Another long chapter, enjoy it.

Last time on The RPG Hunter

Aaron and the group had arrived at Beacon and started the test, afterward fighting dangerous Grimm along with fighting a strange giant creature and he used his summoning powers plus teleportation to defeat the Nevermore while using his Phantoms and the power of setting things on fire to kill it.

After passing out, the others who knew Aaron long enough explain some details about how he does stuff.

They arrived back at Beacon but before they went in, Aaron had awoken.

What's going to happen in this chapter? Find out now!

[Play Opening One]

"Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren. You are Team JNPR, lead by Jaune Arc." Ozpin announced

The blonde was confused for a sec while Pyrrha gave him a pat on the back with him realizing that he can do this, and Weiss thought she was gonna be team leader since he was chosen for his team as she sort of underestimated him.

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. You are Team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose." Ozpin announced

Ruby had a confused look on her face as Weiss yelled what in the audience, they had gone on the stage. Aaron was proud of her for becoming leader, even though he already knew that was the case.

The board then showed than pictures of Aaron, Haruko, Amber, and Arian.

"Aaron Thompson, Haruko Thea, Amber Aurum, and Arian Cordis. You are Team ATAC lead by Aaron Thompson." Ozpin announced

Team ATAC had walked on the stage, he waved around and gave a thumbs up. Meanwhile one of the other teams snickered at the Faunas leader, Aaron had mentally glared slightly at them since he has enhanced hearing and clearly heard them.

Afterward, Aaron got off the stage, he got tackled by Ruby, Yang, Amber, and Haruko.

He put his hand out of the dog pile shakily.

"Help me please." Aaron said weakly

"Can't you teleport thanks to your Semblance?" Arian asked

"Oh... right." Aaron remembered

He then teleported out of the pile, he took a long breath and breathed out. His two other teammates and Yang along with Ruby got back up.

They looked at Aaron, who sighed with a slight head shake.

"Guys don't do that, please and thank you." He said with a slight bow

"But you're the leader of your own team, just like my baby sis." Yang said

"YANG! But she is right, you have your own team now!" Ruby yelled/said

"While you may be right, I don't feel like this is a big deal. I'm a leader sure, but it's natural for me to help the people I have to care for. Regardless if forced or not." Aaron explained with a grin

That's when they looked back at the stage, Dani, Billy, Cody, and Ellie are on the stage.

"Dani Thompson, Billy Kid, Cody Cipher, Ellie Airheart. You are now, DECK with Dani as the leader." Ozpin announced

Dani just smiled and did a peace sign with Ellie just waving to everyone while Cody and Billy just stood there. Dani and her team walked down the stage, Aaron walking up to her and put her in a bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" Aaron said

Dani just rolled her eyes and he set her down on the ground, he just put his hands into his hoodie pockets.

"Alright, we gonna do great as leaders." Aaron said

Arian looked at him with a slight smirk, he's gonna be a great leader. Aaron had watched as every other team was paired together and the team leaders were picked, afterward, they went to their room with their sleeping bags.

"So this is our room." Aaron said

He looked at a large empty room, with a kitchen and other features including a bedroom.

"We should get settled in for the night, the weekends tomorrow. We'll get our stuff set up later, along with some beds." Arian said

Everyone else in the room nodded and slept in the living room after getting their pajamas on, a few seconds later he got back up

He groaned slightly, he rubbed his back a little.

"Not used to sleeping on the ground, meh." Aaron said

He then laid back down and fell asleep soon after.

The next day...

Aaron woke up and sat back up, he rubbed his back before sighing. He got dressed in his usual clothing and readied himself for today.

He got up and was ready for the day, he teleported in front of a store that sold everything for a house. He walked in, an hour later he walked out with four beds and a bunch of other items.

He teleported back, and he put out his hand which was charging magical energy.

"Esuna." Aaron said

A bright blue mist filled the room, everyone woke up soon afterward. Amber grumbled slightly at him while he smirked to which it annoyed her greatly.

Arian was wearing his pajamas which was a grey tank top with black shorts, he had dark grey socks, he was wearing a grey and black sleep hat.

