Disclaimer: I own nothing. All credit goes to Stephanie Meyer.

I'm back guys, with the second instalment to Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold. If you haven't read The Hunt, then I strongly suggest you do so, or you might be quite lost, but I suppose it is possible to just read this alone.



Chapter 1: Blood, Death & Sex

Art thou a dagger of the mind, a false creation
- Macbeth

SHE LAUGHED as she watched him try and get to her, dodging other potential targets. She was the epicentre of his anger, the fuel to the fire. Her nonchalant smile irked him, poked at his ego. She mocked him, and he was not going to stand for that.

Isabella ripped the arm off a newborn as she waited for the approaching warlord to reach her. The baby vamp howled in pain, venom spraying everywhere. The destruction, the utter chaos of it all made her tiger purr in delight. The man got closer, and she could feel the charge in the air. To her right Felix was decapitating newborns, Jane sending them crashing to their knees as Demetri ripped them apart and threw them onto the pyre. Santiago was busy trying to fight off a group of them determined to tear his arm off. Isabella shot one of them a glare, watching in amusement as they started clawing their own face off.

The warlord was close now, she could smell him. A mixture of blood and death swirled around him.

"You stupid bitch!" he spat, punching her in the face. Isabella's head snapped to the left, spider-web cracks scattering across her otherwise-flawless skin. Of course, the man didn't expect the deranged laugh that spilt from her lips and he hurriedly backed away, red eyes flicking about in suspicion. Smiling, Isabella turned, sashaying closer, her smile staying fixed to her face even as his hand shot out to grab her by the throat. Despite the gravity of the situation, she still exuded sex and death, and with her full lips parted in such a provocative manner, the man didn't know if anyone expected him not to feel the heady thrum of arousal shoot through him. Raoul felt himself leaning in, eyes wide as he tried to control his limbs.

It was too late.

There wasn't much Raoul could do to prevent Isabella from invading his mind. She delved in seamlessly, effortlessly wading through decades of memories filled with blood and lust and agony, taking control of every move he made, every breath that rattled his useless lungs. His fingers didn't so much as twitch without her dictation.

Sightless crimson eyes rolled back in his skull as he dropped her, legs collapsing under him. His body vibrated, seizing, head thrashing in the desert sand. Fists turned into claws as he shredded his shirt. Around them, the battle seemed to have come to a halt, the rest of the insolent creatures dealt with and no more than churning smoke reaching for the overcast sky.

"Stop!" the thrashing man shrieked, venom flying from his twisted mouth. His eyes were wide open, but what he saw lived in his head alone. "No! You can't do this! She's just a girl! Mi pequeño nina!"

Isabella tsked, stooping down to the twitching man. Her eyes held fake pity, hair turning a deep black as her blue eyes bled red. She cocked her head to the side like a bird as she watched him with hawk-like intensity. He was sat up now, staring at an empty patch of sandy and prattling on to some Ariana, whoever the hell that was. Isabella found that while she could just as easily see what he was seeing through his mind, it was much more satisfying to try and guess. She'd always managed to dredge up images of loved ones being tortured for her victims, and she wondered if this time it was a daughter or wife.

"Ariana? Mi bebé, is that you?" He shook with disbelief, venom tears clouding his eyes. Isabella smiled. Daughter it is.

"No!" he screamed, grasping frantically at the sand. Curious, she took a small peak at the image playing in his head, spotting the gasping form of a little girl with blood seeping from a torn throat. Of course, Raoul's meagre attempts to stop the bleeding made absolutely no difference, and he was subjected to the event of his daughter dying from a wound that- judging by the scarlet staining the entire lower half of his face- he himself had inflicted.

They all watched as he crumpled in on himself, skin withering until he was nothing more than wrinkled skin and fragile bones. Isabella was stood over him, eyes a deep onyx. There was a smile on her face that terrified them all, and when she flicked her gaze up and met his own, he felt that drip of fear slide down his spine. She licked her lips, turning away.

"I'll leave you guys to do your job." Her voice was more seductive than usual, and Felix hated himself for the fact that his jeans had suddenly become a tad too tight while Demetri didn't even try to hide the obvious fact that his eyes were glued to her swaying hips.

