Gohan looked up at the sky as he walked along the street, it had been almost 5 years since he fought Cell. One would think that after saving the entire world, he'd have money, fame, women, everything his heart desired. But yes and no, he did manage to convince people to not expose Mr. Satan and let him keep the credit for stopping Cell, which gave him the peace that would he would never have if people knew who and what he was. At the expense that the showboater has been the Number One hero for the last 4 years running. And no, because his father decided to stay dead.

So the last few years his family comprised of his mother Chi-Chi and his brother Goten had been moved out of the mountains and into the city of Musutafu, roughly a few miles from West City. Bulma had to argue with Chi-Chi for hours about how she needed to get out of Goku's home because it was depressing her. And the blue haired beauty had barely managed even that; she resorted to some low blows about how the house was too small and if anything happened help was still too far away even at the speeds Gohan could go, her children's education and so on were tacked on until Chi-Chi caved and they packed up and moved half way across the country.

Gohan stood in a crowd of people who were watching two figures battle on a train track, some large shark looking guy and the pro hero Kamui Woods, which told Gohan the first guy was a villain. Yawning he watched as of in the distance a giant woman barreled towards them.

"Alright people step back, make room, no one wants to get trampled," Krillin instructed as he blew his whistle, trying to drive the crowd away from the fighting.

"Hey Krillin," Gohan waved at his friend.

Krillin paused then looked through the crowd and saw the familiar face. "Well I'll be, hey Goha-, I mean Izuku," Krillin corrected himself.

And that was that last detail, the Son's changed their identities, just to be on the safe side. Now they were the Midoriyas and Gohan was Izuku, at least out in public. Gohan stepped out of the way so that Krillin could do his job, even though both of them knew neither was in any danger, but they did need to keep up appearances. At least around people not aware of what really went down after Cell died.

"So tell me again, just so I understand clearly Young Son," All Might said. "You want to let this Mr. Satan take credit for stopping Cell and saving the world because…" he waved his massive hands around. Many top heroes and government officials were in a secret meeting area.

Gohan sighed. "I just, don't want the attention," he made an excuse.

Some government stooge shook his head. "But you are seemingly at least twice as strong as All Might, why do you not want everyone to know of the deeds of yourself and friends," he asked.

"It was never about saving the world, well sort of, most of the time the trouble finds us and we deal with it," Gohan shrugged.

All Might chuckled. "Which we are very grateful for, if it is to be believed this Perfect Cell was far beyond anyone but your own capabilities and some of the other threats in the past have put many nations under intense pressure, so if you want to be left alone, then you will be left alone," he said as he stood up and started ushering people out the door, despite their protests.

"Hey we have a right to," one military man said.

"Do nothing," All Might cut him off. "That is an eleven-year-old boy who has seen and done things we cannot even comprehend. Secondly, he is THE most powerful person on the planet, bar none, potentially in the entire universe. Lastly, every one of his friends is more than a match for most militaries and heroes individually. Why bother antagonizing him just to sate curiosity?"

"He needs to pledge to protect the planet from further threats."

"No he doesn't," All Might protested. "He needs to make his own choices; the world is safe because of him. If he doesn't want to go looking for more trouble, we won't and CAN'T make him."

So for the last few years Gohan has retained anonymity from all but the highest levels of the world's governments. For the most part that has remained the same and would have except for this slime man standing in front of Gohan. "A useful disguise," the slime man said as he lunged forward. At speeds that a normal human might have struggled with. "Huh what?" the slime man said as he noticed his target was no longer in front of him. "Where did you go?" he cackled as he looked around, when he turned around a harsh yellow orb of light crackled in his face. "Uhh…"

"Haaa," Gohan shouted as he released the ki blast, splattering the villain all over the underpass. Gohan felt the presence of ki behind him, and that it wasn't high enough to be anyone of his friends or Vegeta, he figured it must be, "All Might," Gohan called out to the hero behind him.

"Impressive Young Son, or is it Midoriya these days," All Might chuckled. "I almost feel sorry for the guy, he was just a purse snatcher and happened to run into you when fleeing from me," he said as he moved around to collect the villain.

"Crazy day," Gohan shrugged as he stood off to the side watching All Might work.

"So uh, young Midoriya, I wanted to ask you something," All Might said nervously.

"Yeah," Gohan responded.

"I uh, look I need to show you something," All Might said as he lifted up his shirt. "I need your help."

Gohan hissed as he saw the wound on the hero, "That's a pretty bad injury."

"I got it five years ago and it's put a limi…," he started to explain before he caught an object thrown at him.

"Eat that," Gohan instructed.


