(I thought it would be interesting to write a Christmas-themed Smash Bros fic, and Rosalina seemed like the perfect Santa candidate. Some other ideas came to mind that I felt necessary to explore, and before I knew it, I had a nice looking short story mapped out. Sadly, I can't possibly include everything by Christmas Day, but I will aim to complete the story by New Year's. I hope you enjoy it.)

Aboard the blue comet that streaked the night sky, Rosalina looked down at the world below. It was an especially beautiful planet, with blue oceans, white clouds, and above all, fertile forests all around. Only one thing was truly missing: the light of civilization. Indeed, the surface of the planet was quite dark at night with the exception of one single city, although it could hardly be called a city or even a town:It had less than a hundred people in it. Some of the people here chose not to live in that city directly, but the fact was, in terms of intelligent life, this planet was mostly barren.

It reminded her of how few Lumas were still with her today. Aboard her old Comet Observatory, over a hundred Lumas roamed freely and happily, but now, only her old friend Polari and the young boy named Lumi had made it here. She was not alone in that experience. Many beings drawn from various worlds had, like her, found themselves summoned to this one, but most of those who had many friends and loved ones found themselves sadly separated from them, along with their homes. Even her Comet Observatory had not come with her. This current Observatory was merely an identical replica she'd created after finding herself, Polari, and Lumi in this strange world.

Now it was just the three of them, limited by the nature of this world, and the strange limitations that even the two mysterious gods controlling it possessed. They could not bring anyone they wished here, and sadly, that had led to many unwanted partings.

At least, that was how it had been for her at first. Fortunately, the three of them were not the only people to come from her world to this one, and she was not the only human from her world, either. Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Daisy had all appeared here, along with Yoshi. She'd not only reunited with those friends but also found a wide variety of interesting people here from different worlds. In the past few months, it had been a real joy so far to befriend many people here, even if they'd been assembled for a far greater purpose than mere socializing. For now, though, that purpose was not relevant. It was time to relax.

She left the privacy of her personal tiny planetoid after she was done observing the world below and flew back to the main Observatory. On her way to the dome where her bedroom was, she found a yellow skinned and black-eyed Luma waiting outside. She stopped floating and let her feet gently touch the ground.

"Lumi? Are you having trouble getting to sleep?"She had already told him a bedtime story, but it seemed he was restless.

The star-shaped being glowed with a slight blue aura for a second. It was his equivalent to shaking his head, since Lumas couldn't do that.

"No, Mama. I wanna ask something. Did anyone ever tell you about Christmas?"

"Yes, they did."

Lumi floated upwards a little higher so he was at the level of her chest in height and Rosalina didn't have to look down at him as much.

"Well...You heard of the tradition with Santa Claus, right? Uh, I had this idea..."If he had thumbs, he'd be twiddling them right now in nervousness, as he glowed green for a moment, showing his slight fear and awkwardness.

"Yes, I have heard of it, and I would be glad to hear your idea."

Lumi started to get a little excited."Ok. Christmas is coming up. I was happy I'd get a present from Santa, but then that big meanie Pittoo went and told me Santa's not real... I was kind of sad about that until now, when I got this wonderful idea! What if you could make him real? Mama, could you please be Santa for all the children and give us presents?!"

"I would be very glad to, that is a wonderful idea!"

Lumi glowed really brightly with gold light in excitement.

"Yay! I'll go tell Kirby!"

He flew off towards the dome where Kirby was sleeping, but stopped when he heard Rosalina's voice.

"Wait, hold on!...Thank you. I can not let any of the children know who Santa is, Kirby included. Please let it just be our little secret. Also, thank you for telling me about what Pittoo said. I might even have to put him on the naughty list."

Lumi was relieved but a little worried."Please think more about putting him on it, I don't think he's really a bad guy at heart..."

"Okay. Then I will be sure to check it twice."Rosalina said while smiling.

Lumi was feeling tired, and he didn't know what else to say. He was glad his weird idea had been accepted.

"Thank you for being Santa for me. Good night, Mama!"

"Good night, Lumi."

After that, he floated away to go sleep, and Rosalina thought about her new task.

She loved the idea of being Santa. There weren't many children in this world, but all of them but Lumi had been separated from their parents, if they weren't already separated by unfortunate life events. It would feel good bringing joy to their lives, and she still had about two weeks to pick out the right presents.

