Sirius didn't know what to think anymore as he poured himself a drink. He stared at Archer who had managed to get past the wards without harm - indicating that he was indeed, a Black. Little Harry was fast asleep in the cot beside them in the office. It was Peter who betrayed them. Not Remus. He had to apologise to his best friend. He and James thought it might be Remus, they never suspected it would have been Peter. Sirius's thoughts were all over the place but he didn't show it.

"Why do I feel like I know you, Archer?" Sirius asked and he noticed a sad smile form on Archer's face.

"Because you did know me. I... I was your twin, Sirius."

Sirius froze. Memories came flooding back.

"Archie, I don't want you to leave with them!" Young Sirius complained, folding his arms in a strop with Regulus stood next to him.

"Yeah, it's not right. Why can't you stay?" Reggie spoke and Archie looked down to the floor.

"Because, it's in the families best interest. I will be back though, I promise!" Sirius and Regulus held Archie's hands.

"You better be, Archie. It's not going to be the same without you," Reggie said and Siri nodded along.

"You ... After all this time!! It's been decades, Archie! You said you'd come back!" Sirius shouted furiously and Archie nodded - Death had come up with that story, it was in Harry's head like it actually happened. He knew Siri would react like this, though. He thought.

"I know, Siri. You should know, Reggie died fighting against Voldemort."

Sirius blinked a few times, about to reply but before he could baby Harry had woken from all the shouting. Sirius stood up immediately and went over to him, picking him up and shh'ing the boy, Archies younger self, to go to sleep. "Pa'foo." He heard and a tear rolled down Archie's cheek. Sirius saw this and sighed.

"You would have loved James, Archie. Lily too..." Sirius spoke softly and Archie looked up with hope in his eyes. Sirius just might accept him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there," He replied.

December 23, 1981

Archie was slowly getting used to the idea of living in the past with Sirius. In the past two months they had moved into Potter Manor and decided to move there, to have little Harry growing up in his ancestor's home - It was something Archie could have only dreamed of doing.

Siri was trying to track down Remus, but the Werewolf was hard to find. It had broken Siri when they couldn't find him, but they were going to keep trying. It was Harry's first Christmas and boy were Archie and Siri going to make it one of the best.

Archie often wondered what happened back in his time, what Hermione and Ron thought of his choice... and George. He felt responsible for Fred's death and this time round, he was going to make sure that didn't happen. That there would be no battle at Hogwarts. He couldn't tell Sirius about the seven horcruxes, but... Harry! He was living with a Horcrux, how was he going to get rid of it? The dark curse... curse breakers, who did he know, Bill Weasley!

How old would he be, now? Ten, eleven? Not Bill then. The Goblins? Could they remove the curse? He'd have to ask Siri.

"Archie! Wake up and get down here! Moony has finally replied!" Archie looked at the time and saw it was quarter to eight in the morning. Archie pulled a face but got out of bed and changed into tight jeans, a plain tight grey t-shirt with one of his Dad's old jackets that they had found. He made his way into the kitchen where he saw Siri rocking baby Harry back and forth while reading a letter. Siri looked up and grinned brightly.

"Took your time. Here, have the letter while I feed Harry," Siri said and Archie nodded, seeing the warm bottle of milk in Siri's hand.

Dear Siri,

I'm so so sorry for abandoning you. Albus had sent me on a mission in Northern France, with the werewolves there not a few days before Voldemort attacked. I've only just received your letters, you can't seriously want to raise Harry with me, do you? It's not safe. But I will meet you the day you receive this letter. Will the Leakey Cauldron do? Eleven am.


"He is doubting himself, Siri." Archie spoke, placing the letter down. Siri nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like you know him already," Siri joked and Archie laughed lightly. I do. He thought and smiled when Harry finished the bottle. Archie walked over to his younger self and took over holding him.

"You were hungry, weren't you, Harry?" Archie said in a baby voice. Harry grinned and blew raspberries at him which made Archie chuckle. "Ar'ie," He rolled his eyes playfully and looked up at Sirius.

"Close enough," He spoke jokingly and Siri stuck his tongue out childishly. "He likes me more!" Archie pouted and Sirius laughed.

"I think we need to do something about Harry's scar," Archie spoke after a few moments, letting Sirius calm down. Siri's eyes widened and he frowned in slight confusion.

"What makes you say that?" He questioned and Archie sighed, shrugging.