"Eat it, it's a Senzu bean. Oddly enough that's not the worst chest injury I've seen," Gohan shrugged.

All Might looked at the bean before popping it in his mouth, he chewed it for a moment then swallowed. Suddenly his eyes widened. "Oh my goodness," he shouted as he lifted his shirt to find the wound he had received completely healed. "What, how, but," All Might sputtered.

"Figured with all the good you do, you deserved at least one," Gohan sighed.

"Young Midoriya, I cannot thank you enough," All Might said as he wiped a tear from his eye. "You cannot believe the amount of pressure you removed from me, I was nearing my limit with my quirk and would need to find someone to pass it onto, but now," All Might sniffled.

"No problem, I haven't needed to use one of the beans in years, so I figure why hold on to it," Gohan rubbed the back of his head.

"This changes everything," All Might proudly shouted. "I was previously prepared to ask you to hold onto my quirk, as I was certain it would be safe with you and your body wouldn't struggle one bit to hold its power, but now, please, come to U.A. we could really use a hero like you," All Might offered.

"I don't know," Gohan tried to find a polite way to decline. "My mom doesn't really want me to do that, she wants me to go on to a proper high school so I can be a doctor or a lawyer or something," he explained.

"Nonsense, U.A. while the number one hero school in the country, has one of the most rigorous and highly respected academic programs, the Principal wouldn't tolerate low standards."

"I'll think about it, I don't really have any other schools lined up," Gohan shrugged.

All Might smiled, "Well that's all I can ask of you." Before the titanic man launched himself into the air.

Gohan's slowly walked home and thought about his life over the last few years. After Cell and his father died, he and his mother had been spending their free time preparing for his brother's birth, then the move happened and they had new identities. Gohan was at first fascinated by the new area they lived as while he had seen large cities, usually it was because he was in them to fight someone. Now that he lived in one, he felt cramped, always having to hold back, never getting a chance to fly around without getting noticed by civilians.

The school he was enrolled it, he'd never been around so many kids his own age before, and for a while he loved it. Then problems began to crop up, being not quite human he never developed a Q-Gene, or a quirk as it was known. Now while in his normal group of friends, not having a quirk wasn't an issue as if they did have a quirk it never really came up, but for the children a quirk was everything, and since he didn't have one, they thought he was nothing, and they made sure to remind him of that almost daily.

The worst was this other kid named Bakugo Katsuki who decided that because the identity he had chosen can be read as worthless he earned a nickname based on that. He had also turned many of the students against Gohan. Not that he cared, he was much more used to having friends his parents ages. But he didn't enjoy the other kids using their quirks on him, not that they did anything even Bakugo's, whose quirk was one of the strongest he'd seen, was no more powerful than a brick of C4 and something of that strength had stopped being able to hurt him after he met his uncle.

Finally entering his apartment, he called out, "Mom, Goten I'm home." Taking off his shoes he moved in further to the home.

"I'm in the kitchen," Chi-Chi replied.

Passing further into the apartment, he passed his brother who was watching a highlight reel of the day's hero action. Gohan watched as Mt. Lady posed dramatically for the camera after stopping the shark villain from earlier.

"Come here Gohan," Chi-Chi bustled over to son and pulled him into a rib crushing hug.

"Hi mom, so I was thinking about highschool," Gohan started before his mother interrupted.

"Oh good, I found a few schools that are a bit of a ways away but they have great accreditation," Chi-Chi said as she pushed a plate of food in front of him.

"About that," Gohan continued. "I was considering U.A."

"The hero school," Chi-Chi froze. "You know I don't want you getting involved in that nonsense."

"I know but, it does have some of the highest academic standards and it's much closer than that Orange Star High you wanted me to go to," Gohan countered.

"Let me talk to Bulma," Chi-Chi capitulated as she passed by her son to get to the phone. A few moments later Gohan could hear her mother. "Really, the best school for Gohan. You're absolutely certain? Well, if you're sure he'd get the education he needed."

And it was the next day that Gohan headed to the gates of UA to try and get an admission form to fill out. He pushed his finger to the buzzer. "Hello, my name is Son Go- um, Izuku Midoriya, I was wondering if I," he tried to say before the gate opened.

"Please do come in come in," a squeaky voice called out to him from the speaker before fizzling out.

Gohan shrugged his shoulders and headed inside. He was quickly met by a small white mouse man who rushed over on an appropriately sized golf cart. "Mr. Son or would you prefer to go by Mr. Midoriya," Nezu asked as he approached the teen.

"Midoriya is probably better, at least in public," Gohan answered.

"So what brings such an impressive person like you to my humble school," the principal chuckled.

