Hello guys,
I'm happy to publish the first chapter of "The Dark D
escendant" for you all. This is the sequel to my previous story "Heart of a Mother" following the events from it. Now, while I strongly recommend that you all read "Heart of a Mother" before starting this (if you haven't yet) , I have also written this little intro which summarizes the main events for all you new readers to understand the plot better. It's simply like a little narration presented by the main characters, which I thought would be fun. :)

Will: Hi, there. Before you start wondering what this is all about, let me tell you a few words about the last six months of our life. Believe me, they have been pretty hectic. Here's what happened.

Taranee: As her pregnancy progressed, Cornelia fell into a constant petulant mood, and that resulted in us fighting on several occasions. Meanwhile, the Heart of Kandrakar began acting freakishly, as if it was trying to tell Will something. (Heart of a Mother chapter 5) But when she tried to share her misgiving with our blond friend, Corny took it personally and lashed out at her. (Heart of a Mother Chapter 6)

Hay Lin: Before we could say 'evil sorceress' out loud, grandma caught Caleb's dad red handed. It turned out that he had indeed been helping Nerissa break free of the magical volition chains which kept her imprisoned the whole time! Will's bad feeling had been well-founded. (Heart of a Mother chapter 12)

Irma: Yeah, however, our pink poopy perky pumpkin (Will), had taken a very lame decision not to tell us anything. She had only spoken to Taranee, and by the time the rest of us uncovered the truth it was too late- Nerissa was already free. Shortly afterwards and some other dull moves later, Nerissa was able to play us and have us exactly where she had wanted us. We were defeated by the wicked witch, and she could safely go ahead with her plan. (Heart of a Mother chapters 13&14)

Cornelia: To our dismay, it was revealed that Nerissa's actual plan, that she and Julian had been compiling for ten years, was to simply get back to him and win Caleb's love. She wanted a new chance to have her family and when she had heard of my pregnancy, she had known that the right time had come. Being Caleb's mother, she wanted to be a part of her son's life. (duhh, who wouldn't)

Will: And that was how Nerissa became a part of our everyday life again. This time forever, and to be honest, I wasn't quite ready to accept her just yet...

Irma: Nah, she wasn't, she was going through a rough period with mommy issues of her own.

Taranee: Irma!

Hay Lin: Some more time went by. Surely Nerissa didn't start loving us, but at least she wasn't trying to destroy us and conquer the Universe any longer.

Irma: As far as we knew, of course...

Taranee: Nevertheless, her old teammates, Halinor and Kadma, weren't too pleased with her breaking out of prison, for she had, as usual, achieved it all with deceit.

Cornelia: The ex-guardians declared war on Nerissa and resorted to a handful of meanness in an attempt to make her pay for her previous sins. Including my kidnapping! ( Heart of a Mother Arc. 2)

Taranee: Months went by, and as you can imagine, the events didn't slow down. So many things happened in Heatherfield, Meridian and Zambala, until a few weeks after Cornelia had given birth to her son, an unexpected twist made the former guardians reconcile and start living in harmony and friendship with each other and with the world around them.

Irma: We were under the impression that things were finally going to be fine, but nooo, I had to open my big mouth in front of the Oracle-

Taranee: Cassidy, the former water guardian, turned out to have been my brother Peter's girlfriend of two years. And she was pregnant with his baby! The shock and the trauma which I went through after hearing that and, on top of all, the news that my brother is now suffering from depression, took the better of me.

Cornelia: Caleb's relationship with his mom got so strong ever since she took him to Magjenzian Falls during the spring, that being the man he is, he decided that he has to do everything in his power to protect her and make her happy. (Heart of a Mother chapter 14) In the end of September, he told me that he has been secretly working on restoring Nerissa's position as Mage of Meridian. (Heart of a Mother chapter 39)

Irma: Yeah, it wasn't like giving her the Universe on a platter, but the old fox seemed to appreciate it.

Will: The news of Elyon's arranged marriage came as a shocker, but the royal advisors and the new-old Mage convinced her that it was for the best. Now she is getting married to this Coronian Prince and we're about to attend Nerissa's special ball in the Palace, but I can't help feeling tense. Something is about to happen. I just know it.


ARC 1 (3)

"Rejected Reign"

Chapter One: Prince of the Ball Part One

"Hello, brother."- Elyon Brown Escanor's cold voice resounded in the dark cell she had just walked in.

The cell was also cold, she had taken him out of his regular prison to this one, without telling anyone, but there was hardly any need to anyway. No one was interested in him. Nobody gave a cracked coin for the Prince of Meridian, the prince who had been drowning his people in misery and pains for years.

