Disclaimer: I do not own Kim Possible or any of its anything! It all belongs to Disney!

A/N: Thank the lawd for Disney Plus! DX


I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Though in reality, it was twelve years ago. It's silly, I know. To still be stressing over something that happened when you were in Pre-K, and you're now halfway through high school. But hey, what can I say. I lost someone who was very important to me back then. Someone who my young mind thought would be my best friend forever. Who would never leave me behind, no matter what. Whenever I was upset, he was always there to make me smile and laugh just by being his weird, goofy self. He really was a true friend. Heh, I don't think I'll ever forget those silly, cute smiles of his..

...I would give anything to go back to those days just to play hide-n-seek or tag with him again. Even if it would be just for a minute..

Twelve Years Ago; at the Stoppable Residence..

Goodbyes.. What was so good about giving them if it meant that you were going to be saying it to someone who means so much to you? Someone who you thought would always be by your side. Someone.. who was your first and bestest friend in the whole wide world. For little Pre-K Kim Possible, those were the thoughts on her distraught young mind as she hugged her best friend for dear life while she sobbed inconsolably into his right shoulder, grasping tightly onto the back of his red shirt as she didn't want to let go of him. Nor did she want him to let go of her as he held her with just as much emotion.

The aforementioned best friend, who went by the name of Ron Stoppable, couldn't believe things had come to this. Neither of them could. He cried in unison with the pig-tailed redhead as they clung to each other strongly, both of them quivering in sorrow as releasing their grasps on one another was the last thing they wanted to do at the moment. Because when they would inevitably have to, it'll be the last time they hug in a very long time.. So they feared.

For you see, Ron was a few minutes away from hopping on board a moving truck so he and his family can proceed with their dreaded move out of Middleton. However, it wasn't just Middleton they were going to be leaving, they were also due to leave the US of A as a whole.

Due to reasons that have yet to be disclosed to Ron, as it was his parents' decision to keep it a secret since it's apparently a "complicated matter," they were set to depart to the East coast of the globe. Or to be more specific, they were set to move to the foreign country.. of Japan. Ever since he had found out about the move a week ago, Ron attempted time and time again to pry the reason for it out of his parents. But much to his annoyance, they refused to give him a clear answer as they would always tell him to "wait and see for yourself." He loathed those words, but didn't come to loathe his family for it. So with not much to go on because of that, he had no other questions to ask.

And even though they didn't want to, the children had no choice but to accept reality for what it is..

"Gosh, I still can't believe that you three are leaving the country today. Honestly, a week just didn't seem like enough time to properly prepare for something like this.. Especially for them.." Said Mrs. Possible sadly, her heart aching for her poor daughter, as she stood by her husband and the Stoppable parents on the sidewalk outside the now former home of the Stoppable family, the packed moving truck parked on the road behind them.

With frowns on their faces, the adults reluctantly observed as the two hurting Kindergartners embraced and bawled to each other without a care in the world. Oh man, they really weren't looking forward to tearing the best friends apart.. if it comes to that, that is.

They prayed to whatever gods were listening that it wouldn't..

After the Possible Matriarch had spoken, Maria Stoppable, Ron's Mother, took it upon herself to respond to Ann after she emitted a heavy sigh, tears threatening to slip from her eyes as she hated the pain that their move was putting her son and little Kim through. But there was a good reason behind it, and she is sure that Ron will come to understand everything once the time comes for him to learn of it. At least, she hopes that she's sure. "Believe me Ann, if it were up to us. We wouldn't even consider moving out of Middleton in the first place.." Their home..

"I don't get it, you two." Mr. Possible chimed in, giving the Stoppables a confused look as he had his arm around Ann's shoulders, his wife leaning into him as she didn't take her eyes off of the children. Not for one second. She was the only one watching them as Maria and Sam, Ron's father, looked to James once he had grabbed their attention. "You've assured us that you're not leaving because of some worrisome situation. But if that's the case, then how come you can't tell us the real reason as to why you're moving halfway across the world? Don't you trust us enough to know it?" He inquired with a raised brow, ever so curious as to the purpose of their leaving. It's a purpose that remains shrouded in secrecy even to them. It was thanks to Kim and Ron's bond that the Possible and Stoppable parents formed one as well, quite a strong one at that. So that's why James was so bewildered and disappointed that Maria and Sam weren't filling them in. They're friends, are they not? He wondered intensily.