"I'm not that impressive, but I uh, was hoping to get an admission form."

"Well if you'd like, I'll accept you on the spot," Nezu informed as the pair walked along the trail up to the main building.

"I uh don't know about that," Gohan declined.

Nezu waved a hand. "Nonsense, I am certain you already have the training, the power and All Might has given you a recommendation. Thank you by the way for that bean that healed him," Nezu said as they entered the school. "I was getting worried that the number two hero might not be able to continue fighting villainy for much longer."

"Well he should be number one, if not for that fool Mr. Satan," Gohan consoled.

"Even without that imbecile, All Might would still be the number two, behind yourself."

As the pair walked through the halls, Gohan could hear the chatter of students and teacher. "Principal," Aizawa said as he walked through the halls, having expelled his entire first-year class left his schedule much more open. "Who is our guest," he asked as he approached.

"This is Izuku Midoriya a hopeful addition to our school next year," Nezu proudly said. "If our school is up to his standards."

Aizawa quirked an eyebrow. "His standards," he questioned.

Gohan nervously laughed. "We-hell, it's more like my mother's standards, she's got her eye on Orange Star High," Gohan tried to appease to not seem arrogant.

"That's not an accredited hero school," Aizawa stated bluntly.

"She uh, doesn't want me to be a hero," Gohan admitted. "Thinks it's a waste of time."

Nezu quietly stood and listened to how the two interacted to gather as much information as possible, he had some third and fourth hand accountings from what his second cousin, King Furry, on the actions of Son Goku over the years and was very impressed that he had been able to remain under the radar for so long.

"She doesn't think saving lives is a worthwhile goal," Aizawa folded his arms. "Must be kind of a bitch if she doesn't care about innocents like that."

"Well not that, just that we've already done so much that it shouldn't be on us to keep saving the planet," Gohan snarled.

Nezu felt a shift in the air and realized that now was not the time to test how a member of his staff measured up with someone who was capable of destroying planets. "Shota," Nezu shouted startling the insomniac. "Unless you have anything further, we will be going now," he shook his head indicating the need for him to shut the hell up.

When Aizawa scoffed and turned away from them, Nezu hurried Gohan down the hall. "I wish to apologize on his behalf, he had no right to speak of your mother that way."

"No, he's ugh, it's fine," Gohan huffed. "She's kind of, not always, the most agreeable."

"But she has a point, I may not have been there when the events took place, but I did read reports and get accounts of some of what has really gone on, behind the scenes, she is right, it should not have to fall to the shoulders of a young boy to save the world." The pair reached Nezu's office and he quickly grabbed a sheet of paper. "And I do not only mean yourself, your father's actions against the Red Ribbon Army and Demon King Piccolo."

"You know about all that?"

"Certainly," Nezu said as he showed Gohan to the door. "I have spent a not inconsiderable amount of time, money and favors looking into your family."

Gohan sucked in a breath before releasing it. "And what did you find?" Wondering what the Principal's impression of who and what he was, was.

"I am aware of your father's heritage and those of his friends, and while the upper levels of government didn't exactly like the idea of aliens coming to our planet, they at least agreed that it is better that those here are friendly or at least in some regards controlled," Nezu admitted.

"Yeah Vegeta's not a people person," Gohan laughed as he knew who the principal was talking about.

"Thankfully Mrs. Briefs is capable of wrangling him," Nezu agreed.

"Just don't let him hear you say that."

"I have no intentions of being around that man without considerable preparations. I do hope to see you in our school next year." When Gohan left out the gate. Nezu quickly pulled out a cellphone and sent out a text to his staff, it was time for a meeting.

"Now I know many of you are wondering why I called each of you here on such short notice," Nezu said to the room of assembled teachers.

"Does it have anything to do with that kid you were showing around," Aizawa grumbled

"Yes it does, his name is Izuku Midoriya, at least it was as of a few years ago, previously he went by another name, Gohan Son, or for those of you unaware," Nezu answered as he pushed a few buttons on the remote. "The one responsible for defeating Perfect Cell."

"What in tarnation," Snipe shouted.

"He looked nothing the kid I saw, this one has blonde hair," Aizawa dismissed.

"Ahem, yes, that would be correct if not for a file I received from a very secret deal with some people who will not be named. This is what is known as a Super Saiyan," Nezu pointed to the distinct golden aura.

"A Super… Saiyan," Midnight questioned.

"Yes, a Saiyan, an alien race from a distant planet."

"Bullshit," Power Loader laughed. "Aliens, from outer space, nice prank… oh god… you're not joking are you," he paused.

