Bonnie stands frozen in the doorway for a long moment. Her mind is screaming at her to move, but her feet just do not want to cooperate. The trio hasn't noticed her standing there yet, so Bonnie tries to ease her way out slowly. She'll call from her car to tell them that something came up and that she has to cancel. Satisfied that she has a plan of action, Bonnie takes a step back.

"Hey Bon!"

Bonnie likes Joey. He's funny, charming, and a great workout buddy. However, right now, in this moment? She wanted to drown his loud ass in a pool.

"Hey, Jo-Jo." She turns around to hug Joey and get her game face on. By the time she turns back around, she feels ready to enter.

"Look who finally decided to show." Luke teases as he comes over to grab the bag that Bonnie had honestly forgotten she was holding.

"I'm on time!" Bonnie protests.

"This time." Liv interjects.

Bonnie gives her a side eye, "Aren't you supposed to be more mellow right now?" And is rewarded with a flush appearing on Liv's face. "Touché, Bennett."

"Bon, this is our oldest brother, Kai." Luke introduces the two. Bonnie tilts her head, what kind of name is Kai?

He sees the motion and laughs a bit self-deprecatingly, "It's short for Malachai." Her eyes widen, and he laughs again, "Yeah, trust me, I know. Which is why I go by just Kai." He holds out his hand for her to shake.

Bonnie looks at it like the trap she knows it is. She enjoys his hands on her, he knows she enjoys his hands on her, she knows that he knows that she enjoys his hands on her. With the rest of the Parker siblings looking on, there's not a whole lot she can do but accept his handshake.

His warm hand engulfs hers, and Bonnie wants to melt in a puddle right there. "Bonnie." She says simply.

He holds fast to her hand. "I heard Liv say Bennett; you're not related to Sheila by chance are you?"

Bonnie sighs audibly at that, "What did she do this time? Or say? Grams is a bit…unpredictable on the best of days."

"Nothing!" He's quick to reassure her, "I was called to an altercation once, and this feisty older woman was cussing out the local butcher. She gave me her name, and said that if I wanted any more information, I'd have to buy her a drink."

Bonnie closes her eyes in mortification, "Yep, that's Grams." Her eyes open, "If it helps, they've been fussing and fighting for literally decades at this point, with almost no serious injuries."

Kai raises an eyebrow, "Almost no serious injuries?"

Bonnie frowns as she tries to recall, "Yeah there was this thing with a meat hook, but they moved past that."

Kai looks wants more details when Liv calls over to them, "Okay, now that we've all met and introduced ourselves, can we get on with the movie?"

Bonnie flushes and goes to take her normal seat, but realizes that her hand is still enveloped in his. He watches with a half smile as she tugs gently, trying not to draw any attention to them. Bonnie mouths "STOP IT" and rolls her eyes as he reluctantly lets go of her hand.

She flops down in the plush armchair that she's long designated as hers, her mind whirring with this new information. How the hell did she not know this? She casts her gaze around looking for any pictures that she may have overlooked, and found none.

"Are you not having any popcorn, Bon?" Luke asks, holding up the bowl.

"Yeah, my bad." Bonnie jumps up to head to the kitchen, "Anybody else want anything while I'm up?" She gets a chorus of no's and one lone "I'll help you." Bonnie takes in a deep breath and goes to make her snack.

The kitchen is around the corner from the living room, and between the noise the rest of the Parkers are making and the popcorn poping on the stove (Liv loves popcorn made on the stove, and refuses to even entertain the microwave kind) they can talk in relative privacy.

"It's a nice name." He says out of nowhere.


He turns to lean against the sink, "Bonnie. It's a nice name."

Bonnie tries to hide how much hearing him say her name affects her, but judging by his smirk, she's not doing a great job. "Thank you." She searches for a smooth comeback. "Malachai is…a mouthful."

