Chapter 1: The Assignment

Disclaimer: I DO NOW OWN THE SHOW AND ITS CHARACTERS. The only characters I own are Bloom's cousins. Everything else belongs to its rightful owners.

Bloom was walking around the quad alone. Her friends were out at the mall and she decided to stay home.

"Bloom" Her name was called from the distance. She turned around to see Ms. Faragonda. waiting for her on the steps with an envelope in her hand.

"Yes?" Bloom answered.

"I want you to bring this Red Fountain for me." She said handing Bloom the envelope.

"Ok but why me?" she asked.

"Because you seemed to be unbusy and I told Saladine I would have a student bring the note over." The head mistress explained.

"Ok" Bloom said. Faragonda noticed Mirta walking by and called the girl over.

"Yes?" The girl asked walking up next to Bloom.

"Would you go to Red Fountain with Boom?" Faragonda asked.

"Yes" Mirta answered and the two were dismissed.


Sky and his friends were walking to the assembly room for an announcement.

"Ok what's the assembly on this time?" Riven asked annoyed.

"I don't know." Brandon answered.

"I think he said something about a mission coming up on another realm." Timmy said.

"You know where?" Sky asked. Timmy shook his head no. The boys entered the assembly room and sat in the front row.

The two girls were walking through the woods and were talking. They soon stopped at Red Fountain.

"This is going to be awkward. " Mirta said.

"Why you've been here before?" Bloom said.

"I know I mean not on a school day." Mirta answered.

"Don't worry we'll feel the awkwardness together." Bloom said and walked through the front entrance.

Saladine had just announced that the mission would be on Earth. The boys started talking and hoping they wouldn't be picked to go there.

"The only time we were there was to help Stella." Brandon said.

"Yah and we did not learn much about their culture there." Sky said.

"OK so who would go?" The professor asked. No one in the room raised their hands.

"Ok I'll pick some one." He said. The boys looked around the room to see who would be picked.

"Well since Sky, Brandon, Timmy and Riven were on Earth for a mission a few years ago, two of them will go on the mission." He concluded. The boys said nothing and looked over towards the door when they heard it open. Everyone saw Bloom and Mirta at the doorway.


When they got to the right room they opened the doors and saw all the boys of red fountain looking at them.

"This is awkward" Mirta whispered to Bloom.

"Yep" Bloom answered then walked across the stage over to the professor.

"A message form Faragonda." Bloom said handing him the envelope. Mirta hurried across the stage and ran next to Bloom. While waiting for a response Mirta looked at the huge board and saw facts on some realm written in huge fonts.

"Bloom check out what's written on board." She whispered to her friend. Bloom turned around and examined the board on the realm they were talking about. She skimmed the board until she saw one word that interested her. Earth.