"I don't know but I think something is up. Maybe go to St Mungo's, or the Goblin's?" Archie questioned and Sirius nodded in understanding.

"Okay, after we see Moony."

December 23, Leakey Cauldron

Archie was going to be making his first appearance public, he realised as they apparated just outside of the pub. Archie took a breath and grinned as Sirius was holding Harry tightly in a baby carrier looking manlier than ever. Here goes nothing.

Archie opened the door to the pub and stepped inside, standing in a protective stance next to Sirius. Tom, the bartender looked up, eyes widened in shock. The Boy Who Lived was there in his pub. With the notorious Sirius Black and, who was that next to him? He looked almost identical to Sirius, the only difference was a bit of untrimmed stubble and those green eyes.

Sirius and Archie spotted Moony in the corner of the pub, hidden by the exit. He looked worse for wear, he really did and for Archie he couldn't help but feel sorry for the wolf.

"Hi Tom, two glasses of Firewhiskey if you would." Siri spoke bringing Archie out of his thoughts. He smiled in a friendly way at Tom, who nodded in respect.

"How is little Harry doing? And if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Tom asked and Sirius grinned in a cheeky way and Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Harry is doing just fine, thank you. This is my twin, Archer Black." He announced proudly and Tom smirked slightly. A long lost twin? That was going to go well with the wizarding world. "Welcome, Mr Black." He said, giving them drinks and Archer wore a matching grin with Sirius.

"It's good to be here, Tom."

They took their drinks and sat down next to the wolf, who looked startled at the sudden company. His eyes widened. Two Sirius's? That's not possible! But... the scent was the same, what was going on? Harry! Moony frowned, was that dark magic he could feel? His thoughts were all over the place but he managed to say one thing.

"Cub," He whimpered out and Siri passed his old friend the firewhiskey. Remus drank half before trying to speak again.

"Twin? Since when?" Remus asked and Archie spoke.

"Since always. Since I stopped Harry from going to the Dursley's and stopped Siri from going to Azkaban." Archie stated bluntly.

Remus had to blink a few times before he glared. "The Dursley's? They're the worst sorts of Muggles!" He spat out and Sirius nodded.

"Try telling that to Dumbledore. Moony, you look awful." Sirius spoke and Remus looked ashamed.

"I feel awful. I should have been there. What if Harry had gone and lived with those Muggles? I wouldn't have been able to find him and I -" Remus was blabbering on and Siri sighed, placing a hand on Remus's shoulder, silencing him as Moony gave Sirius a look.

"I'm sorry." Remus spoke finally and Sirius gave his best friend a long needed hug.

Archie smiled sadly. It was because of him. Because of the damned Prophecy that this is all happening. But Archie was going to do anything he could to change that. This time, he was going to make sure Voldemort didn't attack him every single year, that he didn't have to kill a single soul.

"Sirius Orion Black!" He had to blink a few times, did he hear that right? Amelia Bones, head of DMLE? Auntie of Susan Bones? Both Archie and Sirius turned and Amelia stopped walking out of shock.

"I will never get tired of these reactions," Archie spoke laughing lightly and Sirius grinned while Remus rolled his eyes at his friends.

"Who is this?" Amelia questioned looking at Archie curiously. Archie grinned handsomely.

"Archer Orion Black, at your service." Archie mock bowed and Amelia sat down dramatically next to Remus, stealing his glass of firewhiskey. "Oh, Merlin, there's two of them," She muttered making Sirius and Archie burst out with laughter.

"'Melia. It's good to see you, how's the DMLE treating you?" Sirius asked after a few moments and Amelia sighed.

"Could be better, Sirius. That's all I'll say there. Oh! Harry looks adorable. If you won't mind, we could arange a playdate with him and Sue soon? Hannah could join too?"

"Neville!" Archie muttered randomly loud enough for Amelia to hear.

"Neville? Longbottom?" She questioned, not following.

"He was going to be Harry's Godbrother, I think?" Archie frowned and Sirius's eyes widened and nodded.

"He was, I remember Lily and James planning it."

Silence consumed the table at the mention of Harry's parents. But after a moment of quiet Harry cried out and Sirius stood up, rocking littl Harry back and forth trying to stop him from crying.

"I think we should go on a walk, 'Melia, don't be a stranger and write to us a time for the meeting," Sirius spoke. "Come on Moony, Archie."

Amelia watched at the trio left with The Boy who lived. She smiled. The wizarding world was in for a storm. And she was going to be watching right at the front.

Authors Note

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