The two blondes glanced at each other nervously before Mr. Stoppable said something this time. "Of course we trust you, James. I swear, it pains us that we aren't able to explain things to you and Ann at least. But, we made a promise to the friend who we'll be staying with that we wouldn't tell a soul about our reason for leaving.." He shot a glimpse over at Ron and sighed through his nose, a hint of guilt visible in his eyes. Then when looking back to James, he said. "It all sounds very peculiar, I know. But I'm afraid that's all we can tell you on the matter. I am truly sorry, James.." Along with his apology, Sam hung his head in shame.

While Sam wasn't as guilt-ridden as he could've been if he straight up lied to the Possibles, keeping them in the dark did not deliver a pleasant feeling either. They deserved to know the truth, especially little KP, he knew that. But damnit, they wouldn't understand..

As much as James wanted to express his irritation and continue his pursuit for answers, neither him or Ann wanted the last moments of their friendship to end on a sour note. So he ultimately relented and dropped the issue, albeit reluctantly. When he thought about it, he took no comfort in realizing that if he did somehow manage to get them to spill the beans. They would break a seemingly important promise they had made. Even if it was a baffling one. And he was never one to disregard the importance of trust between friends.

With a slightly annoyed groan, Mr. Possible responded lowly. "It's... It's all right, Sam." He smiled smally, reaching to give Sam a few light pats on the shoulder. "I guess if it's that vital a secret to you and your friend, I shouldn't pry. However, you gotta admit, you can't blame me for being... extremely curious.." As he concluded his response, he glanced over at his little girl and a harsh sting pricked at his heart.

"Yes, I suppose we can't.." Maria muttered, holding up her glasses as she hung her head and closed her eyes momentarily.

"All I'm worried about is how will Kim react when Ron has to leave. He is her best... and only friend. They're so close.. God, it's going to be awful. I can just see it." Softly said Ann as she rubbed at her aching temple, sounding unnerved, understandably so, as she thought about how the move will affect her daughter in the long run. Every potential possibility that came to her mind.. did not look good. Not, one, bit. Lord, she can only pray that things will work out. But her hopes weren't too high.

"We'll just have to be there for her the best that we can, honey." James soothed, sharing his wife's mood.

"Yeah.." Ann groaned.

With their words making them think, the guilt dwelling within the Stoppables' got more agonizing as they bit at their bottom lips. "We are so terribly sorry, you two.." Sam murmured apologetically, rubbing at his eyes while lifting his glasses as all of his conflicting emotions were making him tired and mildly distressed. All of the apologizing started to sound old to him, but what more can they say? A nap on the plane was sounding great right about now. However, they still had a bit of time left before they had to go, and they wanted the kids to use it as much as they can.

After nearly a minute of awkward silence, if you can tune out the whimpers and cries, had passed, Ann called to the blonde parents as she turned to them. Finally able to pry her sights away from Ron and Kim. "Maria? Sam?"

"What is it?" Maria acknowledged for them.

"Before you all go, would you... be able to make just one promise to us? If it isn't too much trouble." The redhead requested, giving them a pleading stare.

Seeing as it's probably the least they can do for them, the Stoppables hesitantly agreed after doing a bit of thinking, nodding to each other before looking back to Ann. "Sure." Maria granted with a smile. "Depending on what you ask of us, I don't see why we can't make one more promise." She stifled an uneasy giggle.

"Thank you.." Ann breathed in relief, giving a weak smile as she stepped in front of Maria and Sam. "It shouldn't be too demanding, I hope." She assured them, reaching into her purse hanging under her right arm to pull out what looked to be a small photo frame. When she turned the frame around to face the photo within it upwards, the blonde adults blinked in astonishment upon seeing it.

The photo was of little Kimberly and Ronald during a more happy time, which was a few weeks ago when the two families had decided to take an outing together. At a swing set within Middleton Park, looking as if they're having the time of their young lives, Ron and Kim were holding hands tightly while they were being pushed simultaneously by their fathers, the patriarchs standing in the background as they looked to be having a good time themselves. The tots gazed at each other with such glee in their innocent eyes, looking to be kicking their feet forward in order to increase the altitude of their combined swing. They couldn't be seen, but their mothers were also present at the time as they were the ones behind the camera.

