
Our story begins in Gotham City, where Batman was currently keeping an eye on the streets from a high rooftop, searching for any signs of crime. Suddenly, he heard a footfall behind him. He looked and saw a woman wearing a golden tiara amongst black hair and a patriotic looking suit with red boots and silver bracelets. This was Wonder Woman.

"Late night, Bruce?" she asked.

Batman didn't respond.

"You know, the least you could do is not stay silent half the time." Wonder Woman said.

Batman turned to her, "The only time I'm not silent is when I instill fear." he said.

"Come on, Bruce. You need to get out of that kind of style and live life a bit. Ever consider dating to take your mind off all this a bit?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Diana, we've been over this before. Dating within the team always leads to disaster. You, princess; me, rich kid with issues." Batman said before they heard people screaming and saw them fleeing from flying people in green and yellow suits.

"This can only mean one thing." Batman said before the two Justice Leaguers flew down and attacked the creatures, successfully preventing injuries. However, after they had taken care of them, there suddenly appeared a red portal before them and out of it stepped a creature wearing blackish dark blue armor with gray, rock-like skin and red eyes.

"Darkseid." Wonder Woman said.

"So, friends of Superman, you dare to interfere with me once again?" Darkseid asked.

"You have to ask?" Batman asked before Wonder Woman stepped in front of him.

"Let me handle this " she said before she drew her sword and rushed at Darkseid.

"Foolish Amazon." Darkseid said before he aimed the Omega Beam and fired, Wonder Woman narrowly dodging before she took a swipe at him with her sword, only for him to move around her and fire an Omega Beam at her back, giving her a nasty burn in the back.

"Diana!" Batman said before she struggled back up and, summoning her strength, flew at a high speed and slashed Darkseid across the face. He wiped his face with his thumb and saw red on it.

"All that for a drop of blood?" Darkseid asked before he launched another Omega Beam meant to fry her completely. Wonder Woman put up her bracelets and, after a desperate struggle, managed to deflect it back at him, charring his arm a small bit.

"No one. HURTS. DARKSEID!" the alien entity shouted before he fired an Omega Beam that she deflected again using her shield, this time hitting him in the face and temporarily blinding him before she assaulted him with her sword, drawing blood in multiple spots before Darkseid grabbed her by the head as she tried a final overhead strike and held her tight.

"You're the first one to make me use my hands for combat for a very long time, and these are the hands you will die by." Darkseid said before he gripped Diana's head and it started to smoke, causing her to scream in unbearable pain before she was fried by an Omega Beam which left her unconscious before Darkseid kneed her to the face, horrifying Batman. This was a feat, as Batman doesn't horrify easy at all.

"DIANA!" Batman yelled as he ran over to the beaten Amazon Princess.

"Don't worry, you'll be joining her soon enough." Darkseid said.

Batman grew furious before he yielded some Batarangs before a sonic boom shot down from the sky, revealing none other than Superman.

"Batman, Darkseid is mine to handle. Get Diana to the Watchtower Infirmary right away." Superman said. Batman was reluctant, eager to pay Darkseid back for Wonder Woman's injuries, but knew it was better to leave him to Superman as he ran off, carrying Wonder Woman.

Hours later, Batman was standing over Wonder Woman as she was hooked up to an oxygen tank and kept on life support. Martian Manhunter had said that if he had gotten her there a little later, she might not have made it.

Supergirl walked by as she talked with Zatanna and saw Batman standing over Wonder Woman. They grew concerned and walked over.

"Will she be okay?" Kara asked.

Batman didn't respond.

"You feel guilty about it, don't you, Bruce?" Zatanna asked.

"I should've fought with her. She knew Darkseid was too strong for her and she rushed in anyway." Batman said as he tightened his grip on the side of the bed.

"Calm down, Bruce." Zatanna said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly, Martian Manhunter came in.

"I've sensed her life readings. They're very weak, but she should pull through." he said.

Batman then stood straight and walked out.

"Wait, Batman!" Supergirl said, fixing to walk after him, only for Zatanna to grab her shoulder. Supergirl looked and Zatanna just shook her head.

Meanwhile, Batman was thinking hard about something that had been on his mind since the start of his adventures with Wonder Woman, everything from the Imperium invasion to the last battle they had against Darkseid. Then, he remembered the fondest ones, the time Wonder Woman kissed him on the cheek as well as the time he gave up his pride and sang so a curse on her would be undone. It was then that he turned around and walked back towards the infirmary.

At the same time, Wonder Woman was awakening, much to the relief of the rest of the Justice League.

"What happened to Darkseid?" she asked Superman.

"He got away again." Superman said before he noticed everyone behind him moving back. He saw Batman coming towards the bed, so he moved as well.

"Are you all right?" Batman asked Wonder Woman.

"Yes." Wonder Woman said.

Batman bowed his head before he said, "Diana, I-I'm sorry. I should've fought alongside you."

"It's not your fault, Bruce. I was too overconfident." Wonder Woman said before Batman put his hands on her shoulder.

"Good think I'm never overconfident. Otherwise, I wouldn't be sure this was a good idea." Batman said, actually smirking a bit.

"Sure what would be a good ide-?" Wonder Woman was cut off by Batman kissing her on the lips, shocking everyone present. Wonder Woman was surprised by the kiss before she returned it, wrapping her arms around Batman.

"Awwwww…" said most of the other members, while others just smiled.

From that day onward, Batman and Wonder Woman fought side-by-side, working together perfectly.

Then, one day, everything changed. Batman called everyone back to the Watchtower for an announcement so big, he even asked Superman to bring Lois Lane and her crew back with him. Once they had all arrived, Batman stood before them on a makeshift stage and said into a microphone, "Diana, would you please join me?"