"Morning." Aaron said

"I was having a good dream, I was eating some food." Amber grumbled

"Well, I went out a bought some items." Aaron explained

"So we're getting set up?" Arian asked

Aaron nodded soon after, putting two hands on his hips with a prideful look on his face

"Yep, lets get our room ready!" Aaron said

Haruko suddenly got excited, she loved to decorate.

|Play Destiny Island theme from Kingdom Hearts|

So over the next two days, they worked on decorating everything. Aaron put up some curtains with a pattern that has small palm trees on it, Haruko put up some posters of a popular band. Arian set up some painting that was pretty nice for a house, Amber set up a small table for cards in the living room. Aaron and Haruko set down a bookshelf in their room nearby the front door, it was out of the radius of the door opening.

Amber and Arian set down a couch and set up the television, Haruko had painted their bathroom a beautiful sea foam green color, and Aaron set down a table and some chairs in the kitchen.

Team ATAC had looked at their room, they had everything set up.

Except for the beds, Aaron noticed something.

"Wait did we set up room for the beds?" Aaron asked

Everyone sweatdropped, they forgot about that. Aaron sighed and put his hands on the ground, Arian looked at him confused.

"What are you doing?" Arian asked

"Just watch." Aaron said

The room had started to crackle magical energy, as the walls had a rainbow-colored barrier on them. The area started to expand outward, the bathroom split into two, and there were some more windows

When it was said and done, the area had become a little bigger, Arian looked around amazed.

"Did you make the room bigger?" Arian asked

"Yep, it looks the same size on the outside but on the inside. It's bigger, and this isn't the first time I did this." Aaron said

"Yeah, he made his bedroom a lot bigger back in Patch. It was pretty cool, it does take a lot out of him though." Amber explained

Aaron just got up and just drank something from a blue vial, he drank it off and now he's fine.

"Alright, now I'm fine." Aaron said

"We should probably get ready for class, we're still in our pajamas." Arian said

Everyone looked at their clothes, Aaron stood there and didn't anything for a couple of seconds.

With a sudden *pop*, he as in his school clothes which consisted of him wearing the blazer, suit, pants, and shoes but he put a grey hoodie over the shirt and didn't wear the tie.

They looked at Aaron confused, they didn't know he could do that.

"I can do shit like this. Now get ready before we're late." He said

[End Music]


The others were just in the living room. Aaron had already left to get team RWBY's dorm ready an hour before classes since he knew how bad if he let that mess happen.

He was later back, the others looked at him.

"Hey guys." Aaron said

He sat down near them and summoned a cup of cold coffee, he snapped his fingers and made a small flame under it. After a couple of seconds, Aaron drank his coffee after adding cream and sugar.

The other's look at him confused, Aaron just raises an eyebrow.

"What?" He asked

"Didn't you use some of your Aura on it?" Arian asked

"No." Aaron simply responded

He took a casual sip of his coffee, Arian just looked at him in sheer disbelief.

He isn't affected by this, Haruko just put a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't question it." Haruko said blankly

Arian just nodded and didn't question it, it was most likely for the best.

"So what are we gonna do today after school?" Amber asked

Aaron looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then a shrug.

"No idea." Aaron said

His teammates were gonna say something but didn't, guess this is a free day for them.

"So you can do your own things." Aaron said

"I should visit Tai, mind you teleport me there later?" Amber asked

"Don't mind at all." Aaron said

That's when an alarm went off, he pulled it out.

"We have about fifty-five minutes till class starts, we should get going." Aaron said while messaging Team's RWBY, JNPR, and DECK

They went out the door and the others headed to class, Aaron meanwhile said this.

"Haste." Aaron said

A clock appeared under Aaron which was sped up, it disappeared. Time slowed down for Aaron, he just grinned as he walked passed the slow-moving team's.

He was at Ports with fifty-four minutes to spare, he sat down and said this knowing that he and Port are in the classroom.


That's when the same clock appeared but slowed down, suddenly time was normal again.

Port saw Aaron and didn't say anything, except this.