She herself did not want to see him, but at the same time she longed to tell him so many things. It was difficult. Too difficult.

Elyon cast a raw look at the fading body that appeared in the faint light of the torch she had brought with herself:

"My dear sister. I knew you would come to see me sooner or later."- if it wasn't for his voice, the young Queen would've truly had a hard time recognizing him.

Seeing him earlier that week, she hadn't noticed just how fragile and thin he had become. She didn't care, for that manner, it was enough that she had left him with the right to be alive, even after all that he had done...But still, on a purely humanitarian level, this site saddened her. Elyon could not enjoy the suffering of others, unlike some people.

Nerissa, she thought angrily, recalling the gloating of the former guardian directed specifically at her, at any moment when she was given the opportunity.

Nerissa loved strongly, but she hated with a passion too. Elyon couldn't boast about either. She wanted to love, but apart from her friends, Galgheita and her adoptive family, there was no one to devote to. No one to whom to surrender whole, no one to gift herself to...

Except for her people, of course, but it wasn't the same thing. However, the Queen didn't carry hatred inside herself either. She just wasn't capable of that feeling. At times, she seriously doubted herself and her worth because of all that.

"Right. How did you know, Phobos. How can you be so sure?"- Elyon fired, brushing off all of her agonizing thoughts. "Did you really dare to speak ill of Caleb and his family? Did you threaten them?"

For a moment, Phobos's face remained stony, but then he managed to pull out a little smile:

"Elyon, the sorceress herself said that my words were devoid of any value. That same sorceress that trapped you in a jewel, remember? You gave her honor and glory. Huh, whatever, it's your funeral, you know, I will not bother to criticize that ... But back to your question, if my words are worthless, what does it matter? What I said or thought? What do you care."

"What is that supposed to mean?"- Elyon bared her teeth. "I saved your life from her, brother, you owe me some sincerity.-"

"Yes, you did, and I am forever beholden to you for that. Even though the fate you chose for me is worse than death."- Phobos sneered sickeningly. "More than ten years behind the bars, rotting all by myself, yet this is the first time you came to see me. I wonder why."

Elyon was trying to suppress the black anguish that was pushing her from within, and that terrible feeling that standing near her brother brought her. She felt like the most betrayed person in the universe. Yet again, a feeling she had thought had disappeared after her 13th year.

"I doubt that you've expected regular visits after all the misery you brought to so many people. Even to your own sister and parents! You were cruel and barbaric even with us, Phobos, do you think that you deserve any better after all that? After you never showed even a little love!"

"Now I understand what this is all about."- the prince retorted from the shadows of his corner. "But if you wanted to hear me say that I love you, even a little bit, in spite of everything, my dear sister, I'm going to disappoint you. I've never loved you. I've despised you from the day of your birth, because you robbed me of everything that I had, even before I actually had it! I only have hatred for you, Elyon, and your suffering will serve as my comfort when that witch takes the kingdom away from you. But when she does, no one will consider rebelling, right? Because she is a female. The whole philosophy of this rotten dimension lies in whether you have a vagina or not."

Elyon wiped the painful tears from her face. She no longer cared that he would see her weak, even the walls knew she was no strong queen, but his words caused a wave of red flags in front off her.

"Speak essentially, Phobos. And say what you mean without unnecessary rattles. I've long learned not to expect any love from you."- she lied. "Because, you are not capable of love. But if you know something I don't know, I urge you to tell me, or ..."

"Or you'll what, Elyon? Send me to the pandemonium? It would be where I belong, and it'll still be better than watching you rule! But what am I even saying."- the man choked on his own words. "Leave me to wilt in peace and go on your way. Why aren't you at your honorable Mage's ball? Were you not invited?"- and he laughed making her blood boil.

Elyon raised her hand and sent the pinched body of her brother in the hard wall. He slumped back to the ground in painful groans, as her hair flew back and her eyes glowed with power.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Phobos. Answer me! What do you know about Nerissa, that I don't. What do you mean she's going to take away my kingdom?!"

"Oh, dear sister, you're as blind as a mole."- the prince shook his head. "The sorceress is thirsty for power, hardly recognizing her bastard changed that fact. Just like before, she is plotting her way to what she wants to achieve. Taking Meridian under your nose will most probably be step one. Yesterday she made me bow in front of the rebel leader, tomorrow she makes you lick the ground before she walks on it."

"And what do you gain if she fails."- Elyon frowned. "You'd never help me, that's a fact."

"Revenge of course. I already said."- Phobos shrugged. "Revenge, for she and the old war horse undermined the foundations of my kingdom with their woebegone rebellion."- he hissed with contempt. "And the guardians, who she..."

