A/N: Hello, everyone! I hath returned. It was a long day this Saturday, and I am glad to be able to relax and write again. I can't believe this fic has reached almost 2000 views already! That's insane! And thank you to my loyal reviewer(s), you are awesome!

Disclaimer: I own nothing except Myeaé Barann. All Rights for Star Wars belong to Luacasfilm, and Disney.

The Last Skywalker

Chapter Six



Several days passed as the two Jedi acclimated to their new lives on Ahch-To. Myeaé had taken to cooking for the two of them, seeing as Ben had little experience in the matter. She teased him for it, but he knew she didn't really mind. He had taken to picking out places to teach their incoming students, and he had actually begun meditating in the spot where Luke had become one with the Force. He knew his former master didn't mind. Had he minded, Ben was certain he'd have been thrown off the cliff by now.

Their conversation about his nightmares, and Rey, had seemed to day the last night they'd discussed it. Ben found his nightmares had been slightly better, but still present. He didn't find he was waking up in a cold sweat anymore, and when he did, he found Myeaé somewhere nearby. She would either be sleeping while leaning on his bed, curled up on the floor, or sometimes she would be awake, and would gently talk him back down to sleep. He didn't know how to tell her how grateful he was, so he hoped she somehow knew. He would find a way to repay her, one way or another.

Lately, they had been discussing plans to start finding students.

"We need to go get Kara and the rest of them from Naboo."

Myeaé was seated across from him, braiding her long red hair, voice slightly distorted due to the hair tie between her teeth. She eyed him, cross legged, fingers working furiously. Ben looked up from fiddling with his mother's lightsaber's hilt. He nodded.

"I know; do you have any ideas?"

Myeaé finished with her hair, and began to chew her inner cheek, looking a moment, she suggested, "We could just break them out?" He saw a sly grin forming on her face, and he felt himself rolling his eyes.

"Are you joking, or being serious?" He threw her a look, and it was her turn to roll her eyes.

She looked exasperated. "I'm joking, of course! I worked there for years, I know how unethical that would be. The problem is, we can't just adopt all of them, either. It'll look too suspicious." She played with the end of her braid, eyes scanning the room, as though the answer lay somewhere nearby.

"How many are there?" Ben moved from his position on his bed, and came to join her on the floor. He handed her a piece of bread from the loaf he had been picking at, which she gratefully accepted.

"Other than Kara, there are two others." She took a bite of bread, and chewed for a moment, thinking. "Three doesn't seem like a lot, but it'll look strange if we try to take just those three, instead of the rest of the kids."

Ben thought for a moment, before saying, "What if instead, you just say you're visiting, and maybe we can sneak them out one by one? No literal kidnapping needed."

Myeaé fixed him with a quizzical stare. "Just...bribery. With the reward being becoming a Jedi?" There was an edge to her voice, and Ben felt himself flush.

"...yes." He muttered, and Myeaé's lips quivered with mild mirth.

After a moment, she stated, "That is a terrible idea, Ben." A light chuckle escaped her, and Ben scoffed openly.

"Do you have any better ones?"

That shut her up. She scowled at him. "...no." Her response was reluctant, and Ben grinned at her triumphantly, to which she stuck her tongue out at him. He laughed, climbing to his feet, and helping her to hers.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's head back to Naboo."


The trip back to Naboo was an uneventful one. The two remained mostly quiet, only speaking when they needed to. Ben could sense Myeaé's worry, so he didn't try to bother her too much. She sat quietly beside him, staring out into the galaxy, her grey eyes glazed over. He watched her sometimes, wondering if there was anything he could say to help, but he usually decided against it.

When they finally reached Naboo, they landed close to the same spot Ben had landed the first time. They climbed out of the cargo ship, and hurried off into the forest leading to the city. Myeaé told Ben to hide his lightsaber in the leather bag she had brought, just in case, and despite grumbling about it, he obliged. He knew they didn't want to draw any unneeded attention to themselves, even if it felt like he was stowing one of his own limbs in there.

When they arrived at the orphanage, Myeaé paused, staring up at the building. Wordlessly, Ben placed a hand on her shoulder, and she glanced sideways at him, nodding slowly. She was nervous, he knew that, but it was time. Myeaé pushed open the doors to the orphanage, and they stepped inside.


