The three Ans plopped down into their cushy armchairs and sofa in the living room of their apartment, still dressed in their Superhero costumes.

"Well, that sucked." Anny groaned, still dressed as Royal Diamond as she inspected her hand and scowled at her broken nail, it had broken while they'd made their escape, her sonic scream could launch jerks to Kingdom Come, but one particular jerk had tried to smack her hard in the face with his gun as she screamed, missing her face but hitting her hand instead and breaking her nail.

They had been so close to getting their first busts as Superheroes but somehow their usual amounts of horrible luck managed to ruin all of their hard work.


They had gotten into the party of infamous Mob leader, the Serpent King, (A.K.A Mr. Kanker) only to end up on stage in front of their entire gang, with him sitting right in the middle with his three nearly as infamous sons.

So, with a whole den of violent gangsters looking them down and readying their guns, Anny did what she had to do;


They had definitely stolen the show, they even managed to charm the Serpent King's stupid sons enough to make them back away so they could end the show at his table. But while they were soaking up the cheers and getting ready to capture the Serpent King, his sons suddenly each grabbed one of them and dragged them to various ends of the room.

Because of course they did a little too good of a job charming them.

With the three of them scattered about the room, the Serpent King managed to slip away and they were left with his three monster sons giving them looks they knew meant nothing good.

So, Double-N (Ann) as Ruby Spider, pulled a smoke bomb and An, as Jade Enforcer, flung a table out a nearby window once it was hard to see before the three of them made their exit… loudly… and violently… because of course that's how their night would go.

Anny scowled as she recalled how the son who cornered her, Tee Kanker, aka Basilisk, had looked her up and down as he purred in a low voice how he wondered how she'd look without the mask… among other things. He was the eldest child of the stupid Serpent King who was in charge of several illegal businesses, such as drug running and money laundering and rumor had it he could make anyone do what he wanted them to, so he was more than just a little surprised when she told him to go fuck himself… among other things.

He also seemed a bit too happy about her reaction to his disgusting suggestions.

Ugh! Now she wished she broke her nail from decking him! But luckily she didn't and it kept her from having to avoid even more bullets.

"That could have gone better," Double-N agreed as she removed her mask, pulled down her hood, revealing her hair to be messy and tangled from being flung around for who knows how long blocking bullets, broken glass and a few flung blades. She retrieved a comb from her hood and moved a nearby empty decorative bowl from the side table into her lap. She then carefully laid out all of her devices, potions and inventions from her hood and belt before she pulled her hair over her shoulder and began combing out the tangles, the knots, bits of broken glass, metal and flattened bullets out of her hair with a wince every now again from the glass scraping her fingers, face, ear or neck.

"The good guys are always supposed to win…" An pouted as she slumped further into her chair until she was at risk of sliding off completely, a layer of green goop crystallizing on her fingers. She'd managed to trap several bad guys in her goop and make sure it crystallized to jam their guns, but they just shot the crystallized gunk at them, hurting themselves in the process, much to both of her friend's dismay.

"We'll get 'im, we just need ta lay low for a while." Anny said, unwilling to give up when they had already gotten this far.

Her friends nodded and Double-N frowned as something much larger than the shards of glass or busted bullets fell into the bowl and looked at it, curious for a moment.

Her face immediately paled and she reached into the bowl, her gloves protecting her fingers from the glass as she murmured, "Oh dear, oh dear!"

"What is it now?" Anny groaned only for her to look as her brainy friend held up a small, round, flat black disc with a small red blinking light on it.

Shit, was that a…

"What is it?" An asked, the green crystallized goop falling off her hands and onto the carpet… again.

"It-it's a tracking device, An." Double-N murmured softly, "It doesn't seem to have any kind of audio or video recording device in it, but still, they probably know our location by now..." she held a handful of her own ebony locks and stared at it, horrified, "I can't believe I hadn't notice it sooner…"

"Shit!" Anny snapped, glancing at a nearby window, "Girls, we need to change. Now."

Her friends nodded in agreement before they all popped up from their seats and quickly changed into their pajamas before regrouping in the living room to stare at the small tracking device on their living room table.

Double-N winced and placed a hand on her neck, which now had a small cut with blood slowly oozing out of it.

"Double-N!" An gasped before grabbing the comb and the bowl and resumed what their brainy friend had started; removing the harmful elements from her still somewhat messy hair.

"Thank you, An." she said softly, looking up at Anny, upset and guilty, "I'm so sorry. I really didn't notice it in my hood or hair at all…"

Anny picked up the tracker, it was the same size and weight of a dime, which, compared to all the other crap that Double-N had defended them from that night that would weight down her hair and what was regularly in her hood, the thing was pretty light.

"Not yer fault." She told her before looking out her window and seeing a pick up truck sitting outside their building, most likely holding the men who had wrecked their chances earlier that evening, "Some guys just can't take a hint." She growled as the disc snapped in half in her fingers.

Hey guys, look I'm not dead! :D

I just wanted to give a shout out to the creator of this crossover: Lemonadkitera33, Donutsarelife, who further helped light a fire under my butt with her drawing of the Kankers reacting to the Ans in their superhero costumes, and Funnypopgirl, for beta reading this when I probably should have left you to rest for a little while longer. (CHECK OUT THEIR DEVIANT ARTS, THESE GIRLS ARE AMAZING! LOVE YOU ALL!)