Chapter 4

Three Days Later

Having collected the fourth Dragon Ball the group of three decided to head west in search of the next Dragon Ball. On their third day of travel, Bulma decided to stop on the side of the road and check the Dragon Radar to see how close they were.

"Are we there yet?" Seloria asked the question both she and Kakarot had been thinking, leaning over Bulma's shoulder to see the radar.

"We're not far, the map says it should be in a village up ahead." Bulma stated, as she put away her radar and revved the engine of her motorcycle.

A Few Minutes Later

Aru Village

"Where is everybody? This place looks deserted." Bulma asked, clearly confused as she and Seloria got off of the motorcycle while Kakarot hopped off of his Nimbus.

"It's almost like one of those ghost towns you read about in stories." Seloria continued as she looked around the center of the village, noting that some buildings had windows boarded up or smashed in.

"No… I can sense people around. But they're.. Hiding?" Kakarot said with his head tilting, confused as to why the entire village would be hiding.

"Why would they be hiding?" Seloria voiced Kakarot's thoughts as she turned her head from a window she was looking in, missing a shadow moving in the building.

"You're both nuts. Kakarot for thinking that this place has people and you Seloria for thinking that Kakarot can sense people of all things!" Bulma exclaimed as she looked around for sources of life other than them.

"Only one way to find out." Seloria shrugged as she walked back to the group. Kakarot looked at her, confused while Bulma seemed to understand and nodded.

"HELLO! ANYBODY HOME?!" Seloria shouted, her voice echoing throughout the seemingly deserted village. They waited for a few minutes for a response of any kind.

"That's weird.." Kakarot said when the only response given was the echo of Seloria's voice. Bulma just shook her head in dismissal of Kakarot's "sensing people" ability and pulled out the Dragon Radar.

"Told ya so. This place is a ghost town. The only thing here is the next Dragon Ball." Bulma said pressing the button on her radar.

"But I'm sensing all kinds of people!" Kakarot whined back to Bulma before he walked over to a nearby house and knocked on the door.

*Knock Knock*

Quickly getting frustrated, Kakarot punched a hole in the door.

"Hey! I know you're in there! Why don't you answer!?" Kakarot shouted as he opened the door from the hole he made.

"Kakarot! What're you thinking!" Seloria exclaimed in shock at the fact her relatively new friend would punch a hole through a door.

"What? They wouldn't open the door. So I opened it for them!" Kakarot said, turning his head to grin at Seloria and Bulma. Bulma and Seloria looked at him with a strange mixture of bewilderment and astonishment at how carefree Kakarot was.

"HAIYAA" A Shadow roared as it attacked Kakarot from inside the house. Kakarot's face changed from confusion in an instant. Raising his hand, Kakarot caught the axe that the shadow swung at him. The light of the sun pushed away the shadows from the figure revealing a middle-aged man with a distraught face.

"What are you doing!? " Kakarot shouted, glaring at the man as he crushed the axehead that was in his grip. As he was glaring at the man, who was shivering in terror at the strength of the boy, Kakarot suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

"OW! OW! OW!" Kakarot cried out, holding the back of his head in pain as he turned towards the culprit. He was so focused on the man that he didn't notice Seloria walk up behind him and smack the back of his head.

"What did I do!?" Kakarot whined to Seloria, who had crossed her arms and glared into Kakarot's eyes.

"What did you do? What did you do!? You punched a hole in this guy's door!" Seloria hissed at Kakarot, who glared back at the girl who hit him.

"And he wouldn't answer his door, so I opened it for him!" Kakarot growled back, causing Seloria to growl at him in response.

"Alright you two, break it up! I don't need you getting into a fight and scaring the people of this village any more than you already have!" Bulma interjected before the two could come to blows and possibly cause damage to the village. Snapping out of their glaring contest, the two Saiyans looked around and saw that what was once the streets of a ghost town was now filled with onlookers who were watching the group in both relief and trepidation. As the two were looking at the villagers watching them, Bulma turned back to the now trembling man that had tried to kill Kakarot.

"Hello, my name's Bulma and these two are Seloria and Kakarot. We're here loo-" Bulma started to say before being rudely (in her opinion!) interrupted by the man she was talking to.

