Note: for those of you people who haven't seen Solo... there is a Solo reference in here... (you should really see the movie it's really good and it's on Netflix)

"My name is Lando"

Finn doesn't know how to respond, the man was obviously from the high government. Why would he be introduced to him.

"Finn" he reply's not wanting to be rude.

"Maybe I should just leave" Han says making the young mechanic even more confused then he already is.

Han walks away leaving a big cloud of of awkward behind.

"Come boy, lets talk"

Lando waves Finn out the door. Finn reluctantly follows the strange man.

"Do you know your family?" The man asks. Finn shakes his head.

"I was taken from my father and mother as a very young child raised to be a stormtrooper"

"Finn... we are family"

Almost immediately Finn halts his breath caught in his throat.

"Are you... my..."

"Yes boy, no come here give your old man a hug I haven't seen you since you were taken from me"

Finn rushes to his fathers arms, he... had a father!

Meaning he had a last name, after all these years he wasn't just Finn anymore. He had a...

"My name is Finn, I don't know if I had another name before but it's Finn now"

"I like Finn, let me guess your probably quite the ladies man"

"I... uhh... no"

"Well then that's surprising being your so handsome just like your old dad"

Luckily Rey decided now was a good time to show up, Finn was very grateful for that.

"Finn Poe needs help with his x-wing" his mousy brown haired friend says.

"Is this the special lady?" Lando asks with a sly grin.

"No... she's not... she has a boyfriend" Finn says to his father.

"And so do you now go help him with his x-wing... he doesn't know how to fix things... or he probably does know how but is keeping that talent hidden because he has you... now scoot!"

Lando is frozen to the ground he stands on. His 'son' walks off to help his 'boyfriend' Lando does not support that. He is not one to talk though he did fancie a droid once. He would never tell anyone that he did think of L-3 as more then a droid but... hey only Han knows. And whoever else Han told, knowing Han everyone.

Ben Solo walks down the dirt road that serves at the main hub of all the interactions between the resistance. He holds the hand of Rey, his fiancé. The man is overwhelmed with excitement and he grips her hand tightly as if afraid to let her go.

"I'm not going to fly off Ben you can calm down"

He turns to her with a unrealistically large smile spread across his face.

"I'm... I love you Rey"

She smiles at his words even though she has heard the same phrase many times before.

"I love you too"

They kiss just like the first time on Exagol when they defeated Palpatine. Someone clears their throat, it's Leia.

"Having a good day?"

The couple looks up at the general, or in Ben's case looks down. Everyone is watching, especially the few that have yet to get used to Ben Solo's presence.

"Something happen?" Han asks bluntly making his presence known. Rey jumps as anyone would if someone came out of the shadows as silent as a mouse.



They both answer differently at the same time. Han smirks remembering all the times that he and Leia had done the same thing.

"Go on, tell them" Rey says with a smile, she is still breathless from the run there and the last kiss.

"We're engaged" Ben says face flushing and his smile big.

The older couple just stands there in shock.

Then Leia starts crying, she hugs both her son and then Rey and then continues to cry. Rey even notices that Han sheds a few stray tears.

"Congratulations" they both say

"When is the wedding?" Leia asks

"We haven't decided" Ben says gripping his new fiancée's hand tightly afraid that he could just blink and wake up from a dream and he would be back in First Order head quarters again.

"Decide soon or I'll do it for you" Leia states with a girly giggle. Han looks at her as if she is insane.

"Was that a giggle" Han asks...

Leia giggles again and hugs her husband. Han smiles.

"Yes it was"

"Our son is getting married" Leia sobs attracting a small crowd.

"Is something wrong General" commander Sparks asks..

"No no... I'm fine" she says with a laugh.

Rey looks up at Ben and sees him crying as well, he looks down at her with a smile.

Soon enough she would be Rey Solo.