Alright, here's the first chapter for Total Drama Reloaded! This chapter will focus mainly on introducing the characters - the first challenge will be in the next episode. I hope you enjoy and leave your thoughts in the comments or in PMs.

Edit: Did fix some small errors that KarsOnMars and FangDriver8 helped point out. Nothing too big that'll affect the story, so no worries.

Edit 2: Missed that Gigi's creator, Oreoboss0808, wanted her last name to be Lazo.

Edit 3: Deleting repeated description for Amelia. Man, I am burning through these edits!

Hello there.

It's been a long time since we've met, hasn't it?

Why have you come back here, hmm?

Are you just curious of what could have been? Or are you just trying to pass the time?

At any rate, it doesn't matter anymore.

So, you remember the stakes, right?


Then let's get right to it.

As the camera came to life, one could make out the familiar shape of Pahkitew Island. The sloping hills of the mechanical monstrosity were silent as the sun rose, the sky a mix of pink, yellow, blue, and orange. Once the camera zoomed in, the viewers could see a middle aged man with dark hair and a five o'clock shave. He is wearing a navy polo shirt with two front pockets, a long sleeved white undershirt, cargo pants, and black sneakers. The undeniable image of Chris McClean

"Yo! What's up party people!" Chris yelled out, his face tightening as he put on a wide, toothy smile. "I'm here on Pahkitew Island, somewhere in Toronto Canada, bringing YOU the latest season of Total Drama." The host walks across the creaking dock, which was over six years old at this point.

"Over the years, we've seen so many faces, fifty-one to be exact. Of those fifty-one, only six have known the sweet, sweet taste of victory. Unfortunately, there have been some critics who have claimed the show is "life threatening" and that I'm "a complete monster" for doing these things.'

Chris McClean uses air quotes as he says these two phrases. His smile briefly falters, before blinking it off. "And now, thanks to the help of our fantastic sponsor, Total Drama is back and ready to welcome twenty-two new contestants. And the stakes, oh boy, the stakes are the highest they ever been as the contestants fight for..."

The host creates an intentional pause, building up suspense.




The middle aged man continues enthusiastically "So with that in mind, let me introduce you to the new cast!"

The camera flashes to a cruise ship, making its way across whatever ocean Pahkitew Island is in. The ship sails steadily, the waves particularly calm. As cruise ships go, this one is particularly small, with the under deck being just barely enough to fit about ten people at a time.

One passenger in particular, seems rather focused. The young man, around seventeen, is looking at his competition like a hawk, occasionally looking down at his notebook to scribble something down.

The young man has sharp, focused hazel eyes, fair skin, and thick, light-brown hair that is combed back into a pompadour. He has a tall and lean build, with his clothing only exaggerating his skinny figure. It consists of skin-tight black corduroys, a purple grey peacoat that looks personally tailored, and black leather ankle boots.

Ronan Montague - The Junior Executive

Age: 17

Height: 6'3

Weight: 196 lbs

Ronan continues to focus on his notebook, but gets the feeling a pair of eyes on him. He snaps his head up, and blinks as he realizes the culprit is another, very attractive young man.

"Hello." The light haired man stated.

"Hiya~!" The other responded after a moment his voice playful. "I'm Silver Willow! What's your name?"

"...Ronan Montague, a pleasure." Ronan gives a polite smile, holding out his hand at Silver Willow, who eagerly took it.

Silver Willow is shorter than average, with a slim, willowy form. He has wide, chocolate brown eyes, dark olive skin, and very curly, shoulder length black hair that he's pulled into a ponytail. His outfit perfectly displays his bubbly personality: a slim fit, blue shirt that has the sleeves rolled up to his shoulders, a black vest with a white floral rose design, yellow jean pants, and Douglas Boat brown shoes. This look is completed with a red bow tie and black framed, square glasses.

Silver Willow - The Fairytale Prince

Age: 16

Height: 5'2

Weight: 152.6 lbs

"Wow, this boat huh? I can't believe I got in!" Silver exclaims, glancing around the boat and fidgeting with his hands.

"Yes, indeed. I'm surprised myself I still got on." Ronan responds cordially, nodding in agreement. "So, Silver Willow, where are you from?"

While this conversation is going on, another slim, blonde-haired is curled up in the corner, listening to music.