"Y-You mean... you're... not Oolong?" The man stumbled over his words as he realized that a group of kids had come to his village, not Oolong.

"Who's Oolong?" Bulma asked as Kakarot and Seloria looked to the man in confusion.

"You don't know who Oolong is!?" The man exclaimed in shock before he hastily ushered in the group of three into his house.

A Few Minutes Later

The group of three were now in the living room of the man, Bulma and Seloria sat at the table in the living room across from the man and what seemed like his daughter while Kakarot leaned against the wall next to the entrance to the house. Just outside the building were various villagers, watching the exchange between the man and the group of travelers with rapt attention. Having just heard the story, Bulma and Seloria looked at each other in thought.

"Why don't you just stand up to him?" Kakarot asked, oblivious to the man's plight as the girls glared at him.

"Are you kidding!? He's 8 feet tall and muscular!" The man exclaimed to the boy as Bulma started to rummage through her backpack and pulled out a Dragon Ball. Facing the man, Bulma asked a question crucial to their adventure.

"Hey, mister.. Have you seen an orb like this?" Bulma asked him as she presented the 4 Star Dragon Ball to him.

"Hm? Nope, never saw anything like it." He responded, holding the Dragon Ball up to his eyes and examined it.

"WAIT! I've got one just like it!" An old woman exclaimed from the crowd that had gathered at the doorway of the house to watch the strangers.

"Bingo~!" Bulma joyously exclaimed as the man stood there dumbfounded.

"A long time ago, my granny found it in the river nearby." The old woman said as she pulled out her Dragon Ball and showed Bulma.

"Yup! That's it! Hey ma'am, if you give me that ball, we'll take care of this Oolong for you." Bulma offered, confidence exuding off of her.

"Well, it's a lovely offer, of course, but... But do you think it's a job for a bunch of kids?" The old woman stammered to the young genius. Bulma just had a smirk of confidence.

"Don't worry, we'll be able to take care of Oolong, right Seloria?" Said girl looked over from where she was interacting with the girl that Oolong's going to kidnap.

"Yeah! It shouldn't be that hard to stop him." Seloria nodded with a grin. Bulma's smirk turned into a grin of mischievousness.

"Right! Now to find you a dress!" Bulma cheered, raising her arm in excitement.

"WHAT!?" Seloria shrieked as Bulma cackled in glee.

An Hour Later

"Why do I have to wear this!?" Seloria whined out as she adjusted the dress she was now wearing.

"Don't worry so much 'Ria! You look great!" Bulma said cheerfully, clapping her hands in front of her.

"Now listen, you're going to pretend to be this girl and let Oolong take you to his lair, alright? Then you beat him up and free the girls he captured! Simple as that!" Bulma recited the plan to the glaring Seloria.

"But why can't Kakarot do it!? He's stronger than me anyways!" Seloria said motioning to Kakarot, who was standing by the door on the lookout for Oolong.

"Because even though Kakarot's stronger, he's a boy while you're a girl that's around the same size as the girl Oolong's going to kidnap." Bulma said in a matter-of-fact tone. Seloria just sighed in defeat as Kakarot came rushing in.

"Hey! Oolong's here!" He shouted as Bulma turned to Seloria.

"Alright, Seloria! I'm counting on you!" Bulma grinned, giving the Saiyaness a thumbs up before pushing the girl out the door.

"I thought you said 'we' Bulma! HEY!" Seloria cried out as Bulma closed the door behind her.

'Traitor' She thought as she turned around to face this 'Oolong' and temporarily froze in fear. What stood in front of her was a 10 foot tall Oni in a tuxedo and a bushel of flowers.

"Heh heh heh, there's my cute little bride! C'mere honey!" The demon said, reaching for Seloria.

'Honey? HONEY!?' Seloria snapped out of her funk and audibly growled before she grabbed Oolong's pointer finger and squeezed.

"GAH! LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" Oolong cried out as he fell to his knees, his free hand scratching at where Seloria held him. He kept crying out in pain as the villagers came out of their buildings to better see what was happening in awe. Seloria kept her hold on Oolong even though he begged and pleaded with her to let him go before his form suddenly poofed into smoke.

"Huh?" Seloria mumbled in confusion as her grip on Oolong suddenly disappeared before she heard a gruff voice talk from the cloud of smoke. The smoke eventually cleared showing that Oolong was-

'A pig?' Seloria thought, shocked to see Oolong take the form of an upright pig.