"Using your Semblance mah boy!" He said

Aaron simply nodded, he just chuckled at this as he got everything ready for class today.

Class was now in session, Aaron wasn't really paying attention because A: Port isn't talking about anything related to what they were supposed to be learning and B: What he said didn't even matter if it was on the subject, he read on everything related to the Grimm.

Weiss was getting annoyed with Ruby, that's when Professor Port said the magic words.

"So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss was about to raise his hand right before Aaron did saying this.

"I think I do." He said

"Alright, well get ready and come right down mah boy!" Port said

Aaron didn't say anything, pretending to go down some stairs. Everyone looked at where he went, suddenly the door opened and Aaron walked right through it and closed it behind him soon afterward

In his armor, with a happy smile on his face. He did all of this in a very casual manner.

Port got a Grimm out right before Aaron raised his hand,the professor looking at him interested in what he has to say.

"Actually, let's make this interesting." He said

"How can we do that mah boy?" Port asked

Aaron simply pointed at Weiss, he grinned a little.

"I would like to fight Weiss Schnee, I'll use my Semblance to stop anything from being destroyed." Aaron said

"Okay, get down here Ms. Schnee." Port said

Weiss was shocked, Aaron snapped his fingers and Weiss was already across an arena somehow spawned by him with her in her combat attire.

Everyone except Haruko, Amber, and Dani had no idea what just happened.

"Rules are the same as in Combat Class, so start fighting." Port said

Weiss readied her rapier as Aaron didn't do anything, Weiss started the first strike which was blocked by him as he used his Aura to block it. Weiss looked at Aaron shocked, he grinned as he said this.

"Checkmate." Aaron said

Weiss looked under her, a small red glow was under her. She looked at Aaron, realizing what happened.

A couple of seconds earlier


A small clock appeared under him, time slowed down. Weiss was slowly drawing her weapon as everyone watched, practically slower than him. He stretched for a few moments before sighing.

"Alright. Let's do this." He said

He set a fire trap in front of him, he set up Lionheart nearby and hid him with Conceal.

Aaron had stabbed his sword into the ground and also hid it with Conceal, he stepped back right to his spot and snapped his fingers which caused time to speed up again.

Back to now

Weiss suddenly was struck with fire and Aaron move her towards where he had Lionheart set up as he punched her away which revealed he was there as Aaron cartwheeled over to his sword and grabbed it.

She was flying right towards him as Aaron slashed downward, putting her Aura into the red in only three attacks.

Aaron propped his sword onto his shoulder and looked at his audience.

"And that is how you degrade someone's pride." He said

Everyone clapped at this, the man just won a fight in three hits with barely any movement.

Later class ended with Weiss walking out the door with Ruby and Aaron following.

"Weiss, what's wrong with you?" She asked

"What's with me?! What's wrong with you?!" Weiss said

Aaron sighed, Weiss was about to go on a rant right before she was frozen into a block of ice.

"Ruby, she didn't think you're a good leader but you are. You wear the badge in and out of the battlefield, so I think your good at your job and while you still can improve, you are good at it. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna have a chat with little Ms. Schnee." Aaron said

Aaron unfroze Weiss but before she could say anything, he was standing in front of her with a glare.

"Me and you are gonna have a chat." He said, anger clear in his voice

Weiss looked at Aaron in fear, it was at this moment.

She knew, she fucked up.

On the roof

Aaron was sitting on the edge with Weiss nearby, both were looking at the city in silence while the sun was setting.

She looked at Aaron confused, the Faunas still looked at the city in silence.

"So why did you br-"

"Weiss, you wanna know why Ruby was chosen as a leader." Aaron said

Weiss looked at him confused still, and then she nodded.

"The reason is that Ruby, in all honesty, has more skill than you do." Aaron said

"And why is that a thing?" Weiss asked incredously

"Weiss, don't get me wrong but you have the knowledge to lead but do you have the experience?" Aaron asked

Weiss opened her mouth to say something, she then closed it.

She... didn't have experience working with people.

