The Polar Tang surfaced at the edge of the frozen hellscape that was Marineford with a splash of water. Many eyes were now on the yellow submarine and the Surgeon of Death calling out to Buggy demanding Straw Hat and Jimbei be given over to him. Law watched as his crew brought the two injured pirates into his sub and effortlessly caught the Straw Hat that was flung at him.

Law turned to head back inside and flee the battle in one piece when he saw a familiar pink feather coat out of the corner of his eye. He turned back to look and sure enough the Heavenly Demon himself was only a few hundred meters away. Law smirked as he walked backwards into his sub.

"Hey Doffy!" He called, catching the warlord's full attention. "I lived, bitch!" Law laughed as he stuck up his middle finger at Doflamingo and took great pleasure in seeing the man's angry face as the doors closed and the submarine was brought below the surface.