"Ow, dammit lady, you have one hell of a grip." The pig, Oolong grumbled as he favored his injured hand.

"So, you're Oolong huh? Not that strong, or big for that matter." Bulma said as Kakarot grabbed Oolong before he could try and escape.

Capsule Corp

"Just connect this wire here and voila! The power sensors are calibrated Briefs!" Paseri called from her workstation over to her boss who was building what appeared to be pieces to a satellite.

"Ah, good. When I'm done with the satellite and it passes the tests we can get to work on the system network." Dr. Briefs stated as he connected an engine to the satellite's main body. Getting up, Paseri stretched her arms over her head. She gave a satisfied groan as her back popped and her joints cracked. Walking to the door, Paseri turned her head to address her boss.

"I'm going to get a light lunch, do you want anything?" She asked, only to be waved off by Dr. Briefs whose eyes never left his current project.

"Suit yourself." Paseri shrugged and left the room on her way to the kitchen where Panchy, Dr. Briefs' wife was preparing lunch.

After Paseri left, Dr. Briefs gave a slight smile and focused on his project, knowing that he wouldn't have been able to pull this particular project off without her experience in the alien tech that she had when she and her sister landed. Taking a deep breath of his cigarette, Dr. Briefs went over his and Paseri's plans to build a Solar System-wide detection system to alert them of incoming threats to the Earth before it arrives.

A Few Days later


On a boat going down a river on route to the next Dragon Ball was the group with a new member in the form of the shapeshifter Oolong, who currently had a rope tied around his gut.

"I can't believe we only need 2 more Dragon Balls!" Bulma said, ecstatic at being able to get her wish soon. Seloria sat next to Oolong looking at him in curiosity, while Kakarot sat next to Bulma.

"Why did we bring Oolong along again?" Kakarot asked in confusion as to why they needed the shapeshifting pig with them. Bulma looked to Kakarot, then over her shoulder to the Pig and Seloria.

"Because his shapeshifter powers could come in handy later." Bulma reasoned to Kakarot, before looking back to where she was driving the boat.

"I don't want to go! Journeys are a pain in the ass!" Oolong complained, squirming a bit in his bindings. Seloria pulled on the bindings a bit to get his attention, fire appearing in her eyes.

"You will help us." Seloria said, her eyes boring into Oolong's very soul. Oolong looked at her before starting to panic.

"Alright! Alright! I'll come along. Just stop glaring at me!" Oolong exclaimed, his fear of Seloria still palpable.

"Good!" Seloria cheered, closing her eyes as she grinned. This caused Oolong to sigh in relief at not being glared at, that girl terrified him!

"So where are we going anyways?!" Oolong demanded with his arms crossed. This led to Kakarot and Seloria looking at Bulma in curiosity, as she looked at her Radar's map. After about a minute of deciding which Dragon Ball to go to next, and choosing to go with the closest one.

"The next one looks like it's located at Fire Mountain. So we're heading there." Bulma said to the group, terrifying Oolong.

"Fire Mountain!? You're insane!" Oolong shouted in horror, as he was about to transform to escape, he felt a tug on his jacket. Looking over he saw Seloria, eyes once more burning into his skull, stopping his escape plan cold. With a grumble, Oolong crossed his arms and looked at his feet, missing Seloria's grin of victory entirely.

Korin's Tower

Jagaima collapsed, exhausted, as she finally reached the top of the tower she's been trying to climb for the past week. After taking a few minutes to rest, Jagaima stood up and started to look around, spotting a set of stairs that wrapped around the outside of the tower's top she went in that direction. Upon climbing up the stairs to the next floor, she was surprised at what she saw.

"Oh? So you're the Saiyan that Kami told me about. Congratulations on reaching the top of my tower! And so quickly too. Then again it's probably because of your training under Kami." Said a cat staring at Jagaima with closed eyes. The Saiyan looked at the cat strangely for a few minutes.

"You're Master Korin?" She said, confused as to why Korin was a cat and not a Namekian or Human, like Kami or the man guarding the tower's base. Her question caused a grin to spread across the cat's face.