"Not in the slightest," Nezu shook his head. "Now I am going to give a quick history lesson on some of the aliens that have inhabited our world for the last hundreds of years. Then we will discuss the potential of someone who is at minimum twice as strong as All Might becoming a student at our school."

"You can't be serious, his quirk is that powerful," Kan scoffed.

"No, because Saiyans do not have quirks, because they are not human, this," he started a video of Goku battling Cell. "Is all from pure physical training. This is also slowed down by about a thousand times, Saiyan's are strong, fast and capable of many abilities that only those at the highest levels of human training have ever even glimpsed," Nezu concluded. "Now we begin with one of the first aliens to threaten our planet, Demon King Piccolo," he said as the slide changed to the gigantic Namekian.

Getting home Gohan filled out the form and got it ready to be sent in the mail, he just had one last detail to work out. "Mom, so I'm applying for UA, but they have a fitness course that's a regular part of school activities so I'd like to start training again to make sure I'm in top shape."

"Son, you're the strongest on the planet, you don't need to do that anymore," Chi-Chi shook her head.

"Not anymore, I can sense Vegeta training all the time, I'm almost certain he's stronger than me now," Gohan retorted. "Oh wow, Vegeta's the strongest guy on the planet, that's terrifying."

"I don't know."

"It's just some training to get myself back in form, you haven't let me do anything but what the middle school lets me and I promise to do it out of the way," Gohan pleaded.

"Fine, but just training and you stay away from Piccolo, he's a bad influence on you," Chi-Chi said as he son quickly disappeared from the room.

He landed on a nearby beach and started to raise and lower his ki, feeling the power thrumming in his body. The mass of garbage making a perfect barrier to prevent people from observing him. When he let out a roar and his hair flashed gold. The local news would later report that "Trash Beach" was mysteriously cleaned overnight even if some parts of the sand had turned into glass.

"SON GOHAN," Chi-Chi shouted at her son the next morning. "What were you doing last night," she demanded.

"I know what it looks like, but that was just me testing where I am at now, no point in trying to get stronger if I don't know what I am capable of. And I figure it's not fighting crime, but I could you know use some of my power to do little things for the environment and stuff," Gohan tapered off his excuse.

Huffing in annoyance as she understood his love of nature came from how she and Goku had raised him, she couldn't really see fault in his reasoning as a former martial artist she knew why he would need to do that. "I still don't like it, but you need to be careful, people will start to notice strange occurrences sooner," she stopped as she heard a loud banging on her door then the phone ringing. "Or now, now is fine," she grit her teeth.

"Kakabrat," Vegeta shouted from outside the apartment as he pounded on the door. "I know you're in there."

"VEGETA," Chi-Chi screeched as she slammed open the door. "Do you know what time it is," she snarled at the Saiyan Prince.

"It's fighting time, that's what it is," Vegeta said pushing past the wife of his deceased rival. "Get your gear, if you're training then I want to be a part of it, no one else on this worthless planet is capable of letting me see the fruits of my labor."

"Mom," Gohan groaned as he stood up from the table.

"Absolutely not," Chi-Chi ordered.

"He's not going to leave," Gohan countered.

"I'll call Bulma and she'll make him leave," Chi-Chi denied her son.

"The woman will have no say in this, I demand satisfaction," Vegeta bellowed.

"Seriously, he's going to wake up all the neighbors," Gohan pointed as other front doors opened and heads poked out. "I'll take him some place and we'll beat the snot out of each other for a while then we can all get on with our lives, it'll be over faster than it will trying to get him to leave."

Growling Chi-Chi screamed in frustration. "Fine, take it somewhere I don't have to see or hear it, you're just like your father," she huffed as she stormed into the apartment. That comment really struck Gohan deeply as while he loved his father, he knew that what his mother meant wasn't a good quality of his.

"Good brat, let's go," Vegeta demanded.

"We'll go somewhere we won't cause damage," Gohan said in irritation. "It's going to be a long walk though."

"Nonsense, we'll fly," Vegeta stated.

"We walk or we don't fight, you're disrupting my life enough as it is, the least you could do is be courteous enough to do things my way," Gohan yelled in Vegeta's face. The Saiyan Prince stepped back as he saw how angry the child was getting.

"Very well, I am a Prince, I have mastered patience," he said as the two took the long route to UA, while Gohan gathered his thoughts.

Pressing the button at the gate, "Uh, hello, it's uh, Son Gohan again, I need a favor," he asked. A buzzing at the gate and it opened admitting, the pair who were met again by the principal. "This is, Vegeta, we sort of need a place to spar."

Vegeta smacked the back of Gohan's head. "Fool, I am Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans, I demand access to a place so that I may wipe the floor with this uppity child."