"You're an idiot for not seeing that coming, your foundations have been decaying from the day you've usurped the throne."- Elyon shook her head with disgust. It was spinning at that point. "I never should've come to talk to you about anything. You're a lunatic!"

"Good, sister, I'm glad that you're freeing me of your presence, but please, for your wedding gift, accept just another few words of wisdom from me."

The young woman stopped dead in her tracks. She lowered the hand that was going to teletransport Phobos back to his original prison.

"How do you know about that?"

"Let's just say that not everyone are pleased with your glorious reign, full-fledged queen."- he sneered, making her sick. "Elyon, the Mage has already started to work by getting you in a marriage by her will, isn't that right? Dear sister, are you still that stupid? Guess it explains why it was so easy to control you back during your first days on Meridian as a teenager."

That was the last drop that had the glass overflow. Reminding her of how she used to be his pawn all these years ago, how he almost killed her and almost took her power away, was beyond glib. But 'almost' was a key word. It gave Elyon confidence. He had failed. Phobos had failed, and Elyon wasn't going to let him gloat. She was the one who was going to laugh in the end. Nerissa would fail too, in whatever she was planning to do. Enough was enough with these derisive, nasty villains tormenting her kingdom.

"No, Phobos. I'm not like that anymore. I have changed. "- she said coldly as she cornered him. "I'm going to show just how much."- Elyon finished face to face with her brother's shocked expression, as she tightened her fingers around his thin neck...

Meridian nights were always beautiful. The capital, with all the lights from the windows and the villages around, glowing with all the people and their evening activities bellow the grand palace, added to the hundreds of stars in the cloudless sky.

Queen Weira's old ballroom was reopened and decorated for this evening's event that had already begun. The large candlelight chandeliers and long tables filled with food, still left room for the dance floor, as planned in the construction of this hall.

After all, it was just such a striking ballroom that one could not not dance in. It was simply beautiful with it's inlaid with emeralds royal walls and polished marble floor.

Halinor Clarkson smiled heartily as she stood in front of the entrance of the festive hall. Her long blond hair was expertly styled into big doll curls that fell to her waist. Her long creamy evening gown with a cloak, for it's part, gave her a more than delicate look. The ex-guardian turned to Kadma, who smiled back at her as they both proceeded to walking in:

"I'm so happy that I lived to see this day, Kadma, I don't even have the vocabulary needed to describe how very much."

"No words are needed, I know what you mean, for I share your sentiment."- Kadma agreed. "Tonight is a milestone that is to be appreciated."

Her long dark hair was down, something unusual for her, but worthy of the occasion. The exotic saree-like dress which she wore, in purple, salmon and white colors hugged her slender body flatteringly.

"Oh, old friend, what a strong line. You're making me feel uncomfortable, my private party is really not that big of a deal. Or is it?"- Nerissa greeted them with a big smile in the most blinding, elegant evening gown.

The long-sleeved silver dress reached to the ground, and the left half of it was sewn, as it appeared, with real silver elements, which, like armor and jewelry in one, met the fabric of the other half, forming a striking but proud slit on the chest. Yes, this look was among her most regal ones yet, with her stunning beauty, posture and charisma. A look worthy of a queen.

"Yes, dear friend, it really is that special. Because you've grown so incredibly much over the last six months. Both as your own person and in our eyes."- Kadma hugged her sincerely.

"And now as the Mage of Meridian."- Halinor added before hugging her friend in her turn. "I'm so happy for you, Nerissa."

"Thank you."- Nerissa held both their hands in hers. "We've all been through a lot, but tonight I want to forget about everything and just have fun. We will sing and dance, we will drink fine wine and make up for all the time that we've lost. And I'm serious about it, I do expect all of you to sing too. I've heard you before, you both have good voices."

"Nerissa, that's not true.-"- Kadma argued hastily, terrified of the idea of singing in front of so many other people, but Halinor just laughed as the third woman started to gently drag them after herself. "Quit being silly, we can't sing!-"

"Oh, yes you can! You were going to be my back vocals back in the day, which means that you will sing at my party now."- Nerissa was stubborn and they knew it.

"But, Rissy, our voices are plain ordinary."- Halinor managed to utter between the laughs. "You have a talent, while we're just..."

"No, buts Halinor. The Mage of Meridian and your dear friend says so."- the former keeper had finally dragged them to the place where she wanted them. The center of the ballroom.

"Now, let's give the guests a couple of more minutes and we'll get this party started."- Nerissa tossed her jet-black waves and turned to her friends with a playful smile.

Kadma finally gave up and smiled in response. She could sing for her friend if she wanted her to, what of it. She'd hardly embarrass herself anymore than she had during the past months, when she had been attacking Meridian because of her misunderstood justice.

