Summary: Luffy eats a hybrid devil fruit at the age of 7 and shows traces of haki on accident. Seeing this a Pirate Red Haired Shanks decides to return after 3 years and take him with him to the Grand Line. Now 8 Years Later Luffy returns to the East Blue to start his Journey.

Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda, All rights go to him.

"HEY SHANKS!" yelled a 7 year old raven haired boy currently standing on the figurehead of a pirate ship.

All the pirates stopped what they were doing to look up at the raven haired boy screaming like an idiot

"What is he up to now" muttered Shanks a Red haired man wearing a Straw Hat while looking at the raven haired boy holding a dagger in his hands.

"What are you doing up there Luffy!" yelled Shanks

"You have to be brave to be a pirate right well watch THIS!" yelled Luffy while aiming the dagger towards his face

'Wait a minute don't tell me he's' thought Shanks

SPHHHIT! Luffy even though he was rethinking this decision stabbed the knife straight into his cheek under his Left eye

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed Luffy in pain

"YOU IDIOT!" screamed Shanks.

Later in a bar in Fuusha Village

"Didn't hurt at all!" stated Luffy with tears in his eyes and a bandaid on his cheek

"Ha you Liar! You were screaming like a little girl!" laughed Shanks with some booze in his hand

"Don't do anything so stupid again you hear me!" said Shanks looking actually serious for a second before continuing to laugh his ass off at Luffy's stupid pout face

"I'm not scared of getting hurt, next time you guys go to sea take me with you, I want to be a pirate too!" said Luffy

"Like hell, you can't even swim you little anchor!" said Shanks beforing laughing at the nickname he just made

"Yeah well i can fight great too, My punch is as strong as a pistol!" said Luffy while pointing his fist towards Shanks

"Oh Really" Shanks deadpanned

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN! HEYY!" screamed Luffy in anger

"Come on Luffy cheer up" said a pirate dancing around while drinking booze

"Yeah the sea is grand and vast, and a pirate's life is truly one of a kind" stated another pirate

"Oi guys not helping" said Shanks

"But why boss it's true ain't it" said the pirate

"Look Luffy you are just too young and weak to be on a pirate ship it is just not safe for you" said Shanks looking fully serious

"Dammit i'm not a kid I'M A MAN" yelled Luffy

"Yeah sure calm down here drink some juice" said Shanks

"Oh thanks" said Luffy while drinking the juice

Shanks instantly burst out laughing

"Never heard of a pirate who drinks juice" said Shanks

"Dammit YOU TRICKED ME AGAIN" yelled Luffy angrily

Everyone in the bar started laughing

Suddenly the wooden door came flying off its hinges, causing everyone to turn and see a group of men/ The one who seemed to be the leader a tall and dark skinned man wearing a brown coat.

"Excuse me" said the main in a gruff deep voice

"So these are meant to be pirates, what a Joke!" the man said

"We're Mountain bandits" stated the man

"Just relax we only want around 10 barrels of booze and we'll be on our way" stated the man

"I-Im Sorry sir but we are all out of booze" said Makino the bartender a Green haired beautiful women

"...That right?" he queried "So what are they drinking water?" asked the man

"N-No that is just the last of what we have" said Makino

"It's true" Shanks spoke up quite nonchalantly, "My men and i already cleared the place out sorry about that"

"Tell you what you can have this" Shanks said while pointing a bottle of booze at the man. "It is even unopened"


The man broke the bottle buy punching it spraying it all over Shanks

"Who the hell do you think i am?!" Said the man "What is one bottle going to do!"

