A/N Late update again!! I'm adding a new character lollll yes, and btw, HAPPY NEW YEEAAAAR!!! Hope you like this chapter :)))




Elsa walked into the balcony of her castle as she heaved out a sigh. She didn't even expect this to happen to a certain Winter Spirit that she just met after centuries of isolation— well, what a warm welcome to her abode, it was.

Hours has has passed and still no sign of Jack Frost waking up after being attacked or specifically hauled by Marshmallow with his angry red eyes and its abrupt charge that made the spirit weaken his body all of the sudden. After a poweful charge even its just one, the poor Winter Spirit collapsed on the floor unconsciously. She did angrily ordered Marshmallow to go out of the castle, and the large snowman sadly came out, like a kid being lashed out by its mother. Surely it was not truly the snowman's fault as he was just being overprotective with her but knowing Jack became unconscious for hours made her concerned for him, like, a lot.

But the winter spirit was powerful and could dodge any attacks such as the large snowman with his power of ice. Why did he became unconscious all of the sudden? Elsa has been searching many books in her shelf in how to cure whatever happened to the spirit but there is no avail.

It was now dawn and the faint light of the sun started to go up in the now reddish and ocean blue colors in the horizon as the yellowish tints starting to light up the sky and the stars starting to disappear. She stared at the scene infront of her. It was new for her, and these magnificent soon to be sunrise view for her was astonishing to watch, it's even beautiful, otherworldly, even. She watched the changing of the sky and the small shape of the moon, smaller than it was before, and smiled at it. Its power always comfort her, and she trusts the Moon more than the Mother Nature itself. Though Mother Nature was always been here for her, there we're tough times she wishes that she could be a human again, not a spirit she intends to be. But, the Moon always provided her with warmth and love. Mother Nature always remind her that she has the responsibility of a bridge. The bridge of humankind and spirits.

The sun soon showed up, it's immense light and soft heat tickles her skin as she laughed of how the sun always give its light and reminded everything that its a new day, a new beginning, a new life. Given the view of the sunrise infront of her, she was dazed by the mixture of colors in the sky appeared in somewhat a gradient of dark blue to blue into the colors of red, yellow and orange. It was somehow was making her cry, of how the world was became to be and what she was right now.

She can finally tell the words 'yesterday' that makes her remember of the past. It is clear that it was a new world, a new world that she needs to set foot in and Jack Frost made her do it.

"Yesterday... I saw a lot of things I never thought I could see..." she muttered. The word 'yesterday' sounded rightfully in her lips.

As the sun started to rose up, she turned back to the man in the large room, currently unconscious in her bed. It was a bed made of ice, and the pillows and its blankets are snow that she made softly as feathers. The bed was soft, and very much like a real bed of cotton and mattress.

She walked towards the bed, and looked at the person lying in the soft comfort of her creation. She smiled a little bit, and pulled the chair on the table at the top of the bed to put beside it. She sat, and looked at his face.

His messy white silver hair framed around his forehead as his long black lashes let his pale skin prominent around his eyes. His sculpted like nose added a nice touch and his pale but light pink lips are visibly made to finish his look. He was really handsome to look at, and wait until she saw his beautiful blue ocean like eyes that screams winter. If she can remember briefly the details she saw in his eyes, it was the snowflakes embedded in his silver irises.

She smiled remembering everything they did yesterday. The wind bringing them in every places, meeting Jamie, and of course, when they met for the first time. As if she was born again into another world.

She felt his cheeks warming as the thought of him holding her close, in his toned arms as her hands held his waist. His scent like fresh pine and the aura that surrounds him screams powerful.

Her thoughts disappeared when suddenly the doors opened revealing Olaf and a stranger, wearing it seems to be Santa's red clothes and his arms has a words inked on his skin, 'naughty' and 'nice' on both sides. He was looking at her with a slight smile and Olaf excitedly came out after a playful gaze at the big man. Whoever he was, maybe he was a comrade of Jack as he can see her. She was still wary, though.

"Elsa, child, you've grown! Sorry for putting Jack asleep, though Sandy made himself hidden the moment your snowman hauled himself... Ah! A nice castle this was!" the voice of the large man boomed throughout the castle as she stepped backwards. The man though, gave a large smile on her.