Will Vandom looked up and smiled at the full glass which her boyfriend was offering her. The ballroom was crowded, but in a refined sort of way, if that made any sense. The redhead couldn't describe it, she was here because of her friends and because for the first time in a while, the figurative skies above them actually seemed cloudless. Irma and Cornelia had reported the crisis with Lillian and Uriah over. All the ex-guardian drama from the last months was over, but for some unknown reason, Will still couldn't properly relax.

"Hello, Shagon's ship to harbor Will."- the young man said with a smirk, trying to draw his girlfriend's attention. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, Matt, really. I'm just-"

But before she could finish, a familiar pushy voice interjected in their conversation:

"Wow. Was that a sexual reference? The ship and the harbor, hmmm.-"

"Why yes, Irma. How do you always guess right?"- Matt couldn't restrain himself from returning the ball, as he watched the young Latina sit next to Will with a grin.

"I'm dating a geek."- she responded in a didactic voice. "I know things. Just like I knew that the future Mrs. Ashcroft will be joining the part-e-y despite of her hard word. "

Everyone turned their attention to Taranee who had come after the Water guardian. She lifted the skirts of her orange dress as she sat next to the other two young women with a stiff upper lip:

"Taranee?"- Will turned to her incredulously. "Mrs. Ashcroft? Did you get a proposal too?"

"Oh would you stop listening to her."- and Taranee glared at Irma. "She's just blabbing like always. I'm only here because I have to talk to Nerissa. It's about Peter.-"- she explained.

"Whaat?! Wait a minute who got a proposal?"- Irma asked in a demanding, loud voice. "Matt?!"

"No, I haven't...We have talked about this and we aren't going to be thinking about a wedding before graduating college. Right? Or did I get it wrong?"- Matt looked at Will cautiously.

"No! I mean yes, oh just forget about that. I don't know why I added that 'too'."- Will shook her head hastily.

She had almost uttered that Eric was thinking of proposing to Hay Lin, something which neither of them knew and weren't supposed to know either. Not before it actually happened and Hay Lin decided to tell them on her own. After all she had just overheard her boyfriend talking to Nigel and Martin about it weeks ago, but that was another story.

"It's your fault, Irma! Why do you call us by our boyfriends' last names?"- Taranee was clearly in a bad mood. "We're at an age, when every such hint suggest that we are actually getting married. You're not supposed to sow doubt or get people's hopes up!"

"Oh, I am sorry, Ms Cook."- Irma scowled at her. "I forgot that you were on your period!"

"So, Taranee."- Will interfered, deciding to end their dispute before it got more heated. "You said it was about Peter. How's he doing?"

"He's fine, I guess."- Taranee sighed. "It appears that he has been calmer after we spoke to the Oracle about it-"

"Which was a colossal waste of time!"- Irma interrupted her with a huff, remembering the uneventful talk on Kandrakar from the last week.

"- Irma don't' talk in parallel with me, thank you. As I was saying, even thought Peter has been doing better, I fear that this might be just a calm before the storm. The thought of Peter's future still bothers me, the Oracle didn't dispel or confirm my doubts. All he said was that he didn't send that scroll... Therefore the question remains open, and Nerissa promised to help me sort it out. Only for this reason I didn't interfere in my brother's relationship with Cassidy-"

"And because your mother would never let you."- Irma pointed out. "She's been glued to sweet ol' Cassidy in the last days."

Taranee closed her eyes, trying to come to terms with the facts and her friend's maddening behavior.

"Yes."- she finally said. "That's why I came to talk to Nerissa again. Mage or no Mage, she promised to help Peter because of her friend's best interests. And she will have to keep her word."

"I wouldn't count on that."- Will mumbled under her nose. "I mean, maybe she will, but tonight...I don't see it happening. She is absorbed in the celebration and her new position, and will not be responsive if you try to tear her away from them. Wait till tomorrow."

"Yeah, can you believe that she totally lied about the dress code?"- Irma fired. "She said that this was going to be a 'modest informal party.' Informal my ass! Just look at her!"-and she pointed at the ex-guardians in the distance. "If they melt her dress an entire store is gonna be supplied with utensils!"

"Wait, aren't Cassidy and Yan Lin coming?"- Matt asked after he counted three out of five former guardians present.

"Yan Lin was getting ready when Blunk and I folded from the Dragon. That was about 15 minutes ago. And Cassidy is probably trying to make an excuse to escape my mother."- the fire guardian said with a grim expression. "I told you guys, I came because I need to know that my brother is suffering nothing more than depression. I have a very bad feeling and it's freaking me out."

