A/N: I've always loved reading New Moon spin-offs, so I figured I would try one. I'd love to hear your feedback!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; it's all Stephenie Meyer.

I could feel the heat radiating from Jake's body and I happily snuggled into him. He had one hand firmly on the steering wheel and the other wrapped around me. The muscles in his chest were taut beneath me, but they were also soft and warm and I couldn't help comparing the feel of him against me to the cool marble I once knew. An ancient ache flared in my heart and I hugged Jake tighter to me. He responded by nuzzling his cheek against the top of my head.

"You okay, honey?" he asked gently. I nodded against him and he seemed content with that reply. Only recently did he stop pursuing the notorious look on my face when I was reminded of him. I remembered sitting in Jake's living room on the couch with him the last time he brought it up.

We were watching a movie Emily recommended, though it was about halfway through and I was dozing off on Jake's chest. He was practically cradling me in his arms, with my head tucked beneath his chin and my body curled against him. Lately, our interactions had become much more intimate and I knew Jake noticed but he never pressed me about it. It just felt easy and natural, a concept I thought was completely eradicated from my life.

In the past few months, I felt myself beginning to heal in strange ways. In the safety of Jacob's embrace, staring at his neck and hidden from the world, I could admit that his presence was slowly filling the gaping hole in my heart. I could absolve myself of the guilt I felt in knowing how he chased away my nightmares and brought back little pieces of me. I realized the weight of his role in my life and my utter dependence on him to function. I knew Jacob would never exploit that vulnerability, but I still felt incredibly stupid to once again put myself at someone's mercy.

He felt me tense in his arms and lifted my head to meet his eyes. I saw the concern in his expression and fought my welling tears, because it was no use. What was I supposed to tell him? "I'm angry that I love you because I won't be able to bear it if you leave?" The thought was pathetically repulsive to me and I burrowed my chin back down in an attempt to avoid him, and the subject along with it.

His gentle, but persistent hold kept me in his gaze and I struggled to mask my emotions. "Bella," he whispered, the word laden with wretched affection. I squeezed my eyes shut to block him out, but I could still feel his heartbeat pounding in his chest against mine. He was too close and I was falling and helpless to stop it.

I forced myself to open my eyes again and his eyes were fierce on me, trying to compel my thoughts out with his gaze. "Please talk to me," he begged and I strained more, hearing the note of anguish in his tone. This was the problem with our ever-mounting relationship; our thoughts and feelings were so intertwined. My hurt was his hurt and on some days, I was desperate to exploit that tie in an effort to relieve the crushing burden on my heart. It was selfish and ugly, but it was how I had survived until now and Jake was always devastatingly eager to take my burdens for me. But today, I couldn't let him.

I took a deep breath and willed myself to be honest, "You make me feel whole." I watched my words elate him and I felt disgusting but I ventured on. "I know how hard you're trying to fix me and I love you for it. But Jake, I don't know if you can- if anyone can. Some days I think you have and then- then it hits me all over again and I-" my words started to falter and he shushed me, pulling my head to his shoulder.

"It's okay Bells. I know you don't have it all figured out yet. Just do the best you can, okay?" he whispered tenderly. I wanted to recoil at his kindness because I knew I didn't deserve it, but I found myself nodding weakly into his neck. And then a fresh round of guilt festered in me as my sweet Jacob tried again, "Just tell me what makes it better."

I knew the answer immediately but pondered over whether I was selfish enough to voice it. "This," I confessed into the crook of his neck, hating myself for meaning it. He nodded wordlessly and rubbed my back until I felt asleep.

We didn't speak again until he pulled into my driveway. "I know you're just grabbing some clothes, but can I come in with you?" he asked, already leaning to open his car door. I knew he was anxious to leave me alone and for sick reasons of my own, I was anxious to let him so I nodded and got out of the truck. The sun was just beginning to set on the horizon and the sky was filled with a beautiful pink and purple sunset.

