AN: [2/3/20] I added a small amount of content, can be skipped if you're a returning reader.


Long ago there was a civil war amongst the Saiyan Race. This war threatened the entire race's existence. The leader of the Rebellion, a Saiyan who's lost his name to time, had, on the brink of death, awakened a power that far surpassed the Oozaru form. With his aura and hair a shining gold, this Saiyan was winning the war single-handedly due to his newfound power, then the Full Moon came out, causing the opposing Saiyans to transform into Oozarus. With this change, the Oozaru attacked the Rebellion as a united group. Those left in the Saiyan Rebellion joined forces and retaliated with all they had, and for a moment, they were winning. Then suddenly the Nameless Saiyan's aura and hair lost his golden shine. With this change, he and his allies were vulnerable and wiped out by the Oozaru's assault... Although this Nameless Saiyan failed, his incredible power, along with the golden aura and hair, went down in history as a legend that was admired by all Saiyans, regardless of them being a warrior or civilian.

Thousands of years later, a Saiyan that became known as Vegeta the First achieved a similar state. This happened when his mate's life was threatened by a foe even his Oozaru state couldn't defeat. Suddenly his eyes vanished, his aura shone a powerful gold, and his hair took on a red tint. With this change, he reached a power that exceeded his Oozaru state. With his newfound power, Vegeta easily defeated the monster and gained great fame throughout the Saiyan Community. This cemented his family's future role as Rulers of the Saiyans. Vegeta the first, and others who had witnessed it, referred to this form as 'Pseudo Super Saiyan' or 'False Super Saiyan' because of the differences it had with the one of legend. During the time of his son, Vegeta the Second, other Saiyans started achieving this state, 1 in every 50 Saiyans could utilize this newfound power. By the time his grandson became King, 1 in every 5 Saiyans could use this 'False Super Saiyan'. It was later decided during the war with the Tuffles that those who could achieve this state would be made into a leader of a squad of those who couldn't.

Age 729, Planet Vegeta

2 Years Post Saiyan-Tuffle War

A circular ship, the first of many, lands in the courtyard of a still rebuilding capital of the recently renamed Planet Vegeta, gaining the attention of multiple Saiyans who proceeded to gather around the courtyard, watching with growing apprehension as a hatch opened on the ship and a ramp slid out. Stepping out of the ship and into the light of Planet Vegeta's sun was a being that gave off an intimidating feeling, a monster that stood at an imposing height with purple-pink skin and two black horns crowning his head, his body below the neck covered by a dark cloak that gave those who gazed upon him the feeling of looking at a Demon. Following behind this being were multiple soldiers followed by countless more flying out of the ships still floating above each wearing the same armor giving the Saiyans a feeling that it's a uniform.

"Hello, my name is King Cold, and as of this moment, this planet belongs to The Cold Force." The demon-like being stated cordially with a smirk, as if his words would be followed without challenge, to the surrounding populous. This caused some Saiyans to fly off to alert the other Saiyan warriors and most importantly, The King as soon as possible.

Within minutes, word spread that a being calling himself King Cold had declared Planet Vegeta as his own. All Saiyan warriors, with King Vegeta leading the charge, flew towards the courtyard where the would-be conqueror landed. Upon arriving, King Cold had seemingly not moved a muscle as he patiently waited for the Saiyan King to arrive.

"This Planet belongs to us, The Saiyan Race! No one else has any claim to it!" The Saiyan King declared, staring down the so-called King of the Universe, who only smirked wider at those words.

"Ahhh, but that's where you're wrong. This Planet is now mine, if you have any problems, feel free to challenge me, King." Cold said mockingly to Vegeta as if he knew that he would win without challenge.

King Vegeta roared as he charged The King of the self-proclaimed Universe, his Aura flaring a dark purple.

'I will show him to never underestimate the Saiyan race!' Vegeta thought as he grew closer to Cold, who has yet to move. Then, when Vegeta was within arm's length of the Demon, the cloak around him shifted and Vegeta was slammed into the ground, cracking it.