The two froze, as a woman with pale blue skin stood up from behind the counter that Ben had first spotted Myeaé. She hair was a bright white, and her eyes a deep ebony. She smiled widely at Myeaé, before rounding the counter, and embracing the young woman. Myeaé gave her a strained smile.

"Hello, Matron Asha'la. It's good to see you again." She quickly gestured to Ben, "This is my friend, Ben. He's been helping me, off world." Ben nodded, feeling an awkward smile pass along his face, and raised a hand in greeting. Matron Asha'la fixed him with a smile, as well, before turning back to Myeaé.

"Are you all finished with your business, then?"

Myeaé shook her head, and the Matron's face fell. "No, and I'm afraid it looks like it's going to keep me from returning here permanently. I just came to get the rest of my things, and say goodbye to the children." She tried to look apologetic, but to Ben, she just looked stressed.

Matron Asha'la didn't seem to notice. "Oh, that is sad. I must say we have missed having you around." She squeezed Myeaé's shoulders, and the redhead looked a little sad.

"That's kind, Matron, thank you." She took her hands, and squeezed once, before dropping them. "If you'll excuse us." The Matron nodded, before moving aside to allow them to pass. They hurried off down the hallway.

"Now what?" Ben asked as they strode.

Myeaé looked around wildly, before answering. "I'll round up the kids. I don't have anything else left in my room, but if you want to meet me in the garden, there's a back exit we can take into the alley behind the orphanage. That'll be our best escape route."

Ben raised a brow. "So, we are going with literal kidnapping, then?"

Myeaé gave him a look. "No, we are going with the "I think you could be a Jedi, and I want to help you" plan."

"So, bribery. Got it."


"Okay, okay. I'm going."

They parted ways, but not before she gave him his lightsaber back, and Ben returned to the garden in which Myeaé had reclaimed hers. He hovered underneath a dark green tree bearing yellow fruit, slightly worried. He hoped she wouldn't get caught, because if she did, he didn't know what they would do. As Kylo Ren, his solution had just been to kill everyone. Here, he was sure that wouldn't go over well. That, and he didn't want to.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Myeaé reappeared, with three people in two. One was the little girl, Kara, from before, and the other two were two boys, one around eleven, and the other around fifteen.

"Ben, you remember Kara." Myeaé placed a hand on the head of the little girl, fondly. She then gestured to the boys, "And these two are Arlen," she pointed to the younger one, "and Anders. They're brothers."

Arlen eyed Ben, "Are you going to help Myeaé teach us how to be Jedi?" He was missing some baby teeth.

Ben glanced at Myeaé, "You told them everything?" When she nodded quickly, he turned back to Arlen, "Yes. I am."

Anders spoke next, his eyes cold. "If you're a Jedi, prove it."

Myeaé turned to glare at the boy, "Anders." Her tone was stern, but he ignored her. His eyes were travelling between her and Ben.

"Look, I came out here because I was curious. I find out today your name isn't even Rhea, and you say you trained under Luke Skywalker!" His voice rose, and Myeaé hushed him.

"Hush, do you want us to get caught?" When Anders looked slightly ashamed, she sighed. "Fine, you want proof? Fine." She began to reach into her bag, and Ben saw her pull out her lightsaber.

Ben took a step towards her, his shadow completely covering Kara, who stared up at his tall frame in mild awe. "Mye… We need to leave. We don't have time for this." He tried to keep the urgency out of his voice, but she waved it off.

"It's fine, Ben." Without another word, her lightsaber came to life, its green glow illuminating the entire garden. Myeaé scowled at Anders from behind her saber, who stared in amazement, his mouth hanging open.

"Oh, wow!" His brother, Arlen, looked somewhere between impressed, and intimidated, and Kara just looked scared.

Seeing this, Myeaé quickly put it away, before gently patting Kara's head. "Satisfied?" She shot at Anders, who still looked stunned.

"You have a lightsaber?"

Myeaé nodded curtly. "So does Ben." She began ushering the children towards the back alley door. "Now, we need to go." However, before they were out the door, a voice rang out behind them.

"Hold on, what's going on here? Where are you going?"

They all stopped dead in their tracks. Ben turned and saw Matron Asha'la standing there, looking both confused, and angry. She took a few steps towards them, and Myeaé, panicking, spoke first.

"Shit. Uh, you didn't see anything." Ben realized she was trying to use a Jedi Mind Trick. And failing horribly. He stared at her, incredulous.

"Really? That's your best attempt?"

