Please god, let me die in peace. I wanted to scream, but we can't have everything we want. After the news that my father died reached Riverrun, the whole castle was in chaos, with the lords in roughly three factions. The first one wanted to declare independence and run straight to Kings Landing, the second one wanted to continue with the original plan of cleaning house with the Lannisters while playing around with Renly, and the third one wanted to swear fealty- wait what? Ah, it's made up of Freys. Never mind then. Ignoring the third faction, I turned my attention to the quarreling lords. The Independence faction was made up of younger glory seekers led by Edmure Tully and SmallJon Umber, while the Renly Faction was mainly made out of the older and some of the smarter lords like Maege Mormont and surprisingly Roose Bolton.

"The Bastard of the Lannisters dare execute High Parramount of the North? It's the mad king all over again!" SmallJon Umber boomed, his voice echoing off the huge castle walls.

"Something I'm sure you're very familiar with, as you were obviously around then." Lord Cerwyn replied with obvious sarcasm. Even I was impressed at the level of it, and I grew up with the internet. SmallJon looked murderous, but my attention was stolen by Roose Bolton (surprise!) again. There is something seriously wrong with the world if one of my supposedly biggest rivals was actually the most reasonable.

"Lord Stark. What is your plan as of now?" His voice, quiet yet reaching me in ways I'll probably never comprehend, whispered at me.

"Word has it that Tywin Lannister is retreating back to Harrenhal. That means the Lannister occupied Riverlands should be empty. I'm giving leave for the River lords to recapture their own lands, and raise more levies. Meanwhile, I want the main army to prepare for an Ironborn invasion." My words stopped all arguing for a moment, leaving my lords to gape at me.

"Invasion from the Ironborn?" One lord stuttered, looking shocked at the prospect. Though the smarter lords sighed in resignation, as they knew that the Ironborn were likely to raid the North as they always did.

"Yes. Meanwhile, I will make plans to speak with Renly himself, and set my own terms for an alliance. I will also most likely visit the Arryns as well, seeing as my aunt refused to help our cause. I leave my Grandfather Hoster Tully as Regent of the Stark-Tully alliance until I get back." I impressed myself at how I managed to keep my composure, and if the silence meant anything then hopefully my lords agreed with me as well.

"Very well then, Lord Stark." My grandfather broke the silence with a nod at my direction. The rest of the lords gave me various ways of agreement, and that was that for now. I do not envy my grandfather, as I knew the fighting would return soon after I left. At least he was used to it..? I probably should feel a bit sorry for throwing my grandfather to the wolves, but really couldn't find it in me to. After the dinner feast, everyone split off, and I was left with the Tullys again.

"Lysa has forgotten her family house words, it seems." Hoster Tully didn't look happy at all. And I guess it made sense. Jon Arryn and Eddard Stark were close, so the Vale should've sided with the Starks as soon as word of the war broke out. Even excluding that, Lysa Arryn was still a Tully and related to me, and the Tully house words were 'Family, Duty, Honor'. I doubt Hoster Tully would be happy to know that Lisa threw those words out the window, or maybe the moon door? Meh, either way Lysa Tully screwed up, and Hoster Tully would've probably marched to the Vale himself if he wasn't ill. Unfortunately he was, and I had to miss out on the epic burn that would've happened.

"Mayhaps she might remember them once she sees her sweet nephew again?" I grinned sarcastically. The Blackfish blinked before laughing out loud, while Hoster Tully frowned harder. I said my goodbyes and retired to my bed, planning the march towards the Vale soon enough.


The plans for the march took longer than planned, but we were out and walking towards the Vale soon enough, while half the army was sent North to deal with the Ironmen and raise more Levies. The other half was stationed in Riverrun, pressuring Tywin from pressing another Offensive against the Riverlands. The Riverlands army split up as well, reclaiming taken lands from the retreating Lannisters and raising more Levies as well. The Anti-Ironborn army was led by the GreatJon Umber, while the Riverlands army was led by the Blackfish. I had a small escort of around a hundred men, leading to many protests regarding my health. Eventually I won them over by saying I needed speed and we didn't have much men to spare anyways, but they weren't too happy that their leader was in such risk. Meh, they'll get used to it. The force that escorted me was made entirely of cavalry, and notable members included Ollivar Frey, Dacey Mormont, Theon Greyjoy and Torren KarStark. Rushing out within the week, we headed straight towards the Vale, using the many hills and forests on the road to avoid Lannister scouts, while wearing cloaks to avoid any suspicion. Unfortunately, we weren't able to avoid the Mountain men.