Bonnie immediately wishes there was a hole she could crawl into. What was it about this guy that made her so damn ditzy? She tries to salvage the situation "I mean…"

"No, you had it right before." He saunters over to crowd her against the opposite counter, "I am a mouthful." He runs a thumb along her bottom lip, "And then some. But you can handle that, right?" Bonnie swears she has no control over her body as she opens her mouth slightly to let her tongue lightly taste him.

"Fuck." He presses in closer, close enough that she can feel him start to harden against her. Bonnie knows that they have to get back to the rest of the group, but the devil on her shoulder is talking to her again. She looks up at him from underneath her lashes as she opens her mouth a little wider and takes his entire thumb into her mouth. She keeps eye contact as she bobs her head once twice, before swirling her tongue around his digit.

She pulls off with one last hard suck, "Come on, Malachai, we don't want to keep them waiting." and pushes past him to fill her bowl. She flounces back into the living room and settles into her chair with a pleased smile on her face.

Which slides off when he finally comes out of the kitchen with a look that promises retribution. Bonnie gulps and sinks lower in her chair.

"Well, that sucked." Joey said cheerfully as the end credits rolled. "What's next?" He and Liv start to bicker about what should come next. Knowing that they would be at it awhile, Luke heads into the kitchen to make more popcorn, while Kai excuses himself to go to the bathroom.

"Shit, I need another bowl. Bon, can you go grab one from the pantry?" Luke is into flavored popcorn, and likes to have a different bowl for each flavor. Bonnie readily agrees, he's already agreed that it would be for the jalapeno cheddar popcorn that she loves.

She gets to the pantry and looks up in dismay. "Of course he'd have that damn thing on the highest shelf." She mutters to herself as she pulls over a small step ladder.

She's standing on the ladder when the door creaks open once more, "I'm getting your damn bowl, Luke, calm down."

"I can help you with that." Bonnie freezes mid-reach, that is not Luke's voice.

She's proven right in the next second when hands reach out to grip her waist as if to steady her. "Careful, now."

Bonnie grabs the bowl and sets it on a lower shelf. "Thanks." Her voice is doing that breathy thing it does when she's been exercising for too long. She goes to step down, but his hands on her waist prevent that.

Here we go. Bonnie thinks to herself.

He steps closer, and with her height on the step ladder, his face is dead even with her lower back. She feels a tug on her shirt before its lifted and his hands are on her skin.

"What are you wearing today Bonnie Bennett?" His hands are slowly creeping up her middle.

"What?" Bonnie tries to pull her head out of the fog.

"What are you wearing?" He repeats as he reaches the clasp on her bra. "Something lacy?" He runs his hand over the fabric, "No, not lacy." He comes even closer, she can feel his breath now. "Maybe I can guess the color?" His hands circle to her front, then slide up to cup her covered breasts. "Black?" A squeeze. "White?" Another squeeze. "No, no, those are too simple." He pinches a nipple. "Green, like those eyes." Bonnie has to hold in her moan as he licks the base of her spine. "Stop me when I get it right."

Honestly, Bonnie doesn't remember what the hell she has on. Shed be hard pressed to tell you her own name right now. She whimpers softly as she arches into his hands.

"Well if you're not going to tell me, then I'm just going to have to see for myself." She hates that his voice is so light and teasing, like what he's doing isn't affecting him at all.

Bonnie braces herself against the top shelf as he drags his hands down to undo the button on her jeans and pull the zipper down. "Too bad you're not wearing a dress today." He says conversationally, as if he doesn't have her half bent over in his younger brothers pantry. "I could have already made you come." He sighs dramatically. "I guess we'll have to save that for next time."

He tugs her jeans down a bit, just enough to see a flash of red. "Red, huh? Bold, I like it." He rests his head in the dip of her lower back while his hands roam all over her ass. "I've been having dreams about this ass." He gives each cheek a firm tap, before briefly cupping her mound. "The things I want to do with you."

