Bombalurina strode up the stairs to her apartment and looked at Cassandra's door opposite it. She was so scared of walking in. She didn't like to get angry that much and especially after what Macavity did, she didn't know what his brothers could be capable of. She took a deep breath and opened the door, slamming it behind her. Tugger sat there, wide-eyed, trying not to quiver. He straightened up and walked over to her. "Hey babe, about Cass-" She shoved him away and slapped him. "You absolute jerk! Don't ever call me babe again!" She tried not cry as she thought of all the wonderful times they had shared, and how that had all gone out the window in 3 seconds. "I don't know what went over me! I just remembered all the times we had conversations like that and how-" Tugger started. "You used to kiss and cuddle me and everything would suddenly be better..." Bombalurina whispered, knowing exactly what he was going to say. Tears started to cascade down her face and she could barely bring herself to say the next sentence. "Tugger... It's- It's..." She stumbled over her words, knowing that in a week she'd be falling head over heels for him again. "Bomba... Please don't..." He pleaded. "No Tugger! Don't try that on me! It won't ever work again." Her tears spilled on to the floor as she shouted. "It's over..." There. She had said it.

"Fine! See if I care! It'll be you regretting this Bomba!" Tugger yelled, hiding his feelings. She was taken aback, she hadn't expected that kind of reaction. He strode out of the apartment and opened the door to theirs, or what once was. "What are you doing?" Bomba asked, following him with her arms crossed. "I'm moving out obviously." He stated, giving her a duh look. Her face softened. "I'm sorry Tugger, I didn't mean it! It's not really over..." She said, trying to mend the relationship already. "Fine! If it's not over then... I'm breaking up with you!" Tugger said, grabbing his car keys and walking out. "I'll be back to grab my stuff later, I need to go on a walk." He told her, but she grabbed his arm. "Uh uh, you are definitely not coming back later, the girls will be coming over, so take your shit now!" Bomba said, trying to sound stern, but failing quite miserably. "Fine!" He shouted.


After he was all packed up, and tears had stained her shirt, he started to walk out. "Key..." She mumbled. "What was that Bomba?" Tugger asked, slightly hoping that she would forgive him and he could cut the 'tough guy' act. "Give me the key Tugger..." Bomba said through gritted teeth. He scoffed, rolled his eyes and threw the keys at her. She yelped. The keys had hit her right in the eye. Blood started to trickle down her face as Tugger looked on in horror. "Oh my god, Bomba I'm so so sorry! I really didn't-" He started. "Save it Tugger! Just admit that you're exactly like your brother!" Her words hit him hard. Was he really like Macavity? Had he meant to hurt her? "GET THE HELL OUT TUGGER!" She screamed, trying not to cry as the blood stung her eyes. He ran out, almost crying, not believing what he had just done. Bomba stood there, not having any clue to what she should do. She sank to the ground. She really thought Tugger was different. She thought he was the brother who wasn't so uptight, the one who liked to have fun. It turns out he was just the same as Macavity. When he doesn't get his way, he gets rid of the people stopping him.


Munkustrap sat at the dining table with his father and girlfriend as they discussed the Macavity situation. When Tugger came storming through, they all stopped and glanced at him. "Tugger? What happened? Why aren't you at yours and Bomba's apartment?" Munk asked, looking at Demeter with raised eyebrows. "It doesn't matter!" He cried and ran upstairs. The couple looked at each other and shrugged, but a worried look had crossed Deuteronomy's face. "What is it father?" "He looked- he looked like..." "Like who sir?" Demeter asked. "Like Macavity..." He whispered. Demeter immediately bolted from her seat, grabbed Jemima and ran towards her sisters apartment.


Demeter found her sister crying on the floor, her hand covering her eye. "Bomba? Are you ok?" She asked. "Deme?! Oh thank god!" Bomba pulled her hand from her eye and looked up at her sister. "Oh my... What happened?" She cried, placing Jemima down and pulling her sister into her arms. "Tugger happened..." She quietly said, trying to avoid Jemima's prying ears. "U-uncle Tugger did this to you?" The little girl said, her big brown eyes widening even more. She edged forward towards her aunt and placed her tiny fingers on her cheek. Bombalurina's sadness suddenly disappeared and she smiled at her niece. "Is he a bad man?" Her voice was shaky and her bottom lip began to quiver. "Oh no Jemi, he's just- just..." Bombalurina started. "A bad man..." Jemima said, tears streaming down her face. "Aw baby, come here. He's not a bad man, he's just not in a good place at the moment." Bomba hugged Jemima tightly. "I'll get the first aid kit for you, just keep watch of Jemi." Demeter said, walking towards the kitchen.


Munkustrap banged on the door of his brother's old room, a look of pure anger on his face. "Tugger! Open this door now!" He cried. Tugger opened it and stared at his brother. "What do you want?" He said. Munk was taken aback, he'd never seen his brother like this. He'd seen his older brother Macavity like this, when they were younger, right before they left. But Tugger too? "Deme just called me on the phone, what did you do to Bomba?" He asked. Tugger's eyes suddenly drooped. "Is she seriously hurt?" He asked. "Why don't you go ask her yourself?" Munk folded his arms and stared at his brother. "I'm definitely not going, Demeter would rip my eyes out!" Tugger cried. "So would Bomba." Munk stated. "You think she would?" Tugger looked down. "Tugger! Get your head out of the clouds! You just threw keys into your girlfriends eye! It's bleeding!" Munk shouted. "Shut up Munk! I don't care! If I end up like Mac, so what?! Bombalurina fell for him, so maybe she fall for me again!" Tugger shouted. Munk's eyebrows furrowed. "What's bloody wrong with you?! You actually want to end up like Mac?!" Munk cried, he didn't know what it was about. He didn't want to lose another brother.