"Yes, I am little lady, though I'd call myself Meowster Korin." Korin said with a chuckle. Jagaima, however, was a little irritated by the cat's awful taste of humor, evident by her twitching eyebrow.

"I'm looking for the Ultra Divine Water, so I can advance in my training with Kami." She said, wanting to continue her training with Kami so she can eventually become the Guardian of Earth herself.

"I see… You want to be the next Guardian of Earth, eh? Motive seems pure enough. But first, you need to drink the Holy Water. It's right over there sitting on the podium." Korin said to the girl's surprise.

'How did he know?! I never told anyone that before!' Jagaima thought, shocked that this talking cat was able to so easily guess her goal.

"Oh don't get worked up. Without mind-reading I wouldn't be much of a Hermit Master would I?" Korin said catching the Saiyaness off guard at the fact that the cat can read the minds of others. Shaking her head, Jagaima turned towards the podium, where the Holy Water was sitting. Walking over she was about to grab the bottle. However, it was taken from her by a familiar brown stick. Quickly turning around, she saw Korin holding the stick with the bottle at the top.

"Now, now, did you really think it would be that easy?" Korin said with a grin. Growling, Jagaima charged Korin signaling the beginning of her training.

Yamcha's Desert

Next Day

The group of four are currently traversing a desert that looked to be void of life, odd-looking hollow plateaus are scattered across the desert. Stopping by one of these plateaus the group exited their car and capsulized it. Throwing a capsule house, Bulma turned towards the group as she opened the door.

"I'm going to take a quick nap. Kakarot, Seloria, make sure Oolong stays away from me okay?" Bulma said glaring at Oolong, who backed off at the fire of her glare. Upon getting confirmation Bulma turned back to the house and went inside. Watching the door close behind her, the group looked at each other before sitting down around the house or in the shade of a nearby plateau. They were, however, unaware of the eyes watching them from afar.

"Yamcha! Yamcha! Four sitting ducks!" A small talking blue cat said, floating into the hideout. A man wiped his mouth, having just finished his meal, and stood up looking at the small cat.

"Four you say? It's been a while since we've had some prey." The man, Yamcha, said to the floating cat. Taking the telescope, Yamcha spied upon the group who were foolish enough to enter his desert.

"A boy, girl, and a pig? While the pig and boy don't look rich, the girl does, as well as whoever is in the capsule house." Yamcha said looking at the group before addressing the cat.

"Alright Puar! Prepare the Jet Squirrel!" The man said, his eyes firmly locked in the direction of his next prey.

The group sat around their impromptu base, waiting for Bulma to wake up from her nap. Eventually, Kakarot and Seloria decided to train in ki manipulation, with Oolong watching in curiosity. This continued for an hour. When the young Saiyans' stomachs growled, they decided to go into the house to take a break. However, Oolong happened to notice a smoke cloud heading in their direction.

"H-Hey, what's that?" Oolong asked shakily, causing the two children to look in the direction Oolong was facing. Looking closer, the group was confused as to why a man was heading in their direction. Parking his Jet Squirrel, the man looked at them casually.

"Yo." The man greeted, stepping off the bike, the man's green tunic and orange pants being ruffled by the desert wind. Staring at the man in confusion, Seloria asked the question on the group's mind.

"Who are you?" She asked with a tilt to her head, Oolong hiding behind Kakarot as they looked at the man, intrigued in Kakarot and Seloria's case while Oolong had fear in his. The man looked at them with a smirk, his hand resting on his sword.

"Fufu… I am the wolf whose domain is this very desert. Yamcha!" The man, now named Yamcha, declared a cocky grin on his face and his hand on the hilt of his sword.

"And I'm Puar!" with the little blue cat, Puar, chiming in not long after, floating over the shoulder of Yamcha to observe their soon to be victims.

"I hate to have to hurt a couple of kids. But if you want to leave my desert in one piece, you'd best hand over all your money and capsules you have." Yamcha demanded without a care as if no one could challenge him. Oolong, however, was looking at the cat Puar in contemplation before a figurative lightbulb shone over his head.

"Puar..? You're crybaby Puar aren't you!?" Oolong exclaimed, pointing a finger at Puar in surprise. This exclamation shocked Puar and caused her to shout in recognition of the pig while the surprised Yamcha looked at the talking cat questioningly.