"Well let me introduce myself, I'm North and otherwise called as Santa Claus. I'm here to bring Jack home and-"

"Santa Claus? As in Santa?" she beamed, her eyes widened in childlike wonder as she stared at the large man. All of her childhood was spent writing letters to him as he gave her gifts until she finally grew up. When her parents died, she finally stopped believing in him, because she knows maybe he doesn't exist.

But the man himself walked towards her and easily gave her a bear hug.

"Child! It's been a while!" North said and she laughed. "It's you... You're really real..." she replied, still processing the thought that he was real all along.

"Yes lad, I'm real and this Jack here too. Did you enjoyed his time with him?" the large man moved away from her and walked towards the bed where Jack was sleeping. He easily held him as he brought the winter spirit in his arms, while she curiously looked at him.

"Yes, I did. But where are you going bring him?" Elsa said, and North just gave her a pat in the shoulder and smiled.

"He will come back later. There is something we should discuss at the moment dear."

He walked to the balcony as he held Jack in his large hands. He turned around and gave out another grin, a teasing grin, in fact.

"This is my advance chirstmas gift for you Elsa, Merry Christmas!" and then all of the sudden, a large portal appeared and they are both gone.

She stared at the balcony where North disappeared. A christmas gift? What could this meeting possibly be?

Is meeting Jack Frost her christmas gift? Like it's been centuries since she contacted anything or any other spirits, except for Mother Nature's own kind. She didn't saw anything that could be a sign of Jack Frost existing.

Her cheeks reddened again, maybe its fate or just she just met someone like her. A spirit of winter like herself, and-

The doors to the large room opened revealing Olaf with a large smile and a tray of mug and biscuits. He was eating the biscuit while looking at Elsa expectantly. She got snapped out of her daze and looked at Olaf.

"Els! Santa gave me the best biscuits in the world!" the snowman said adoringly, like a child having his first gift on the morning of Christmas. Elsa chuckled, and brought one biscuit to her lips.

It was amazing, indeed.



The winter spirit woke up, his head hurts like constant banging from both sides. He sat up on the bed groggily, holding his head and the sheets for support. He opened his eyes, revealing his room in the North Pole. Realizing he was not in Elsa's palace anymore, he stood up abruptly and fell right away on the floor with a loud thud.

"Fuck," a curse escaped from his lips as he tried to stood up, holding the bed for support when the door opened suddenly. He felt dizzy and in pain, when a pair of arms put him back to the bed again.

"Oh Jack, there are some things we need to tell you."

He heard North's voice like it was yesterday he told him to go to Elsa and meet her. His eyes narrowed at him, his head now turning back to normal that he could think again of the past events.

He was on the door of Elsa's room when a large snowman attacked him and all of the sudden, it was all black.

"North, okay, I don't understand why I'm here and I need to go back to Elsa right now-"

"Oh lad, you must be really making her happy since you wanted to go back there. Well, Manny wants you to meet someone, important." North's voice sounded serious so he stopped talking. If the one he's meeting is important, why the hell did he even meet Elsa?

She's important too.

The large man sat on his bed, and looked at him with a serious gaze in his eyes."You will be meeting your father, Jack. The Old Man Winter wants to meet you."

"He what?" it was his only reply after seconds of processing North's words. Not only he was meeting the personification of winter itself, but his father. His father, was winter itself and imagine how scary and cold he was.

He cannot believe the events happening in the past hours. It seems like rushed, and he cannot think of something right anymore.

North gave out a cough, "Manny said that he was ready to meet you. Something is happening Jack, the world is changing and there are fires everywhere. The glaciers are melting in South and North. Maybe he needs you." he looked at him with a sad look in his bright eyes.

He knows everything. How the world changed every year, and every month. He was the bringer of winter, and his job was to keep the winters on place. If the Old Man Winter wanted him to help, he must do it. But him as his father... how can he suddenly believe that the old man was his father? After so many centuries, he didn't even care for him. Maybe he gave him his power, or the Moon resurrected him because the Old Man saw his love for his sister. But maybe, before he was born, he was destined to be the bringer of winter itself.

Just like Elsa. She's a spirit before she was born.

North stood up, and looked at him. "You will go today, and after, go meet Elsa."