She is on the more petite side, with wide hips and a slim upper body. Her skin has a light tan to it, and her eyes are a dark brown, almost reddish color. She has wavy, natural blonde hair cut to her shoulders that is held back by a black headband. She is wearing a plain red t-shirt, black knee-length shirt and black running shoes.

Kris "Rae" Raven Yang - The Jack of All Trades

Age: 16

Height: 5'6

Weight: 122 lbs

Sitting next to Kris is another blonde that must be the shortest contestants this season. This girl is deathly pale, almost as pale as Dawn, with hazel eyes and pale blonde hair that's cut just above her shoulders. Compared to other contestants, this petite girl's attire is very modest: a short sleeved, pastel pink shirt with a white kitten head on it, a light gray cardigan rolled up to her sleeves, and a pale lavender pencil skirt. The look is tied together by a brown belt, white knee-length socks, and brown combat boots, as well as white studded earrings and a silver choker necklace.

Anna-Jane "AJ" Rosenberg - The Socially-Awkward

Age: 17

Height: 5'0

Weight: 99 lbs

AJ tries to focus on her book, while also trying to gather the courage to talk. Honestly, it was a little intimidating how the natural blonde was staring without blinking. Little did AJ know, that Kris was paying more attention to other contestants, such as the girl who looked like a professional actress, or the guy who looked like he walked out of a board room meeting, and didn't even notice AJ.


Kris Raven blinks, pulling an earbud out. In a low, lethargic voice, she asks, "Huh?"

"Oh, uh, s-s-sorry for interrupting, I was just w-w-wondering what you were listening to."

The natural blonde responds, "Eh, just the Doom soundtrack."

"Oh, c-c-cool." AJ then looks down in embarrassment, not sure what else to say. Kris Raven tilts her head, waiting for AJ to say something else for a few more seconds.

"Do you...wanna to give it a listen? I don't mind sharing an ear bud." Kris Raven asks hesitantly. AJ instantly perks up at this, giving the other a shy smile.

"T-t-thank you, I'd love to."

"So you're a competitive eater?"

"I know, f**king awesome right?" The curvy girl boasts.

This woman has fair skin that, besides a few blemishes on her face, looks fairly healthy, and blue eyes. Her ginger hair reaches halfway down her neck, with a fringe that covers her forehead. As mentioned before, she is rather curvy, with thick thighs, a larger than average bust, and a VERY large, rotund belly. The curvy woman doesn't seem to mind it, though, shaking it with a look of pride. Her shirt, a light-blue, short sleeved collared shirt with the bottom tied off, exposes her belly. She is wearing this with cream colored capris, brown sandals, and two silver bangles on her arm.

Max Grayson - The Tomboy

Age: 18

Height: 5'6

Weight: 183 lbs

"Yeah, totally. It'll definitely give you an edge with Chef's cooking, amirit?" The other girl winks playfully with this joke, causing Max to snort with laughter.

"Hell yeah! I'd love to see some of these skinny girls eat that s**t!"

The other female nods, an easy going smile on her face. She is African-American, with bronze skin and golden hazel eyes. She has a muscular frame, which particularly shows in her arms. She has short, curly black hair that is dyed platinum blonde and tied back in an orange scrunchie, with one curl sticking out against her face. She is wearing a plaid orange bandana around her neck, a white crop top shirt, black high waist joggers, and red sneakers.

Jewel Piccolo Banner - The Parkour Knight

Age: 17

Height: 5'7

Weight: 154 lbs

"Yeah, skinny girls are okay, but I like curvy girls better. Much more of them to love." Jewel says, which causes Max to blush.

"Thanks, but I'm into guys."

"Okay?" Jewel responds with raised brow, not realizing the implication of what she just said.

In one corner of the ship, a young lady is starring at her reflection in the mirror, preening for her imminent arrival on the set. She applying a fresh coat of ruby red lipstick, her sparkling light blue makeup bag sitting just beside her.

Amelia Meadows - The TV Actress

Age: 18

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130 lbs

Amelia is a very gorgeous person: flawless skin, high cheek bones, full, pouty lips and a near hourglass figure. She has doe-like, bright blue eyes, ivory skin, and long black hair that reaches her waist. Honestly, it's no wonder she's a TV actress.

Her outfit is relatively simple, with a blue, off the shoulder top, dark blue jeans, and black pumps.