"And yet Ruby has had some experience, in combat lessons that we would have back in Signal. We were sometimes put into teams, Ruby leading me, Yang, and Haruko. We won nearly every match, we lost once since the team had an experience Huntsmen on their side. I could have ended him in a couple of shots but i didn't, i followed Ruby's strategy and we somehow got him into the red Weiss. All at a young age, you see what I'm getting at?" Aaron said/asked

"I'm starting to." Weiss said slightly ashamed

"Weiss, to lead it not just a title, it's a badge that someone wears inside and outside of battle. Ruby has shown that over the years, she's young and can lead well enough if you give her a chance." Aaron said

"She can't be-"

"Weiss, it's only the first day, reminds me of your father in a way. Stubborn but unlike him, your smart enough to see Faunas as friends rather then enemies if you get to know them." Aaron said

"That's! That's... right." Weiss said, now ashamed

"Exactly, know that we are still friends, just remember to show a little consideration and handle Ruby at her worst in order to see her best." Aaron said

Weiss simply nodded, she got up and started to walk away. She looked over her shoulder before leaving, she smiled a little.

"You know, I think you did deserve your position." Weiss said

"And how did I earn it?" Aaron asked

"Your sort of like Ruby in a way but... you know what, never mind." Weiss said

Aaron knew what she meant, he was a leader since he was a survivor. Aaron just grinned as he heard the clicking of her school shoes on the ground fading away, Aaron then laid on the ground and looked at the sky.

"Who knew being a leader would be so tough?" He asked himself


Aaron walked back into his dorm, he looked at Amber.

"Alright, today's over so can you teleport me to Tai's?" Amber asked

She was wordlessly then teleported, she was then seen in Patch near Taiyang who was watering flowers with a small corgi nearby.

He looked behind him to see Amber, who was standing there with a bit of a shocked look.

"Hello Amber." Taiyang said

"Hey Tai." Amber said

"Got teleported here?" Taiyang asked

"Yes." Amber said

"Why exactly?" Taiyang asked

"Wanted to visit" Amber said

Taiyang had a blank look on his face, he went back to watering the flowers as Amber went inside to hang out with Zwei for a bit.

Two hours later..

Amber had then walked into the dorm, happily walking to the couch. She collapsed on the couch which Aaron was on reading a book about flowers and their meanings, his eyes darted at her.

He then looked back at his book, Amber looked up slightly at him.

"Had a fun time?" Aaron asked

"Yes." Amber said

"Good, we have a meeting with Team RWBY, DECK, and JNPR in an hour." Aaron said

"I'll just sleep here for a bit." Amber said

"Okay." Aaron said

Amber than passed out on the couch, Aaron got up and put a blanket on her. He then left the dorm, he wandered around Beacon for a bit. He then decided to go to the Emerald Forest to kill some Grimm as training, he teleported there.

He was then in the forest and he equipped his armor, some Grimm popped out of the bushes.

He looked around to see he was surrounded, he then pulled out Vita's Pax.

"Oh no, Grimm." Aaron said in mock fear

The Grimm get a little closer, Aaron just gives a smug look.

"Whatever will I do?" Aaron said sarcastically

Aaron then put his hand on his sword's blade, he then focused fire magic on it.

"Enchant: Fire." Aaron said simply

His sword was now on fire, he then looked at the Grimm.

"I'm gonna give you three seconds to run before you die, and trust me. You don't want that." Aaron deadpanned

The Grimm walked slowly, Aaron just stood there with his eyes closed.


The Grimm got into a stance, Aaron still stood there, his eyes still closed.


The Grimm then jumped, Aaron opened his eyes.


Aaron then spun around like a tornado and knocked the Grimm away, also setting them on fire.

He then looked at them, the Grimm looked on in anger.

"Told you, now prepare to die." Aaron said

|Play Twilight Town Battle Theme from Kingdom Hearts 2|

He then slashed through aGrimm, splitting it and setting it on fire with no trace of them.

Aaron then turned Vita's Pax into its gun form, he then aimed it at the other Grimm.

"By the way, it's still enchanted. So it'll fire, actual fire. Prepare to die!" He yelled

He then shot the Grimm, also setting them on fire. Another Grimm tried to attack him from behind but got punched in the face by Aaron, not looking at it.