Jane watched the two men, repressing a scowl of her own. Isabella had only grown sexier and more appealing as she spent more time in the South. Jane wanted her- badly. It was probable that she knew it. Alec certainly did. And he made it his job to ensure that if he could, the two hardly had any time to do anything together.

When they'd thrown the last limb onto the pyre, they set off to the warehouse they'd been staying in.

"You know, Isabella, you could join in with the whole cleaning up process," snarled Alec as he flopped down onto the couch. She turned her lazy gaze over to him, smiling.

"Well, I could…but I don't want to." She threw him a sarcastic smile, going back to reading whichever book she'd salvaged from Raoul's old territory. Jane sat next to her, laying her arm on the seductive vampiress's leg.

"What are you reading?" she asked. Isabella's eyes flicked up to meet her red pools.

"Nothing. How about you and I go for a hunt?" She dropped the book and grabbed Jane's hand. As they went to leave, the witch twin stepped in front.

"Absolutely not." His jaw was tensed. He didn't focus his attentions on Isabella as he usually did. Instead, he glared at his sister. Jane glared back, grinding her teeth. Isabella watched the display with narrowed eyes before smirking.

"Oh, look at that. Alec wants me all to himself." She dropped Jane's hand, draping herself over the taller vampire. He gulped, eyes widening as he felt his body- usually so disciplined and impervious to stimulus- respond violently against his will. Jane watched with narrowed eyes as her twin gulped, Isabella's full lips ghosting over his earlobe as she whispered something in his ear.

As quickly as it had occurred, it ended, Isabella picking up Jane's hand again before running out of the warehouse.

Alec fumed, kicking the couch the two girls had occupied in a fit of anger. Demetri laughed. "Don't be so upset. She gets to all of us. I wouldn't have minded if she'd done that to me." Felix guffawed in agreement, the two going back to playing their game of blackjack.

The tattered book lay beneath the now destroyed sofa, the fading letters of 'Wuthering Heights' barely visible.

Jane gasped at the thrill that rang through her body. Isabella was latched onto the neck of some boy, his hardness still buried within her. Her long, slender legs were wrapped around his thrusting waist as she pulled deeply. His groans of pleasure mingled with hers, straining muscles locked taunt. Jane had never witnessed something so erotic.

She, herself, was being suckled by some pervert who liked kids, the pumping blood in his veins the only reason she was subjecting herself to his keen ministrations. Well, not the only reason. Isabella had convinced her to have a little fun with her food, that she could let him beg for mercy in the last minute of his life, make him regret ever taking her as some innocent and helpless little girl. Of course, Isabella had said these things while rubbing her lip on the shell of Jane's ear, her full breasts pressed into the smaller girl's back. Jane had been powerless to resist, her panties soiling immediately.

So there she was, writhing beneath a man for reasons he had nothing to do with. If her brother could see her now…

The thought brought a flash of anger to the girl, a growl rumbling in her chest. Alec thought her to be just as fragile and helpless as these men did. It didn't matter that she was the terrifying half of the infamous witch twins. It didn't matter that she'd killed, crushed and destroyed more men than breaths she'd taken. In his eyes, she was his little sister and he had to protect her.

Jane stopped the man, grabbing his face and bringing it to level with hers. She stared into his blue depths, feeling her dazzle take effect. His eyes glazed over, face falling slack. She twisted, throwing him so that he landed on the bed beneath her and she straddled his waist. Her hand flew to his throat, sending a bolt of pain to break him out of his daze.

The man yelped, head jerking back into the pillows. Jane growled, grinding her core into his. His body responded immediately before he could let a lazy grin spread across his somewhat handsome face. Isabella had baulked at Jane's initial choice, a balding man with yellow teeth and foul breath. Jane hadn't thought much of it, her only concern being the substance running through his veins.

But Isabella had insisted that she find someone more physically attractive yet with the same distasteful preference. She said that the ones with a pretty face and a nasty heart were the worst.

"They don't just take girls' virtues, they aren't satisfied with just their bodies; they convince them to hand over their hearts, their souls and spirits are offered upon the glass plates of innocence." Her eyes had been glassy, brightening to a burning ruby. Suddenly, they darkened, a stony onyx as her hands fisted. "They snatch the only good things left in the world and shatter it into a million pieces." She implored the blonde urgently, hands gripping her tiny waist.