Amelia's preening is interrupted by the person sitting next to her, who the actress had been struggling to ignore.

Her seatmate, who is a hulking seven feet tall and 250 pounds. 250 pounds, which seems to be all muscle.

Griselda von Girder - The Berserker

Age: 14

Height: 7'0

Weight: 250 lbs

Griselda has pale skin and grey, small eyes that look even smaller considering the rest of her. This 14 year old girl, who looks like a fully-grown body builder, whose outfit is like something a school girl would wear.

Griselda's straw blonde hair is held in oversized, Shirley Temple ringlets. This is made more bizarre by the frilly-blue schoolgirl-style dress with white stockings and baby-blue Mary-Janes. This look is completed with white gloves, a frilly pink bow perched on her head (which may or may not resemble bull's horns) and a generous amount of make-up, including bright pink lipstick and blush.

As Amelia had begun applying her lipstick, Grieselda had taken out an unidentifiable piece of meat out of her bubblegum pink purse (?), and has begun chewing on it. Loudly.

Amelia's face contorts in disgust at Grieselda and her behavior. However, the actress is smart enough not to confront the monster of a girl. Instead. Amelia puts on a look of calm as she turns to the seatmate to her left.

Tamera Jenipher Oshunrind - The Chill Beatmaker

Age: 18

Height: 5'5

Weight: 109 lbs

Tamera, in contrast with Griselda, is average, though a little on the thin side. She has light tan skin and green eyes, with black hair tied in a low pony and reaching her shoulders. She's wearing a pair of bright red, on-ear headphones blue jean shorts, a blue t- shirt, and red hightops.

At the moment Amelia tried to get her attention, Tamera was just nodding to the beat, her phone tucked safely into her pocket.

"Excuse me." Amelia asks quietly. motioning for Tamera to take out her headphones. Shaken out of her trance, the beatmaker lifts up an ear. "Do you think we could switch seats?"

Tamera pauses to consider it, but then shrugs and nods.

"Oh, thank you." Amelia says with a slightly higher pitch, as Tamera and Amelia quickly switch places. Tamera quickly goes back to her music nirvana, while Amelia lets out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Hey there! You seem a bit down!" Amelia's calm is interrupted by her new seatmate, who looks like an actual clown. "Wanna hear a joke?"

Jimmy "J-Jo" Sebastian Cooper - The Street Clown

Age: 17

Height: 6'0

Weight: 161 lbs

At first glance, J-Jo seems like an expy for someone like Gwen or Duncan. He has bright green eyes and vaguely pale skin, which may just be body paint. He has a very tall and lanky figure, with wide shoulders and upper arms. His hair, which looks like its in dreads, is dyed purple at the base of his scalp, slowly becoming blue at the tips of his shoulder length hair. His ears are full of piercings, including black gauges, a single silver bar in the upper ear, and some on the inner ear.

At the same time, though, J-Jo is not a typical goth or punk. J-Jo has decorated his body in red and blue thick stripes and triangles on his arms (though if you look closely, you can see they cover scars) with an orange camo bandana tied around his left elbow.

His face is caked white with basic clown red lipstick and two blue circles on his cheeks. Painted on the center of his face is a yellow star that covers his nose and his eyes.

J-Jo is wearing an orange and white striped t-shirt tied into a knot in the back. He wears this with a pair of loose, baggy, and faded red overalls with a chain on the side. His socks are the classic red and white socks, and his shoes are giant polished red clown boots. The look is completed with white gloves, a black leather vest jacket, and a red clown nose he just put on.

Amelia sits frozen as she takes in J-Jo's appearance. After a few seconds, Amelia takes a deep breath, and puts on a strained smile.

"Excuse me. I need to get some fresh air." The actress quickly walks towards the deck, taking her makeup bag with her.

The deck, which is where the remaining eleven contestants are, is somewhat breezy, but is otherwise quiet idyllic and warm. One contestant is taking advantage of this and is snapping pictures of the ocean, the birds, and even other contestants.

Gigi Lazo - The Photographer

Age: 18

Height: 5'11

Weight: 116 lbs

Gigi is a young Hispanic woman, with light brown eyes, dark bronze skin, and black hair that reaches just past her buttocks. Her hair is naturally curled towards the bottom, with light brown highlights running throughout. She is wearing white and blue checkered crop top, with sky blue jean shorts that reach halfway down her thighs and long black boots that reach to right above her knees, which accentuates her pear shaped body.