"An acquaintance Puar?" He asked, wondering how and why the two know each other. The cat in question nodded rapidly.

"Yeah! A long time ago, at shapeshifting school he constantly bullied me!" Puar said, angered at the thought of being near her bully.

"Shapeshifting school?" Seloria thought in intrigue. As she thought this, Yamcha was looking at Oolong with disgust after hearing the story of Oolong stealing panties constantly.

"Well, none of that matters now. So hurry up and hand over your valuables or else." Yamcha said, putting a hand on his sword and started to draw it when the group refused to give their valuables as Kakarot stepped forward and drew his Power Pole while Seloria stood back and crossed her arms with a huff.

"Ah, you want to die fighting then? So be it." Yamcha smirked before rushing Kakarot and swung his sword. Hopping over, Kakarot his Bo-staff in an overhead swing, only for Yamcha to block with his sword. Using the sword as a platform, Kakarot jumped backwards to create distance between them. Landing, Kakarot pointed his Power Pole at Yamcha and with a cry of "Power Pole, Extend!" The staff tripled in length and slammed into Yamcha's gut, winding him and pushing him back.

"Whoa! That kid is really strong!" Oolong exclaimed in joy as Puar was scared for Yamcha as it appeared that this Kakarot was stronger than him.

As the fight went on Seloria watched the fight with a hawk-like intensity, ready to step in if she had to. Holding his gut, Yamcha looked at Kakarot and his eyes widened in recognition of the staff the boy wielded.

"That staff.. How did you get your hands on the Power Pole!?" Yamcha demanded with a wince. While the spectators perked up at the question, also wondering where the boy got a magical staff. Kakarot looked at Yamcha in confusion at the question before answering.

"My dead Grandpa gave it to me." Kakarot honestly responded as he seemed to tighten his stance.

'Only one man possessed the Power Pole.' The bandit thought, before asking the name of the boy's Grandfather.

"My Grandpa's name? Son Gohan!" Kakarot said, shocking the man and spectators who all recognized the name of the renowned Martial Artist.

"I thought so..." Yamcha mumbled to himself, causing Kakarot to look at him in confusion.

"To think Son Gohan had a grandson. I guess I can't let my guard down just because you're a kid…" Yamcha said resolutely, looking at Kakarot and noticing the slight sheen of sweat on the boy's forehead. With a smirk, Yamcha lowered his center of gravity and entered a stance reminiscent of a wolf.

"Looks like I'll be able to have some fun once in a while…. Wolf Fang Fist!" Yamcha smirked, before roaring out his infamous technique. With a faint blue aura crackling around him, Yamcha rushed towards the boy, who tightened his stance. Yamcha threw a kick, significantly faster than he was before, catching Kakarot off guard and knocking his Power Pole away from him. As Yamcha followed up his assault with a barrage of punches, only to be surprised that his opponent had quickly adjusted to his Wolf Fang Fist's speed and had retaliated with a barrage of his own. The barrage of punches from the two continued, each blow was matched in equal force by the other. While this was going on, Oolong and Puar stood shocked at the skill and power of the two fighters, while Seloria's hand tightened as she noticed something.

'Something's not right, Kakarot should be more than strong enough to outpace Yamcha. Is he that tired?' She thought in contemplation and worry.

As the trade of blows continued more and more punches got through Kakarot's guard. This continued until Kakarot threw a noticeably slower left hook. Seeing his opening, Yamcha punched the arm out of the way and unleashed the full brunt of his technique on Kakarot. With a roar, Yamcha sent Kakarot crashing through a series of rock formations before he slammed into a plateau that collapsed on top of him. Puar cheered, Oolong shouted in dismay, while Seloria shouted in concern and ran to the rubble.

Taking a deep breath, Yamcha's blue aura dissipated from around him before he turned towards Seloria who was busy digging through the rubble, helping Kakarot out from under it. Yamcha watched her for a bit, before noticing that she had a tail like the boy he just beat, shaking his head he turned towards Oolong and demanded all his capsules and money.

Though before Oolong could act upon the demand, Yamcha was stopped when he heard a door open and turned his head to look back only to be paralyzed at the sight.

