There were a great many ways one could describe Izuku Midoriya, even in his youngest years.

Cute, charming, optimistic.

Two particular descriptions fit him better than other however, as those who knew him could attest.

Strange, and genius. Not in the sense most children would be called geniuses either like having a higher reading level than average (though he had that too) but the greenette had an innate grasp of most subjects he was taught.

A teacher could hold a full conversation with this four year old child that could give them more insight that talking with other teachers would.

His teachers thought it to be a quirk that had manifested early, a theory that had always made the boy's mother, Inko, laugh. Of course she would, it was a hilarious assertion.

After all, she knew it was impossible.

It was a day like any other, as the mother and child walked together to the school. Izuku was already smart enough to get to wherever he needed to go on his own, she just liked to make sure he was ok while he was still in such a young body.

"Mom? Did you know Katsuki got his quirk recently?" Her son asked as they came up on the building, and Inko's eyes widened.

"No, I didn't. Who's quirk did he get then? Mitsuki's or Masaru's?" She wondered, and the greenette laughed.

"Neither. He hasn't named it yet but I think he's going to just go with Explosion. I caught onto it first, for some reason no one else realised he started sweating Trinitroxypropane."

Inko just shook her head in amusement at his confusion. "And how did YOU know that?"

"The smell! It's a bit like someone ignited dextrose. When I mentioned it to them though, they all assumed I was just making up words for same reason." The boy explained with a confused tilt of his head. "With how much of it they eat every day you'd think they'd recognize it."

"Well, not everyone Is like you Izuku. I've told you, you're special." Inko said as she knelt down to pull him into hug. The boy hummed, as he wrapped his arm around him. "Be good, ok?"

"I will… but mom… why am I different?" The boy asked as he pulled away, and the woman looked into his eyes to see him struggling with a puzzle. "Why can't I have a quirk?"

Ah yes. That, the one question the boy was never able to answer on his own.

"Oh Izu…." The woman sighed, setting her hands on his shoulders. "I suppose, with everyone getting their quirks it's time I told you. I promise that after school, I'll have something very special for you, ok?"

"Oh, ok!" The child said, excited and the plump woman planted a kiss on top of his head, causing him to laugh.

"Now go get me brought into the office for the hundredth time over correcting your teachers." She teased and her son pouted.

"Not my fault they called the sun a planet!"

With that, he hurried off inside and Inko sighed watching him trot off. Being the mother of such an intelligent kid could be hard, even harder was keeping the cause of it from him.

"He's growing up well." A masculine voice said from behind her and she turned to see a man with short brown hair and side burns, wearing a blue suit and brown over coat. He also wore ridiculous sneakers in place of sensible shoes. His eyes however were the first thing Inko took notice of, a familiar spark in them. He smiled a soft smile. "Hello, Inko."

"It's you…" The woman muttered, as she walked up to him. He'd changed, even if his dress sense hadn't. "You've regenerated."

"A few times now. After…. After the time war, I thought it would be for the best if I got my head back into working order before I came to see Izuku. It seems, he's already growing up to be a fairly bright kid on his own." The man observed, as he placed his hands into his pockets and walked beside her. "I did want to return, of course but… The man you fell in love with died in the war, and I didn't want hurt you."

"So why are you back now?" Inko questioned, confused and the man sighed, turning to her.

"I just had… an adventure. It's a bit of a long story but through a certain cloning process, I had an artificially created daughter suddenly in my care." He explained, sniffing. "Jenny, her name was. Nice girl, you would have liked her. Still… she… well she was made in a hostile environment and it ended up costing her."

"I'm… sorry?" Inko said, not quite sure what to say to the anecdote while the two took a seat nearby. "But, what's that got to do with now?"

"I did a lot of thinking about this, and I do mean a lot. More than I usually do which is honestly something of an achievement. Though I suppose you wouldn't agree." He laughed gently, and the green haired woman felt a small smile of her own tug on her face.

"Oh I know you can think." The woman teased, giving him a look. "Still, we both know how impulsive you could be, or need I remind you of your biggest change yet?"

As she said that, the woman looked around to make sure no one saw her before she began to levitate an apple out of the man's pocket, raising a brow. The man laughed, swiping it back.

"I can hardly forget the biggest change in human history I've ever been responsible for." He shook his head, before his face darkened slightly. "Quirk discrimination got worse around this time, Inko. Though in much the opposite way it began."

She frowned at that, turning to the school.

"So why do I have to tell them he's quirkless? I understand being truthful but there is so much he could pass off as a quirk. He's got two hearts, just like you. A doctors visit is just gonna raise questions." Inko frowned and the man sighed.

"I wouldn't worry about that last part, I did just a tiny bit of meddling before I came here." He explained, causing Inko to whip her head to look around at him. "Like I said, I was doing a lot of thinking. I've lost so many friends, and family to time and I didn't even get to meet Izuku for more than a few days before the Time War…. Well, after losing Jenny I know I had to come back and see him. I was considering…"

"What? What were you considering?" Inko pressed as the man paused, before smiling at her and gesturing for her to come along. She did, and the two walked quietly around the corner before… it came into sight.


