'This is my moment.' Arthur thought to himself as sweat poured down his face, nervously gripping the controls of his personal Vincent Ward II. The battle he was about to intervene in was about to become his first taste of combat. No more simulation scenarios where death didn't mattered so he could practice over and over again with little consequences. This was real battle he was about enter.

One lucky hit and it's all over for him.

Despite practicing in a knightmare simulator and scoring a fairy high sync rate of over 80%. The eldest twin son of Lelouch felt he was going in unprepared and way out of his mind. Even with his aunt CC and uncle Jeremiah standing beside him, and working intensely to prepare him in matters such as Britannian politics, war doctrines, and strategy, he still felt unready for the task at hand as war in theory always differs from the harsh reality of the battlefield. But this was the result of everything that happened in the last several years of his and Naoto's life. This was the only path they had left in their life, the only future they could embrace in this world.

The twin sons of Emperor Lelouch vi Britannia fighting to save their nation and avenge their murdered father. He found this phrase fitting as his very surname "vi Britannia" hearkened back to his homeland, as he was of Britannia, and that it was forever tied to him by blood. Yet he wondered whether his father would truly be proud of him for what he was doing. The way his mother always spoke of him cast him as a man who wanted peace, and an end to bloodshed which made him question the path he was undertaking.

But then his mind shifted to the image of his father's limp body falling down the parade float at his greatest moment of triumph. That image he saw in the old recordings was forever etched in his mind. He remembered the bloody and twisted remains of his grandmother, and the explosion which nearly killed him, Naoto, and his mother.

"Peace?" He spoke to himself. His father unified the world under him ending the millennia of wars between nations he was murdered for it. The Britannians desiring peace after years of war were made subject to humiliations and the hatred by the rest of the world. He, Naoto, his grandmother, and his mother all tried to live a quiet and peaceful life but they were nearly killed. Peace had brought them nothing but misery. He would choose the path of blood to avenge his family and reclaim his birthright restoring Britannia to its rightful place in the world.

But right now he had a battle to win.

"You in the Ward, are you the leader?" He asked the sky-blue coloured Vincent Ward.

"Y-yeah." A female voice spoke through the COMMs.

"I'll give you set of coordinates for us to rendezvous, go it? Follow my lead and I will grant you victory." Arthur declared as he then switched communications to call his brother.

"Naoto, is the jamming working alright?"

"It's working alright Arty! They won't able to call for help." Naoto responded through the COMMs.

"Alright, that makes things better with no enemy reinforcement coming in." Arthur observed the screen showing enemy force's movements and their current locations.

"Uncle Jerry, aunt Claudia. I have a plan." Arthur privately announced to the Vincents around him before pushing his knightmare towards the enemy forces at full speed, taking out a assault rifle and activating one of the MVS sword.

Immediately, the Vincent Loyal and the pink Vincent Conquista followed too behind as their high-powered landspinners rolled them across the land at high speeds, quickly catching up and soon speeding ahead of the white Vincent Ward. Their respective weapons prepared for combat as the two KMF closes around the Ward protectively.

Recovering from their shock, multiple Glinda Knight Sutherlands quickly aimed and open fired upon the trio, who gracefully dodged the gunfire with ease as the 7th-gen MP machines were too fast and agile for the outdated 5th-gen units to target and hit.

In response the white Vincent Ward Mk2 opened fire against the Sutherland team with its 25mm coilgun assault rifle. Several Sutherlands exploded from the hailstorm of 25mm rounds piercing through their frames, while the rest tried to scatter and regroup; only for CC's Vincent Conquista to quickly charge in with its MVS swords as it out-manuevered the Glinda Knight KMFs to slash and stab their cockpits. It then brought up its BL shields to protect itself from bazooka rockets fired from a pair of bazooka-equipped Sutherlands. Seeing the Vincent Conquista under attack, Jeremiah launched his two hip slash harkens at the bazooka-equipped Sutherlands' head which disabled their camera and sensors, resulting in two cockpits ejecting from their useless frame.