"Oh! Are you taking photos?" Gigi's camera view is blocked by a blond man, whose face is way too close.

Adrian Contiello - The Thespian

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 135 lbs

Adrian is very conventionally attractive, having a slender form that an actor should have. He has blonde hair held in a red scrunchie, resting on his shoulder. He has tanned skin and blue eyes, and seems to be wearing a light layer of makeup. His outfit consists of black slacks, black dress shoes, and a red button-up.

"Uh, yeah. Want me to take some photos?" Gigi asks good-naturedly.

The actor just chuckles. "Darling, do you even need to ask? If you need a muse, look no further!" Adrian begins to pose in very dramatic fashion, while Gigi begins to flash away.

In the corner, two male contestants are leaning their backs against the railings, talking casually. The two look unusually average for Total Drama, and would not stand out otherwise.

Neville Nipman - The True Neutral

Age: 16

Height: 5'9

Weight: 100 lbs

He has a standard side part haircut with bright blonde hair, slightly tan skin and dark blue eyes. He has a scrawny build, weighing a meager 100 pounds. He is wearing a plain grey shirt and grey joggers, with grey shoes.

Valentine Valentine "Vivi" Valentine - The Straight Man

Age: 16

Height: 5'8

Weight: 158 lbs

Vivi is slightly tan and has dark blue eyes as well, though he is somewhat shorter than Neville, with black hair put back into a mullet pompodour combination. He wears a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers, with the only notable feature being a golden heart-shaped necklace.

"So, what's your opinion on Total Drama?" Vivi asks Neville. Neville just shrugs, voice monotone.

"Eh, it's okay. What's your opinion."

"It's okay." Vivi parrots, shrugging as well. There is an awkward silence between the two.

"This is nice." Neville says, finally finding someone who has as neutral a viewpoint as him.

Another female contestant can be seen leaning as far over the railing as possible, trying to catch a glimpse of some fish in the water. She's on her tippy toes, her muscular arms gripping the sides of the railings. With a single movement, she pushes herself and over the railing, balancing herself so that she's sitting on the side, legs hanging out.

Taylor Kovalevsky - The Adrenaline Junkie

Age: 18

Height: 5'10

Weight: 165 lbs

Taylor is a well-built, physically attractive woman, with wide shoulders and long legs. She has light colored skin, deep blue eyes, and dark red hair in a messy longer pixie cut. She is wearing an orange crop top that leaves her flat belly exposed, an unzipped brown bomber jacket, tight black farmer jeans and brown boots.

A flat, somewhat nasally voice calls out "You know you're gonna fall over the side and drown if you do that."

Taylor turns her head ever so slightly, seeing a young man, who is definitely younger than most of the people there. The younger man has light skin, brown eyes and light brown hair shaved on the sides and left messy. He's wearing a blue, short-sleeved unbuttoned shirt over a white undershirt, blue khaki pants, blue socks, and blue-and-white sneakers. Just a lot of blue and white basically.

Dustin Midwinter - The Antisocial Pessimist

Age: 15

Height: 5'7

Weight: 130 lbs

"I might, but that just makes it more fun!" Taylor responds with a smile. "Besides, what's life without a little danger?"

"Long, safe, happy." Dustin bites. However, to Dustin's surprise, Taylor laughs instead of getting offended.

"Heh, good one!" Taylor giggles, appreciating Dustin's sarcastic humor.

Dustin's only visible reaction is his eyes widening in surprise, and even then that lasts only a few seconds.

Ryuji Karasuma - The Perverted Swimmer

Age: 14

Height: 5'7

Weight: 165 lbs

Ryuji is of Japanese-American descent, with brown eyes and brown hair that spiked up from hair gel, but is also a bit messy. He wears a white tank-top with a picture of a blue dolphin on it, showing up his muscular upper body, gray-and-green athletic shorts, and brown sandals. Currently, he is an animated, excited conversation with another young man, who looks very chill.

Adriane "Beau" Beauchamp - The Beach Bum

Age: 17

Height: 6'0

Weight: 130 lbs

Beau is French-Polynesian, with golden brown skin, emerald green eyes, and shoulder length black hair that is inexplicably dripping with salt water. Beau is wearing a pair of brown, tattered, and sun-bleached cutoffs that reach above his knees. He's wearing no shirt, with his impressively-muscled (and underweight) torso, covered in a multitude of shells and shark teeth-based jewelry.

