Prologue: The Fox and the Rabbit

Flashes of light, clashes of steel, a spark here, an explosion there.

A golden flame flitting about a purple giant, with a lone woman in white floating above them both. Below rest three mortals, two men and a girl. They watch as the future of their world is decided by the embodiment of light and love, Naruto Uzumaki, and his brother in all but name, Sasuke Uchiha, the paragon of hatred and darkness. Together, the Light and Dark battle out the future of the world with Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Grandmother of their predecessors. Kaguya had returned to life through a convoluted plan concocted by the feeble creature called Black Zetsu (although that was not his real name), which had enslaved the world.

The battle was going poorly.

Though Naruto and Sasuke possessed battle instincts honed through years of combat, and had developed techniques considered beyond the average Shinobi, the fact was that they didn't come close to the power held by Kaguya. She'd become the Jinchuriki of Madara Uchiha, who was the Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, the conglomerate of all nine Tailed Beasts. She also bore the Byakugan, an eye that was capable of seeing all around the wielder, even Chakra. On top of these ridiculous powers, she also wielded a strange eye which emerged from her forehead that resembled the eye of the Ten Tails; it most likely signified her connection to the Ten Tails, but Naruto and Sasuke couldn't be sure it didn't bestow other powers beyond simply those of the Ten Tails.

All these powers in a single foe made the battle untenable, and it was beginning to show. With a blast of blue Chakra, the giant Susano'o enveloping Sasuke was shattered, sending him crashing to the ground. Glancing behind himself, Naruto flies down to the ground, releasing his Kurama Avatar to protect everyone.

"Sakura, how's Sasuke?!" He demands, keeping his eyes on Kaguya as Kurama fights for him.

"Not good… He's lost almost all of his Chakra, and he's overused his Mangekyou Sharingan." She replies solemnly. "I'm honestly surprised he's not blind; from what Kakashi-Sensei told me, he was going blind during our last encounter with him."

Obito quickly interjects, "It's because Sasuke no longer bears his own eyes" he rasps out, completely exhausted from wrenching open Time-Space after Time-Space. "Sasuke now wields the eyes of Itachi Uchiha, which gives him the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan; much like what Madara wielded in the time of the First Hokage."

"I don't really get it, but we don't have time to worry about that! Sasuke, when will you be ready to fight? I can't keep fighting her forever like this!" Naruto cries, as another of Kaguya's blasts hit Kurama, creating buffeting winds and immense force.

"I… don't know if I'll be up for a while. I've got nothing left." He groans, covering his left eye with his hand.

"Well, at this rate we're gonna lose Sasuke, so you better get your ass off the ground and start helping!" Naruto yells.

"Weren't you listening to me loser? I'm out of chakra, it'll be days before I recover! I just can't do any more! We should retreat into Obito's Time-Space, and recover there. Then we can come back, and try again!" Sasuke snarled.

"We can't do that." Obito gasps out. "If I can penetrate Kaguya's Time-Space, then she could definitely enter my own. Besides, I don't have enough Chakra to pull us all there."

Kakashi frowned. "Sasuke, could you give Naruto whatever it is you need to have so he can seal her alone? In your present condition, you're more of a hindrance than a boon."

Sasuke glared at Kakashi, hatred clear in his eyes. "I can't give away this power! It's mine, gifted to me by the Sage of the Six Paths! It is the right of the Uchiha to bear this power, I won't forsake the memories of all the fallen Uchiha for anything!"

Obito glanced up, his coal black eyes tired. "But Kakashi raises a good point. Naruto, Black Zetsu called this the 'Root Dimension', and told Kaguya she could absorb chakra from the Shinobi trapped in her Infinite Tsukuyomi here. Could you do the same, and boost your Sage Power?"

"I could," Naruto replies as the Kurama Avatar is shaken by a buffet of Chakra. "But I won't. That would kill maybe thousands of people, all for a move that might not work. Even if I do, Kaguya will just absorb more Chakra from them to ensure that what I take won't be a threat, killing even more people."

Sasuke looks up, his Sharingan deactivated and his Rinnegan closed to the world. "Naruto, it doesn't matter how many people die. This is a fight to protect the world, and a couple thousand people are not worth losing the whole world over!"

"I don't care! I won't risk the lives of everyone back home to defeat this enemy!"

Obito quickly interjects before the fight between them can get worse. "Not to raise concerns, but Naruto, you should be paying attention to the fight."