With her goal in mind, Rosalina retired to her room and spent some time writing about her plans. Some of these presents would probably be very good, but she needed to make sure to make things the children individually wanted from the bottom of their hearts, not merely what appealed to a wide variety. As she was reflecting on their personalities and goals, she realized three minutes remained to midnight, and closed her notes. Two hours had passed in the blink of an eye, and now was about time for her routine nightly conversation with Polari. Eager to share her new plans, she flew to the top of the Observatory's spire and floated there. They went here to enjoy their view of the planet, and so they were far enough away that the children wouldn't be disturbed from their dreams.

Right on time as always, Polari, a black skinned and blue-eyed Luma, showed up for their chat, ready to give wise advice to her as he always did. Rosalina began with the routine pleasantries, smiling all the while.

"How are you doing, Polari?"

"A hundred and five and still kicking! How are you, Rosalina? You sound quite cheerful tonight."

"Lumi introduced a splendid idea to me today. He asked me to be Santa for all the children in this world."

"Oh? That's interesting. You'd make a fine Santa, but you definitely need some practice to give the right impression. What if they see you when they're not supposed to? You need lines prepared. Something like this. Ahem..."

Polari took in a big breath(not that Lumas truly needed to breathe) and prepared his best Santa impression.

" 'Ohohohoho! And a very merry Christmas to you too, young boy!' "

Rosalina giggled. "I am sorry, but I cannot see myself going quite that far. You will have to help me be stealthy."

"Haha...can do.

So, do you have any presents lined up yet?"

"Actually, yes. For, Pit, I am thinking of making a ...

And for Ness, ..."

Polari squinted his eyes while glowing with a silver aura, one he had whenever he was thinking. "Hmmm...Your gift for Ness is good. That's definitely something he'd like. As for Pit's, I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but I think you may be misunderstanding him in some way. You should probably ask Palutena to be sure you have the right idea. She can definitely keep a secret, and she'd know Pit better than anyone."

That certainly seemed like a good idea to her.

"Thank you. Well, that is enough about me for now, I will think more about presents for all the children tomorrow What about you? Is there any problem you are concerned with?"

"Not really."

"Then I am glad to hear everything is good on your end."


...Is the kid doing okay?"

"I think so. He may seem depressed, but I think he's doing his best. I probably would've broken down completely if i had to endure everything he did at the same age. He's been through too much...At least he will dream well."

"Yep. He sure will."

Thanks to a certain someone, everyone in this world dreamed well.

They had few more ideas to talk about, so they just took this moment to enjoy their view of the stars. It was a new universe far from home, but even this world had much in common with their own. From her viewpoint in space, she could perfectly see the band of stars dominating the skyline. When stars weren't evenly distributed in all directions, and a band seemed to cross the center of the sky which looked much denser and brighter than the rest, that meant you were in a spiral galaxy. Even though she lacked the childlike wonder she'd once had when viewing such a sight, when she'd known nothing about what stars truly were or how they even were able to shine, her deeper understanding of how it all worked still never changed some things. Like always, it was beautiful to look at, and that was enough.

"It was nice speaking with you, Polari."

"Good night, Rosalina."

"Good night to you too, Polari."

With her goodbye done, Rosalina floated on down to her bedroom and allowed her internal thought process to wind down as she simply focused on her activities. She made the necessary preparations for sleep, eventually changing her clothes before she finally went to bed. The moment she rested her head on her pillow and began wishing to sleep, a great sense of ease came over her consciousness as she knew who was helping her try to have sweet dreams.

Her physical eyes closed, and she visualized herself in a new body entirely disconnected from the sensations of her sleeping one. She found herself between two worlds. Above her, there was a starry night sky as far as she could see, and below her, there was an endless field of water which perfectly reflected the sky. It was beautiful. It was as if heaven and earth had become one. In this newly visualized body, she floated above the water, and it rippled around her in all directions. As soon as she allowed herself to drop into the water, her carefree dreams would begin. For a little while, though, she looked up towards the stars again, and a new thought that came to her mind.

Ah...I really am beyond the stars now, aren't I, Mother? Right where you said you would be...Well, almost. Don't worry, though, I know you're out there somewhere. I really love living here. ... I hope you're happy, too."

She looked down once more towards the rippling water, and floated down far enough that her feet could touch it. Now, rather than reflect the stars, it formed a rippling image of a new land, and she knew she'd be there the moment she allowed herself to enter the image. She leaned forwards while levitating, and a moment later, the water now seemed like an endless wall in front of her. There wasn't any gravity, so up and down didn't really exist, and she wasn't pulled , Rosalina felt an inner desire to go to this new place. The image was still hazy, but she saw many things. A sparkling river surrounded by a green land and blue skies. It seemed like a happy world.

She closed her eyes, flew into the rippling image, and left waking consciousness behind, soon drifting off to peaceful dreams.