Disclaimer I do not own the power puff girls or the rowdy ruff boys, all I own is the story plot if there is a name it took I mean no harm.

Chapter 1 The Machine

2020 June 7

The sound of the door opening and the smell of breakfast woke me up. After a few seconds of my eyes getting used to the light they fluttered open, I saw my mother coming toward my bed. She was wearing a pink blouse, a white cardigan and black leggings that hugged her curves. Her long red hair tied up in a bun on the top of her head and had mascara outlining her cotton candy pink eyes. That's what most people notice about my mom, and the first sign you know that she isn't exactly, normal. My mother is Blossom Utonium, leader of the Power Puff Girls. I mean was, she is now Blossom Jojo, co-caption of team Force, alongside my dad of course. My dad isn't normal either. Brick Jojo, I know right. The Brick Jojo, former villain now turned the coolest superhero ever. He, just like my mom has an unusual eye color, red, crimson red. And I can be happy to say, that I have those same colored eyes.

"Bailie," she said, slightly annoyed, apparently she had been trying to get my attention for a while now.

"Sorry, I was thinking,"

She laughed a little, even though I looked at her funny because of it, and she continued with her original thinking.

" The professor has some important news, and he wants all of us there. So get ready."

I groaned, I love the professor, but it was 7 am on the first day of summer break, why did he have to have important news right now?

"Don't be like that, your cousins will be there so you guys can play afterward, and dad made breakfast, so hurry up so you can eat."

Now that was a reason to get up, the food thing, even though mom almost burns the house down every time she cooks, Dad can make the best food ever. If he and mom weren't superheroes he could be a chef. I looked into the mirror after I changed out of my pajamas. I was wearing a big black hoodie with pink and red stripes, jeans and my red sneakers, I decided that I would just put my hair in a ponytail and wear the red cap my dad gave to me a year ago for my 15th birthday. Matching my red eyes.

Zooming down the stairs my mouth started watering at the thought of food. Dad was putting the plate on our counter when I walked in. He had a red button-up, black jeans, and his famous backward hat.

"Hey sweetie" he called.

"Hey Dad," I said, grabbing the plate and sitting down at the table, he walked over and kissed my head before he sat down himself.

"Any bad guys you ketch this week?" I asked.

"Yeah. A few but nothing too bad," he responded, giving me his famous smirk. That's another thing that I and my dad have in common, his smirk.

"Well, good, you can't ketch anybody too bad without me, especially now that you guys are letting us do our first mission next week."

"Well, we can't make any promises. " my mom said from behind me. My dad got up from his chair and stride over to her. Lifted her chin, leaned down and kissed her. Gross. Yeah yeah, I think their love story is so cute, but it's disgusting to see your parents kiss no matter who you are. Seeing that they were still going at it I decided to intervene.

"Well, as much as I love seeing my parents suck each other's faces off, I'll be flying to the professors if you don't mind," I yelled, as I flew to the door leaving a pink streak behind me.

In seconds I could see the house my mom grew up in, landing just in time to see my cousin coming in for a crash landing. Blaine. Always with the ridiculous entrances.

"No fair, you can't hit like that." He yelled wiping his green shirt off.

" I can, and I will." His twin sister B.J. yelled back. Gently landing form her decent. You see, being the kids of Butch and Buttercup, the toughest fighters in team Force, both kids were, how do I say this nicely, umm... rambunctious. They were always fighting, but they were also fun to hang around. Especially for entertainment purposes.

" As funny as that was to watch, why did you hit him?" I asked turning to B.J.,

" Because he was getting on my nerves." She answered without skipping a beat.

" Well ok then, have you seen Brady?"

"No, but I texted him, he said he was driving with his parents, such a wimp," Blain replied.

"Don't be mean, the only reason you got here early was that you thought you would get out of doing your chores." Aunt Buttercup said as she flew to a stop right next to him. Uncle Butch was only seconds behind her. Right next to each other you could see how he towered over her, my mom and aunts were petite and on the smaller side, and oh how my aunt buttercup hated that. Especially since her oh so loving husband would call her out on it every chance he got.

Dad and mom had just arrived along with Aunt Bubbles, Uncle Boomer and Brady.

"Sorry, we are late." My mom said before Blaine could get a tongue lashing. And before we could say hi. But I swear you could see claim let out a sigh of relief. Mom's hair was a bit out of place and her shirt a little ruffled, no one would have noticed if you hadn't seen her outfit this morning, or if you were aunt buttercup, somehow she always found the right information to mess with my mother. You could see in the mischievous smirk she had on her face that she had something planned.