And when they looked back on that very moment, they clear as day remember smiling just as ecstatically as their loved ones. However, they doubted that the kids would ever show such expressions again. For a long while at least.

As Ann gazed fondly at the precious picture in her hands, rubbing her dainty thumbs over the kids' cheerful faces, she said. "Last night when I thought about it, I just... couldn't stand the thought of Ron forgetting about Kim somewhere down the road. It would break our hearts even more if he did. So to ensure that doesn't happen, I'm hoping that... he'll hold onto this for us.." Her smile morphed to a frown as she took a calm breath. She then looked to Maria, her own best and trusted friend, and handed her the photo. She didn't worry about this being the only copy of this particular image as she had already gotten Kim one a couple of days ago.

The blonde woman took the frame with the utmost care as she started to tear up the longer she stared at the photo. Her lips quivered as she tried to hold it together, but found that task to be difficult as she was taking slightly shaken breaths.

Sam suffered similarly as he wiped his watering eyes, his mind asking him..

When will his boy ever get to smile like that again after this? It was a question that ate viciously at his heavy heart and made him regret this whole ordeal even more.

Able to keep her bearings intact in the end, Maria nodded as she held the photo to her stomach, meeting Ann's eyes once more upon raising her head as she had their answer. "He'll absolutely love this, Ann. Thank you. And don't worry, I promise you both that our Ronald will never forget who his best friend is. I'll make sure of it." She proclaimed with a smirk, clenching her fingers onto the photo as she was determined to always uphold that promise until if and when they are able to return to Middleton. Unlike their other one, this is a promise that she's actually looking forward to keeping.

"I knew I could count on you." Ann chuckled as she showed her immense relief and gratitude with a hug, Maria gladly returning it.

"Anytime." Maria whispered as they maintained their embrace.

Meanwhile, the husbands started up another brief conversation of their own. "Can I rely on you to do the same thing while you're over there, Sam?" James questioned with a small grin, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed the blonde man.

Sam held back a chuckle before answering. "If Maria is certain she can fulfill that promise, then I think I can as well. So yes. You can, James. Without a doubt." He said with certainty, extending a hand out to give his pal's own a shake.

"I'm happy to hear it, buddy." James said as he took Sam's hand and gave it a firm shake, the two of them smiling at each other as they felt a tad bit better about the situation now. Keywords, a tad bit. Their hands remained connected for only a few seconds before coming apart.

Then just when things started to look bright..

Be-be-beep! be-be-beep! be-be-beep!

The atmosphere doing a swift one-eighty, a suffocating tension immediately flooded the outside air as soon as that damned alarm went off, the noise coming from Sam's phone in his pocket. They wished they didn't, but they all knew the alarm only meant one thing..

'Shit..' They had no time to lose..

"Sweetheart... It's time for us to go.." Sam said to Maria with almost no emotion in his voice as he stepped behind his wife, bringing a hand to one of her shoulders to lightly tug on it, his other hand turning off the alarm.

The mothers momentarily clung onto each other and their friendship one last time, both wanting to desperately protest. But ultimately, they held their tongues. Much to their dismay..

"I-I hear you, honey.." Maria responded sorrowfully with a sniffle, catching the pieces of her shattering soul as her and Ann managed to lean away from one another after giving each other a final tight squeeze.

James couldn't say anything as he just stared down at his feet with dread, his balled up hands shivering within his pant pockets. No matter how he looked at it, the lack of desired answers was going to bug him for quite some time. Nevertheless, he had the self control to push aside his frustration for now. So after doing that and easing his fists, he moved as the parents lined up side by side next to their respective life partners, unsettled as their kids refused to seperate even after hearing the alarm.

"Ronald." Sam called to his son, gulping before he carried on. "We have to get going now."

After they heard those words, the figures of the children tensed up with anxiety, their frightened grips strengthening. And so, the adults had to do the one thing they didn't hope to do the most.. Pull them apart.

No one could've predicted just how terrible they would feel by the end of the predicament. It took the united efforts of all four parents to get Kim and Ron to let go. It was especially daunting when putting their cries, pleads and... reaching.. into account.

It took some doing, but the families eventually calmed the young ones down enough so they'd stop their frantic flailing. However, the same couldn't be said for their tears and heartache.