"What's with all the yelling, you guys? I'm trying to get some sleep." Bulma asked with a yawn as she looked around only to lock eyes with the mysterious man across from her. Falling to the ground, Yamcha staggered back up reprimanding Puar about not telling him about the girl before retreating with the cat in tow.

"Hey! Who was that?! He seemed like a really nice guy!" Bulma asked the group with a smile, oblivious to the damage that Kakarot had sustained from the earlier battle, as Seloria helped him walk to the house so he could rest.

Crane Temple

Inside the training dojo of the Temple grounds, Kinoko, her shoulder-length spiky hair in a ponytail and wearing a forest green tank top and black gi pants, was sparring with a short, pale boy and a man with three-eyes. A fist from the man was jumped over and a kick from the boy was grabbed, then throwing the boy into the three-eyed man's gut, winding him. Then, with a kick, the man and boy were sent flying into the wall of the dojo. With a cheer at her victory, Kinoko rushed over to the man and boy who were now leaning against the wall breathing heavily.

"See! You're catching up! I had to work for the win this time Tien! Chiaotzu!" Kinoko said with a grin, helping the two stand. With a sigh, Tien accepted her offered hand and stood after Chiaotzu.

"Yes, we may be improving Kinoko. But it seems you're always one step ahead of us no matter how hard we train. You're even almost on par with Master Shen!" Tien said, a tinge of irritation in his voice at the thought of never surpassing the girl he practically raised because of their Master's lack of trying on his own part. Kinoko looked at the man who was like an older brother to her with a head tilt before grinning at him.

"Don't worry! You've been getting stronger faster than me. So you should catch up soon if you keep up your training Tien!" She said cheerfully, her tail waving around showing her excitement at the thought of Tien catching up and pushing her to her limits, before quickly schooling her features when they heard the soft footfalls of Master Shen entering the dojo.

Road to Fire Mountain

The group was driving along a road having encountered Yamcha for a second time two days ago, this time Seloria fought him and defeated Yamcha easily. This caused Yamcha to quickly retreat not long after, opting to instead follow them from afar. They were on their way to Fire Mountain and the 6th Dragon Ball.

"Look at the sunset!" Kakarot suddenly said, getting the attention of the bickering Oolong and Bulma as well as the giggling Seloria. Looking to where Kakarot was pointing, the group saw, instead of the sun lowering in the distance, a Mountain covered entirely in fire.

"That's no Sun! That's Fire Mountain!" Oolong yelled at Kakarot who looked to Oolong with a head tilt.

"Well, that explains the incredible heat." Bulma said dully. Before she looked to her radar and saw that the Dragon Ball was in the direction of the mountain. With a sigh, she continued to drive in the direction of the mountain, to Oolong's growing horror.

A Few Hours Later

Fire Mountain

The group is standing in the village by Fire Mountain, watching with terror as the Giant Ox-King stared them down with his axe, ready to behead those who came to steal his treasure. When Kakarot came back riding his Flying Nimbus, surprising the King.

"You there! You can't ride on that cloud if you stole it! Do you know Master Roshi?!" Ox said in his loud voice, looking at Kakarot in surprise. Kakarot looked at the giant of a man with a head tilt before responding.

"Master Roshi? Yeah, he gave Nimbus to me. Why?" Kakarot asked him, his head tilted in curiosity. Ox-King, however, got excited at the question.

"Do you know where Master Roshi lives now!?" He asked a tinge of hope in his voice as he stared down the odd boy. Kakarot, however, looked to Bulma.

"Hey Bulma, do you know where Roshi lives?" Kakarot asked curiously, Bulma looked at him thinking about it.

"He should be off the coast of where we met." Bulma said after a few moments of thought, to the glee of the Ox-King.

"Wonderful! Now I can return to my castle!" The Ox-King said with joy in his voice. Before noticing the Bo-Staff on the back of Kakarot.

"That staff… Boy, how did you come across the Power Pole!?" Ox-King asked in shock at the thought that his old friend's treasured weapon was in the hands of this young boy. Kakarot looked at him in surprise before answering honestly like with Yamcha a few days prior.
"You sure know a lot, old-timer. This was a gift from my Grandpa!" Kakarot said, sitting on the Nimbus.

"Gohan was your Grandpa!?" Ox-King shouted, surprising the group even further. This conversation continued for another 20 minutes between the Saiyan boy and King of Oxes. As Kakarot was going to leave, he was stopped by Ox.

