Crew Member Kurt Black, Fighter, Maintenance/Repair, and Systems Networking Specialist.

Born 3269, System: Eranin

177 cm/87 kg

African American, White hair, Pale blue eyes, Male.

Federal Navy (Civil Pilot Division) Rank: Chief Petty Officer, Retired.

Alliance (Civilian Pilot Association) Status: Allied.

Active Crew: Reem Quinn, Kurt Black, William Reese.

Ship Commander: Raenys Vallarta.

Vessel: Krait Mk. II, 'Umbra Tandem'. SHIP ID: ELYW05

Begin Log.

Crewmember: BLACK, Date: 12/04/3205

Okay, I did get mad.

It was my mistake, but that doesn't mean someone noticing can't go ahead and talk to me. Now, I've seen all kinds of subterfuge and people not knowing better, and this wasn't her playing around – that much I do know. Talked it out, she's a good girl. Just got to get over those nerves.

Commander didn't chew on me, much. Haha, oh, I could see her crawling in her skin!

But, it's all right now.

We're pointed towards Alliance space now, wondering if I'll get a chance to pop by old friends. Spent a good number of days in those stations, some not even listed or around anymore.

Commander didn't say just what we're doing, guess she's still figuring that out. Imperial space is beyond this, and I know she was interested in running some of them around sometime soon. I got to say, she sure seems a head over water. Don't know what that's all about, don't want to know.

Just better not be a thing that comes back to bite us.

Had a few good runs on the pirates, mostly I was out there with Reem back at the helm, assisting that wiry guy on the turrets. Now there's a man who's seen things I don't want to have a thing to do with. Haven't so much as spoken more than three words to each other, and it's been, what, uh… about… ten, eleven days now? I've never seen a more secretive person.

All these shy people!

Glad Raenys isn't like that. She's young, got a good solid head on her shoulders. Strong stature, focused. Easy to get along with.

Well, I better get back to it. Repairs on cannon mountings aren't going to take care of themselves.