Meanwhile, Arthur redirected his knightmare to link up with the Neo-Britannian cell who were gathering at a small clearing surrounded by palm trees. Arthur's camera and sensors showed less than 83 infantry with 4 mobile turrets and a Sutherland holding a bazooka that seen better days along with the custom Vincent Ward in sky-blue colors who he contacted few minutes ago. His camera zoomed in on the faces of the rag-tag fighters clad in whatever protective gear they could salvage and armed with left over military weapons. They didn't look quite professional but Arthur could see in their face they were harden by years of combat and experienced.

"Thank for meeting here. My uncle and aunt is currently distracting them but not for long, so I'll explain my plan quick and clear." Arthur said.

"What plan!?"

"Obviously defeating the a-holes attacking us, moron!" One of the soldiers berated his comrade.

"Who the heck are you to order us around? Why the heck is Jeremiah Gottwald here?" One of the MT drivers questioned. "… Wait uncle!?"

"All will be explained in due time after we win this battle." Arthur assured them as he explained them his plan to survive and win this battle. After that he ordered them to head for their position and wait for his next set of orders.

However before he could go, the sky-blue Vincent Ward's devicer spoke up. "A-are you actually his highness?" She spoke with apprehension and hope, eliciting whispers of shock and confusion from the others.

"No freakin way."

"I knew there was a reason Jeremiah Gottwald is here!"

"Can it be, the sons of Lelouch Vi Britannia is here!?"

Listening to the whispers through his audio system, Arthur couldn't help but feel something blooming within his chest. The whispers of hope and awe that the Neo-Britannia cell was showing drew out ot him. They waited for him, hoped that he would come to their aid in their darkest hour, and they didn't hate him for something he had no control over. Arthur felt more resolute in his endeavor for Neo-Britannia, more determined than ever before not to fail them. Those who were willing to fight for their country, their future for his father and his name…

"As I said, all will be revealed in no time soon." Arthur said. "Now get to your positions, we have a battle to win."

"Uncle Jerry, aunt Claudia. We're ready, you can lure them to us now!" Arthur called over their communications.

"Yes, your highness!" Jeremiah acknowledged as he formed his shield together to fire off a radiant beam that engulfed two Akatsuki flying above him. He then pushed his knightmare on reverse to the coordinates his lord gave to him.

"On it Arty." CC or Claudia replied using the nickname she had for Arthur as she reversed her knightmare frame. Not before she fired two harkens that clipped the 2 wings of a Akatsuki unit unusually equipped with a full chainsaw blade and a radiant rocket as it made a rough landing on the ground.

Seeing that the Vincent Loyal and the pink Vincent Conquista was retreating, the majority of the remaining Glinda Knight's Sutherlands and Gloucesters, along with reinforcements began chasing after them. Following behind them were the remaining few hundred or so infantry and some support vehicles.

The two Vincents continued luring the bulk of the forces after them, firing off occasional shots of either 25mm rounds, slash harkens, or some radiant beams – forcing some of the flying knightmares to go low just over the trees to avoid being easy picking up high.

So when the two modified Vincents passed by a small rocky hill/cliff and into the coastal forest. Then the sky-blue Vincent Ward suddenly appeared nearby out of the forest and accelerated at top-speed up the sloping rocky hill/cliff where it then fired its hip harkens at one of the Akatsukis, latching on its frame as the slash harkens brought the Ward towards the flailing KMF. And at the same time it fired its assault rifle at the last Akatsuki, the enemy pilot managing to dodge the round and returned fire with its arm-mounted 20mm coil autocannons. Valentina manoeuvred her KMF to avoid the rounds and pulled down on the wire to force the the latched Akatsuki to take several of the shots, which damaged the air glide unit and disabled its bazooka arm. By then the Vincent Ward was nearly infront of its latched victim where Valentina took advantage of the momentum of being pulled up and let go of her harkens so that her custom unit was on its upper body. She then brought down her MVS sword on the cockpit section, drawing blood on her sword as she brought it out. The damaged unit was now falling out of the sky with its devicer dead, but Valentina quickly fired her harkens again. But rather than at latching at the cliff, she targeted the last Akatsuki where the first harken smashed its head unit while the other pieced through the chest. She then flipped her machine over the damaged knightmare as her anchors pulled her up, landing on the cockpit and glide wing system as metal groaned and slightly crunched under her weight. She then thrusted her sword downward on the cockpit and pushed it slightly forward, which caused the damaged machine – combined with its new rider – to go downward. Just as the ground seemed to become bigger before her, she quickly jumped off the crippled machine seconds before it crash landed.