'What?! How can someone be so fast!?' As the King was recovering from being slammed down into the ground he looked up to see what he was hit by and saw a tail shocking him further, as he thought the Saiyans were the only sentient race that had tails in the Universe. Getting back up, he created distance between himself and Cold in preparation to launch a second attack, this time at full power. Launching himself at Cold again, Vegeta's aura turned into a shining gold, his eyes vanished, and his hair turned a reddish-brown color. As he got close to Cold, Vegeta swerved around to attack Cold from the side opposite of where the tail is. With the power of FSS, King Vegeta thought he could outpace Cold due to the speed shown prior. However as Vegeta swung at the demonic being, he had to stop his attack to dodge another lazily swung, to Cold at least, tail swipe. As he dodged he swung once more, this time with all his power, only for Cold to uncross his arms and grab the offending appendage at a speed far faster than the speed his tail was swung, shocking King Vegeta to the bone. He made the mistake of thinking King Cold's max speed was the speed of which he had swung his tail with before. Swinging his arm down, Cold slammed the Saiyan King into the ground further cracking it and knocking the Saiyan out of FSS. Cold's tail proceeded to slither down and wrap around the neck of the Saiyan King. Cold, using his tail, lifted him to the point that his feet weren't touching the ground.

"Now are you going to follow orders quietly like a good little monkey?" Cold sneered down at the Saiyan King only to hear the Saiyan mumble something.

"Speak louder, I can't hear you." The demonic being said, lowering the Saiyan slightly so they would be face to face.

"I said..." King Vegeta started, his face looking to the sky above.

"GALICK GUN" He roared, lowering his face to stare at Cold's widening eyes. Vegeta's eyes were pure white, his aura was flaring gold once more, his hair returning to reddish-brown. The transformation's power fueling his family's signature Ki Wave even further. The attack consumed King Cold, slackening the tail wrapped around Vegeta's neck. Not done yet, the attack continued to hit the army behind Cold, erasing a roughly a tenth of the force Cold brought with him. The Galick Gun continued for a full minute until the form left him, signifying Vegeta had reached the limitation of False Super Saiyan. As the smoke from the wave cleared, the tail around Vegeta's neck tightened even further.

"If it's any consolation, you burned my cloak." Cold said, his smirk gone boiling rage evident in his eyes as he stared down at the Saiyan King. Tightening his tail, he slammed King Vegeta into the ground, cratering it, before blasting the King through the leg, crippling him. Looking up King Cold addressed the Saiyan audience

"This Planet is mine now and by extension, the Saiyan Race belongs to me as well. Welcome to The Cold Force." He said, telepathically lifting the King by his robe and throwing his broken form into the crowd of shocked Saiyans. With his point across, he turned around and walked to his ship. Stopping at the bottom of his ship's ramp, he looked over his shoulder at the Saiyans.

"You will start within 2 days, Berryblue, have the Saiyans outfitted with the Armor and Technology needed to work for me." Cold said before walking up to his ramp and entering his ship. What must have been the form of Berryblue floating at the top of the ramp. Unknown to the Saiyans, Vegeta's stand against Cold had ignited a wave of curiosity within the age-old Frost Demon.

'And here I thought the Saiyans could only transform into giant apes that my scouts told me about before arriving. Maybe they can push that form farther? Thoughts for later, now to deal with those pesky Metamorans of Planet Mora.' The King thought as he entered his Throne Room of his Flagship. His servants filling his favorite goblet with the finest of wine the Universe has to offer.

3 Years Later

Age 732, Planet Vegeta

Two hours after King Cold and Frieza's visit

King Vegeta marched down the halls of his castle, a subtle limp in his step, with his advisors following not far behind. Panic was evident on their faces at the palpable rage their King was giving off due to the embarrassment that Frieza caused him. It was only upon reaching the Throne Room and sitting in his Throne did the King speak.

"Matoma, I want Frieza's movements monitored at all times but as subtly as possible. Any reports are delivered to me and only me. Leave no detectable trail either. I don't want that bastard Frieza to find out that we're suspicious of him. Hokept, take a team and start surveying planets on the outskirts of Frieza's Empire under the guise of searching for planets suitable for conquest. Look for planets that are suitable for Saiyans to thrive in, without drawing the attention of the Frieza Force. Do not engage with the populations of any of the worlds." King Vegeta ordered, spitting out Frieza's name like it was the plague as his grip on the armrest of his throne tightened.