" you know blossom, your most never late, what kept you?" she inquired. Her voice was suggestive.

"for your information, I had to fix my hair." mom said in an authoritative tone. But aunt buttercup wouldn't back down, not now not ever.

" I don't think you were the one to fix it" she glanced at Dad and mom turned pink. She was about to respond when dad stepped in,

"I'm allowed to kiss my wife aren't I?" he answered with a smug look on his face. " I can also go way more than that." my mother's face completely red by now.

And that's when I lost interest. It's still gross to even think about your parents that way. So I walked over to were my cousins were standing. I don't know why we hadn't gone in yet but at least, it gave us some time to hang out.

"Bailie, what do you think the professor wants to show us?" B. J. Asked. I honestly had no idea. He usually told us if he was starting a project, but he never showed us anything until he was finished. I could see that she was thinking the same thing. But before I could say anything Brady answered, e

" I bet it's a time machine."

We love him, we do, but sometimes he let his comic book nerd peek through. Just like his parents, he had blonde hair, and many people looked down on them, even though Brady was the second smartest in his class. However, he can still be nieve, when it comes to certain things. This is why I tell you, B.J., Blaine, and I all had an expression of disbelief on our faces.

"What," he asked, "it could happen."

" Funny you say that, " the professor said as he opened the door, and motioned us to follow. All three families made our way down the stair to the lab. The lab was all white with cabinets and shelves to the far right, lined up against the walls. Lab tables on the left and an interesting invention in the middle. It stood to be about 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide. In a big circle entirely made of metal. After minutes of admiring said invention, The professor turned around so that he was facing us.

"I have invented the first time machine." He announced. Excitement building in his voice. " I wanted you guys to be the first to know about it, however, I haven't tested it out on humans quite yet." All of us were astonished, if it could work he would be the first scientist to accomplish such a task. It could be revolutionary, all of us knew so. My aunt bubbles coming out of the trance first she proceeded to compliment and praise the professor.

"Let me show you how it works, " he continued on. He walked over to what looked like a power source and flipped it open. Fliped another switch and pressed a green, blue and pink button in that order and backed up.

"Behind the tape guys, if you get to close you could get sucked in." he commanded all of us watched as the machine flickered to life. From the inside, three light rays shot out and enclosed around the middle of the machine. Swirls of purple started in and soon it looked like the milky way, or what you would envision it to be.

"I don't know if it truly works but I was hoping that this week I could get a test pilot to help me out, but they said they couldn't make it till Thursday. " the professor said still staring at the swirls of the time machine. However it started to rock, and a loud thumping was heard.

"Professor is this supposed to happen?" my other uncle boomer said, finally finding his voice. But the professor looked worried

"n-no, " he stuttered back. "It shouldn't be doing that" the swirls, or whatever you want to call them, started to get faster, and the wind in the room started to increase, like a spinning washer. I could see on everyone's faces that this was bad.

" I don't know why it's doing this, maybe I set it to go too far back, " cried the professor, feer and worry laced in his words. That's when it started to pull, it was sucking us in. Papers were flying everywhere, a few had already got sucked in, forever lost. My dad grabbed my mother and I as we all tried to exit the lab, but the pull kept getting stronger. Aunt buttercup grapes the professor and tried to fly him out but the door swung shut and locked.

" The emergency systems locked the door" my dad yelled to all of us. My mother in his arms started to get pulled in, her cardigan already lost to the machine. In an instant he grabbed her but to do so he pushed me to aunt bubbles trying to get me to her safely, but she lost her gripping herself and couldn't reach me.

The pull becoming stronger and stronger I tried to grab onto anything I could. But nothing was useful, trying to use the table legs. I grabbed as tight as I could, but even with super strength, the wind of it all was all too much for me. But I kept holding on.

"Hold on, we are so close to the power switch just don't get go" screamed one of my family members, I was too concentrated on making sure I didn't get sucked in to pay attention. I looked up to see Brady trying to use his super-speed to get to the switch, and he was close when the table I was using snapped.

I couldn't grab anything and all I could see was the terrified faces of each and one of my family members as I was pulled down into the swirling obis of the time machine.

Chapter 1 The Machine

This is my first fanfiction tell me what you like, what you don't like. I especially would love it if you could tell me any plots you think would be cool, or If I did something incorrectly, this isn't just for me I want a lot of people to read and enjoy my stories, so any constructive criticism is welcomed. Thank you.