Herri hadn't meant to go to the Chamber so early in her second time around. However, a part of her had drawn her towards Myrtle's bathroom on the eve of Halloween.

As if in a trance she walked to the sinks and whispered Open and Stairs.

As she descended down below, she closed the hole behind her and made her way deeper into the chamber.

Her mind remembering her second year coming down there, frightened for her friend and determined to save her.

There was a part of her that always wished that she hadn't had to kill the basilisk. It was such a beautiful majestic beast. The Queen of all Snakes.

It was that part of her that drove her towards the home of the said majestic queen.

When she reached the chamber where the Salazar's visage was paramount and a small pond (nearly a small lake) formed at the base of the sculpture; she sat at the base and closed her eyes.

Oh great queen of snakes. I call to thee, Lady Slytherin calls thee.

The sound of nails of chalkboard echoed through the hall-like room bouncing off the stone walls as thousands of razor sharp scales brushed against them as the great beast awoke.

Heiress of Slytherin...what do you command?

Heri bowed her head in the direction of the beast.

It is not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you.

Heri kept herself still even as she felt the great beast's breath against her face.

I have inherited several properties where you can have your pick, if you wish to have your own kingdom. I wish only that you not harm those innocent, and only attack those who seek to destroy you.

Open your eyes, young one. One who holds the gift of speech with me can gaze upon me with no fear.

Heri eyes blinked open and looked at the great beast before her.

I see in your eyes a history of a life lived already, child.

Emerald eyes widened while looking into those of crimson fire.

Yes, this is my second life. I wish to correct the mistakes I made and live free from those who sought to control me in the other life.

Heri tilted her head down.

I fear I did not respect you, in the other life. I slayed you instead. I wish to repay you for the past, even if it is one you cannot remember.

Young one, it is not for those young to pay for the mistakes of the past.

Without her permission, Heri could feel her eyes fill with tears and she kneeled before the great beauty before her.

That may be so, however in this life I wish to make sure you are honored instead of disrespected.

The giant head rested lightly on top of the young girl's head, nuzzling her hair.

None of my young lived very long. I wish to have my own snakelings.

Heri gazed reverently at the beast before her.

I'll make sure to protect you and them.

It is I who wishes to protect you, little snake. I will take care of you first before I leave to one of your lands to make new little ones.

I do not deserve your protection.

You will have it regardless. You are mine now, little snake and I will make sure you live long little one.

What may I call you, mother of snakes.

Wadjet was the name I was once called. However I'll be your nestmother now little one.

Her long coils wrapped around Heri, and despite the sounds that clanged against the stone walls earlier. Her coils didn't injure the little girl. They seemed to soften as they wrapped around her.

Now sleep little one. I will wake you in the morn.

Thus, this is how the Dark Lord found his little horcrux wrapped in the coils of the Queen of all Snakes soundly asleep.