Will felt her own foreboding swirl her guts, but before she could open her mouth to try to comfort her friend, Cornelia appeared out of nowhere and shoved her Iphone in her hands:

"Taranee take a good picture of us."- she ordered as she made a sign to Caleb to hurry. He was carrying their infant son in his arms.

"A picture of you here? And how are you going to caption it? #Rebelparty; #Meridian; #GuardianofEarth?"- Irma taunted her.

"They really need to make a Meridian social network, don't they, Cornelia?"- Matt grinned.

"Did I say that I am going to be posting it anywhere?"- Cornelia snapped as she posed with her men while Taranee took pictures. "Caleb you're supposed to be looking at the camera, not at me. Urgh! Why is everyone determined to enrage me today?"

"Usually I know where I'm supposed to look, but which one of the three is the right one to look at now?"- Caleb growled, visibly irritated. "Over ten years on Earth, and your stupid newest phone still manages to restart all my knowledge of technology."

"You got the hotplates already? When did you manage Corny, your old phone was brand new."- Irma whistled looking at the modern phone in Taranee's hands.

"As if you don't know she's wasteful."- the fire guardian shook her head as she clicked yet another picture. Cornelia insisted on poor two months-old Killian to be properly facing the lens as well. "By the way, Caleb, don't worry. Nobody really knows how to work that thing yet. It's alien technology."

"They are. The hotplates are amazing for pics."-Irma sighed dreamily. "No wonder Cornelia is crazy to try them out. For someone as narcissistic as her..."

"It's my hard-worked money, Irma, I can spend it on whatever I want."- Cornelia snapped. "Quit being jealous."

"Must you two always act like kids."- Taranee rolled her eyes as Will grinned at Matt.

Irma and Cornelia's hassle continued:

"Your money? You don't even work!"- the Latina squealed.

The young mother's face blushed with anger as she heard that:

"Well you do, don't you. You make good for yourself, just buy yourself one and leave me alone!"

Irma made a face at that and interlaced her thumbs:

"Yeah... remember how 3 years ago, when the radio first began to make good money, I used to spend all that I've earned for a month in two days?"- Irma made a face again. "Ever since then I've decided to have Martin manage my finances, just to be safe. And he'll say no to the hotplates, you know he's not an Apple lover."

"Oh, yeah, I remember."- Cornelia smiled evilly. "That was a period when you, for once, had nice things."

Taranee ignored the two quarrelsome women and concentrated on the screen. She would take one last picture. Hopefully Cornelia was going to approve at least of a few of the many she had already made. Just then, however, the blonde's messenger indicated the arrival of a new message. Taranee stared at the chat head that had appeared over the desktop incredulously, but before she could even blink, she felt the mobile being abruptly snatched away from her hands.

"That's enough, Taranee. Thanks."- Cornelia smiled exaggeratedly. "These will do. Come on, Caleb. Give me Killian, I'll go leave him with the royal nannies, away from all the fuss here, before he gets even grumpier."

"What no pics with us? Not at least a selfie? You're selfish, Cornelia!"- Irma yelled after her friend. "You want the magic of the hotplates only for yourself!"

"Get out of my hair, Irma!"

But as the Earth guardian walked away with her son and the others grinned at the seemingly carefree, fun moment, Taranee couldn't erase what she had seen from her mind. Because unlike her friends, she suddenly knew that the actuality was different. Cornelia wasn't just harmlessly locking horns with Irma as usual, she was fleeing after being caught red-handed.

You may try to conceal the truth as much as you want, Cornelia, the fire guardian thought with a decisive frown. But I will get to the bottom of this. I owe it to him and to myself.

Short after Yan Lin and Cassidy's arrival, the party continued on full steam. Like a true profane event, it did include lots of music, dancing and eating. The other guests, mainly members of the rebellion and their close ones, seemed to be having just as good of a time as the former guardians, who had gathered in the middle of the ballroom, celebrating and enjoying each other's company.

Like everyone else, Yan Lin had also formalized. She had swapped her green kimono for a silken white one, while her hair was gathered in a more romantic, lower bun, than her usual one, with chopsticks sticking out of it.

Cassidy's aquamarine princess dress also gave her a look of grace and festivity. The two of them had been the two poles calling for peace and a new beginning, and now that this had finally been achieved, they couldn't be happier.

Somewhere nearby, Aketon and his son were happily saying cheers to Julian and Blunk, who was making his best to intervene everywhere, at least for a couple of minutes. Even he was excited, it had been a long time since the last party in Meridian, and parties always meant two things for the little passling- abundant food and finds.