Meanwhile down below as the above was occurring; the militia fighters armed with heavy weapons concealed on the rocky hill/cliff peaked out with rocket launchers, grenade launchers, and anti-KMF explosives peaked out of their cover and fired upon the Sutherlands and Gloucesters underneath them. Around several knightmare frames were utterly destroyed with multiple more crippled that their devicers decided to eject. Several Glinda KMF opened fire upon the rocky hill/cliff, forcing the heavy weapons team to duck for cover, but managed to achieve their part of the plan.

Then from the Glinda Knight's rear, the remaining mobile turrets and the bazooka-armed Sutherland along with the other infantry ambushed from the rear. Tearing through the unguarded formation on the infantry, some support vehicles, and handful of KMF in the open. The mobile turrets ruthlessly unleashed their 25mm coilgun autocannons upon the infantry units and KMFs, along with occasionally firing their grenade launchers at large infantry formations or vehicles or KMF. Reducing all of them into scrap metals and piles of organ and bones. While the bazooka Sutherland fired at the support vehicles and some KMFs, quickly making short work of them with its 90mm bazooka rockets. In several seconds over hundreds of Glinda Knights infantry and multiple vehicles or knightmares were destroyed.

Then the Vincent Conquista and the Vincent Loyal shot out of the forest for a second charge as they slammed into the remaining forces, shooting and slashing their way through the remaining enemy forces. The 5th-gen machines scattered to make themselves a less easier target while trying to use their numbers to gain a superiority advantage along with staying at long ranges. However that was also when Arthur and Valentina's Vincent Wards entered the chaos.

The first victim of Arthur's white Vincent Ward Mk2 was a Glinda Gloucester who tried to pierce him with its jousting lance, which Arthur's superior machine swerved to its left and slashed its power core with the MVS sword, causing the machine to blow up. A Glinda Sutherland with its stun tonfa out charged at Arthur while firing its slash harkens at him, forcing the white Vincent Ward Mk2 to dodge the anchors as it cut them off with its its blade; followed by Arthur charging straight at the Sutherland, slicing both its arm off and slamming the needle blazer at its chest, firing a burst of focused energy that destroyed the cockpit. The Vincent Ward Mk2 then somersaulted over the dead Sutherland just as two Sutherland fired upon his position with autocannons and GLs. While in the air Arthur blasted off one of the Sutherland's head with his rifle followed up by a GL shot to the torso that blew up the KMF, causing its partner to charge in enraged firing wildly when Arthur landed his KMF. Who fired his rifle at the Sutherland's own, destroying it and forcing it to deploy its stun tonfas. However, Arthur was faster as he pushed his machine forward and skid to the Sutherland's side where he quickly slashed its right arm off and was about to slash at the cockpit when another MVS blade sliced through it first.

Arthur looked to his side to see that the sky-blue Vincent Ward Mk1 used by Valentina had struck first. He watched in annoyance as she pulled her blade out and kicked the disabled machine to the ground. Behind her he saw several wreckages that were once Sutherlands and Gloucester, either on fire or barely intact.

"Sorry, your highness, if I stoled this one from you." He heard Valentina apologise.

"It's okay, there's plenty of fishes in the wate–." Arthur had no time to finish when his sensor warned of a two enemy machines coming in fast.

Arthur turned around in time to block the upward slash attack from a blog-standard Akatsuki armed with a chainsaw blade, not the baton version MP models had, as the two were briefly engaged in a furious melee duel as both machines attempted to hack, slash and stab one another. The Vincent Ward Mk2 and the Akatsuki manoeuvring around to get a opening while dodging each other's attack, the latter machine showing some signs of struggling to keep up with the former. Arthur glanced to the side to see that Valentina barely managing to dodge a MVS lance thrust from the Glinda Vincent, which it then tried to slash at her but she counter-blocked it with her blade, causing the Vincent to be briefly stunned. Seeing a good opportunity, Valentina tried to bring up her rifle to riddle it with bullets to end it fast. However, the Glinda Vincent reacted faster by firing its hip harkens to destroy the gun and the left arm yielding it. Leaving Valentina's Vincent Ward with a single arm and a MVS blade.