He then turned around and charged a red beam, he then smirked.

"Fire Shot, X2 Power" Aaron said

Aaron then fired it, and it set the Grimm ablaze thus killing it, he then heard another Grimm.

He sighed annoyed, lowering his blade slightly.

"You want to end up like your friends?" Aaron asked not looking

The Grimm growled, Aaron shrugged.

"Suit yourself." He said

He then transformed Vita's Pax back into a sword and stuck into the ground.

The ground below the Grimm started to glow red, Aaron smirked.

"炎の柱! (Flaming Pillar)" He yelled out

A flaming pillar came out of the ground and killed the Grimm, leaving behind a pile of ashes. Aaron pulled his sword out, the enchantment then faded. He then teleported back to his dorm, he was bushed.

He went on the couch and fell asleep to recharge energy, he used a lot of power.

[End Music]

A couple of minutes later..

Aaron woke up, Amber was sitting nearby watching TV.

He looked at her, Amber glanced at him.

"Did you draw on my face while I was asleep again?" Aaron asked

"Nope, I learned from what happened last time." Amber said

Aaron got out a mirror just in case, his face was fine, he smiled a little.

"Good, so we've got about 10 minutes before the meeting." He said

"Wonder what Haruko and Arian were up to this whole time?" Amber asked

Aaron shrugged, he had no idea.


Haruko was sitting at a cafe, drinking some tea with a relaxed on her face as the day was quite nice.

She wanted some time to relax after setting up the room, Pyrrha was nearby also drinking tea.

"A nice day for tea." Haruko said

"Yep." Pyrrha said

They then looked at each other, a few moments later, they were sitting with each other.

"So, how's Jaune?" Haruko asked

"Fine." Pyrrha said simply

"You like him don't you?" Haruko asked

"WHAT!" Pyrrha said bright red

That caused Haruko to grin widely.

"I could tell, he didn't know who you were when you first met huh?" He asked

"Yes." Pyrrha said head in her hands

"Listen, Aaron likes Ruby also. So I know how this is gonna work out, I have some ideas in the future you know?" Haruko said

Pyrrha then looked up from her hands.

"I'm listening." Pyrrha said

"Double date, you, Jaune, Aaron, and Ruby." Haruko said

"What." Pyrrha said

"It's called killing two birds with one stone." Haruko said

"Wait, when did Aaron start to like Ruby?" Pyrrha asked

"Well, it was 7 years ago." Haruko said as a flashback started to occur


Aaron was wearing a white t-shirt with some blue jeans and black strap shoes, Ruby was wearing some simple red and black clothing. Haruko, Yang, and Amber were nearby also just wearing simple clothing like t-shirts and stuff.

Dani was wearing the same outfit she arrived in, she was holding some bags

"Aaron was about ten years old along with his sister since they were twins, we were just walking around Patch a little while Dani when something happened." Haruko narrated

A mugger than appeared and had a knife, everyone else except Aaron and Dani was in fear.

"Give me your money kid!" The mugger said

"We don't have any." Aaron said causally

The mugger than glared at him.

"What about the girls nearby you?" The mugger asked

The mugger was looking at Ruby and Dani to an extent, who was standing there in fear.

"They doesn't have any either, didn't you listen?" Aaron said annoyed

"Then give me money or I take their lives." The mugger said

A shadow went over Aaron's eyes, Ruby looked at him concerned as did everyone else except the mugger.

"What." Aaron said blankly

"I said, give me money or I take their lives." The mugger said

Aaron then put out his hand, magical energy crackled off of it.

"Aero." Aaron said calmly

The mugger was then blown back with extreme force, he was on the ground as he looked back up at him with fear on his face.

Aaron pulled out a metal pipe from the small bag around his waist and dragged on the ground.

"Listen buddy, i wouldn't recommend that or else." He said

"Or else what?" The mugger asked angrily

"Or else this is gonna happen, one of us is gonna walk out of here being able to walk." Aaron threatened

He then got into the near the mugger as a dark aura began to flare like a wildfire.