"Yes, My King!" The Saiyans saluted before leaving to fulfill their orders to the letter.

"The Saiyans will rise once more, one way or the other." The King thought sitting on his throne.

Frieza's Flagship

"Kikono, send more missions that are of higher difficulty to the monkeys. Ranks B to A will do." Frieza said looking through the view-port of his throne room on his ship.

"Are you sure, My Lord? Those missions are usually reserved for the Elites with power levels of 30,000 and above! The Saiyans aren't even close to 10,000!" Kikono said in shock before the chilling laughter of the recently appointed Emperor of the Universe froze his nerves.

"These monkeys have more to them than meets the eye. And it's time I start thinning their numbers before they become too much of a threat." Frieza said looking out into the many stars of space.

"Why not just eliminate them now?" Kikono asked confused as to why Frieza is letting a potential threat to his rule exist.

"Oh, I will, in time, but might as well get some use out of them before I eliminate them." Frieza said with a coy smirk.

5 and 1/2 Years Later

Age 737, Planet Vegeta

"My King, we discovered a small world named Ee-arth that has a large variety of biomes and climates, suitable for any Saiyan child to adapt to and survive in almost any hostile environment!" Hokept reported to the King with a sliver of excitement in his voice at finding a rare planet with such variety to it.

"Good. And the population?" King Vegeta said after a moment of consideration.

"The dominant population is nearly identical to Saiyans." Hokept said catching the King's interest even more.

"From what I observed the only differences being they do not have tails and aren't as naturally powerful as the Saiyans. Having an average power level of 8, with warriors ranging between 20 and 140" Hokept continued, some irritation evident in his voice at the thought of such weaklings inhabiting such a gem of a planet.

"I see... Dismissed" The King replied aloud after a moment of consideration

'So we'll have to limit how powerful the Saiyan children will be to fit in with the population, irritating but doable.' King Vegeta thought to himself after Hokept left. Standing up he left to check on the lower class Saiyan incubation rooms to find suitable candidates for his plan. Vegeta entered the upper level of the Saiyan low-class nursery.

'First, the leader.' The King thought to look upon the 50 or so Saiyan children with Power Levels within the upper echelon of the Low-Class Saiyans, but he was looking specifically for a child with a power level slightly lower than the power of this Ee-arth's stronger warriors.

"Is there anything I can do for you, My King?" A Saiyan doctor said bowing to the King as he stopped in front of her.

"I'm looking for a child with a Power Level between 100 and 140." The King said to the surprise of the Nurse. She certainly hadn't expected the King of All Saiyans to be looking for a child, let alone a Low-Class whose Power Level didn't even reach 200!

"There is only one as of now my King, he's almost old enough to leave the nursery and join the army." She said leading the King to the child's incubation tank, which read 'Daikon', a slight hint of disgust leaking into her voice as she mentioned the last part.

"I see... Does he have any relatives on-world?" The King said fishing for answers while trying to be subtle about his sudden interest with a Low-Class child that has a Power Level within a specific range.

"Only an Aunt from what I can see, his mother died in childbirth and his father on a mission with Bardock's team." The nurse said checking the data provided by a device she scanned the child with.

"I see... That'll be all." The King said, getting all the information he needed from his questioning.

'Next, the Guards' The King thought heading to the Nursery containing children with Power Levels below 100. Entering the room the Saiyan King found that there were only 20 or so children within this wing of nursery and noticing the children were organized by Power Level he searched for 2 candidates that fit what he's looking for. Two children whose Power Levels are in the upper levels of his chosen planet specifically between 50 and 80 to not be significantly higher but still strong enough to defend themselves. Should something happen to their caretakers. Coming across a male infant whose Power Level fit his criteria, being a 59, he filed the infant's name, Toma, away for later. He left to find another child, this time a girl who fit the criteria. Finding only one, her Power Level is that of an 82 this time, he filed her name, Kinoko, away as well.