"Wait before you go! I sent my daughter Chichi to get Master Roshi yesterday and I fear she might be in danger! If you find her on your way, would you mind picking her up and bringing her back?" He almost pleaded with Kakarot who nodded in agreement. However before he could leave, Seloria threw out a capsule that poofed into a mini Jet Squirrel.

"Kakarot, I'll look for Chichi while you go find Roshi, ok?" Seloria shouted over the engines of the vehicle as it started to float, Kakarot nodded in agreeance and flew off on the Nimbus in the direction that they had met Master Roshi.

An hour later

After picking up Chichi, Seloria returned with the Ox-princess relatively quickly. The growing group was now waiting for Kakarot to return to Fire Mountain with the Bansho Fan.

"Hey! Kakarot's on his way back!" Bulma shouted to the others, seeing the familiar yellow cloud that was the flying Nimbus.

When Kakarot arrived, he explained to the Ox-King that Master Roshi had accidentally destroyed the Bansho Fan, the Turtle Hermit had declared that he'll put out the fire himself. As they were waiting for Roshi to come, the Ox King's patience started to grow thin. Upon his arrival, Roshi had berated the Ox-King for his actions before turning his attention to the mountain.

"So this is Fire Mountain… Quite the fire Ox!" Roshi exclaimed, examining the flaming mountain. Seemingly satisfied with the results of his examination, the old master gave a small sigh of disappointment before addressing his former student.

"To be honest. It's pathetic that you can't put out this fire yourself Ox." Roshi casually stated, sending a proverbial shockwave through those within earshot of the old man. Taking off his turtle shell and jacket, the old man flexed while looking at Bulma.

"Not bad for an old man, eh?" Roshi slyly said to the young woman, who cringed in disgust at the old man's perverseness.

The old man hopped to the top of a wall to get a better view. Roshi gave a grunt of effort, and his muscles suddenly increased in mass, his body size over tripling in size. This shocked all of the onlookers with the exception of his former student.

"Yamcha! What is he doing!?" Puar exclaimed in shock as to why the old man suddenly bulked up. The bandit, however, was in awe at what he was seeing.

"It's the legendary Kamehameha! A technique in which the energy of one's body is said to be concentrated into one point then expelled all at once!" Yamcha said, awe palpable in his voice.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind rippled throughout the area, sending most of the onlookers flying. The only exceptions being the Ox-King, Yamcha, and Puar. The Ox-King managed to stand his ground due to his physique and power, while Yamcha and Pura hung onto a nearby wall. Seloria managed to react quick enough to grab Bulma before she was sent flying, while Oolong transformed into a heavy robot in order to stay on the ground long enough for him to get a good foothold. Chichi was caught and held by her father while Kakarot dug his Power Pole in the ground and used it as an anchor. As the wind died down, everyone looked to the source in shock and awe.

On top of what is now a lone pillar of wall stood the Turtle Hermit. Surrounding the old master's buff form was a startling blue aura, the man slowly extended his hands to his sides and brought them forward, his cupped hands facing the mountain as if he was aiming his shot. Bringing his cupped hands to his side, Roshi started to seemingly chant.


"ME….." A small blue orb started to form between the palms of the Turtle Hermit.

"HA….." Roshi's blue aura started to spark and coalesce around his cupped hands.

"ME….." The small blue orb began to rapidly expand until it was the size of a basketball.

"HAAAAA!" He thrust his cupped hands forward, a blue wave of raw energy came from his palms, rushing towards its target. The area around Roshi was shining a near blinding blue-white light. As the wave connected with Fire Mountain, the light became too much for the viewers, who all except Kakarot, Seloria, and the Ox-King had to cover their eyes from the bright flash. When the light died down. Roshi's body was back in it's frailer state. Breathing heavily from the strain of using so much power in so long.

"Whew... I'm exhausted, might've overdone it." Said the old man as he took a deep breath and sat down on the wall he was standing on prior. However, the more impressive thing was the mountain behind him or lack thereof. After the Ox-King pointed this out Roshi looked back and apologized sheepishly to the now castleless king. Kakarot asked if Roshi could teach him it, only to be told that it would take him 50 years to learn the Kamehameha wave. As Roshi and Ox were catching up, a familiar chant caught their ears. Looking over they saw Kakarot looking at a wall, his hands cupped like Master Roshi's were.

