at Margaret and she looked right back at him with some-what of confusion.

"Dorby, you mom left over three years ago. She still loves you but cant take care of you."

"I know dad, you told me this a lot. But how do you know Mom wont come back?"

"Dorby, I never told you kids, but you mother is in the war."

"No she's not. You said she was back in Canada where Grandma and Grandpa are." Dorby informed his father.

"I know I told you that, but I she's not living there. Your mother is in the war."

"I don't believe you." Dorby protested. He refused to believe that his mother left him forever.

"You have to Dorby," Hawkeye said. Dorby looked at his father and then Margaret and stood up.

"I'm going to play."

"Dorby, you're going to stay until we talk this through." Hawkeye said sternly.

"I don't want to. I don't care if Margaret becomes my mother, I don't! Cause she wont be my mom!" Margaret stood up when she heard that. She singled to Hawkeye that she was going to check on the kids. He knew that he and Dorby needed to talk, it was something deeper than him being stubborn.

"What are you talking about?" Hawkeye asked his son. Dorby was now crying and trying his hardest to hold the tears back.

"I don't want a new mom. I have one. She may not live with me, but I still have a mom. She's my mom!"

"I'm not saying she's not Dorby, but you have to remember, your mom left us."

"She left you. Not me!"

"Dorby, why arent you living with your mother?"

"Because, she moved away."

"Why didn't she take you with her?" He asked softly, knowing exactly how to get his son to realize what happened.

"Because she wanted me to be with my brothers and sisters." Dorby said as he thought about what happened. One night he went to bed and then the next morning his mother was gone without even a goodbye. "And she didn't love me." He said finally breaking down.

"Sssh. Your mother loves you. She just couldn't take care of you."

"That's what you always say! She doesn't love me. If she did she would stay with me!" Hawkeye took his crying son into his arms and hugged him tightly to him. It was going to be a long night. Margaret saw through the window what was happening and decided the best thing was to take the rest of the kids out for ice cream. The rest of them didn't need to know why their mother would never come back.

Katelyn was the only one who was absolutely sure that her mother wouldn't come back. Vincent and Finn wished she would, but they knew that she would. Baylee prayed she would have a mother, and not having her biological one was something that she had to live with. Rory didn't know her mother, so it didn't really bother her. Dorby was the only one who had to realize that she wasn't coming back, and to him that was the worst thing ever.

The only thing that was on everyone's mind now was the wedding. It was coming up and the children were getting used to the idea of spending more and more time together, because as soon as they got married they would be seeing each other all day everyday. It was something that was going to be tricky, but everyone was up for the challenge.

The challenge was eventually beaten, as everyone became closer and more like a family. Dorby was still waiting for the day that his mother would come back. Baylee had come to terms with everything and was now ready to start her life with her new mother. Katelyn never had any problem with letting her real mother go, but even for her, having Margaret there all the time, took some adjusting, which she loved. Finn couldn't wait to finally have a mother he could read with. Vincent just loved that he now had someone other than his grandmother and Aunt's to bake with. And Rory, was the happiest thing on the earth. She had a mother who loved her and made a promise she would never leave.

Sabrina made the adjustment of having a father pretty smoothly, she never knew her father, but having one made life seem a little more complete. It was never going to be fully complete, but having Hawkeye made it almost complete.

Together Hawkeye and Margaret made life something livable. Each knowing what the other went though, and making life the best they could.

Even though their lives didn't turn out exactly how they planned, but it was something like that.

Assilem's Note: The whole adoption thing, I went through with my older brothers, so I do know what I'm talking about with it. All the other stuff, I know too cause I looked and studied it all. So other than that, I hope you enjoyed it.