(Yes, it's been a while since I uploaded a story! Set in Steven Universe Future and after Steven Universe the Movie, keep in mind that there may be spoilers ahead in this chapter and future chapters, so if you haven't watched either, then it's recommended to watch them first. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!)

For all his life, Steven had made it his goal to ensure that those around him were protected and loved for. Whenever they were in need of help, Steven would be the first to rise and offer any help he could, no matter what. For him, it was everyone else before him. As the years went by and Steven grew older, this principle started to take its toll on the Gem-human hybrid. That once cheery, optimistic demeanor now faded into a mask of his former self. Still, no matter what, he pressed onwards to make sure everyone around him was okay. Even the foes that tried to kill him, Steven felt that it was his duty to help them as well.

Upon achieving galactic peace with the Diamond Authority and Homeworld, Steven could not find peace within himself as problems still arose around him. With each problem that he faced; the mind of Steven slowly became undone. After receiving a call from the Diamond's about some Gems still upset over the changes within the rule, Steven went back to Homeworld to try and solve another problem. Arriving on the warp pad, Steven was greeted by a cheerful looking White Diamond, a smiling Blue Diamond, and a stoic Yellow Diamond.

"Steven," White sang, "Oh, it's so good to see you again!"

On the surface, Steven smiled up at the former tyrant, but he still could not forget what happened that day. How White pulled the gem from Steven's body. On his left, he was reminded of when Yellow created the Cluster to destroy the Earth, trying her hardest to activate it. To his right, he was reminded of Blue kidnapping his father. However, he kept his composure and waved at the Diamond.

"H-Hey, White, Blue, Yellow! It's nice to see you all again, too! How've you been?"

"Oh, Steven, it's been awfully dreadful," White groaned, "Some Gems are still upset over the changes recently and it's starting to get a bit out of control! We're doing our best to be civil, but they won't listen!".

"We've tried to talk with them, but they strongly feel that Homeworld should go back to the old ways of conquering and terraforming," Blue softly spoke.

"I can't blame them," Yellow said, "The years of combat just thrown down the drain in the matter of minutes with the utterance of a few words. However, that's still inexcusable behavior for how they are acting!".

"You know how to talk to others, Steven. Please, can you talk to them and see what can be done," White asked.

Steven sighed and looked up with a tired look in his eyes, the smile not dropping from his face. The look said it all about how he really felt, but he also felt that he had to help out.

"Alright, then. Let's go meet these Gems. Lead the way!"

White Diamond guided Steven out of the throne room and the two went to speak with the group of upset Gems. A group of Obsidian's and Onyx's made up the group. These two Gem's were used to help produce weaponry as well as combat training, so it's understandable why they were upset. Steven stood in front of them and spoke to them, talking to them about purpose and how life is about living for oneself instead of for others. After talking to them for nearly two hours, Steven asked them to ease tensions with Homeworld and that they'll work together to help find new purpose for them. A Gem in the crowd did not care for the answer as a rock was thrown from the crowd, hitting Steven on the side of the head.

"You insufferable little ingrates! I'll—" White Diamond's started to glow until Steven spoke up.

"White, stop!"

Steven raised his hand up to assess the damage. Blood was coming from the wound. He felt his breathing pick up, but still, he tried to remain calm and level-headed, kissing his hand, then touching the wound on his head to heal it.

"Please, we understand! It's a sudden change and you feel that your lives have been made useless! But we have to work together, or nothing will be done, and hatred will just keep building up! I want to help you, so please, let me!"

Some of the Gems in the crowd felt that there should at least be an attempt in peace. While there was still anger amongst the crowd, they dispersed for now.

"Oh, Steven, thank you! Are you alright?"

No. No, he wasn't. He hadn't been alright in so long.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, White," he lied, smiling that fake smile up at White Diamond. "They've stopped for now, that's good. Hey, I'm gonna go to Pink's—Mom's old room, okay?"

Steven turned and started to make his way to the room of Pink Diamond. The name made Steven grind his teeth and clench his fists. He did not know if it was hatred or sorrow towards his own mother, but with each passing day, Steven discovered a new truth about her. After entering the room and ensuring the door was closed, Steven sat down against the wall and started to cry. It wasn't the first time for him to do this and he knew it wouldn't be his last. However, he couldn't let anyone else know that he needed help. He had to help them! As he cried silently, Steven failed to realize that there was another guest in Pink Diamond's room watching him: Spinel.