"Ka… Me...Ha...Me...HAAA" Kakarot's voice echoed the old hermit's as he thrust his hands forward, launching a significantly smaller Kamehameha wave at the wall, destroying it.

"Awww. it wasn't as big as Roshi's." Kakarot said with visible disappointment at the fact that his Kamehameha was significantly weaker than Roshi's own. Roshi, however, was shocked at the fact that Kakarot was able to replicate the signature technique that took him 60 years to create, after seeing the technique only once no less! When the Ox-King mentioned that Kakarot was the grandson of Gohan, Roshi offered Kakarot a chance to train under him alongside Seloria. Something which Kakarot wholeheartedly accepted. Seloria meanwhile was looking at her hands after seeing Kakarot do it, and thought about trying it herself, but thought against it since Kakarot had been training his Ki control for longer than she had.

"Hey guys! I found the Dragon Ball!" Bulma called out as she walked over to the group with their sixth Dragon Ball. Only to stop next to Seloria as she saw everyone was looking at Kakarot in either shock, amazement or, in some cases, both.

"Why's everyone looking at Kakarot?" Bulma asked Seloria, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Huh?" The young Saiyaness asked as she turned her attention from her hands to her friend.

"Why's everyone looking at Kakarot?" Bulma repeated now that she had Seloria's attention.

"You wouldn't believe me until you see it." The Saiyaness stated as she shook her head.

Red Ribbon HQ

Walking into the shooting range, Commander Red and Officer Black were greeted to the sight of Gero and a few soldiers standing at attention next to a table with strange-looking rifles.

"Alright Gero, what did you call me down for? Can't you tell I'm busy?" Red demanded of the scientist.

"Welcome Commander Red! I've called you down here because I've made a breakthrough in my research of the alien ship that Teal was in when he arrived." Gero said with excitement in his voice, before he motioned to the table with odd-looking weapons and the soldiers next to him.

"What you see here are newly made rifles that weaponize the energy that the device, the one that came with young Teal, could detect. Show the Commander would you?" Gero said to the soldiers next to him, who proceeded to pick up the weapons and aimed at the targets set up at the back of the shooting range, and they proceeded to fire. Each weapon released a blast that completely pierced the target they came in contact with. Commander Red looked at the results with a grin, before turning to Gero and asked a very important question.

"How long until we can produce these for the entire army?" Red asked, the smirk on his face widening at the thought of completely dominating the world with his forces. Gero however calculated how long it would take to fully equip the RRA with the new weapons.

"A rough estimate for the entire RRA? 5 Years. For equipping the higher staff? The prototypes would be done and properly sized for each of the higher staff in 3 months." Gero reported briskly to Commander Red, who's smirk disappeared at the scientist's estimate for the full army. Even though he wanted his entire army to have the new technology, his higher-ups needed to be prioritized.

"Fine, 5 years, however, prioritize the General and Colonel equipment. I want them to have the best first. You will have access to the unlimited resources of the Red Ribbon Army " The Commander said before leaving the room, Officer Black not far behind. Gero watched them leave with an indifferent look before turning back to his work with a small scowl.

Power Levels


Kakarot(Full Power) - 18

Kakarot(Tired vs Yamcha) - 11

Kakarot(Fully rested) - 19

Kakarot(Post-Training w/ Seloria) - 20

Kakarot(Kamehameha) - 30

Seloria(Fully Rested) - 15

Seloria(Tired) - 8

Seloria(vs Yamcha) - 16

Seloria(Post-Training w/Kakarot) - 17

Jagaima(Top of Tower) - 168

Paseri - 92

Kinoko(Suppressed) - 110


Yamcha(Full Power) - 9

Yamcha(Wolf Fang Fist) - 12

Tien(Full Power) - 102

Chiaotzu(Full Power) - 15

Chi-Chi - 7

Ox King(Full Power) - 86

Roshi - 60

Roshi(Full Power) - 127

Roshi(Limit Break) - 191

Roshi(Limit Break+Buff) - 563

Roshi(Limit Break+Buff+Kamehameha) - 844


Korin - 190