Naruto spins around, his Chakra Cloak flapping, and sees that Kurama's Avatar has lost an arm, and both of it's legs. With a roar, he channels chakra into a giant spinning orb, with smaller orbs orbiting it.

"Planetary Rasengan!" He roars, a chakra arm emerging from his chest and smashing it into Kaguya.

"You got her!" Sakura cheers, seeing the veritable goddess being propelled away from them at breakneck speeds.

"That should by us a couple seconds." Kakashi notes, pleased with the results of his student's attack.

"Naruto!" Obito wheezes, "Give Kakashi some Chakra…"

"What? Obito, Naruto needs all the Chakra he can get right now! I'll be a waste on his reserves!" Kakashi reprimands.

"Because… I have… an idea." Obito gasps. "Kakashi, what… are the weaknesses… of the Byakugan?"

Kakashi thinks for a moment. "There's a blind spot behind each wielder's head, and…" He trails off, seeing Obito's plan.

"Exactly. The Byakugan…" Obito breaks down into a coughing fit, but quickly recovers. "The Byakugan cannot see through Chakra. It sees too well. When confronted with either a Chakra Flare, or a Chakra Cloud, the Byakugan can be temporarily blinded. Kakashi, you know over a thousand jutsu. If you don't have a Chakra Cloud or Flare in your arsenal, I'd think you wasted my gift." Obito hacks out a laugh, but soon coughs harshly.

Naruto turns and looks at Kakashi. "I didn't understand much of what Obito said, but it sounds like you have an idea Kakashi-Sensei. Here." He reaches out his hand and touches Kakashi's arm. "Take this Chakra, Kakashi-Sensei."

Kakashi reels back as the Chakra enters his system, filling it to the brim. With a relieved sigh, he looks up.

"I'm ready." He intoned, before beginning the hand seals.

"Wait!" Obito whispers, his voice a mere croak. "You… need to wait… for Kaguya to return. She'll… not enter… the cloud…" He breaks off, wheezing and out of energy, before collapsing.

"Obito!" Naruto cries, before reaching out to him.

"Naruto! Don't waste your Chakra on him." Sakura reprimands Naruto, before looking down on Obito. "He doesn't deserve it. Wait until after the battle, then you can heal him if he's still alive."

Sasuke agrees with Sakura: "Don't do it loser, just leave him. He's a waste of your Chakra, which we all need right now."

Before Naruto can respond, the Kurama Avatar is smashed down from the sky. Above them stands an absolutely massive Chakra construct; it bore horns, long hair reaching it's waist, and a white chakra robe with ten swirling tails emerging from it's backside, each hundreds of meters long. The group gawks up at it, and Kakashi's hands fall to his sides.

"My… jutsu won't be effective on something that huge." He declares calmly. Naruto and Sasuke look up in fright, and Sakura, upon seeing something so much larger than the Ten Tails, faints.

Naruto looks down at Sakura and Obito, both of whom are unconscious.

"Naruto, we have an idea." says Kurama.

'What is it?' Naruto replies mentally, still in shock at the sight of Kaguya's Tailed Beast Transformation.

"You have no hope of defeating Kaguya right now. She's undergone Tailed Beast Transformation; however, like when we first joined this way, Kaguya will not be able to hold this form for more than four minutes."

'I get it! So all we need to do is hold out for that long, and attack when she's weakened!'

"You idiot! We won't survive a single minute, much less four! Her power is much greater than ours; should she try, she could vaporize this entire Time-Space!"

'So… what should we do, Kurama?'

"Do what the Uchiha brat suggested; use that Uchiha's Kamui, and hide there."

'But he said that Kaguya could follow us there!'

"She might. However, it would take her a few minutes to find the correct Time-Space, and even then, she'd need to amass a vast amount of Chakra to enter the Uchiha's Time-Space; far more than he had to to enter hers."

'OK Kurama! Let's wake up Obito!' Naruto exclaims in his mind. He reaches down to Obito, and then stops. 'Kurama, we don't know how much Chakra it would take to transport us all to his dimension!'

"By the Sage brat! Just give him enough to wake him! Then ask him yourself!" Naruto nods, and reaches down to Obito's chest, transferring Chakra into his body.

Obito woke with a start, with about a quarter of his chakra returned to him. Looking up, he sees Naruto kneeling above him, a hand on his chest. "Naruto, what are you doing? Go… fight Kaguya." He says, startled to find that it isn't hard to talk anymore.