"Who passes the home of the Moon Brothers?" A hairy bear of a man boomed, blocking the road with his huge axe. Thankfully, he seemed to have failed to notice his bowmen being killed by Grey wind, who I sent earlier to scout the area. The giant wolf was actually a lot smarter than I thought, and told me about the ambush by using a stick and scratching the ground or running back and forth. My men had no idea what he meant though, and to quote a certain muscled beauty from bear island, "Are you Starks actually wolves?" Maybe I do have something magical with Grey wind though. It be cool if I could skin change into him, though it amused me greatly that I'd technically be proving Dacey right.

"Someone unimportant, now shoo." My dull words had the Giant Clansman roaring in outrage, and promptly charged at me, probably thinking that his archers would back him up. It also helped that only 20 of my men were visible, the rest a bit back to prevent anyone from following us, as well as bringing all the supplies. Unfortunately for the charging Raider though, all his archers were dead, and the rest of the infantry were dispatched quickly enough by my much more superior army. there were probably around 50 of the clansmen that charged us, armed with various weapons ranging from stone axes to chipped steel blades. While my escorts numbered few, they were very well equipped, and we cleaned them up easily enough. Unfortunately, we made a bit more noise than I'd liked, and distant roars of outrage were heard a bit far away.

"Well...Shit." My eloquent words perfectly described the situation we were in, and I sent most of the escorts around me to the bigger group in the back while I went forward alone, with Grey Wind. We were almost at the Bloody gate anyways, and my men had no time to refute as I pushed forwards, Grey Wind reaching me easily enough. Thankfully the horse I chose for this journey wasn't easily spooked at all, and continued it's gallop through the mountainous roads. One or two clansmen spotted me in the distance, but what idiot tried to chase a horse on foot? Well, these idiots apparently. They obviously failed though, and were left in my dust easily enough. Galloping non stop for an hour or so, I eventually slowed down once I was sure we weren't being chased. We were traveling for about a week from Riverrun, so we were nearly at the Bloody gate anyways, being near the Mountains of the Moon around the high road. No Lannister scouts dared to travel near such a risky area, so it seemed like a good idea to try and rush the high road through the mountains. Unfortunately the Moon Brothers decided it was harvesting season, and we ended up running into them this time. Unlucky, but I managed to break out of the ambush and another hour or so should see me at the Bloody gate. My escort force was probably panicking, but I really couldn't care too much. I just hoped they weren't killed by the Moon Brothers, but I doubted that would happen. Even a clan as large as them would find it difficult to kill a task force as well armed and trained as mine, courtesy of my mother. Who knew mothers were so over protective? If this is what the more reasonable Tully is like, I can't begin to imagine what Robin is going through, poor guy lol.

"Who would pass the Bloody Gate?" Ah. it appears that I've reached the Bloody gate while monologuing.

"Lord Robb Stark, here to see my Aunt and cousin." I replied loudly, Gray Wind watching from a bit back. One of the knights galloped forward, and reached my location.

"So it seems you really are the Young wolf. Have you come here alone?" He said skeptically. I couldn't blame him, as the road to the Vale was pretty treacherous, and I doubt there was a single person able to reach this area alone.

"I had an escort of one hundred men, we met the Moon Brothers though. If they do come here, please let them in?" I asked, though its not like they can say no. Man, being powerful is pretty fun, no wonder all those politicians wanted to keep their spots.

"Of course my lord. Ser Redfort, please escort Lord Stark to the Eyrie." The helmeted knight barked at one of the men watching the exchange. Well, looks like I'm almost at the Eyrie. Let's recap; I sneaked past the Lannister army though hills and forests, gone through the Mountain of the Moon while fighting through some tribesmen, and now I'm about to cross a dangerous path riding a goat. For what? Ah, to ask my sickly cousin and probably mad but no one can say shit about it aunt. Talk about family gatherings, I was hoping to leave this shit back on earth. Bloody hell my life sucks.

Terribly short, but I wanted to tie the meeting between the OC and the Arryns in one chapter.