"Oh wow, you are just like the reports said you would be," Nezu deadpanned. "Come this way, I will have Cementoss clear one of the gymnasiums for you. If you don't mind, some of my staff will be watching."

Vegeta spat, "Your house, so whatever."

Gohan cupped his face with his hands. "That's okay sir, just," he sighed as the group headed to a different path into the compound.

"So these two are Saiyans," Hound Dog questioned. Nezu nodded in the affirmative to answer. "But they look so human?"

"I do not know why these aliens look so similar to humans, but I am certain the answer will be fascinating," Nezu speculated.

Gohan stretched as he took off his outerwear, "So what are the rules," he asked.

"None, defend yourself," Vegeta shouted as he launched himself across the massive field in seconds.

"Shit," Gohan swore as he put up his guard, blocking the blow from the Saiyan Elite, the force shoving him back, as the Saiyan fell into a barrage of blows.

"Jesus that's fast," Midnight purred as she watched the two muscular men battle.

"Keep it in your pants," Present Mic laughed. "But no seriously, I'm having a hard time keeping up."

"And think, this is just a fraction of their full power," All Might laughed. "Young Midoriya, please, do not hold back for our sakes, this building is reinforced for the most destructive of attacks."

"You hear that," Vegeta smirked. "That means I can do this," he shouted as his tall, black hair turned yellow and his speed increased dramatically.

"Dammit," Gohan said as he turned Super Saiyan to match.

"My god," Aizawa said as he put on his goggles that allowed him to see a wider range, doing so stretched his field of vision to encompass the entire field and now he no longer tried to track their movements, they just were there again. "That speed is unreal."

"I'm having trouble watching it myself," All Might admitted. "It's amazing that this still is not the peak of Young Midoriya's power either."

"They can go faster," Kan shouted. Before Gohan impacted the ground making a large crater, with the Prince floating above him.

"Galick Gun," Vegeta shouted as he formed a purple ball of energy in his palm.

"Masenko," Gohan created his own yellow ball.



The fighters bellowed as their ki blasts roared across the stadium colliding and blasting everyone else around like ragdolls.

"What the hell was that?"

"Are those two flying?"

After a few more minutes of the two warriors tearing into each other, the fight ended with Vegeta's boot firmly planted in Gohan's throat. "Ahahaha, yes, I have done it," Vegeta cheered. "Strongest in the universe."

Gohan pushed against his opponent's foot. "Yeah, yeah, you won, good job," Gohan coughed as he shoved Vegeta off him. "Unlike you I haven't been training in years."

"Yes," Vegeta realized. "So what changed then," he asked as he eyed Gohan.

Gohan rubbed the parts of his body that were starting to form bruises. "Well I'm going to be a hero," he admitted, not concerned that Vegeta would rat him out to his mother.

"A hero," Vegeta laughed. "What, wear some stupid tights and run around fighting evil doers, like that moron Mr. Satan." The heroes in the room bristled at how casually he dismissed their line of work. "Please, you'd be better off living up to your Saiyan heritage and taking over planets."

"Ugh, seriously, don't start this take over the world spiel again," Gohan groaned. "Even you don't want to do that."

"Tch, only because it would be too boring," Vegeta jerked his head to the side. "Besides what can you learn here anyway. You won't be able to get stronger with these weaklings teaching you."

"If I may interject Mr. Briefs," Nezu said as he strode forward. "What U.A. offers is a structured and rigorous education taught by our experienced and diverse staff to provide the best candidates with the most current and efficient tools and tactics necessary to save lives," the small mouse not even coming up to Vegeta's waist. "Now, while none of our staff, save All Might, come close to Young Midoriya's power. We will be able to teach him things he might never have learned training solely with you."

Vegeta snarled at that jab to the quality of his training, but it wasn't untrue that a warrior with a wider breadth of techniques was going to be a more difficult opponent to fight, as he learned over the years of fighting different aliens and more importantly Kakarot. "Fine," Vegeta spat as he stormed passed the principal. "I expect a greater challenge from you soon Kakabrat," he shoved open the door and blasted off back home.

"Wow," Hound Dog whistled. "What an asshole."

"Yeah, he's abrasive," Gohan sighed. "Honestly, he's improved, he's not trying to blow up the planet or murder anyone anymore, mostly," Gohan walked over to the staff. "Thanks for letting me spar here, Vegeta just wasn't going to let it go." For a few moments, everyone was quiet before firing off a barrage of questions at the teen. "Okay, okay, I'll try and answer your questions but come on, one at a time," Gohan groaned as he realized his morning was going to become very busy.