(Disclaimer: I don't own Highschool DxD... If I did season 4 would either have had the characters looking like the first 3 seasons, or it wouldn't have been made at all. #NotMyDxD yes I'm still grinding that axe nearly two years later. Season 4's character designs suck, don't at me.)

Thunder boomed outside of the Hyoudou house as Issei lay awake deep in thought. Even the amazing bare oppai of his precious Buchou laying beside him could not tame the maelstrom of thoughts raging through his head.

"The White Dragon. It took out Kokabiel like yesterday's trash, and I could do nothing. Everyone fought so hard, but I could barely do anything. All my hard work, and I'm still a nobody. Buchou, Asia, Akeno, Koneko... Irina... I can't protect anyone."

He tried to reassure himself that was not true. That he was just inexperienced, that he had growing to do... Even the reassurances of Draidg did little to ease his doubts.

He thought of Xenovia. The exorcist, and holy sword wielder who was the first of their allies to fall in battle. Knocked out shielding her partner Irina from a light spear's explosion. Unconscious she missed the big revelation. That God himself was dead. He remembered the look on Irina's face. The look of utter loss, devastation. The look of someone's whole world shattering. It felt like seeing Asia die in that church again. It felt like watching Rias give herself up to Riser to save his sorry ass. He hated seeing his friends and loved ones in such pain.

With a mental grunt he slowly and stealthily rose out of bed. Perhaps a drink of water would help steady his thoughts. Slowly he padded his way down the stairs to the kitchen pouring himself a glass from the tap and chugging it down. Still not feeling the need for sleep he figured he'd try some light exercise in the living room. He was just about to lie on the floor for some situps when he heard a light rapping on the door.

He was perplexed... If someone was knocking at the door it was far too soft to wake anyone in the house. Yet it was too persistent to be just a random haphazard occurrence. He walked up to the door, and after fiddling with the lock opened it... What he was felt like yet another sledgehammer to the heartstrings.

It was Irina, his childhood friend standing at the door alone, and soaked to the bone. She was shivering, her head was down. Her skin was near deathly pale, and Issei could have sworn he saw just the slight tinge of blue on her lips.

"Irina!" He cried out grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her inside. Shaky, rubbery legs refused to support her anymore as she fell inside the house into Issei's arms.

"Is-Issei... Exiled... Heretic... God ... dead." She mumbled. Issei wasn't the brightest bulb, but he could put two and two together... The church had cast her out. Tossed her aside because it was more convenient for them... Just like Asia... His hands trembled with fury. How can Angels be so heartless towards their own faithful? It sickened him even more than Riser did when his hands were on Rias. He wasn't a devout Christian even before becoming a devil, but from what he did know it felt like all their teachings were bullshit this whole time.

"It's okay Irina, don't talk, and just save your strength. I'm here for you." He said helping her inside and shutting and locking the door. "Come on, we need to get you warm." He said undressing her. It was not an instant act of perversion like his dress break... In his mind it barely registered what he was doing... Off came Irina's boots, then stockings revealing her dainty feet and long toned legs. Her gloves, and leotard came off next revealing more bare skin. Finally after getting a blanket off of the sofa he removed her underwear. The whole time if Irina protested he legit did not hear her... All she did was whimper and cry.

Wrapping her in the blanket he carried her up the stairs. His room was out of the question... And the thought of bringing another girl (a naked one at that) to Rias' room filled him with dirty thoughts that he banished to the back of his mind for a later time. So he carried her into Asia's room. At least in there he would be less tempted to do something he might regret later. He nudged open the door and carried the auburn haired beauty in laying her trembling form on Asia's bed, and getting in with her. Slowly be began rubbing her shoulders, and arms trying to transfer his heat to her. Even his feet did the same to Irina's own trying to warm every inch of her body he could with the thin fabric of his night clothes, and the couch blanket between them.

"It's okay Irina... I'm here... You don't have to be alone... Just stay with me until you feel better." He said.

Irina using what little strength she had then grabbed Issei, burying her face in his shoulder and let out a long, loud, muffled wail of grief and despair followed by sobs. Tears and snot were pouring from her face making his shirt even wetter than handling her soaked body and clothing possibly could.

Through it all Issei kept up the rubbing, the reassuring words of comfort. He did his best, all doubts erased from his mind. There was no time to doubt, there was no time for self pity. Not when his childhood friend needed him.

After what felt like hours the muffled sobbing and screaming went silent as Irina's eyes were shut, and her muscles relaxed. Checking her pulse, and then her hands and feet as best he could in the position he was trapped in he could get a good idea that she was not in immediate danger. She was asleep... exhausted if not physically, then emotionally from the ordeal before her.

Issei sighed softly. This was gonna be an absolute nightmare to explain to Buchou, and Asia in the morning, but he didn't mind. After all at the end of the day. He was a dragon.

And a Dragon protects what is precious.