However, Arthur couldn't watch the battle any further when the Akatsuki he was facing fired its slash harken at him, nearly taking the head unit off. Arthur then quickly backed his unit away from the Akatsuki while unleashing 25mm rounds from his rifle at the enemy machine, who zig-zagged away from the shots as Arthur followed through to land a clean hit. The Black Knight machine fired off one of its radiant rocket at him, but missed as the white Vincent Ward II ducked beneath the rocket. The Akatsuki fired the rocket again but Arthur managed to bring up his rifle and fire the grenade launcher at the rocket instinctively, the grenade shot blowing up the radiant warhead. Seeing that its foe was too close to fire up a rocket, the Akatsuki quickly charged in with its revolving blade sword for a killing strike with little time for Arthur to block in time without significant damage. Then suddenly the white Vincent Ward Mk2 fired its shoulder machine guns at the Akatsuki, forcing it to back away as Arthur fired his harkens at a large rock formation behind the enemy unit which dragged him towards it fast; he quickly reoriented his legs against the rock as it made contact and pushed against it to launch him in the air. The white Vincent Ward Mk2 spun around as it brought its MVS sword to land a heavy strike against the Akatsuki who struggled to hold against the attack. The blade lock struggle provided Arthur the opening he needed as he brought forth his free arm to slam its eblow against the chainsaw blade's flatside and fired the needle blazer against the weapon. The RBS shattered in half from the focused particle energy. The Akatsuki quickly retreated back as it fired its slash harken in desperation but Arthur parried it aside as he rolled forward for the killing blow. The Black Knight tried to fire its last radiant rocket at its incoming foe who got ever closer to him; but failed as the white KMF ripped the rocket from its arm hardpoint, rendering it nearly harmless. The Britannian KMF then slammed the radiant rocket on the area between the cockpit section and the head unit; slammed in a way that the cockpit would not able to eject. The radiant warhead activated from the impact and enveloped the Akatsuki in radiant energy, the metal frame bubbling in warped metal and eventually blowing up as it went critical.

Arthur turned around to see where Valentina and the Glinda Vincent was at to help her, but instead greeted with a beautiful sight before him.

He saw Valentina's Vincent Ward going toe-to-toe against the Glinda Vincent despite being in a inferior frame that's seen better days. Yet that fact didn't seem to stop her from evenly matched against the superior command model, which was technically faster than her frame but his camera showed that she was able to match it blow for blow. Whenever the Glinda Vincent tried to thrust or slash with its MVS lance, she would either dodge before it even reached her direction or parried it quick enough for her to strike back. She had pretty good reflexes and apparent skills to be on relative equal terms, no wonder she was surviving for so long against large number of enemy frames.

The Glinda Vincent jumped in the air over her, firing its slash harkens at her to cripple her frame. But Valentina's Vincent Ward dodged right at the last moment to avoid the worst damages, sadly one of her arm wasn't lucky as the harkens tore it apart. Rendering her damaged frame with one functional arm with a MVS sword left. The damaged Vincent Ward tried backing away in a hurry to get some distance and formulate a new plan to beat its foe with only one arm left. Yet, the Glinda Vincent sensed a moment of weakness and tried charging at her with its needle blazer ready.

That was when a pair of slash harkens slammed into one of its landspinners, nearly causing the Glinda Vincent to spin out of control to the ground. The Glinda Knight's advanced KMF looked back to see the white Vincent Ward variant rush towards it with its own needle blazer charged and ready to blast. When the enemy needle blazer ever got closer, the enemy machine managed to quickly turn around and activated its own needle blazer as the two devices nearly touched each other when the focused blast was fired. The result was two KMF briefly stunned and nearly knocked over from the shockwave of the confronting blast between two needle blazers. The Vincent Ward Mk2's newly tested devicer was trying to recover from the resulting shockwave that shook him hard in his seat; but the enemy Vincent before him managed to recover faster and brought forth its lance for a final thrust to the chest. That was when it heard the roaring sound of a landspinner rolling across the ground, causing it to barely half-turn around in time for two slash harkens from the one-armed Vincent Ward to smash its head unit and one to penetrate right through the cockpit.