He abruptly pulls away, grabbing the forgotten bowl and heading to the kitchen like that was his mission all along.

"What the FUCK?" Bonnie whisper screams to herself. She's wound up so tightly that she swears the slightest breeze would set her off.

She takes a detour back to the bathroom to do up her jeans and try to appear like she hasn't been seconds from defiling Luke's pantry. She takes her bowl of popcorn silently and settles in her chair once more.

After the movie is over, she says her goodbyes and heads out. Kai, the cheeky bastard, offers to follow her home. Just to make sure she arrives there safely, of course.

Luke's head swings around as if he's just remembered something, "Hey, I think you guys actually live near each other! The townhouses on 5th, right?" When they both nod, he lets out a little laugh, "and this is the first time you're meeting? Crazy, isn't it?"

"Its a crazy world, bro. See ya."

Bonnie is already in her car with the music blaring as he hugs his siblings goodbye. She knows he's most likely headed home, but she needs to talk to someone about this. She makes the drive on autopilot, pulling up to a nice two story house and knocking on the door.

"Hey Elijah, sorry to intrude, is Kat here?"


"Shut the hell up, Kat!" Bonnie looks around to make sure that Elijah doesn't come wandering in to see what's wrong.

"No! I will not shut the hell up." Kat is laughing so hard, she has to hold onto the edge of the couch. "Girl! In the pantry? In a gay man's pantry? With his brother?" With every question her voice gets louder and Bonnie pretty much gives up on trying to contain her. It's not like Elijah will say anything to anyone.

"Does it matter that it was in a gay man's pantry?" Bonnie asks.

"No, that just makes it funnier." Kat dissolves into giggles once more. "I never took you for a public sex kinda person."

"Yeah me neither." Bonnie agrees. "But I don't know, when I'm with him, common sense just flies out the window. Hell, the police station is evidence of that."

Kat sits up, "Wait, what happened in the police station?"

Bonnie feels her face heat up as she gives a short version of their dalliance. Katherine is sitting on the couch with her mouth wide open.

"Oh my god, Bonnie B. I never thought you'd be the one to have the most scandalous sex life, but shit. I guess I gotta hand off the crown." Kat mimes handing Bonnie a crown.

Bonnie takes the imaginary crown and fakes wiping a tear, "I'd like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Parker for making such a beautiful specimen of man. Rudy and Abby, for making a daughter that can't control herself. And finally, I'd like to thank God that nobody has caught me acting like the thirsty bitch that I evidently am. Thank you, I love you all!" Bonnie does a pageant wave to the room at large. They collapse on the couch, laughing until their sides hurt.

"But seriously, Bon." Kat says when their laughter dies down. "Do you think you're ready for something right now? I didn't much care for what's his face, but you were with him for a long time. I don't want you jumping into something too soon."

Bonnie smiles at her friend, "I really do think I'm ready. That's kinda what I want to talk to you about." Bonnie leans in closer. "Wanna go shopping with me?"

"Fuck yes, I cannot have you showing me up. I want my crown back, bitch."

Bonnie twists and turns as she examines herself in the mirror. She looked long and hard to find the right color blue for tonight. Along with the garter belt, stockings, and lacy push up bra to complete the set. Her hair was down in its natural curls, if tonight went how she wanted it to, she'd sweat out any hairstyle anyway.

She's so wired the she honestly jumps when she hears his car pull up and the door slam. She makes sure that her curtains are open so he can see right in. At the last moment she discards her panties, she figures they'll just get in the way, and it'll be kinda awkward to wrestle them off later.

She nervously counts the seconds until his bedroom light comes on. When it does, she takes her place on the bed, sitting on her haunches so that the ends of her dress pool around her on the bed.

She's fiddling with the buttons on her dress when she sees him stop and notice that her curtains are open. She bites her lip to hold in her laugh before putting on a straight face.