Wonder Woman was puzzled before she got up and walked beside Batman.

"Diana, I used to always think emotions were a weakness and a distraction in my line of work. But, over the course of the past few months, I've come to realize how foolish I was, thanks to you. I was always shy around you, especially with my feelings, but I always thought of you as a remarkable woman and a valued friend, one I would hate to ever have to combat. Now, I know a way that will never come to be." Batman said before he bent on one knee and reached into his utility belt before he pulled out a small black box and opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

Wonder Woman gasped as her hands flew over her mouth and she whispered, "Bruce Wayne."

"Wonder Woman, will you marry me?" Batman asked.

Tears came to Wonder Woman's eyes before she said, "Yes." and the two of them kissed as Batman put the ring on her finger and everyone else applauded.

"Batman has just proposed to Wonder Woman! I've seen heroes join forces before, but never like this!" Lois said as she and her camera crew, along with everyone watching on TV applauding.

A couple of weeks later, the whole Justice League, as well as Hippolyta and Diana's Amazonian Sisters, were gathered at a church, with Bruce at the altar, awaiting Diana.

"Can't believe this is really happening." said Dick Grayson.

"Believe it." said Bruce before the Wedding March played and Diana walked down the aisle, wearing a wedding dress and carrying a bouquet of flowers. As she stepped up to the altar, Bruce removed the veil and they shared smiles.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince in the bonds of Holy Matrimony. If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be married in union, speak now or forever hold your peace." the priest said.

No one spoke.

"Marriage is more than just a ceremony, it is a union. A union of two people who have fallen in love and wish to signify it with this, their wedding day. Marriage is always being there for each other, for better or worse, to say that there is love between them every single day, and it's not just about finding the right partner, but being the right partner as well. At this time, let these two exchange their vows." the priest said.

"Diana, the first time I ever laid eyes on you, I fell in love, something I don't feel easily. You changed my whole opinion of life and made me realize that I could be something more than just a billionaire playboy and figure of Gotham. I vow this, that I will never forsake you, for as long as I live." Bruce said.

"Bruce, I knew from the moment I met you that there was something special about you. You seem like the kind of person who always works hard to help those in need and doesn't take any negative strikes from anyone. You made me believe there was something much more to you than just being a great person. I vow this, that I shall never forsake you, for as long as we both shall live." Diana said.

"At this time, we shall exchange rings." the priest said as Tim Drake walked down the aisle carrying the rings.

"Congrats, Bruce." Tim said.

"Thanks, Tim." Bruce said as he and Diana each took a ring.

"I have for you this ring made of gold, the most precious metal on Earth. This ring symbolizes that my love for you is eternal. With this ring, I thee wed." they said at the same time.

"At this time, let us pray to God." the priest said before everyone bowed their heads.

"Lord, may You always keep watch over these two and lead them through the harshest of times that they may encounter and keep Your Hand upon them, Lord. Please help them to live the best of lives, Dear Lord, and always bring them joy and good fortune, Dear Lord, we ask in Your Holy Name, and all of God's Church said…" the priest prayed before everyone said, "Amen."

"Do you, Bruce Wayne, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"I do." Bruce said.

"Do you, Diana Prince, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked.

"I do." Diana said.

"Then by the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce this couple husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." the priest said before Bruce and Diana shared their first passionate kiss as husband and wife as everyone else clapped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne-Prince." the priest said as the two newlyweds faced their family and friends.

9 Months Later...

Diana and Bruce smiled as they walked in the door of Wayne Manor, carrying something that was so important, Alfred rushed to them immediately as he heard the door open.

"Master Bruce, Mistress Diana!" Alfred said.

"Hello, Alfred." Bruce said before Diana showed him the little bundle she had in her arms, wrapped in a blue blanket. It was a small child that had light blue eyes and black hair.

"Ah, he is more matching to you two than I ever could have imagined." Alfred said, fighting tears as the other heroes came over.

"He's precious!" Zatanna said as she looked at the child.

"Do you have a name for him yet?" Flash asked as the young baby was passed around.

"We've named him Thomas Kane Wayne, but we like to just call him Tommy." Diana said as Tommy was passed to Hippolyta.

She held the baby with a smile before she frowned at Diana, something she immediately took notice of.

Hippolyta passed the baby to Supergirl before she marched up to Diana and said, "I expected you to have a girl, Diana."

"Excuse me, Mother?" Diana asked.

"Only a girl child can grow to become a powerful warrior like yourself." Hippolyta said.

"How dare you! A boy can grow up to be just as powerful as any Amazon!" Diana said.

"Diana, easy." Bruce said, taking her shoulder.

"You say that, but what happens when the boy grows up and becomes just someone who winds up waiting all day for you to come home?" Hippolyta asked.

"Me and Bruce can train him to be the best he can be! Aside from that, I will show him all the love and care you showed me when I was a child!" Diana said.

"If you'll forgive me, ma'am, she's right. We can train Tommy to become a powerful hero, and we can use your help, whether it's babysitting or training. Look at me, I'm no Amazon, but I put myself to the toughest training, and look at me now." Bruce said.

Hippolyta looked at him before she looked like she just realized something big and turned towards Diana with an apologetic face.

"Diana, I am so sorry. Bruce is right. I shouldn't have snapped like that. Please forgive me." she said.

Diana smiled, "Apology accepted, Mother." she said.

Bruce smiled before he looked at Tommy, who was being held by Superman, and thought, 'I get the feeling that Tommy will be truly great one day, just like us. Who knows? Someday, he may even save us all.' proudly.