Shanks just sat there his Straw Hat covering his eyes all soaked in booze when suddenly he sighs and reveals a very disappointed look

"Look at the mess you made" said Shanks grabbing a cloth getting ready to clean it up

"No wait captain let me clean it" said Makino hurrying over to Shanks

"So you like to clean do you?" said the man grabbing his sword and slashing at the glasses on the counter successfully forcing shanks to sit down on the floor back to the floor Straw hat covering his eyes "There here is more for you to clean up" the man laughed

"Lemme show you something" said the man pulling out a poster with his face on it


Dead or Alive

Higuma The Bear

8,000.000 Berries

"I'm a wanted man you know. I have killed 56 people" bragged Higuma

"Don't cross me again pirate cause if you do i won't spare you again" said Higuma gathering his men and leaving

As soon as they left Makino ran over to Shanks "Captain are you okay" she said worried

"Perfectly fine Makino" he said before snickering and bursting into laughter along with the rest of the crew

"That idiot sure got you good captain" said a pirate

"What a loser" added another


"Hey calm down all he did was spill booze on me. Nothing worth getting bent outta shape over" said Shanks trying to calm Luffy down

"Yeah whatever" said Luffy as he jumped from his seat and began walking away"

"Hey Luffy wait up" said Shanks as he grabbed his arm "Get back... here?"

Suddenly Luffy's arm started stretching A LOT

"What's happening to me!?' screamed Luffy in horror

Everyone's jaw dropped

"WHAT THE HELL" screamed Shanks

"BOSS IT'S GONE THE DEVIL FRUIT IT'S NOT IN THE BOX" screamed Lucky Roo a fat pirate with a whie and green stripe shirt

"...You mean…" said Shanks in utter disbelief

"Hey Luffy did you eat this fruit" said Lucky Roo holding up a picture of a purple and blue fruit

"Umm… Yeah" said Luffy a little bit scared


Luffy gasped in horror at this

"WHAT NO WAY" screamed Luffy

"YOU DUMBASS" screamed Shanks

2 Days Later

Luffy was happily walking along the streets of Fuusha Village, He sees some kids playing a game of what looked like Marines vs Pirates, he jogs over to them

"Hey guys can i play!" Luffy practically yelled

"Oh no look it's that kid again" muttered one of them

"Yeah other kids call him a monster say he has survived things like a jungle by himself what a freak" muttered another

"Hey so can i play with you guys pretty please!" said Luffy with that inhuman smile of his

"Uhh i actually have to go home early today sorry" said one looking nervous

"Yeah im actually really hungry im going home" said another

The other kids all nodded and started walking/running away when Luffy grabbed one of them "Hey guys come on just for a little" begged Luffy

"Aaaaaaahhhh LET ME GO" the girl screamed when suddenly the oldest kid came and punched Luffy square in the face sending him a few feet back

"Get Lost You Damn Freak YOU'RE A MONSTER" screamed the oldest while running away

Luffy was left there with a completely emotionless face anyone who knew him though could tell he was upset

All the Adults around the are saw what happened looking at Luffy with saddened faces

From behind one of the buildings a certain figure just saw what happened, completely angered and feeling sorry for Luffy

Later at night on a small plain field under a tree

Luffy sat there sobbing

"They all have friends, i'm here alone" croaked out Luffy to himself

"Hey that ain't true you know i mean i'm still here" said Shanks approaching Luffy

Luffy looked to see Shanks sitting next to him and ACTUALLY having a warm smile for once, Luffy just scowled at him and looked away, Shanks didn't care though just chuckled a bit

"...You know I saw how those kids were treating you back there," said Shanks

"I just wanted to play… but everyone ignores me i don't know why what did i do" sobbed Luffy

"I have been told by the people that all the kids do that to you, say you are a monster so why do you want to be friends with them?" asked Shanks

"Who else is there, My Gramps is never home and when he is all he does is train me, Makino is nice but she is way too busy to play with me all the time, i have no one to ever play with" muttered Luffy who seemed to finally stop crying even if his eyes were still glossy

"I see" said Shanks understanding Luffy more and also gaining respect for how he can still smile that big with all this happening

"You are so lucky, you have so many friends" muttered Luffy Jealousy present in his voice

Shanks just chuckled "I'm guessing that's why you always want to come with us on adventures then" Shanks stated not really needing an answer

"Yeah…" Luffy answered

"Hey Shanks?" said Luffy, Shanks turned his face to him "Do you think i will have friends" asked Luffy

Shanks felt his heart go out to Luffy at that point

"Who knows but knowing you, you'll find a way" Shanks said while smirking "Anchor"

"HEYY" screamed Luffy slightly pissed but mostly happy

Shanks just laughed, a little while later luffy fell asleep after looking at the moon and Shanks carried him to Makino's house, he swore he heard a "Thank you" but thought of it as his imagination

2 Weeks Later

Luffy was currently sitting at the Party bar, it was completely empty apart from him and Makino

"The guys have been gone a while" Makino began "You miss them?"