'And finally, the infiltrators' The King thought as he moved on to the children whose Power Levels were low enough that they could blend in with the people of Ee-arth easier in case the previous children were killed. As the king wandered the aisles of incubators he came across a girl whose power level fit his criteria, that is 25, higher than the average Power Level of the civilians but not too high. Upon reading the name of the girl, Jagaima, he saw the name of the mother, but not the father. He brushed it off, assuming that the girl's father was a nameless low-class that died. He continued looking coming across a boy with a Power Level of 18 named Daizu. With his chosen ranks almost filled, he searched for one last child. Coming across a girl that was named Seloria with a Power Level of 6. The Saiyan King found the last member of his plan for the Saiyan Race to survive when Frieza turns on them. Having chosen the six Saiyan children that he felt were perfect for his plan, the Saiyan King turned and left the nursery and returned to his castle.

Upon returning to his Throne Room the King had Hokept go and inform the nurses, as well as relatives that would be suitable caretakers, ordering them to secrecy, for the children he decided on, will be relocated to a secret nursery he had built 2 years ago close to the Launchpads in case an emergency launch was needed.

6 months later

Planet Vegeta

King Vegeta sat on his throne, a feeling of unease consuming him, the words of the being that called himself the 'God of Destruction' had replayed itself dozens of times since the 'God's' visit two weeks prior.

"The Saiyans are a dangerous bunch in the universe. Time to visit that upstart Frieza." The 'God' had said, heedless of the Saiyan King laying on the ground, to the blue man that was with him before they left in a flash of light.

The feeling of unease being the reason he assigned Hokept and Nonoi to his son's squad, to watch over his son should Frieza destroy the Saiyans like The King feared he would soon. He was knocked out of his thoughts by the return of Matoma, who burst through the doors to the throne room in a panic.

"My King, Frieza has ordered all Saiyans to return planetside! He's even coming to the planet himself!" Matoma's panic-induced voice echoed throughout the Throne room. The King's eyes widened slightly looking at Matoma.

"How long until Frieza arrives?" The King said standing, all hints of his unease gone.

"3 days, My Lord." Matoma said trying to calm his panicked heart.

"I see. Diveni, Parsin informs the chosen Caretakers and prepare the children for launch. Matoma, Spinna gather as many able-bodied warriors as possible. Have them stay near the courtyard mostly bars and meat distribution buildings. Make sure no one is wearing Scouters. We don't want Frieza learning of our plans."

"Yes, My King!" The Saiyans said before leaving to follow their orders.

2 days later

Outskirts of Capital Sadala

"Are you sure, Bardock? I know Hanasia said she was going off-world with some other Saiyan women and children, but that doesn't mean that the rumor about King Vegeta having a back-up plan in case Frieza turns on us is true." Gine, a former Saiyan Warrior and Meat Distributor, said while carrying her youngest son Kakarot in her arms, to her mate Bardock. who carried 2 pods that he stole from the launch station not long after Hanasia had told him of the departure of 12 Saiyans, half of which were children.

"Yes, I'm sure, Gine. It doesn't make sense that Frieza would order all Saiyans back home then visit Planet Vegeta when all Saiyans will be there. King Vegeta sending 12 Saiyans, half of which are children, off-world a day before Frieza arrives, is not a coincidence." Bardock said to Gine putting the pods down and opening them.

"6 months ago I spoke to Hokept before he reported to the King and he said he found a perfect planet to hide weaker Saiyan children, a relatively small planet called Earth. On a return flight from one of my missions, I checked out this planet for myself. It seems perfect for Kakarot and you to live on." Bardock said to Gine, a rare smile on his face as he looked at Gine as she put Kakarot into one of the space pods.

"Kakarot and me?! Aren't you coming with us Bardock!?" Gine shouted in horror when she realized why Bardock didn't steal enough pods for the whole family to escape the Tyrant Frieza. Disappearing and reappearing behind Gine, Bardock shoved her into the empty pod, pressing the launch button and closing the hatch before Gine can react fully.

"Don't worry. If I'm wrong and Frieza doesn't destroy our world, I'll come to get you and Kakarot as soon as possible." He said trying and failing, to soothe the panicking Gine. He watched Gine and Kakarot both beat on the glass of their respective pods before the hibernation system put both to sleep. Bardock only had one thing to say as he watched the pods leave the atmosphere and disappeared into the unknown.

"Goodbye Gine, Kakarot..." Before he could finish he was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"I take it you're joining the rebellion, Bardock?" A voice that Bardock hasn't heard personally in almost 9 years, a voice that belonged to an old friend and rival. Turning he saw King Vegeta, a small smirk on the King's face.