The Glinda Vincent lifelessly fell over dead without a devicer to bring it to life. The white Vincent Ward Mk2 and the light-blue damaged Vincent Ward met up with each other near its corpse, a moment of silence between the two.

"Thanks for the save." Arthur thanked.

"No, I should be thanking you for helping earlier." Valentina replied back anxiously.

"Val! There you are!"

"My lord, are you alright!?"

Both looked to see the remnants of Valentina's group, the orange Vincent Loyal, the pink Vincent Conquista, along with some prisoners of war coming over to their location. Arthur saw many of them were happy, confused, and relieved that they survived and won this battle, along with equal number of others mourning their losses. The prisoners' face were that of defeat and despair, with some looking at their captors with contempt, that the battle they should've won was turned into a bitter defeat. Arthur saw Valentina's cockpit open up to show herself as a beautiful blonde woman with a little bit spiky shoulder-length hair and blue eyes, who joined in the celebration and gave a brief smile to him.

Seeing all of this made Arthur realize that this was his first battle he ever fought in and the one he achieved victory in. And also the taste of the future he'll be walking into as he unites Neo-Britannia into a united front and wage war against the Black Knights, the Principality, and the Darwinists. And with everybody gathered near him, it was time to honor his deal and show himself to them. That their hopes has been answered and the prodigal son as returned to them.

He gave the signal for uncle Jeremiah and aunt CC/Claudia to show themselves to the group, their cockpits hissing in acknowledgement as it opened up for them to stand up from their seats. Standing on top of their KMF, Jeremiah Gottwald in his outfit he wore serving under his father with a proud smirk, while CC wore a fancy white jumpsuit and bore a stoic yet silent smile expression.

Murmurs of shock and related emotions reverated throughout the crowd as they lay witness to two famous individuals of Emperor Lelouch's personal entourage. The head of his Imperial Guard and Knight of One, and the mysterious green-haired adviser many had thought was his mistress or something. Many of them already guessed the probable identity of who lead them to victory. Then they heard the hissing sound coming from the white KMF. The world seemed to have stopped and their breaths taken away as the cockpit opened up and a black-haired individual stood up tall and defiant against the world.

A face one would've mistaken him to be Lelouch Vi Britannia himself, and also a familiar one sometimes seen on the news related to the twin sons of the 99th Emperor.

Everybody's jaw dropped in shock while some fainted at the sight of who was in front of them. Valentina Pelsy had the biggest smile on her face as tears of joy poured down her face as with several others, their hopes and dreams coming true after years of fighting. The true heir of the imperial throne returning from exile to lead Neo-Britannia to glory and bring forth a new future.

"Is it really him?"

"How can it not be him!? Jeremiah Gottwald and the adviser is here!"

"Oh my goodness, the son of Emperor Lelouch is here!"

"This changes everything, we finally have chance to win this war!"

"He's actually is here. Did God finally answered our prayers?"

The whispers began to grow in intensity as the Neo-Britannian soldiers couldn't contain their excited energy to see the heir of Emperor Lelouch before them, and what it meant for their cause. Like almost out of the Arthurian legends, Britannia's rightful ruler had returned to liberate them from puppet planted by the accursed UFN. Never did they thought they would see the day one of the sons of Lelouch return or that they would be the first to meet him and fight besides him. Meanwhile, the prisoners were in shock while some cried in horror at the Demon Emperor's spawn joining in the war.

Seeing that the whispers were going louder and needing to introduce himself, Arthur raised his forearm that indicated silence. Which to his internal amazement they went silent as if his entire look and royal aura was enough to command them.