"Yeah a bit even if they were cowards and didn't fight back," said Luffy

"You do know they were actually being brave right" asked Makino

"Yeah right a Real Man would kick their asses they didn't do anything" said Luffy

Makino just sighs

Then the door is opened (Not kicked this time Thank god they Learned how to open doors) And in come Higuma and his bandits

"Well looks like those pirates aren't here this time, must have taken my warning wisely" laughed Higuma and the rest of the bandits

"Hey Pretty Lady give us some booze will ya, or do you only serve Pirates around here" Said Higuma with a sick grin on his face

"Y-Yes of course" said Makino as she hurried to prepare their drinks

A little while later when they were all getting drunk they started joking about the pathetic excuse for pirates they dealt with the other day, obviously referring to Shanks and his crew, calling them cowards and such

Then Luffy got angry at them and yelled at them


Instantly the entire bar went silent "oh yeah kid," Higuma began "and what the hell are you going to do about it then" he challenged looking ready to kill the stupid kid who just insulted him

Higuma got his answer when Luffy's arm suddenly turned black for a moment and decked him halfway across the bar leaving some blood on his face.

That was the last straw the bandits all rushed luffy and Threw him outside the bar

"LUFFY!" cried Makino

She ran to him, "Stop he is just a child" She said not soon after though she got punched in the gut and thrown aside by Higuma

"Piss off bitch this ain't none of your business" roared Higuma as he continued to beat down on Luffy

As soon as Luffy saw that he saw red and unleashed a wave of power which made half the bandits Faint while the other half jumped back a bit

"W-What The Hell was that you damn freak" said Higuma as he stepped back a bit

But soon after gained his composure and went back to beating Luffy in the middle of town with the rest of bandits

"Dammit why the hell don't YOU JUST BREAK ALREADY" roared Higuma clearly pissed off even more

Just then Makino came running with the mayor of the village Woop Slap

"Stop it! Let the poor boy go" screamed Woop Slap, making Higuma put his foot on Luffy's Head and look at him

"I'll even pay you please!" begged Woop Slap

"Mayor…" said Luffy utterly shocked

"While the old may know the ways of the world better than us" Higuma began "I'm afraid I can't let him go not even for money he has disrespected me and my men and deserves to die"

"You STARTED IT YOU BASTARD" Luffy screamed out, and instantly got a foot to the gut

"That is it i'm killing you right NOW" roared Higuma

"What's going on here" said Shanks in a sort of chill but dark tone, standing behind Makino with the rest of his crew

Everyone gasped at Shanks sudden appearance, including the people spectating from within their homes

"C-Captain Shanks!" Makino Exclaimed

"Oh it's you bandits again" He then looked at Luffy "Hey Luffy what's wrong thought your punch was as strong as a pistol" Said Shanks Nonchalantly

"H-Hey i decked him in the face look at that blood" Shanks then noticed the blood on Higuma's face and started snickering as did the rest of his crew

"What do you know maybe there was some truth to that after all" Shanks exclaimed

"tch, You damn pirates still around don't you have some cleaning to do" Higuma jokes

"I don't know what the hell you idiots are doing here, but it's best if you piss off and don't come any closer, unless you have a death wish"

Ignoring his warnings Shanks just casually walked up there being stopped by a gun pointed to his head 'Didn't ya hear him, piss off" said the bandit

"Would you risk your life?" said Shanks

"Huh?" said the bandit

"Now that you have drawn your pistol, are you willing to use it" Shanks said

"The hell are you talking about?" the bandit asked extremely confused

"I'm saying guns aren't for threats their for action!" said Shanks

Before anyone could even make sense of what he said Lucky Roo appeared and shot the bandit through the skull