"Obito, we need to hide in your Time-Space. Kaguya just got an insane power up, and we need to wait it out!" Naruto yelps, as the Kurama Avatar flies around the now completely visible Ten Tails Madara Avatar that Kaguya is enwreathed within.

"I… don't have enough Chakra to take the whole body of the Nine Tails. You'd need to drop your Transformation for a couple seconds for me to do so."

"I can give you more Chakra! Then we don't need to drop our defense!" Naruto responds.

"Naruto, my body can't contain that much Chakra without a vessel, I'd overload and explode. That's why we sealed the Tailed Beasts into the Gedo Statue first; human bodies can't contain that much Chakra, unless it's their own."

"We have no choice Obito! We're all gonna die unless we do something! At least take Sakura, Kakashi-Sensei and Sasuke with you, that way I can fight Kaguya with no holds barred!"

Obito was stunned, but unfortunately knew that this wouldn't work. "Naruto, we can't leave you here. You'll die, and then we'll have no hope of sealing Kaguya. There's… only one thing we can do."

Sasuke shifted around, watching the exchange with interest. "What do you suggest?"

Obito lowers his eyes to the ground. "I can give you my eyes, Naruto. With your vast Chakra, you'd be able to use the Kamui to take everyone with you to my Time-Space."

Naruto was shocked. "Obito, I can't take your eyes! For one, that's gross, and secondly, they're yours!"

Obito laughs sharply. "My left eye has spent more time outside of my skull than in it; I'm sure I can live without my right as well."

Naruto looks him dead in the eye. "Alright. But you are taking them back once we get into your Time-Space. Deal?"

Obito looks at the boy willing to give up the Sharingan, and thinks to himself 'Maybe, just maybe, it would be better for people who never want to Sharingan to receive it… just like Itachi.'

He shakes himself a bit. "Very well. Once we get to the Time-Space, I'll take it back from you."

Naruto smiles grimly. "You better."

Kakashi looks down at Sakura, "We'll need to wake Sakura for this. She'll perform the transplant."

Obito immediately shakes his head. "We don't have time. Trust me, she's not good a dealing with eyes." He remembers back when he asked her to stab out Madara's Rinnegan, and she spent a ridiculous amount of time just shaking. He shudders. "No, with Naruto's healing factor, and the DNA of the First Hokage within me, we'll both be fine without a medic this time. We can't risk anymore delays!" His statement is compunctuated when the Ten Tails Transformation strikes Naruto's Kurama Avatar with one of it's tails, sending them flying through the air.

Obito reaches to his face, and after bracing himself, pulls out his left eye. Without so much as a grunt, he hands it to Kakashi. "Hold that Kakashi."

Kakashi looks revolted.

Naruto reaches to his eyes, and pulls one out; it's the most painful thing he's ever experienced. He releases a pained scream, and pants. He looks over at Obito with his remaining eye, and grunts out "How the HELL aren't you in pain right now?!"

Obito smiles at him. "I am. But I believe that this is the right thing to do."

Naruto grimaces, and hands his eye over to Sasuke. "Sasuke, keep this safe; I'll be wanting it back after this is all over." Sasuke grunts, and slips it into one of the sealing matrixes on his vambraces. With that, both Obito and Naruto pull out their final eyes, and Naruto takes them both.

With a grunt, he slides them into his eye sockets, with the healing Chakra from his Sage Mode and Kurama working in tandem to integrate it into his skull. However, with a sudden crash, they all look up to see a massive sphere of black Chakra.

"Oh shit." says Kakashi. 'Guy, remember what you said earlier? THIS one is a little big for one of those things.' The sphere hovered above them, and Naruto, with a split second, deactivates his Kurama Avatar. He spins, creating 4 Shadow Clones without even a hand seal. Each clone grabs one of his friends, with the last clone flying towards Kaguya to buy him precious time. The clones blast away from him, faster than even the Sharingan can track.

"Naruto!" yells Sasuke, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Sorry Sasuke, but we need to clear the blast! The Boss can handle it; he's got a plan."

"What the hell do you think you can do?! You can't stop that thing! Only the power of the Rinnegan can do that!"

Naruto frowns. "Sasuke, I'll be honest; I don't know if the Boss is gonna survive this attack. He has a plan that will stop Kaguya, but I don't know if he'll come out alive. So if he doesn't, I need you to promise me something."

Sasuke glares with his one good eye. "What the hell are you talking about Loser? What do you want from me?"