"Yes, as you have seen and realised now. I am one of the twin sons of Emperor Lelouch Vi Britannia: Arthur Vi Britannia, the crown prince of the Holy Britannian Empire and the rightful ruler to my father." Arthur began as all eyes were glued to him. "For years my brother and I and our family sulked in the shadow, away from the prying eyes of the world, content in our exile and forgotten in the passage of time. I watched with great indignity and helplessness as Britannia torn apart and humiliated by the UFN, the dignity of her people and spirit trampled on and sold out by the traitors and the traitorous puppet ruler I am ashamed to call my aunt. To think that such humiliation would befall us then would have been illogical. After all we had won the war with my father Emperor Lelouch "the Great" finally doing what no man had ever done, and united all mankind under one banner which for thousands of years had been squabbling with each other. He had brought the world true peace, and for that, the terrorist Zero and his supposed "knights of justice" killed him and tried to destroy everything he had achieved!"

Arthur watched as the crowd of soldiers surrounding him all had looks of anger etched on their faces at the reminder of Britannia's humiliation.

"And now for decades, they spread their lies to the world, slandering my father Emperor Lelouch as the tyrannical Demon Emperor!

I guess their accusations do have some merit after all, as my father Emperor Lelouch was guilty of heinous crimes against the world. The crime of caring for his people! After all was it not Emperor Lelouch who ended the Darwinian system of oppression? Did he not liberate the numbers and afford them the common dignity they were owed as fellow human beings? Did he not crush the tyrannical aristocracy running roughshod over the common people? Did he not make all peoples within the Empire equal under the law? Did he not overthrow the monstrous tyrant Emperor Charles zi Britannia, a man whose trampled both his own people and the conquered in his lust for power?

My fellow Britannian do you not see what the UFN has done to us?! In the name of freedom they occupied our land, they broke up our Empire, and and impoverished our people through their forced reparations and sanctions. The terrorist Zero and his false-knights of injustice installed a puppet ruler on the throne who sits idly by as the nation languishes under the UFN's despotism. In the name of freedom they installed the arch-traitor Schniezel as Prime Minister. The man who obliterated the hallowed Imperial City of Pendragon, the beating heart of our Empire in his quest for power. In the name of that farce: democracy, they installed a Parliament claiming to represent the people. They are nothing but a group of feckless oligarchs who in their avarice rob the population blind with their extortionate tax system living lives of luxury while the average Britannian struggles to buy a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. This is exactly the same system of decadence and corruption that led to the Humiliation of Edinburgh where we were robbed of our ancestral homeland by that accursed Napoleon.

In order to further humiliate Britannia, they forced the denigration of our nation's rank and dignity to a mere Principality. A title lesser than that of Kingdom which we once were in the days before Napoleon's rise. Can you imagine a greater insult levied to the proud Britannian people? Of course our people understandably angered by the injustices levied against them, and the new hardships they faced, took to petitioning the government for redress. But instead of hearing its people's cry of anguish the Principality unleashed the monster Princess Cornelia li Britannia upon the people. A woman so ruthless as to mercilessly butcher her own people. That is of course to be expected of the sister of the massacre princess!

And in the Northeast, the remnants of the old High Nobility, the Darwinists have re-emerged seeking to arrest the progress we made reversing the clock to the days of Emperor Charles: an era where might made right. An age of strife where the nobles trampled the common man in accordance with their sick and twisted Social Darwinist philosophy. That shameful era in our history which Emperor Lelouch freed us from, produced the accursed arch-traitors Schneizel el Britannia and Cornelia li Britannia who massacre their own people in their avarice and quest for Britannia

Sons and daughters of Britannia! It is high time we show these barbarians and traitors their place! And so long as I am your Emperor, I promise you that I will do everything in my power to restore Britannia's pride. While the old Empire has fallen from the ashes like a phoenix, we will build a new Britannia shaped by the vision of my father Emperor Lelouch the Liberator! A new future shaped by the collective will of all Britannians rather than the old nobility, corrupt rabble politicians, or the accursed UFN!"

"All Hail Britannia!" Arthur roared raising his fist in the air.

All the Neo-Britannian forces around him gave the standard saluted or raised their fists or arms into the air, cheering him and Britannia on.

"All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Arthur! All Hail Britannia!"

"All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Arthur! All Hail Britannia!"

"All Hail Lelouch! All Hail Arthur! All Hail Britannia!"