"The HELL" everyone asked in shock, save The Red Hair Pirates, and Luffy who was too amazed to even speak

"Damn bastards that was a cheap shot" exclaimed a bandit

"Yeah who the hell do you think you are dealing with, Saints?" asked The First Mate of the Red Hair pirates Benn Beckman A Tall man with black hair and a cigarette, holding a gun

"You're dealing with a bunch of Pirates we don't play by rules" stated Shanks hat covering his eyes

"Listen up bandits" Shanks began "whether i'm sprayed with alcohol or doused with food, Hell even if i'm spit on, most of the time I'll laugh it off, But If You Hurt One Of My Friends, Good Reason Or Not, you'll pay for it!" Shanks Exclaimed

"...Shanks…" Luffy whispered in disbelief

"So we're going to pay huh, men go kill these sorry excuses for pirates!" Higuma ordered

"Let me handle this" said Benn as he walked on forward and knocked them all out within a few seconds flat

"If you think a few crappy men is all it's going to take to beat us you are dead wrong, next time try a battleship" stated Benn Cooly

"N-Now wait a minute, this brat started it not me" said Higuma finally realizing the shit he dug himself into

"Well you are a Wanted Man aren't you" Shanks smirked finally revealing his eyes filled with anger and hatred

Higuma instantly pissed his pants and grabbed a smoke bomb and threw it successfully escaping with Luffy

"GAHH, THEY TOOK LUFFY" Shanks screamed standing Comically with both his hands on his head

A Few Minutes Later On The Sea In A Small Dinghy

"Ha escaped those bastards" Higuma Laughed with Luffy STILL UNDER HIS FOOT

"No one would ever think of finding a Mountain Bandit On the Sea" said Higuma

"Let me go you Bastard!" Yelled out Luffy

"About time i Kill you" Said Higuma as he threw Luffy off the boat and started Laughing

As soon as Luffy fell in he panicked remembering what Shanks said about losing the ability to swim, but soon realized he was actually not sinking and was able to do a bit of broken swimming

Meanwhile while Luffy was swimming a bit a Sea King came up behind Higuma and full on swallowed him and the dinghy whole, terrifying Luffy, He tried to swim away but to no avail since he still doesn't know how to swim

The sea king saw Luffy and was about to go for the kill when…


There was a bit of leftover blood in the air except it wasn't Luffy's blood

Luffy was then being held by Shanks with one arm his faced tucked into Shanks chest

Shanks took one clear look at the Sea King and his gaze Hardened "Get Lost" he said in a very deadly voice, making the sea king shake in fear, he quickly obeyed and left

"I'm in your debt Luffy" Shanks began "Makino told me about what happened and how you stood up for us, Thank You luffy"

Luffy only sniffled in response clutching to Shanks's shirt

"Hey don't cry, You're a man right" said Shanks

"B-But Shanks… Your Arm!" Luffy cried

Shanks Left arm had been torn right off by the sea king, yet he just smiled

"It's fine Luffy, It's just an arm i'm just glad you're alright" said Shanks with a warm smile

Later When Shanks Was Getting His Injury looked At

Shanks, Benn, Makino and the doctor from Shanks crew were in the Room

Makino told Shanks about Luffy's arm turning black and how people just fainted. Needless to say Shanks was shocked and so was Benn

'Did he seriously just use haki at such a young age, and in the east no less' Shanks thought utterly shocked

Benn finally spoke up "Looks like the kid is better than we thought huh"

Shanks nodded " Yeah to awaken haki at such a young age"

Makino just sat there confused "What is this haki?" She asked

Shanks and Benn explained to her exactly what luffy just did leaving Makino shocked herself

"Hey Makino would it be a problem if I actually took Luffy with me to train him" asked Shanks

Makino just sat there silent, as much as she wanted to have Luffy stay she knew it was his dream and how important it is he controls his power before someone gets hurt. The only problem was… Garp