Inko's knee's felt weak as she took in that magnificent blue police box standing in the middle of the street, no one realizing it's presence or what hid inside it. She tried to contain herself but a grin still broke out on her face and she picked up her pace.

The man walked inside and she followed suite, a warm embrace of energy seemingly wrapping around her as she took to the inside. A whole other world hid inside, much bigger than that what one would think could be contained.

The man in front of her grinned himself as she couldn't help but mutter "Bigger on the inside…" much like the first time she had ever stepped foot into this place. It had changed, since she had seen it. The console room was filled with wood like branches that moves around, the centre glowing a comforting orange glow that set her at ease.

"I was drifting out in space, just observing the solar system. Something about the calm and stillness makes it easier to think." The man explained, rummaging through a box before pulling out a letter, with something wrapped around it.. "I know I was going to visit eventually; the question was how much I wanted to share with Izuku. Then, this appeared behind me."

Curious, Inko took the letter and looked it over. The thing wrapped around it turned out to be a device that filled her with a sense of familiarity while still being completely new.

It was a bit like a mechanical wand, with a dark grey shaft, that dipped in on itself near the bottom in a lighter grey color. It had gold accents wrapping around it. Near the top, the shaft split into a large ring filled with a green liquid of some kind on the inside. It then returned to the normal shaft before it came to the section that separated it from the luminous green tip, a final accent made of the same gold material as the other accents.

"A sonic screwdriver?" She questioned, surprised to see such a device. When she looked up, she saw that the man was eyeing it curiously.

"Yeah, and from what I can tell it's never been mine, past or future." He revealed, pulling out his own simple blue and silver screwdriver. "Doesn't match properly with my own."

With a nod of her head, she turned to the letter and her brow furrowed in confusion. "This is…. Blank."

"No, it just appears that way." The brown haired man explained as he used his own Sonic Screwdriver on the paper. It glowed for a moment in response but nothing changed. "It has a chrono-lock and a bio-lock on it. It can only be read by a specific person at a certain time. Nothing can change it once it's set."

"Who is it for?" Inko pondered, already having an inkling as to where this was going. "And, when?"

Before he could answer her, writing came across the very top of the page. It didn't say much, but what it did told her all she needed to know.

"To: Izuku Midoriya"

The date was today, just ten minutes after school would end.

"You'll want to make sure he has that on him, Inko. It is very important." The man said, with a firm tone that made it clear he was more ordering her to give it to him then asking. She nodded quietly, before turning her gaze up to him.

"Who sent it though?"

There was silence for a moment, before the man gave her a somewhat dopey grin and laughed.

"My future self."

Izuku had had a confusing day. It had been like any other up until it was time for Kacchan to show of his quirk. The young greenette was so proud of his friend, but for some reason when Izuku said he'd never have a quirk himself, the blonde's mood had shifted.

Still, he hadn't done anything at first but just tease Izuku and ask if he was sure. After all, he was still young enough that it might be on it's way, except the boy knew it wasn't true.

His mom wouldn't lie to him about this, when he wanted to have one so badly. He didn't like being different. The other kids often gave him a hard time, and called him names or pushed him around. It never hurt as much, even in more serious cases.

Mom had said once he didn't get hurt as easily because he was special, but why was he special? He still didn't know. What good was being special if others hurt him for it?

Normally Kacchan would stop the others if he didn't fight back, which he never liked to do. He didn't today though, and Izuku was confused cause he know his friend saw.

He looked like he'd been about to help at one point, but then Izuku had mentioned something about wanting to be a hero. Everyone always laughed at him when he said that.

The quirkless couldn't be heroes, they said. Midoriya didn't believe that. He didn't want to be mean, but other people in his class might as well have been quirkless with how lacklustre there powers were, what made him any different?

He would be a hero though. He wanted his mother to be happy, and whenever she talked about his dad, on those special occasions she always told him he was a hero and promised he would come meet him, someday.

When he saw the look on her face, whenever she described him he saw the happiness in her eyes and he knew he wanted to make her happy. So being a hero would be a great way to do it, right?

For some reason though, he could never get his hero name or real name out of her. Shaking his head, he looked down into his hands where a letter lay. One of his hands were a little bruised up but healing quicker.

He could feel a tingle when it did. There was another reason he wanted to be a hero. Heroes stopped people from getting hurt, or hurting others and he wanted to do that for people who were like him.

He wasn't really a fighter though, which is what a lot of the other kids always focused on. He didn't like throwing punches, he didn't like seeing others be hurt because of him. He just wanted to bring everyone peace and happiness.

The letter he held in his hand was another source of confusion. At lunch, a woman had come along and told him his mother had dropped it off. She'd been quiet so the other children didn't know and told that he would have to wait outside for a couple minutes before she came along today.

He was only told it was really important he stayed there, but not why. For most of the day his mind focused solely on this mystery, as what was the point to a letter without words? What was the mysterious device attached, currently sat in his bag? Not that one could blame him even if it was more dull, he had nothing to do.