Kadma was just smiling at a group of kids that were passing by, looking at her in awe, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Word about her had obviously spread around, she realized. But thankfully, not in a negative light, as she had feared. A kind-faced woman, most probably the children's mother, was standing next to Nerissa, who had touched her shoulder:

"Kadma, this is Kaya. "- the ex keeper explained. "Her husband, who she lost 12 years ago in the tragic Winter Revolt, was a rebel. Ever since his demise, she has raised her three children alone, having to provide for them by looking after what was left of the family farm and numerous other jobs which she has been forced to take in order to make ends meet. But this year, as the time for the last harvest comes, her crops have not yet developed sufficiently. Soon frost will start falling every morning, and Kaya will not be able to prepare for the winter. I am sure you will be able to help her with this problem."

"Dear Queen of Zambala, I would never dare to ask you for such a favor. But when the Mage offered, I couldn't help but see hope. It will be a great honor for me, and I shall be forever indebted to you for helping my farm, if you decide to, your Highness."- Kaya said as she humbly bowed her head.

Kadma smiled and moved her glance from the farmer woman to her old friend. Nerissa smiled back. She was already taking her liability as a guide and aide to people seriously, and that could not not make Kadma feel proud of her.

Nerissa, you've always wanted to help good people, I know that, she thought, you've just finally discovered the right way to do it.

"Kaya, the pleasure to help you and your beautiful kids out will be mine."- the former Earth guardian assured her, under the sounds live music coming from the other side of the the ballroom.

The farmer woman beamed with gratitude and awe as she watched the majestic woman form a little ball of pure energy with the help of her staff, which had appeared in her hands, summoned with only an impulse of hers.

"This orb has the power to make even the dead land fertile in just hours." - the former guardian revealed as she let the little ball gently fall into Kaya's hands. "Release it above your lands and allow the energy it contains to become one with the soil. Fertility will come before the next dawn, and you'll be ready to reap, long before the days of the last harvest."

"Thank you so much, Queen Kadma. Thank you, Mage!"- Kaya attempted to touch their feet as a sign of humility and gratitude, but they both gently stopped her. "I knew that you would truly take care of us, I knew that you deserve to be our Mage!"

Kaya had long left, but Nerissa's smile remained on her lips. She felt more than accomplished. Where was that whelp to witness this now? Was she really not going to attend the ball? Her will! She would never be a better Queen, no matter what...

Kadma locked arms with her friend and raised her eyebrows amicably:

"What's the matter? Shall we sing?"- she asked facetiously. "Or would you rather help another good Samaritan out first? I must admit, Mage, that was very thoughtful. Bravo."

"That was nothing."- Nerissa replied. "I have greater plans for people in this realm, Kadma, especially for the rebellion. My son fought for me to become their patron and fiduciary, and I will not disappoint him. I will make a difference."

Kadma watched the determination and dedication of the other woman and felt a rush of true happiness. She was more than happy to have her girlfriend go down this new path. As she had said herself, Nerissa had long wanted to accomplish such things, but the path chosen to reach the goal was out of greater importance. The right path now lay in front of her.

The music died down as the doors of the ballroom opened sharply. With a swift of her hand, the Queen silenced the musical instruments of the orchestra and attracted all attention to herself. Galgheita's mouth hung open as she saw the chained Prince behind her:

"Your Majesty!'-she almost gasped. "What is the meaning of..."

"Good evening, everybody."- Elyon's voice was militant when she cut the old woman off. "I am sorry to have interrupted your celebration. I also apologize if I am scaring you right now, but I am here with this vile criminal tethered helpless behind my back, to make a bunch of things clear. Don't let his presence here intimidate you, I will only use him as edification for all."

The people of Meridian, including the present and former guardians, all exchanged glances with the person nearest to them. This entire scene was painful and heavy, both for watching and listening. There was something terribly wrong and lamentable in the sight that had suddenly darkened an otherwise fun evening.

"All who plot behind my back and have wicked intentions will end like Phobos."- Elyon went on, roughly pulling the end of the chain, making her brother's weak body tremble and fall to the ground. "The tyrant and murderer you are all afraid of now looks like an exhumed corpse. This is happening to the evil in my kingdom, for it is not welcome here, my dear people. What I want to say to all of you is that there is no reason for fear, and that will remain so. As long as I am with you, no one will ever be able to claim my throne again. Nor your lives. No matter how hard they try."

Kadma stared with wide open unbelieving eyes. What had happened to the labile, insecure girl who had not been able to take any action a few months ago? Elyon's innocence had disappeared at that moment, as there seemed to be a new woman in front of them all. A stern but fair queen, at least seemingly ...