Charlie would probably be home soon, so I checked to make sure there was enough food in the fridge for him. Jake just watched me silently as I maneuvered around the house. I headed up to my bedroom for some clothes since I had taken up the habit of sleeping at Jake's. Sleeping with Jake was a more accurate description since I convinced him not to take the couch on the second night, but I barely passed off the former idea to Charlie, so I certainly would not muck up my new arrangement with the truth. It was concocted after Jake and I feel asleep in the living room and I slept peacefully through the night for the first time in six months.

I know Charlie was relieved but he was also a father of an eighteen year old daughter, so he wasn't ecstatic about the idea of me staying at the Black's overnight. Billy was surprisingly receptive to the idea initially and only more supportive after he tasted my french toast, so the plan naturally fell into place. We spent about half the week sleeping at my house and the after half at Jake's. Jake usually snuck into my bedroom after Charlie fell asleep, which worked out fine since he would get up atrociously early to phase and handle pack stuff anyway. My new routine became eerily familiar to the one I had before he left, but I didn't let myself dwell on that fact often and I simply focused on maintaining my sanity.

"Almost ready?" he asked, peeking his head into my room. I nodded and he came to hug me from behind. I softened into him, leaning my head back against his shoulder. In a sudden motion, Jake had me pinned against my bedroom wall and I scrambled to face him. His body was rigid and I felt the snarls rippling through his chest. I took his face in my hands and I struggled to calm him, perplexed by the wild look in his eyes.

Over his shoulder, I saw a twitch of movement near my bedroom door and then my weight went out from under me as I fell to my knees. There was a faint ringing in my ears and I could feel the harsh pants being forcefully expelled from my body. My eyes burned as they ran over his form. There was dark purple rings under his onyx eyes which bored into me. I felt a sick sense of pleasure at the vividness of my imagination; he seemed so staggeringly real in front of me.

Jake slid down next to me, partially supporting my legs and squeezed my shoulders to his chest. I gripped his shirt desperately between my fingers and tried to cling to some semblance of reality. I dug my chin into his shoulder and moaned out helplessly, "Jake, I think I'm losing it. Please." I didn't know what I was pleading for because I couldn't bring myself to will the beautiful figment to disappear. Jake laughed harshly in disgust and I distantly wondered if he finally grew contempt for my incessant infatuation, but I couldn't actively process that thought because everything in me was transfixed by the pale being before me.

"Bella," Jake said, his hot breath on my ear making me shudder. "Honey, that's him. This is real." His words and his tone of revulsion made no sense to me. The phantom looked at me with a devastated smile and whispered my name, ripping me to shreds. I made a noise I didn't know I was capable of and Jake held me fiercely, growling. He stepped toward us and Jake's voice rang out, clear and dangerous, "Don't."

I felt everything in me collapse as I suddenly understood and my body was overcome with the tide of pain, confusion and overriding joy. I scrambled feebly to get to him, terrified he would be gone in an instant. As I got to my feet and darted across the room, Jake jumped up behind me and grabbed my wrist. I looked back at him and saw the raw devastation written on his face. My heart was writhing with every beat to cross the room and get back to him but it wavered infinitesimally there in Jacob's broken gaze. I tried to muster the decency to stay and failed miserably with a single, desperate utterance, "Please."

His hold immediately lessened and I ran to him. I stopped about six inches short and stared. I spoke the word I had avoided even thinking for the first time in six months and relished in the painful pleasure it unleashed on my tongue, "Edward?"

"I'm so sorry, Bella." His voice was low and rich and riddled with agony. I felt as if it physically struck me and my knees quaked for a second time. He flashed toward me and caught me in his arms. His cool forehead pressing into mine as his stone arms encircled me. I couldn't fathom his presence and yet, I was never more grateful for anything in my life. I felt the sobs wracking my body before I heard them and I clutched him against me.

"Bella, I'm so sorry." he whispered it again into my hair and I willed his words to be true with everything in me. And then something cracked inside me. When he leaves again, it will kill me.