"I have no problem but Garp won't be too happy" said Makino

"Oh we can deal with that problem," said Shanks confidently even if inside he was pissing himself

Benn spoke up then " he didn't you say when you saw Luffy he was swimming"

Shanks eyes then popped out of his head "HOW WAS HE SWIMMING HE ATE A DEVIL FRUIT"

Benn being the voice of reason said "Isn't the Gum Gum Fruit only purple the fruit Luffy at was half purple half blue"

"Wait you don't mean he ate some kind of hybrid fruit do you?" Shanks asked even more shocked

"Is that even possible" said Makino also shocked at Luffy's Luck

"Let's go find out" said Benn


"Hey Luffy get over here!" yelled Shanks

Luffy came running "Hey Is Your injury fine you gonna die!?" Luffy was panicking

"No im fine Luffy calm down, Listen were you swimming back there?" asked Shanks

Luffy then calmed down and realized "Yeah you jerk you lied to me you said I couldn't swim I was swimming fine" stated Luffy

Shanks now had a hunch

"Hey Luffy see that water imagine controlling it like making it rise up do hand motions if you need to just try" said Shanks

Luffy just thought he was an idiot, how is he supposed to do that but just did it anyway when…

The water actually rose and he was playing with IT! Saying he and everyone else present was shock was quite the understatement


Then it hit Luffy

"SUGEEEEEEEE" Luffy exclaimed with stars in his eyes

"Benn, Shanks, Makino, Lucky Roo and Yassop (YOU KNOW WHO HE IS I'M TOO TIRED TO EXPLAIN) Just Stood there completely shocked while Luffy was playing with the water and dancing like cavemen did when they discovered fire.

"Ok… WHAT THE FU -OOF" Shanks said before he got decked by Makino for swearing in front of Luffy

1 Week Later

It was around midday in Fuusha Village and the Red Hair Pirates were getting ready to sail

"So you are actually properly leaving this time then?" asked Luffy sad his only friends save Makino were leaving

"Yeah we had this vacation go on much longer than expected" replied Shanks

"Hey Shanks" Luffy began causing the pirate to look over to him "I know we have joked about this other times but this time please take me with you, I want to be stronger, Strong enough to protect everyone I care about and… And I NEED HELP!" Luffy exclaimed

Shanks stood there seeing how the boy who never once admitted he was weak and always boasted sucked his pride in and asked for help, for the sake of those he cares about, It also made things a shit load easier for him since he was going to drag Luffy's ass to the Grand Line to train him)

However Luffy was still too young

"Oh so you need help then" said Shanks straw hat covering his eyes

"D-Don't get me wrong i'm still going to be a Greater Pirate than you could ever be, In fact I'M GOING TO BE KING OF THE PIRATES!" Luffy Practically Let The Entire World Know

"Oh so you're going to surpass us?" Shanks smirked and took his beloved Straw Hat off his head and placed it on Luffy's head, shocking the Raven Haired Boy to Tears

"Fine then, i'll be back in 3 years Luffy by then you'll be old enough to take to the Grand Line, However you have to be strong enough so till then train your ass off ya hear me!" Shanks stated filled with pride at the young Raven Haired Boy

Luffy just nodded Tears leaking from his eyes and watch his friends Sail Away and stayed there till he couldn't see their ship anymore eventually returning to the Party Bar with both the Happiest and Saddest anyone has ever seen him wear

He is going to be training hard these next couple of years that's for sure.

Authors Note:That's is the first chapter done 4k words not bad I say next one will probably be around the 2-3k mark. I won't be updating this unless i know people like it to please Rate and Review. I have already planned everything for this story up the the Alabasta arc the only thing that will take time is writing it. I do lots of activities like playing Soccer, do martial arts every week day, and school which is out of the picture until feb. so don't expect something like weekly updates especially after feb. Although this is assuming the story is liked.

There will be Pairings

One Definite Pairing is Luffy x Nami since that's my OTP i have not decided on others yet so feel free to make suggestions