Will couldn't just stand anymore. The terrible premonition in her chest was in its tumult and was suffocating her. She was going to be the first one to pull away from Irma's unconscious grip, subdued by heavy emotion, and criticize what they were all witnessing, if a sonorous, accusing yell hadn't outstripped her:

"What is this absurd, you clown of a girl! Are you insane to lead him here after what I told you yesterday? You didn't listen to a word I said!-"

"No one."- Elyon interrupted the sorceress sharply, raising her index finger. "...GETS TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! NOT EVEN YOU! This is MY kingdom. I take the decisions regarding it, and if you don't like it, then leave! It would be better off that way, anyway."

Nerissa narrowed her eyes with contempt. This just wasn't happening. Up until ten minutes ago, her happiness had been in it's zenith. Up until the wretched Whelp hand't showed up.

"With all due respect, Elyon..."-Kadma began, but Elyon didn't let her finish.

"It's Queen Elyon to you, Queen Kadma."- she stated icily. "Neither are we that close, nor will we ever be. After what you put us through, no thank you. Do not presume upon a short acquaintance."

The former guardian was left speechless, but that was when Alborn and Miriadel, followed by Galgheita, made an attempt to reason with their suddenly unrecognizable daughter. She stopped them with an open hand:

"No. I don't need your opinion either. You who leave me alone when I need you most. You simply don't get me."- she shook her head bitterly.

"Elyon."- Miriadel cried. "That is not true, we love you-"

"Sure you do."- the blonde just raised her hand again and this time her parents couldn't move any further, even if they tried tо. "This demonstration is my decision."

"Demonstration?"- Nerissa exclaimed mockingly. "And what exactly are you demonstrating, your sheer incompetence? The entire planet wants to see your brother dead, and you bring him here on a leash, like some pet? What do you think that this is, your Majesty, a game? You're doing this to ruin my ball, but you're going to ruin much more than that in your tearing stupidity!"

"I couldn't care less about your stupid party or your other nonsense, Nerissa!"- Elyon fired back, fighting to swallow the bitter tears. She was sick and tired of being called incompetent and she was going to make all who though of her like that go silent forever. "But that doesn't mean that I will allow you to snatch the crown from my head!'

"Your Majesty, that's enough."- Caleb made his way through the people with a furious expression taken over his otherwise distinct features.

All eyes turned to him, as Elyon's face dropped. The rebel leader stopped next to his mother and then bowed in front of Elyon, keeping a stone face.

Nerissa wanted to lift him to his feet and see him spit the little wretch in her face, but the words that came out of his mouth would also do a good job. She suppressed her anger and proudly raised her head as her son protected her:

"I thought you trusted my mother by now, and therefore agreed to approve her application for Mage. But it seems that you still consider her a villain. If so, why not just break the statutes and permits and forget about everything, instead of taking out this garbage here among innocent people."- and he glared at Phobos.

"Elyon, Caleb's right."- Cornelia interfered from the other end of the ballroom. Taranee followed her with her eyes, as the blonde lifted the skirts of her rose-colored gown making her way to the young Queen. "Phobos is really dangerous, if you wanted to make a point you could've tried something safer at least. You know how much pain he has costed you and everyone else around here with."

"Cornelia, he is frail" - Elyon began almost apologetically. It seemed as if she was back to her old self after her and Caleb's intervention. "I brought him here as proof that I can handle my crown. Because so many people don't believe in me."- she looked down sadly. " Nerissa said so many terrible things to me that night, I had to prove myself to her and..."

"Oh, but of course, Nerissa is always the worst and you're a little angel."- the ex-keeper interrupted her in a cross voice, as many pairs of eyes turned to her. "You didn't listen to a word I said, yet you heard all these terrible things. Stuck-up girl! I came to you when nobody else cared to see you, tried to give you a push in the right direction. I tried to convince you that Phobos must not live. And what did you do, your took him out for a walk! If something goes wrong, it will only be your fault!"

"Oh, here we go again."- Irma commented sarcastically.

"Nothing will go wrong!"- Elyon yelled. "I can keep things under control, when will you get that in your head?!"

"Oh please, you can't even handle your own self!"

"Nerissa is afraid of me."- the sound of his voice made everyone go silent. Phobos spoke for the first time since his arrival in the ballroom, and his cold green eyes were focused on the ex-guardian. She blenched, trying to keep a stiff upper lip. Next to her, Caleb was yelling something, but she could only hear the Prince's voice. Everything else was a blur.

In the other side of the ballroom, Will had fallen into the same trance. With a blank look, and as if tied hands, only the sounds of Phobos's cruel voice getting higher and higher reached her ears.

"Nerissa fears that I will ruin her little idyll. Just like I did last time. Just like I took her seal, I'll take all that she has achieved by now. Because everything in this realm is rightfully mine. The pathetic rebellion behind her back and my sister on the throne got her to think that Meridian is hers. That's why she wants me dead."- he smirked awry. "But that will not happen. Her conquering aspirations are useless. Her fears - fully justified."