"Sasuke, in case I don't survive this I have one last request for you." Naruto smiles grimly, even as they fly through the air, no doubt dozens of kilometers away by now. "I need you to become Hokage. Not whatever revenge driven crazy Hokage you wanted to be, but a good one, like Itachi would have been… one who can see both the light in the village and the dark, someone who can bring everyone together, like a family."

Sasuke glares at Naruto. "My family is dead Naruto, they died for that village that you're so fond of. But don't worry, brother, when you're dead and gone I'll rule the village, and I'll make sure that the village remains strong."

Naruto sighs. "Sasuke, I want you to be Hokage because your family is dead. I want you to see the whole village as your family."

"Heh. You know, Loser, the First Hokage said that to Madara. And look what he became, a weak man dependant on a tree, and the Tailed Beasts. A pathetic relic of the past."

Naruto sighs. "Who knows… maybe if he'd become Hokage, Madara could have saved the world… just maybe."

Suddenly, the Tailed Beast Bomb on the horizon swells in size, nearly blocking out the light of the setting sun.

"Huh. That's bigger than I thought it would be." Naruto comments, nonplussed at the giant sphere of destruction.

"Loser, why don't you just use the Kamui on me now? That way we'll be safe from the blast." Sasuke questions, looking back at the Tailed Beast Bomb in slight trepidation.

Naruto snickers. "Because, Sasuke, where do you think I'm gonna send that Tailed Beast Bomb?" Sasuke starts in realization.

"You're going to use Kakashi's long range Kamui on it…"

"Yep!" Naruto beams. "And then…"

The Tailed Beast Bomb suddenly twists, and vanishes.

"Great, now let's get back there!" Sasuke demands. Naruto nods, and then immediately his clone pops. Sasuke looks around for one second, then begins to fall, screaming.

"Sage DAMNIT! NARUTO! I hate you!" He clenches his hands together. "Hopefully I have enough Chakra for this…" He weaves the hand seals: "Summoning Jutsu!" A large cloud appears beneath him: it's a giant snake. Upon seeing it, Sasuke yells:

"Aoda! Swallow me then reverse summon yourself!" Aoda looks around, and immediately swallows Sasuke, then vanishes in a cloud of smoke.

Back with the Original Naruto…

Naruto looked up as his clone engaged Kaguya. He sat down on the ground, and crossed his legs. He settles into his spot, and begins to take in Nature Energy, as much as he can. In a mere five seconds, Kaguya has destroyed his clone, and starts throwing weird gray sticks at him. Naruto, in his infinite wisdom, decides that the spikes are probably dangerous, and dodges them all. The ones he can't dodge, he blocks with his Truthseeker Orbs.

Naruto howls, and in a burst of light, flashes up beside Kaguya faster than she can see. With a swing of his arm, she loses her own in a slash of Wind Chakra. Speeding away, he watches as she begins to try and heal herself.

"Well, here goes nothing…" he grumbles, closing his right eye. Spreading his left eye wide, he rushes his Chakra to it activating the Sharingan, and then the Mangekyou Sharingan, before focusing on the Tailed Beast Bomb. "KAMUI!" He roars, glaring into the very center of the Tailed Beast Bomb as it twists, and vanishes

Feeling awfully proud of himself, Naruto glances towards Kaguya, who's gaping at where her massive attack used to be. He begins to laugh gregariously, pointing at her while shaking his head.

"How do ya like that, Super Gramps Sage's Granny?!" he yells across the valley they've created. "What'cha gonna do now, huh?!"

Kaguya slowly turns and glares at him. "You… insufferable little brat. Asura, you will die here. You can keep your Chakra; I am going to end you."

Naruto's eyes widen as she vanishes, appearing right above him. He braces his arms for her strike, but it goes right through him. He lowers his arms, and Kaguya floats up to his level, looking at him quizzically. "What… was that?" she questions, confused.

"Mother" purrs Black Zetsu, "That was the Kamui, a jutsu that transports parts of your body to another Time-Space when objects would come into contact with it. You'll need to attack him for 6 minutes straight, that's how long he can remain 'intangible' for."

Naruto frowns. He was not aware that Obito's Kamui had a time limit weakness, but then again, Itachi had said every jutsu has a weakness. Looks like he just learned the weakness of the Kamui the easy way, rather than the hard way, which meant he could account for it.

Suddenly, he had an idea. With a grin, he flew into Kaguya's face, and went straight through her, before turning and kicking her into the ground. Then, he floated above her, manipulating his Truthseeker Orbs into javelins which he fired at her like ballista bolts.