"Man, I can't wait to see what Pahkitew Island is like! I'm sure it has plenty of lakes, and that water will be just perfect to swim it!" Ryuji excitedly states.

Beau nods, "Totally, dude. That beach looks so clean, I can't wait to dip my toes in the sand and chill in the sun."

"I'm just glad to find someone who likes water as much as me." Ryuji says with a smile.

"Same here. When I win, I'm gonna spend my money on charities to save the coasts." The shirtless man explains, his eyes sparking.

"If you win!" Ryuji winks, then lets out a lighthearted chuckle. He doesn't see Beau give him a cold glare.

A well-dressed girl is sitting on one of the few benches on the deck, her manicured fingers impatiently clinking against the wood. She sighs, flipping through the magazine in her lap.

Brittany Drake - The Mob Boss

Age: 18

Height: 5'8

Weight: 98 lbs

Brittany is a slender and attractive woman, with peach skin and round set, teal eyes. Her black hair is in a fishtail braid, laying on her shoulder. She is dressed like she is going to a funeral, wearing a black blouse, a black shirt, fishnet leggings, and black high-heeled boots that has laces that go up her also wears a silver heart necklace, which hangs just above her chest bone.

"Excuse me Miss Brittany Drake, you are sitting in my seat!"

Brittany glances up, letting out a disgusted scoff as she sees who it is.

"Oh, it's you again."

Dominic Kastle (yes, it is spelled that way) - The Speedster

Age: 19

Height: 5'9

Weight: 150 lbs

Dominic Kastle, as the oldest contestant of the season, looks more mature than the other contestants, as signified by the stubble on his face. He has dark brown skin, nearly black eyes that seem larger than normal, and black hair that is spiked straight up. He is wearing a plain black shirt underneath a grey varsity jacket, with golden pockets and sleeves. With this, he is wearing a black jean pants with a white belt and matching white sneakers.

"Yes, it's I again, humbly requesting you get out of the seat I was in before going to powder my nose."

"Look, it's a free country. If you leave your seat empty while you take a sh*t, it's your fault that someone else takes it." Brittany retorts, then goes back to reading her magazine.

Dominic scowls, but takes a deep breath through his nose, breathes it out, and then smiles. "Cool, cool, I understand. I'll find another place to sit. Talk to you later, Drake."

Brittany just continues reading her magazine as Dominic walks away, both parties already plotting a way to get back at the other.

The second to last contestant is in the northern of the boat, where there is less people. This gives him plenty of room to stretch, trying to loosen his muscles in anticipation of the coming challenge.

Johnny Kujo - The Martial Artist

Age: 17

Height: 5'11

Weight: 178 lbs

The Japanese-American comes off as someone who is rough around the edges, with his bright green eyes eyeing everyone warily. He has short black, messy hair that seems almost like bedhead. His outfit is rather simple, consisting of a white workout vest with black jeans, black converse sneakers, and black bands around his wrists.

Johnny's stretching is interrupted by someone behind him asking "Hey there, what are those bands around your arms?"

The martial artist pauses mid-stretch, turning around to look at the person before answering, "Uh, weighted bands."

The person whistles "Coool! You know, I could get you a great deal on weighted bands!"

Chloe Geeson - The Con Artist

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Weight: 110 lbs

Chloe is a rather average looking girl, except for the jawbreaker she's sucking on and her devious smile. Her skin is a light brown, her eyes are green, and her brown hair, which reaches halfway down her neck, is in a ponytail. She's wearing a blue hoodie with pockets, which she has her hands in, grey pants, and yellow sneakers with grey socks.

"No thanks, I'm good with the ones I have right now." Johnny responds curtly, before returning to his stretching. He begins to stretch his arm across his chest, while Chloe continues to pester him.

"Are you sure? I got this awesome guy who can get some bands that are cheaper and are even heavier so they stretch your arms." A pause. "That's what you athletes are looking for, right?"

"Knock it off, whatever you're selling, I'm not buying." Johnny answers, more firm this time as he looks at Chloe with a glare. Chloe takes the hint and backs up.