On the clock, the Stoppables loaded into the moving truck after the parents gave each other one more hug and farewell. Sam seated himself on the driver's side while Maria sat on the opposite side and their son sat between them, their seatbelts buckled.

"All right, let's get a move on, eh? We have a plane to catch." Sam chuckled as he started the truck, putting on a forced cheerful voice as an attempt to lighten the mood. It's too bad that it was failing miserably. It did nothing to lift his son's spirits as he only continued to stare down at his lap, his hands grasping strongly onto his shorts as his tears remained flowing down his cheeks. Who was Sam kidding? There's absolutely nothing exciting about this at all. He thought with a sigh, pressing his foot on the gas pedal after taking the truck out of park.

Meanwhile on the sidewalk, James and Ann watched as the Stoppables' moving truck drove off away from them.. taking Kim's best friend away from her life for what felt like forever..

Speaking of the little girl, she was devastated as all she could do was wail freely while burying her wet face into her father's shoulder. The man carried her small form and held her close, gently patting at the back of her head as he leaned his head against hers.

"We should get her home now. I think the last place she needs to be is here. As of now anyway.." Ann said as she looked to James. She reached to pat at her daughter's back to provide her further comfort for a few moments, glancing hesitantly at the empty and lifeless house behind them. 'This house is nothing but a painful memory now..' She internally sighed, looking away from the house in a mournful manner.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan.." James responded, nodding in agreement. "You wanna drive us this time?" He asked. Seeing as his hands were full, he wouldn't be able to do it himself.

"Sure, honey." Ann complied.

"The keys are in my right pocket."

Ann didn't waste time as she got to fishing out the car keys from the mentioned pocket. Once she had them, they made their ways over to their car that was parked behind the moving truck earlier. Now it stood alone.

While Ann entered the driver seat, James opted to take the backseat to be with Kim, the little redhead looking as if she was about to cry herself to sleep. With all of the stress she had suffered through in the last hour, they don't blame her for succumbing to the eventual exhaustion.

'My poor girl..' Ann thought with a frown as she looked to her child through the rear view mirror after adjusting it. 'Don't worry..' She then started the car before proceeding to drive off, her hands clenching onto the steering wheel. 'You won't face this alone, Kimmie. I promise..'

With the Stoppables..

During their drive, the trip so far has been completely silent. Well, for the most part as Ron would sniffle every now and then, his eyes unable to shed anymore tears.

Maria stared at Ron in guilt for a moment before looking to her lap, the photo Ann gave her now hidden within her purse as she put it in there hastily upon entering the truck minutes prior. For Ron's sake, it would remain hidden for now as some quiet time was very much needed to help her gather her thoughts.

'I hope one day you can forgive us for this, Ronald. Trust us, this is not only for your own good... But it is also for the good of all mankind.. So we were told..'

A/N: Well, it's about damn time I'm able to get this prologue out. Fucking life, am I right? XD Anyway, how are y'all doing today? Good, I hope. Now, I honestly don't think I would ever be making a fic on this show if it wasn't for the gods over at Disney giving the world Disney Plus. Seriously, I feel like I'm a little kid again after watching some of my favorite shows and movies from that era. I fucking love it! Lol I had a lot of time to watch it when I was recovering from the flu. Especially Kim Possible. God, it's so great.

As it says in the summary, this is a Ron x Harem fic. So if harem stories aren't your thing. You know how to back out. There will be lemons eventually. However, they will not be rushed to get to. When it comes to my more serious stories, I like to have... kinda proper relationship building first. So yeah, if you came here looking for a smut fest. I'm afraid that you've come to the wrong fic, friend. Sorry.

Now, as for the ladies involved in said harem, here is that list!

The Harem!

- Kim

- Yori

- Bonnie

- Monique

- Tara

- Amelia

This isn't the final list as I'm still thinking of adding more beauties to this list. Knowing my dumb and overkill self. I really can't help it. Just waiting for the ideas to come to me. XD

Alrighty, that's all I gotta say for now. I hope this prologue helped catch your attention at least somewhat, and you are now looking forward to what's to come of this story. I know it leaves some questions, but they will be answered given time. Alright, have a good one guys!

Follow, Favorite and Review if you would be so kind! It is always greatly appreciated to know what you guys think of the story so far!

Until next chapter, whenever the hell that'll be, deuces!