"You and I are the only ones who can truly put an end to it, Jane. We're the only ones who understand." Isabella's words were somewhat desperate and hushed, eyes wide with delirium. Jane frowned, wondering what the hell had happened to the sexy and fearless woman she'd admired for so long before being swept in a haze of compassion and lust. Isabella, a woman so feared yet highly coveted had bared her soul to her, be vulnerable in her presence.

Not Aro.

Not Edward.


It was then Jane knew that she would do anything to please Isabella.

The man started to choke as Jane's grip tightened. His hardness still raged against her, as demanding as her thirst for his blood. Her growl made his eyes widen as his delayed fight or flight instincts kicked in. The beast within roared to life, ruby eyes glowing at the promise of food. His heart sped up as he struggled beneath her powerful legs but it was no use. With a swift movement of the wrist, his spine was snapped paralysing him from the waist down. His scream startled Isabella's meal, who also started to struggle in her grip. The two vampires' growls rose in unison, a haunting melody interwoven with the desperate cries of the men.

Jane's hunger won out, and her teeth sliced his flesh, gulping down the blood that gushed into her mouth. The man writhed beneath her, struggling to scream. It took barely a minute for his limbs to go limp and only a second after that for his heart to give its final beat.

"Now that was a show." Isabella's husky voice washed over Jane, her cool breath fanning her neck and collarbone. Jane shivered as Isabella's hand ghosted up her side, tracing her childlike yet somewhat curvy body. Being turned just shy of her sixteenth birthday, Jane had been more developed than many of the girls in her village, but in today's society wasn't physically mature enough to be considered a woman. Her petite frame arched into Isabella's, a gasp escaping despite how hard she clenched her teeth.

Isabella grazed her teeth along Jane's throat, growling deeply as she felt her tiger attempt to leap forth and invade Jane's mind. She purred in anticipation, which only had Jane moaning, even more, fingers wandering down to her nether regions. Isabella fought with herself, hands tightening on the smaller vampire's thighs. Sure, accessing Jane's mind would leave her unbelievably strong and high- power would course through her for months, probably years. But she couldn't. Jane was...different.

Her tiger roared at that, and Isabella found herself biting on Jane's earlobe.

No. No one is like Maggie. Maggie is special. Maggie is different. Maggie loves me.

Jane's left hand snaked into Isabella's long tresses, grinding her round ass into the taller vampire's crotch. Bella kissed and nipped along her neck as she tried to banish the traitorous thoughts of the Irish vixen from her brain. She tried to immerse herself in Jane's scent, her arousal and unquestionable longing for her.

Abruptly, Isabella picked up Jane and slammed her back into the wall, pinning her hands above her. Jane's eyes widened, breaths coming shallow and shaky. She squirmed, feeling the moisture slowly leaking down her legs. Isabella smirked, dropping to lick up Jane's thigh. She growled against the icy skin before claiming Jane's mouth in a rough, dominating kiss. She dug her fingers into a mass of curly hair, feeling the plumps lips dance with hers as they did beneath the twinkling lights of London. Isabella pulled away, cupping her face softly in her palms. Her eyes turned sad, filling with regret. She played with the long, curly, mahogany strands, inhaling her scent of freshly cut grass and pure ambience.

"I'm so sorry." She swallowed thickly, dead heart wrenching painfully. The vampire beneath her frowned.

"For what?" Isabella blinked. In front of her, Jane frowned, wide eyes betraying how much she adored her. Her slightly thin lips were parted, blonde hair mussed up. Isabella shook her head, dropping her hands.

"Nothing." Her body went rigid before relaxing once more. She eased back into the comfortable skin of the nonchalant enigma, licking her lips devilishly before sauntering out of the room.

She couldn't afford to lose control like that. If she had to sleep with the entire US to banish the succubus Maggie from her brain, then she would.

A/N: Note; Isabella is sixteen years old in vampire terms. Civil War picks up six years after the end of The Hunt, where Aro gave them the mission to go to the South.

And there we have it, folks! What do you think? Leave me so love and I'll see you again soon. I've got everything but the last two chapters written up already so I'm thinking once/twice a week, depending on how much time I get. Till next time!

- Channie.B