Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Also On: Wattpad & AO3 (_WorthyWolfy_)

Inspired by: Subtext

Setting: Boruto


He didn't come home last night…again.

It wasn't the first time she'd thought this particular thought and she knew quite well, that it wouldn't be the last either. His side of the bed was cold and neat – Naruto-kun wasn't a neat person. Yes, the man reminded her of the sunshine especially in how he'd managed to change so many lives and each one in a span of mere minutes. He was the sun, her sun but he was messy. She didn't think of him as someone to clean up after himself, she did that and each time with a smile. She really didn't mind; she was his wife after all.

The former Hyuuga rose to her reflection.

Then paused.

When had…? She observed, staring back at her own lavender orbs and - something was different. Her eyes were same ones she'd always had, her hair was shiny if not a bit messy and she didn't see a single blemish. Thank you Hyuuga genes, yet there was something so odd about her appearance. Something was different, her reflection seemed really really off.

Well, she didn't have time for that now. There were things that needed to be done that couldn't wait, such was the life of a wife. At least, that's what she had grown believing and suddenly questioned where these beliefs had come from.

Her mother-figure and former sensei, Kurenai hadn't been this way. She'd never seen the red-eyed women cook or clean up after Asuma-sensei, perhaps once in a blue moon. No, instead she remembered the scolding yet loving looks she sent him and the way their faces would light up when bantering. The way they'd hold hands when the two teams had bonding time, how his thumb could wipe away any trouble she had and how his frown would have vanished as soon as she smiled. How together they'd been.

Kurenai hadn't needed to be the perfect wife, or girlfriend, to get Asuma to look at her that way. That special way.

Her gaze slowly moved to her wedding picture, sitting quite innocently upon her dresser. There was a loud bang from the kitchen, a young voice calling for her. "Mama! Mama!"

She couldn't have seen how her reflection looked back at her as she stared at the image, just before she tended to her child. Hinata Uzumaki was known for her smile.