Myeaé turned to glare at him, "Shut up! I was never good at Jedi Mind Tricks!" The children all looked between them, as though watching two quarreling parents. Ben suddenly froze.

Quarreling parents! Of course!

He turned to face the Matron. He had always had a gift with the Force. He fixed a fake smile on his face, before putting an arm around Myeaé, who flinched, and stared at him, her expression both confused, and mildly irritated. "These are our children, we are a family." Ben said, his voice calm, and collected. He continued to smile at the Matron, "We need to go home now. You will let us leave."

For a moment, Matron Asha'la stared at them in perplexed anger. Then, her face relaxed, and her usual smile returned. "I will let you leave. You have a beautiful family." She turned on the spot, and walked back into the orphanage.

There was a long pause, before Myeaé burst out: "Holy shit, Ben! That was incredible!" She grabbed him into a quick hug, but upon realizing it, quickly let go.

Ben gave her a strained smile, "Thank me later; go!" The five of them then raced out the back door, and into the streets of the city.


"That was close. We are so getting arrested if we ever go back there."

They were back on the cargo ship, and barrelling through space back to Ahch-To. The kids were all strapped into seats behind them, and Myeaé was leaning over the pilot's chair, chatting to Ben as he flew. Her long braid occasionally brushed his shoulder, but he ignored it. Myeaé had gushed at him for a good ten minutes after getting into the ship about how he had used the Jedi Mind Trick against the Matron. The kids had seemed pretty impressed, too, and for that he was grateful.

"Was it worth it?" He asked, as they flew, stars becoming blurs around them.

Myeaé thought for a moment before answering. "Yes. These kids now have a chance at a better life than growing up in an orphanage. Was it the right thing to do?" Another paused. "No. Was it ethical? Hell no. But, was it worth it?" He could hear the grin in her voice. "Oh, yes." Ben chuckled lightly, and Myeaé beamed down at him. Behind them, they heard Anders call out.

"How did you do that?" Ben knew without looking that the question was directed at him.

"Do what?" He replied evenly.

"How did you convince the Matron we were a family?" Anders sounded genuinely interested, and Ben felt a smile tug at his mouth. He was reminded of a younger version of himself; always curious, always needing to learn.

"I used something called a Jedi Mind Trick." He called back to the boy over his shoulder. "I can teach you, if you want."

"Not right away, though." Myeaé interject quickly. "It'll come later. First, we need to teach you the basics."

"Will we get our own lightsabers?" Arlen asked.

"Yes, in time." Myeaé replied, "For now, you'll learn with sticks."

"Sticks?" Anders sounded affronted.

"Yes, Anders, sticks." Myeaé's tone was one that indicated she wasn't going to be argued with, and the children went back to talking amongst one another. Kara seemed to be the only one who was just happy to be there. She had clung to Myeaé the entire way back to the ship, and Myeaé had promised Kara could sleep in her room with her when they arrived back on Ahch-To. It had been a sweet interaction to see.

"You know," Myeaé commented as they flew, "we'll need to go off world a few more times to find more children, or anyone really, who are Force Sensitive. But we shouldn't go alone."

Ben nodded, not taking his eyes off the galaxy before them. "I agree."

Myeaé came around and learned against the main console, watching him. "Good, so we need to find someone to watch the children on Ahch-To while we are gone."

Startled, Ben looked away to stare at her. "Wait, what?" As he did, he narrowing avoid running into an oncoming asteroid. Behind them, the children cried out in surprise. "Sorry! Sorry." Ben called back, before turning back to Myeaé, who was suppressing laughter.

"You heard me." She continued, folding her arms. "I won't let you go alone to find more kids, and I don't want to go alone. In case something happens to one of us, we'll need backup." She had a point, but Ben didn't like where she was going with this. "So," she continued, "we need to find someone who can watch the new recruits while we're gone. Do you know anyone we might be able to trust with a bunch of kids, who happens to also be Force Sensitive?"

Her words hung in the air for a moment, and Ben considered them. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew someone who fit that exact description. Someone he wished didn't, and someone he knew would not be happy to see him, or anyone associated with him, ever again. He shut his eyes, taking a slow breath in.


He opened his eyes, and saw Myeaé waiting expectedly. He sighed. "I know one. But he said if I ever show my face near him again, he'll kill me."

A/N: Yay, another one down! This one was considerably shorter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless! And, if I don't update till then, have a Happy New Year!