"You followed my example and sent them to Ee-arth?" The King continued calmly his smirk still there.

"It's actually pronounced Earth according to its inhabitants." Bardock corrected a smirk of his own on his face. Flying to meet with his old team leader and rival the two stared at each other for a few minutes before the silence between them was broken.

"It's good to see you, my old friend! I haven't seen you since Gaima and Gulara fell in battle on planet Meat." King Vegeta said gripping arms with Bardock. Both being part of an elite team together before Vegeta's duties as King forced him to leave the frontlines. The team was an experiment by having all members of the team have access to the False Super Saiyan state. It was a success for a time until the glaring weakness of the form, being the drain and 'cooldown' of the form being the cause of death for half of the team.

"Are the rumors about rebelling against Frieza true, Vegeta?" Bardock said flying up, Vegeta following him closely.

"Yes, Frieza will arrive in a few hours. That's when the Saiyans will make their stand." King Vegeta said to Bardock, confident that the forces, even though the numbers weren't as high as he liked, would be enough to catch Frieza off guard.

"How many able-bodied Saiyans were you able to gather for the Rebellion?" Bardock asked landing outside his home and entering, Vegeta following him to continue the conversation.

"Counting you? 50, Frieza planned it so he'd arrive as the rest of the Saiyan race is landing. Most likely so we wouldn't be able to defend ourselves properly." Vegeta answered gritting his teeth and tightening his fist in anger.

"Underestimating the Saiyan race will be the last mistake Frieza will ever make." Bardock said tightening the band around his arm as his determination to see his family united reflected in his eyes.

An Hour Later

Planet Vegeta's Atmosphere

"Lord Frieza. It appears the Saiyans are trying to rebel against you." Zarbon calmly said from behind Frieza, Dodoria not far behind.

"So the little monkeys think they can start their little rebellion? How predictable of them." Frieza said from his hoverchair, maneuvering it towards the exit of his Ship.

'Might as well greet the little rebels myself.' Frieza thought to himself arriving at the exit of his ship. As he floated out into space he saw a small army of Saiyans.

"Well, well if it isn't the King of Monkeys and he brought a little entourage with him!" Frieza said to the Saiyan King with a smug smirk on his face. The King of all Saiyans' face contorted to that pure rage, before a hand on his shoulder and the familiar voice of his old friend telling him that Frieza was baiting him into recklessly charging, calmed the King down. With a smirk King Vegeta replied

"Your rule as Emperor of The Universe ends today Frieza!" Only for his smirk to shrink slightly at the mocking laughter, he got in response from the Tyrant.

"I'd like to see you worthless monkeys try to dethrone me." The Tyrant of The Universe responded his finger pointing opposite of his ship forming a small ball of orange ki that started expanding rapidly before stopping at the size of a small moon. With his smirk widening, he launched his Supernova at the Rebellion and the Planet below.

"FIRE!" The King roared out snapping into FSS with the Saiyans who could also use the state following his example. Before launching a ki attack using all his power, his forces doing the same, the blasts of the Saiyan Rebellion combined into one and collided with the Supernova. For a few seconds, the blasts were at a standstill before the Saiyans' combined blast started to push the Supernova back, however with an exertion of more power from Frieza, the Supernova rocketed forward, engulfing the Rebellion's attack, the Rebellion and the planet's core putting an end to Planet Vegeta and the vast majority of the Saiyan Race.

"Raditz, Kakarot, Gine I'm sorry."

"Vegeta, My son, it's up to you now to avenge the Saiyan Race." Were the final thoughts of Bardock and King Vegeta as they were engulfed by the Tyrants attack.

"Zarbon! Dodoria! Look at the beautiful fireworks!" Cackled Frieza with sadistic glee as he looked upon the destruction of the Saiyan's homeworld. Within the ship, Zarbon and Dodoria looked upon the destruction of Planet Vegeta with shock as they'd never seen Frieza show so much power with such ease. Unknown to everyone, a small drop of sweat dripped down the side of Frieza's face.