Much like the very first time, she starts to slowly undress. Undoing every button slowly enough for him to get the idea. She bought the dress specifically for the row of buttons down the front that hold it closed. When she reaches her navel, she takes looks up to make sure she's got his attention.

He grins, dimples flashing and pulls up a chair to his window. Bonnie smiles before continuing to undo the buttons. She sees him inhale sharply when her breasts are bared. The bra might be a little tight, but her girls are sitting pretty.

She gets to the end of the buttons and shrugs the dress from her shoulders. She rises to her knees and tosses the dress over her shoulder. She watches as his eyes bounce from one part of her body to the next, not settling on one specific spot.

Until she brings out the toy.

Bonnie swears she sees his eyes light up again and he leans even further into his window. There's no hesitation as she slips it right into her, having prepared herself ahead of time. She's also been practicing with it all week, and has the hands free feature all figured out.

She keeps her knees slightly spread as she rocks her hips, so he can watch her every move. She takes a deep breath and turns it up a notch, while holding the suction part away from her clit. She doesn't want to come just yet, needs to get almost there before the next part of her plan.

Her leg muscles work with the springs of her mattress to help keep up a light bouncing motion. Briefly she gives thanks that she's kept up with a workout routine that targets her legs and thighs.

Her orgasm is approaching faster than she anticipated, having him watch her gets her going faster than anything else she's tried, and that includes the vibrator that she's got buried inside her right now.

She hits a particularly good spot and puts a hand out behind her to maintain her balance, which opens her up more for him to see. She hears a faint "shit!" and looks across the way to see him jacking off at a pace that almost matches hers. For a few moments she wants to forget her plan, and just come like this.

But, no. She has a plan and she will stick to it. As much as it kills her to stop, she does. She slows her hips and pulls the toy from her body. Kai stops too, confused about what she's doing.

She looks up to meet his eyes, and makes a come here motion with her hands. He cocks his head in confusion, but leans closer, damn near falling out his window.

Bonnie can't help it, she starts laughing. She's laughing as she breaks form and collapses on the bed, she's laughing as she manages to get through to him that she wants him to actually come over, and she's still laughing as he all but breaks her door down when he finally understands.

She stops laughing when, as soon as she opens the door, he pushes her back against it and devours her mouth. It's not a pretty kiss, its urgent, their teeth are clacking, noses are bumping, but it's probably the best kiss Bonnie has ever gotten.

He cradles her face in his hands while he sucks on her tongue and Bonnie feels her knees get weak. She breaks the kiss gasping for air, but that doesn't deter him in the slightest. He rains kisses down her neck on one side and up the other before coming back to claim her lips.

She's not sure how long they stay there at the door making out like two teenagers, but eventually he pulls back a little and gives her a soft smile, "Hi."


He scans her body from head to toe, "I like this color." He's running his hands all over her bra and garters.

"It matches your eyes " Bonnie blurts out, "or its supposed to. I don't know, does it? Bec-" she's cut off by his mouth.

"Its very nice, but I don't give a fuck about the color right now." Kai says while looking her in the eye.

"Oh." Bonnie looks down, "Well, if you don't care, then I guess I should just take it off." She swears she means it sarcastically, but Kai doesn't take it that way.

"Okay." He leaned down to kiss her again, slow and deep and when she came up for air, her bra was gone. "What the fuck?"

He wiggled his eyebrows at her, "neat trick, huh?" Bonnie smacks him on the shoulder while he laughs, "wanna see another one?"

Bonnie blinks ands herself sitting on her couch, Kai kneeling between her legs, with both thighs resting on his shoulders while he eats her out like it's his last meal. As he licks and slurps at her sopping center, his hands are busy massaging her breasts and tweaking her nipples.

Bonnie holds onto his head as she rides his face to what she knows is only her first of the night. She pushes at him when he shows no sign of stopping. He takes the hint and backs off, turning his attention to her garters and stockings. He carefully rolls off her stockings, placing them on her coffee table, and helps her undo the garter.