With a growl, Kaguya batted them away, before flying up at Naruto. With her hand coated in swirling chakra, she punched at his head, only for her fist to fly right through it! However, resting right behind his head was a Truthseeker Orb! Kaguya's eyes widen in horror as her arm is slowly sliding into the black sphere, disintegrating as it goes. She stops moving as fast as she can, when suddenly a fist slams into her face; Naruto, a vengeful scowl on his face, swings a Truthseeker Staff, slicing off her other arm!

Kaguya moans in pain, and glares at Naruto. "Asura… you are mine!" She sales up into the sky, and flares her chakra, sending a hurricane of wind through the air. Naruto, glaring up at Kaguya, holds out his hand, and creates a Rasengan. Swinging his arm, the Rasengan suddenly expands, with the edge of it smashing into Kaguya. However, as the dust clears, Naruto sees that no harm has been done; Kaguya has absorbed his Chakra, healing one of her arms with it.

Naruto scowls, and just before he lifts off the engage her again, hears a voice in his head. "Naru, Saiken has idea." Naruto slows down, and listens to the rest of Saiken's odd way of speaking:

"Naru, use Saiken's Acid Permeation Jutus; one that big brother Utakata used. It should act as Chakra Cloud that mean Uchiha said to use."

Naruto smiles happily, and starts to channel Saiken's Chakra into his belly, before expelling a torrent of bubbles. "Sage Art: Water Style: Acid Permeation!"

Kaguya was speechless. The entire battlefield was now covered in spheres of Chakra, making it nearly impossible to see through the sky. With a growl, she pushed out a massive blue chakra arm to push away the bubbles; with a shriek of pain, she saw the bubbles literally eating into her Chakra arms, melting them similarly to the Truthseeker Orbs. Withdrawing her Chakra arms, she creates a torrent of wind, blowing all the bubbles away.

Naruto grimaces. 'This fight has been going on for long enough! Gotta go all out now; everyone's far enough away!' He quickly uses the Kamui, reappearing behind Kaguya, who spins and stabs at his head with her All-Killing Ash Bone; it flies right through his head.

With a grin, Naruto grabs her wrist. "Got you." He quickly sucks her into his Kamui Dimension, before following her in. When he touches down, he quickly flies into the air, dodging the attack he sensed from Kaguya. 'Gotta love Sage Mode!' he thinks.

"You cannot defeat me, Asura. You are not even close to Hagoromo, and even he needed Hamura to defeat me. Alone, you are nothing." Kaguya pontificates loudly.

"Lady, don't you get it? I'm not alone! This whole dimension was given to me by Obito! My friends believe in me, and my Master entrusted to me his dream!" Naruto yells up at her.

Kaguya laughs. "Foolish little Asura. All those 'friends' you prattle on about cannot help you here."

"Ah shaddup, I don't care what you think! I'm not Asura, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and THIS will be where you die!" With that, Naruto looks to the sky, with Kaguya slowly turning to look as well. The sky is virtually non-existent; all that's there is darkness. But it's getting closer.

Kaguya's eyes widen. 'Is that… the Tailed Beast Bomb?!'

Naruto smirks. "No matter what happens, we'll both die here. You will never plague the world again!" With a scream, Kaguya turns and fires an All-Killing Ash Bone at Naruto, who with the aid of the Sharingan and Sage Arts, side steps and grabs it in the center of the shaft. He leaps, and with a quick Body Flicker aided by the Sharingan and Sage Arts, appears in front of Kaguya, and stabs her in the shoulder. He grins, but is blindsided by a colossal fist of blue Chakra which smashes into him, sending him crashing down between the floating cubes in the Kamui Dimension. He groans, trying to get his bearings as he tumbles down between the massive cubes.

"Naruto!" roars Kurama, "Fly up NOW! The space down below is outside of structured Time-Space! It's the void between worlds! If you fall in there, there's no telling where or when you'll come out!"

With a gulp, Naruto flings out his Chakra arms, grabbing onto the cubes beside him, and stopping his descent, before flying up. Suddenly, the gap above him is filled with the brightest light he's ever seen. His vision is filled by the white light, and he's blasted by an immense shockwave. The Tailed Beast Bomb, which contained more Chakra than any attack in the history of Chakra, has exploded, the shockwave blasting him with more force than even Nagato's Planetary Devastation could exert. Naruto loses his grip, and with a curse, is sent flying into Unstable Space-Time.