"Okay, okay. Just keep it in mind, dude!" Chloe puts her hands up and winks. She prepares to walk away when the boat speaker crackles to life.

Across the boat, the speakers crackle to life, causing everyone to fall silent at the unexpected noise.

"Hello, new victims-err, contestants! And welcome to season 7 of my show, Total! Drama! Reloaded!" Chris McClean's voice floods the boat, the self-conceit in his voice leaking out of the loudspeakers. "I'm sure all of you are excited to get started with the amazing challenges, so I'll keep it short. At this moment, there is an active bomb on the boat."

Numerous gasps erupt from the crowd of contestants. Almost all of them had watched the original seasons of Total Drama. All of them knew how psychopathic Chris could be, and how little care he held for property or people. But he wouldn't actually plant a bomb...right?

"There are life jackets and life boats hidden across the cruise ship, enough for just ten of you, first come first serve. Sooooo I'd get moving. The bomb should go off right about..." A rumbling is heard under deck, followed by a violent tremor. "...Now."

Chris chuckles maniacally, before the speaker goes dead.

The nine contestants in the underdeck stand up in alarm as water begins flooding through the floors and walls.

Max swears, trying to steady herself. "Holy sh*te! This thing's going down!"

Almost immediately, Ronan goes into action, lifting up his seat. The junior executive sighs in relief as he sees orange fabric.

"Life vest! Everyone, look under your seat!" Ronan yells out, lifting up the lift jacket. Silver quickly follows his lead, as well as AJ, Jewel, Rae, Max, and J-Jo.

Back on top, the contestants search for a lifeboat. Taylor and Dustin run towards the front of the ship, predicting there might be a lifeboat near the stern. They arrive just in time to see Chef, frantically running out of the bridge.

"Damn it, Chris, why do you love blowing things up!" Chef asks himself, pulling the string to activate the yellow lifeboat. In seconds, it inflates for him, and Chef wastes no time jumping overboard.

"Well, looks like the captain's not going down with the ship. The crew of the Titanic would be disappointed." Dustin remarks bitterly, crossing his arms.

Taylor tuts, racing up the bridge. "Come on, now's not the time for that." The adrenaline junkie smiles in relief, finding two more inflatable life boats, still in its square, preinflated form. Grabbing both, she races down the set of stairs and towards the rest of the contestants. "Come on!"

Taylor arrives as the below-deckers have made it up top. Ronan, Silver Willow, Rae, Max, and Jewel are wearing their life jackets. Griselda has take two life jackets and made it into floaties. By now, half of the lower deck is submerged.

Neville and Vivi are holding onto the railings for dear life.

Johnny is trying to calm down AJ, who is hyperventilating and literally shaking.

Gigi is taking photos, seeing a great photo opportunity in being on a sinking boat.

Adrian is shrieking, being as dramatic as possible.

Beau is resting on the edge of the deck, basking in the ocean calm as can be.

"I am going to murder McClean once I get on the island!" Brittany nearly shrieks, snatching up a life jacket from Tamera and quickly clipping it around her torso.

"We got life boats, but there's only two!" Taylor yells out, throwing down the two yellow life boats.

Dominic, with surprising clarity, yells "Come on, idiots! Grab anything that'll float and jump!" Dominic grabs a suitcase and rips the zipper open, dumping the contents into the ocean!"

"No! My clothes!" Adrian cries out, falling to his knees and covering his eyes.

Ryuji takes off his shirt, approaching the edge of the ship. "Guys, we need to jump NOW, or the water vacuum's going to swallow us up!"

As Ryuji said, you can already see the water vacuum around the ship as it descends in the water, sucking nearby water into the vortex.

"ABANDON SHIP Y'ALL!" Jewel screams, before jumping into the water with a yell. Ryuji follows, diving with a much better form than her.

One by one, the rest of the twenty-two contestants follow. Some on lifeboat, some wearing life vests, others not having anything to protect them.

Within minutes, the ship completely disappears in the murky deep, not likely to be seen again.

Annnnnnd there goes the first chapter! Rest assured, Total Drama Reloaded is NOT cancelled! I will be trying to update as often as possible, and give you all some Total Drama goodness. To those who submitted OCs, I hope I did your characters' justice in this fanfiction. I will try to update you all with a new chapter as soon as possible. As always, please like and comment below and have a wonderful day.