"You know" he says, "the first time I saw you in these, I thought I was dreaming." He says as he buries his head in her chest, alternately nipping each breast before soothing it with light kisses.

Bonnie laughs as she remembers, "Confession time? I only did the cause I was drunk, and maybe cause I had seen you naked on accident and wanted to even the slate."

Kai swirled a tongue around a nipple before he pulls back, "Confession time? I wanted you to see me."

Bonnie's eyes grow wide, "You set me up!" She pushes and maneuvers him until he's laying flat on the floor. She quickly straddles him, "Well this is awkward, here I am fully naked, and you still have clothes on." She gestures to his shirt, "take it off."

"Yes ma'am." Kai's shirt is gone in a flash. Bonnie takes the opportunity to run her hands up and down his front, lightly using her nails to scratch on the way down. He's muscular, but not overly so. Bonnie leans down and starts at his neck, taking her time kissing and sucking until she gets to his pants.

She rotates her hips just to hear him moan underneath her. She slaps his hands away when they come up to undo his pants. This is her show.

She eases his pants and underwear down his legs, leaving him as naked as she was. She leans back, settling herself over his thighs before reaching out and taking him in hand. Kai groans at her touch, and bucks up into her fist.

Bonnie isn't the most experienced at sex, but the few partners she's been with have all raved about her blow job skills. Which she credits to an honest to God class that she'd taken with Katherine on a whim one summer.

She starts by licking around the head before taking him fully into her mouth. She sucks shallowly, then with no warning deep throats him.

"Fuck!" His hips surge up, and Bonnie lightly scores his hips with her nails as a warning. He chokes out a "sorry, sorry" he reaches down to cradle her head as she bobs up and down over his shaft. He moves her hair out of the way in order to see her face as she goes down on him. He's babbling all kinds of nonsense at her, how good she looks with his dick in her mouth, how long he's imagined this exact scenario, how much he wants to paint her face with his cum, or alternatively watch as she swallows his load.

However, neither of those are an option right now. He tugs on her hair, "Come up here." It's part demand and part plea. Bonnie releases him to drag herself up his body, straddling his waist once more. He leans up and plants one of those slow drugging kisses on her that she's starting to get addicted to already. "Condoms….in my pants…" he manages to get out while stroking her all over. He dips a few fingers inside her while she's leaning to the side to search his pants.

She finally finds the condoms and they get it on him in record time. She slides down on him and they both take a second to adjust to the feel of him inside her.

"You gotta move, Bonnie." Kai flexes his hips and Bonnie braces her hands over his shoulders for leverage. She lifts herself up and drops down onto him heavily. He feels amazing inside her, so she does it again and again until she's got a good rhythm going.

She pushes on his shoulders and he takes the hint to lay back down. Bonnie places her hands on his chest and starts to ride him in earnest. His hands creep over to where they're joined and flicks her clit.

Bonnie cries out as she trembles around him, coming with an intensity that is entirely foreign to her. Kai is still while she rides out her orgasm, only moving once she stills. He lifts her up off him and guides her onto her hands and knees.

Bonnie steadies herself as he slides back into her from behind. He fucks into her with determined strokes that leave her breathless, clearly chasing his orgasm. He leans down, completely blanketing her body with his, "You gonna come for me again, Bonnie?" He licks a line up her back, ending at her neck. He wraps an arm around her chest and sits back, bringing her with him. "Come on, I wanna feel you tighten around me again." He slides a hand down to play with her clit again as his hips crash into hers. He bites her shoulder as he comes, and that pushes her over the edge.

They both fall to the floor, each trying to regain their breath.



Eventually Kai pulls out to get rid of the condom, and Bonnie flops onto her back to watch him walk around, clearly comfortable being in the nude. He comes back to stand over her, simply watching her as she watches him.

He tilts his head this way and that before sending her a grin.

"Where's that toy you were playing with? I wanna watch you run through all the levels."