The school work was incredibly boring and easy. He had a book about quantum mechanics in his bag he'd rather read but the teacher brushed away his request, claiming it would intimidate the other children.

It was getting close to ten minutes now, and the young boy's patience was seriously starting to wane. He could only recite the periodic table so many times in his head.

Just as he was about to get up and explore a little, a noise filled his ears and his entire body seemed to freeze. It was a noise he'd never heard in his life and yet it felt almost like it was part of him.

Like a siren, noise filtered through some kind of synthesizer. Wind kicked up all around him, and he turned to see to his surprise a box literally materialising into existence before him.

At the same time, the letter in his hand glowed, and words started forming as if being written by a ghost. A thud indicated the box had 'landed' for lack of a better description and Izuku cautiously began walking towards it.

Common sense would usually dictate one should run from such an event, yet something about this box called the boy forward. Speaking to his very soul as he got close to the door.

He noted that I seemed locked. There was no way he could get inside so he simply laid a hand on the mysterious box and to his surprise, a light glowed through the little cracks.


Suddenly, the door flung open and he stepped back for a moment, before gingerly walking in and looking around as his eyes went wide. It was like a whole other world.

The room was cold and silver, with a metallic hexagonal console in the centre lined with switches, a tube rising the ceiling in the centre of it. There were stairs leading up to balcony areas that had rooms hidden away and a bookshelf in one corner, with a seat propped up beside it.

"Where am I?" he wondered, at his hand suddenly stung, pulling his attention the letter as it glowed again. Quickly, he realised he should realize it while there were still words on it.


You've never met me. Well you have- well, you're going to but you haven't yet at this point in time. At lest not unless there's some grand adventure wiped from both our memories, which honestly is kind of likely in my life.

I am you're father. A man who I hope you do not possess ill will against, though I wouldn't blame you if you did I suppose. I'm sure you have been told before by your mother that you are special, that you aren't like the others.

Now, I will explain to you why. I am not human. I am from a planet called Gallifrey, located in the constellation of Kasterborous. I am what is known as a Timelord. A group of people who keep time in order, except I suppose you could say I'm something of a renegade. That's a story to tell in person though.

What matters, is that you possess Timelord DNA. When you were born, I was just beginning to catch wind of a war and, in a moment of desperation I tampered with your body. You were going to be mostly human, as I wanted you to be.

I changed it, because I began to worry about what might happen if someone found out you were my son. I have many who despise me, who'd wish me dead. If anything happened to me in the war, I wanted to know there was someone out there who might have been able to at the very least protect you both.

You may not be trained, like most gallifreyan are supposed to be but never the less you are a timelord, Izuku. That is more than just a title, it comes with a multitude of gifts and responsibilities.

The biggest, I assume you've just seen materialise before you. Honestly, I was surprised I even managed to get a hold of this. It's a long story as to how, but the blue box is yours.

Time And Relative Dimension In Space.


As I'm sure you've noted, if you looked in, it's much bigger on the inside. Infinitely bigger, in fact. The TARDIS is a world of it's own, and a place of safety for you. For your mother.

I cannot say for certain what will happen and what won't happen, what I can and cannot give you but this…. This one thing is your birth right. What you decide to do with it, I cannot know but I would say I do have a pretty good inclination.

You may stay alone, you may invite friends. This is your home Izuku, and that is the one thing I can give you, if nothing else. I have seen at least one future version of you though, and I can say from the bottom of both my hearts. I was proud of who I met.

When you are of a more suitable age, the TARDIS will be truly activated, and you will be able to access all it's functions. Until then, I leave you in the hands of the person I trust more than anyone.

- 12'

Izuku's jaw remained slack even after he finished reading and began again. His mind raced to comprehend what he was being told. He knew he was different, but to be alien?

Had he been someone else, he may have dismissed it as nonsense, someone playing a prank with a quirk. Izuku however had something of sixth sense for what were quirks and what wasn't, and this was no quirk.

It explained so much and yet left so many new unanswered questions. And who was the person who-

"Ah, I see my future self must have redecorated." A voice said, and Izuku twirled around to see a brown haired man in a trench coat and suit. He scrunched up his nose as he took it in. "I don't like it."

"W-who are you?" The greenette asked as he jumped to his feet, wary of this mystery man. The letter mentioned leaving him with someone but that didn't mean he was ready to just trust some random stranger.

"Oh, there you are-" The man stopped as he took him in, and warm smile came onto his face. In a soft voice, he continued. "Well, you certainly take after your mother."

"You know my mom?" Izuku questioned, raising a brow and the man nodded, kneeling down to meet him. He often felt like he made most adults seem childish next to himself, yet something about the man before him left him in awe. He wore a million years in every hidden wrinkle just behind the veil of cheer he held in front of him. "You didn't answer my question, who are you?"

"Oh, you know who I am, and I certainly know your mom." The man laughed, before fixing him with a stare that reached down into his very soul. "And I'm sure…. You know who I am."


"Hello, Izuku. I'm the doctor."