Outskirts of the Solar System

Unknown Ship

"My King, the pods have been cloaked from Frieza's scanners and the crew is awaiting interception." The informant reported bowing to the being sitting on his throne. The King looked down from his throne to stare at the informant, his indifferent gaze causing the soldier to shift uncomfortably causing the armor he wore to shift out of place. His armor was similar to that of the Frieza Force but more streamlined and lightweight with a strange symbol over his heart.

"Call off the interception." The King's baritone voice causing the soldier's body to vibrate slightly. Taking a few moments to process the order, the soldier looked up to his King in confusion.

"Sir?" He questioned, wondering why his King was allowing the Saiyans to survive the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

"Tell the crew to keep the pods cloaked from Frieza's scanners until they're out of his range." The King continued, whether he didn't hear or was ignoring him, the soldier didn't know. But he had orders to follow so he left to fulfill them. As the Soldier left the King took a sip of his wine before sitting forward, watching as the 14 pods flew by his ship.

"Soon… it'll be time to see how far you Saiyans can go." The King stood, the light of Planet Vegeta's explosion illuminating the King's face.

And a Demon stared back.

3 months later

Deep Space

We see 12 pods flying together with 2 farther behind at a high speed towards their collective destination. The 14 pods fly straight into an asteroid belt, the inhabitants unaware of the danger that's about to befall some of them. As the pods fly through the belt 2 pods fly head-on into some of the asteroids, the glass on their ships shattering, the propulsion systems on their ships also are damaged leaving the two soon-to-be-dead Saiyans in the void of space.

As the rest of the pods go through the belt, they're also hit enough to alter the speeds the pods are going slightly, however small this may seem, it changed the landing zone of every pod.

3 Months Later


Across the globe 12 pods land on the beautiful planet, each landing in a different location.

The First lands in a desert where a Fortune Teller resides.

The Second lands in the forest surrounding a fortress with a red bow holding two Rs.

The Third lands near a temple with a crane on it.

The Fourth lands on a palace floating in the sky

The Fifth lands in the backyard of a round building with two Cs on it.

The Sixth lands in a forest where a large city resides to the west.

The Seventh lands outside a castle where a little Blue Emperor resides.

The Eighth lands in a sacred mountain range.

The Ninth lands in a tundra where a small village resides.

The Tenth lands in a mountain range devoid of wildlife.

The Eleventh lands by a large tower that a man with a spear guards.

The Twelfth lands by a mountain lit aflame.

Power Levels

Post S-T War

King Cold (1st form) - 6,000,000

King Cold (Suppressed) - 60,000

King Vegeta (Base) - 3,000

King Vegeta (FSS, Galick Gun) - 56,250

King Vegeta (Post-Zenkai) - 6,000

Saiyan Warrior (Average) - 1,200

Saiyan's Genocide

Frieza - 530,000

Frieza (Supernova) - 795,000

Frieza(Strengthened Supernova) 1,060,000

King Vegeta (Base) - 12,000

King Vegeta (FSS) - 156,000

King Vegeta(FSS, Galick Gun) - 249,600

Bardock (Base) - 10,000

Bardock (FSS) - 135,000

Bardock (FSS, Riot Javelin) - 216,000

Saiyan Rebel Elite (Base) - 2,500

Saiyan Rebel Elite (FSS) - 31,250

Saiyan Rebel Elite (FSS, Blast) - 43,750

Saiyan Rebel Range - 1,500-2,000

Saiyan Rebel (Blast) - 1,800-2,400

Saiyan Race Final Stand - 721,600-748,600

Saiyan Caretaker Range - 120-500

Gine - 500

Kakarot - 5

Daikon - 110

Kinoko - 82

Toma - 59

Jagaima - 25

Daizu - 19

Seloria - 8

A/N: Now, I'mma be honest and say this is my first Fanfiction. I've been a reader for a few years now and thought to take my own shot at writing one. Constructive Criticism is welcome from all!

Who landed where? How will these new introductions influence the story? Only time will tell.

Now to address a few questions, False Super Saiyan is an unstable transformation and thus, it's multiplier changes depending on the experience the user has with it, as well as the form can leave at unfortunate times. However, the inclusion of this form does not mean Oozaru is gone. As stated prior FSS is unstable while Oozaru is stable and is a good backup for those with the transformation while also providing a good power boost for those without.

OH! Right! Name's in progress if anyone's got better name suggestions are welcome.