The next events happened too fast for anyone to predict or halt them. Phobos stood up and ruthlessly pressed his hand to his sister's back, taking away her life force. In negative time, before the horrified glances of the screaming guests, his weak body was full of life again. Stealing from his sister's power, he regained his lost vitality...


"How is this possible, the chains of the ancient titans can't be escaped."- Kadma yelled on the top of her lungs, as the rebels were desperately trying to get their queen out of her brother's malicious grip. As long as he was holding her back in this way, he would continue to steal more and more life-giving power. After all, absorbing power was what he did best. "Nerissa, we have to evacuate the children and the... Nerissa?!"- but her friend was gone.

"The blasted sorceress, her entire clan, the rebellion, guardians and everyone who dared to set against me will pay tonight."- Phobos's voice echoed in the old ballroom walls, as he dispersed all who came to him like flies. "For Meridian belongs to Phobos! I've longed to punish all of you for your betrayal, foul peasants!"

"No, you don't!"- Caleb roared as he run towards the tyrant. "You don't get to sow anymore death and tragedy, you bastard! You're outnumbered. You're going down!"

Phobos smiled evilly as he raised his left hand to strike at the rebel leader, who he hated with all his being. Before he could do that, however, a transformed Matt tackled him down, finally freeing Elyon of his suction.

Having lost consciousness, the young queen slumped to the ground, and her parents finally made their way to her as Shagon pressed her assailant firmly to the floor.

"You shouldn't have done this, my winged friend."- Phobos hissed with contempt as he overpowered Matt and wrapped his hands around his neck...

"Leave him alone!"- Will flew above them with full speed, followed by the other guardians. Her Quintessence repelled the prince and threw him into the opposite wall.

Halinor, Yan Lin, and Cassidy had already been able to bring all women and children to safety during the bustle. Elyon was lying on her mother's lap at the other end of the hall, where Galgheita was trying to wake her with a glass of water.

The rebels quickly regrouped and surrounded the body of the fallen prince together with the guardians. It was good that none of these men ever left home without a weapon:

"Not a move."- Julian ordered as he pressed the end of his sword to Phobos' neck, stopping Caleb from tearing him apart with his other hand. "This blade is enchanted to cut through black magic, you know what it can do to you, right? Very good. Raythor and his men are already on their way to come and collect this prisoner. Bring the magic-isolating chains!"

"Wow, 10 years in prison and you still couldn't think of a better escape plan."- Irma took the time to taunt the villain. "You seriously blow, Phobos."

You will take your words back, brazen guardian, Phobos thought as he kept minding the blade that halted him from making any moves.

"These chains."- Halinor's terrified voice ringed in the walls. "These chains are plain ordinary. They possess no magic qualities whatsoever."- she shook her head as she held the shackles that the prince had been wearing when he arrived in the ballroom.

"This explains why he was able to get free of them just like that, while Elyon was busy talking to Nerissa"- Will pondered out loud, as she flew over to the former guardian.

"Could've she mistaken the chains?"- Cassidy suggested. "I mean, it's possible that Elyon took these instead of the actual pair-"

"I don't think so."- Yan Lin shook her head grimly. "These fetters have been deliberately switched. Someone has done that to help Phobos's escape."

"Which means that Phobos has a confidant in the Palace."- Will finished grimly, feeling that bad premonition in her chest scald her insides, as she turned around and looked at the suspiciously quiet prince.

"What?!"- Irma and Cornelia gasped in unison.

"Impossible!"- Galgheita shook her head. "No one in this Palace could support him, we know our people. Everything is secure"- she looked at Miriadel, who held the queen in tears. "I repeat, we know our people, there has to be another explanation."

"Excuse me, Mrs. Rudolph, but you said the same thing last time, and it turned out that Nerissa has been playing glamour up as a maid here in your very secure palace for years."- Irma folded her arms on her chest, winning herself a rebuking shove in the ribs from Taranee.

"Yes, Ms. Lair, I recall, but exactly because of that you must believe me. After that happened, we've repeatedly refined our system and staff."- Galgheita insisted. "After what turned out to be the case with Trill, we've made sure not to make that same mistake again."

"Speaking of Trill, where did Nerissa vanish to?"- Taranee asked suspiciously, suddenly noticing the former guardian's absence. "Did y'all notice that she is not in this room with us?"

Trivia: 'The chains of the ancient titans' are mystic chains forged thousands of years ago in order to restrain magic users from using their powers. Kadma also used them to block Nerissa's magic while she kept her as her prisoner in "Heart of a Mother"