It all started with a dare.

I know... I know... cliché.

For some odd reason, most of Gryffindor House had gotten it into their heads to be matchmakers between Harry and Luna.

It made NO sense. Whatsoever. Seriously, they hardly knew each other. What the heck.

It was only worsened by the fact that neither of them knew.

So what if Luna started being 'accidentally' shoved right into to Harry... or if all but two adjacent seats were left in the classes that they had together... or if Harry got locked out of his House and Luna was the 'only one told'... or if people lied to get them in detention together...

Eventually, one of the Gryffindors got bold enough to dare Harry to kiss her.

In the Common Room. During what was affectionately dubbed 'Rush Hour' because everyone was there.

So, obviously, he had to do it.

After one of the D.A. meetings, when everyone was leaving, he called on her to stay behind a bit.

After everyone was gone, he went ahead and asked her, "Would you go to Hogsmeade with me?"

Luna apparently had a wicked streak, because she asked "What was that?" innocently. Too innocently.

Harry sighed, and tried again.

Same answer.

This continued for a total of eight times before...

He sighed again, deeper, and said, "Let me just show you."

He leaned down for a kiss, and then ended up kissing the mat, courtesy to the crushing haymaker thrown his way.

"How DARE you force yourself upon me!"

Harry gaped. "I asked you out eight times!"

… "Haven't you ever heard 'ninth time's the charm'?"