"I don't like the looks of where we're headed. Who's steering this thing?"

"That would be you, sir."


So, I was feeling burnt out last week and, as a result, I decided to take a break from writing. I spent most of it planning out my stories, and for the most part, I was able to sketch out an outline for most of my other stories. Then I got to this story, and I realized I really had no plans for this story.

I did have a goal in mind when I started this, and it was a goal I thought I was able to reach with the first chapter, but the rest of the story has, so far, just been me writing whatever problem seems to pop into my head and resolving them as quickly as possible, which was a really haphazard and aimless way of going about things. This might have been fine if I'd caught myself in the middle of doing this, but since I've already done this several times, I really had no other option other than reworking the whole story.

Originally, I was going to go back, delete all the chapters, and rework chapter one. As work on the new version of the story went along, though, I realized that what I was writing was such a huge departure from the tone of the original story (not that anything past the first chapter had a consistent tone to begin with), and just up and changing the original story would be a bit of a betrayal to you, the readers. So, I decided to put up a new version of this story.

This version of the story won't be going anywhere, in case anyone is wondering. For all it's weird pacing and constant fluctuation in story goals, it's got some good bits. Some of the stuff I put in here won't be nearly as prevalent in the first few chapters. That said, I won't be updating this story anymore. There really isn't anywhere I can go while still making complete sense. If you'd like more Lucina messing with the timeline shenanigans, I should have a more recent version of the story up on my profile, so check it out if you can.

Moral of the story? Make sure you have some sort point that you're building to, like a point of conflict or a point of character development, otherwise you'll get lost and find yourself completely unable to plan ahead. Also, don't be afraid to start over if you think the roots of the story have been hindering what's possible with it.

Anyway, I wish you all well, and stay safe.