I stiffened in his arms and tried to back away. Jacob growled behind me and as soon as Edward realized my effort, he released me. I stumbled backward a few steps until my back met Jacob's chest. "Why are you here?" My voice was low but it was strong, despite my unraveling insides. Edward's eyes flashed with hurt and I resisted the urge to go back to him. He swallowed unnecessarily and answered, "I came back for you. I should never have left you and I will never make that mistake again. I promise you, Bella."

I shivered at the sound of my name on his lips. I could feel the rumbling in Jacob's chest as he heard Edward's words. I slowly turned to him and placed my hand over his heart, ignoring the blatant hurt in his eyes. "You need to calm down. You know he won't hurt me."

I knew instantly that I chose the wrong words as Jacob snarled in dissent, his eyes blazing. I was suddenly snatched across the room with Edward in front of me in a defensive stance, "He's not in control, Bella." Edward's voice was level but firm and I felt a molten hot sense of fury overcome me.

"Jacob would never hurt me. Jacob would never-" The initial fierce anger in my voice abruptly cut off with my tears. They both marginally relaxed and turned to me in bewilderment. How dare he?

I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to continue, "I would be dead without him." I whispered the declaration, not trusting my voice at a normal octave. Edward's eyes softened and I could see the anguish in his eyes but he needed to know. This was my life now, or what was left of it and Jake was an integral part. He reached out as if to touch me and then faltered, turning back to Jake, "I'm sorry, Jacob. I'm so sorry."

His tone was riddled with guilt and sincerity and it washed over me like a wave of hope. I tried to keep my emotions in check and tell myself this was all temporary. The thought burned holes in my mind, but I knew it was nothing compared to the pain of him leaving and I needed to prepare myself as best as I could for its inevitable return.

The sound of Charlie's cruiser in the driveway pulled me from my reverie and I spoke his name for the second time that night, "Edward." It was an unnecessary warning, but I pathetically savored the way his name sounded aloud and ached internally wondering when it would cease to exist again. He flitted toward me and brushed his fingers against my temple. I instinctively leaned into his hand, reveling in the feel of him touching me.

He cupped my cheeks in his hands and the intensity in his eyes overwhelmed me. "I will come back as soon as he's asleep. I promise you, Bella." he vowed solemnly. I closed my eyes then, knowing he would leave and not bearing to watch him go again.

Jake immediately came to wrap his arms around me and I nearly collapsed in them. He led me to my bed and we sat intertwined as I sobbed. I buried my face in his chest and tried to reconcile the past few minutes that had shattered the small foundation of normalcy I'd built and restored the air in my lungs in one fell swoop. Jake tried to quiet me as the front door opened, "Shhh… honey, it's okay. Look at me." I dutifully lifted my head and stared at his blurry face through my tears.

"Bella," he started firmly, the typical boyish gleam in his eyes replaced by a more adamant devotion. "I know this a lot right now, but I need you to hear me: I will never leave you. No matter what, I am not going anywhere." I shuddered at his words and held him tighter, invigorated by the truth behind his promise. I knew he wouldn't leave me and maybe, just maybe, he could get me through whatever came next.

He chuckled and added, "I might have to leave you now though to get some clothes. If we sleep in LaPush tonight, I think the treaty might be broken." I allowed myself a small smile and nodded in agreement.

He went to stand up but I kept my grip on him and he smiled, leaning into me. "Bells, I promise." he whispered, kissing my cheek gently. I reluctantly slid off and headed downstairs. Charlie called out from the kitchen and Jake followed me to say hi before going to LaPush. Charlie's face immediately brightened when he saw Jake and never waned when Jake mentioned he would be back shortly. He pecked me once more on the cheek as he left and I tried to fend off my furious blush, knowing Charlie was watching. Charlie certainly wasn't complaining about the PDA as I pulled out a chair next to him while he ate. His face took on a more serious expression though.

"Bella, we need to have a discussion." he announced, in his fatherly tone, which was exclusively reserved for talks about death and Edward. I unsuccessfully stifled a grimace in anticipation.

A/N: Thanks so much for reading my story and stay tuned for the next chapter- coming soon! Any ideas what Charlie will speak to Bella about?