Soulmates were considered one of the most important aspects in one's life.

People are tied together by fate. Destined to meet and fill the emptiness inside each other. They were happier with each other and saddened when apart. There is a pull between them that urges them to meet.

Markings would appear on their bodies, the very first words exchanged between soulmates. It takes time to develop however, taking more than one encounter to make it finally appear. It is considered lucky to witness the markings form in front of your eyes.

But not everyone meets their soulmates. Some are left roaming the planet to search, up to no avail. The emptiness lingers, nothing can fill it up at all.

For Very Wheeler however, he seemed fine without a soulmate.

Some people found their soulmates young as babies, some on the verge of death and others never meet until next life. He'll most likely be the last one.

At first, during his high school years, he'd thought AJ might be his Soulmate. Turns out it was just a crush, which eventually faded away by now.

He'd thought it might be one of his teammates, Zoom. Vert was closest to Zoom, but even their bond didn't close the gap in him. Besides, the Scout was more like a younger brother to him than a lover.

He kind of gave up on finding his Soulmate already, especially when there's more important matters such as protecting the Earth from invaders. The thrill of battles helped him ignore the emptiness.

Vert can handle it. After all, his parents weren't soulmates and they still loved each other as if they were. He realized this when he learned of the Hanahaki Disease.

The Hanahaki Disease appears in soulmates that have been together for a rather long time, such as childhood sweethearts, and with strong love for each other to the point of becoming obsessive.

The symptoms of this Disease is chest pains, difficulty is breathing, and coughing up blood. It gets more serious if the victim starts coughing up flowers (what type of species vary from each person, some even unknown). The Disease only starts up when the Soulmates are separated from each other for about week or above. It will only stop if they are reunited, where they will pluck out the flowers from their mouths.

There is no cure for it so far. No doctor or scientist has found a way to get rid of the disease, not even surgically removing the flowers from the lung and heart stops it.

His parents were so madly in love, from highschool have they been together up until now. They have been together for so long and are often seen with each other, rarely seen separated.

That's why they aren't Soulmates, because neither of them are throwing up flowers after being separated for so long.

That's why Vert will survive this. He'll make it through this life despite the emptiness inside him. He has friends, family. They're enough to fill the emptiness inside his soul, even if it's temporary. He can wait for his Soulmate in the next life.

Until today that is.

At first, Vert thought he was still dreaming when he saw the red squiggling lines on his chest. Yet they were still there even after splashing his with cold water.

He finally noticed that that the lines were starting to take shape, forming letters. A sentence.

Is...Is this really it? Was he dreaming? He has to be right? Him? Finally getting a Soulmate?

The words were taking their time to form. Who was it going to be then? If it wasn't AJ or Zoom, who can it be then?

Grace? But he doesn't really feel that much for her.

Sage? That, would honestly be kind of awkward.

Maybe Stanford even!

The words were starting to form, it's bright red glow was spreading throughout the room. Until it eventually blinded him when the words have fully formed.

His vision was blurry when the light finally faded, his chest felt pleasantly warm as well.

Once he regained his vision, Vert quickly took a look at his chest through the mirror with a bright smile -

His stomach dropped as he read the words marked upon his chest, still bright red as if somebody had carved them into his flesh and will never heal.

These words were not from a friend, family. A loved one. No, they were the words of a being that he loathed, and respected. A being with a flame that rivals his.

"The Prophecy Spoke Of You. The One With Fire In His Spirit."