"Got that?" Aaron asked furiously

The mugger crawled back a little bit but before he could, Aaron stepped on his leg thus breaking it slightly.

The mugger cried out in pain, he looks down at him disgusted by his actions.

"I said got that?" Aaron asked his glasses glaringly yellow

The mugger looked at him in fear, this wasn't any ordinary kid. This wasn't even a normal person.

This was one that could kill someone with no regret at all, and that was obvious to him.

"Go- got it." The mugger said nervously

"Good, now get out of here and never mug anyone again. Get a job and actually be productive instead of doing stuff like this, your parents ought to be ashamed of your actions." Aaron said angrily and rapid-fire

"O-okay." The mugger said in fear

Aaron healed his leg and walked back to the group, not before the mugger tried to get a hit in. Aaron turned around and caught his fist, Aaron then twisted his arm, breaking it.

"DON'T EVEN TRY." Aaron roared

The mugger than ran away with his broken arm, Aaron then walked back to the group.

"Dealt with it." He said casually

Haruko along with the others looked at Aaron in shock as Ruby walked up to him.

"Why did you do that?" She asked

"I couldn't let him hurt you, my sister, or anybody really, he'll change. I know that much." Aaron said glaring at the spot the Mugger was in

"Well, thank you." Ruby said

Aaron then patted her head a little, he smiled as he did this.

"Your welcome." He said

Haruko then connected the dots at the moment and knew what was going on, she smirked a little.

'I ship it.' Haruko thought

'Me too.' Dani thought

Haruko just looked at Dani weirded out as Dani just looked on at the adorable scene, what the heck just happened?


"And that's what happened." Haruko said

Pyrrha was a little scared, to say the least, Aaron was literally going to kill someone if they tried to even attempt to kill Ruby or his sister.

"Wow." She said shocked

"Yep, it was terrifying to see Aaron like that. That's when we knew, if anybody tries to hurt Ruby, they'll be dealing with a force worse than an angry dragon Grimm. His sister is... interesting, to say the least." Haruko said

Pyrrha nodded, and just looked at her tea in extreme amounts of thought.

He is a force to be reckoned with, she then looked back at Haruko.

"So what's the plan?" Pyrrha asked

"Well if I remember correctly, a dance will be coming up way later. So that would be the perfect time to ask Jaune, Aaron will most likely do the same." Haruko said

"Okay, so it's a double date basically?" Pyrrha said

"In a sense yes." Haruko said

"Well, thanks for the talk. So you think the plan's gonna work?" Pyrrha said/asked

"You're welcome, see you at the meeting and the plan will work!" Haruko said happily

Pyrrha then left after paying her and Haruko's bill, she knew she had to do this. She just had to take a direct approach, that will be for later thought.

For now, focus on the meeting with the others.

MEANWHILE with Arian

Arian was walking around a book shop, and an old man walked up to him.

"Say, sonny, have you chose a book yet?" The old man asked

"I think I might get this book about herbs and spices." Arian said

The old man looked at him in thought.

"We have a sale of fourteen volumes about herbs and spices, I think you might like it." The old man said

"What's the cost?" Arain asked

"About 90 Lien for all of the volumes." The old man said

"I can afford that, thank you." Arian said

"Anytime sonny, remember to come back on Fridays for our special book sales." The old man said

"Well thank you, i'll make sure of that." Arian said

Arian then left with a bunch of books in a bag, he walked out of the store. He decided to take the scenic route back to the bullheads which were nearby an area that leads to the ocean with a rail guard nearby, he hummed a little tune to himself.

He saw Haruko nearby, she was looking out at the view.

"Hello Haruko." Arian greeted

"Sup." Haruko said

"I bought some books on herbs and spices, all for 900 Lien." Arian explained

"Oh, how many books?" Haruko asked

"14 Volumes." Arian said simply

"Cool, I was about to head back." Haruko said, standing up straight

"Me too, we should head back together." Arian said

"Yep." Haruko said

They then left, they decided to talk about what happened while they were waiting for the meeting.

"I helped Pyrrha with some dating advice." Haruko said

"Really? It's about Jaune right?" Arian said

Haruko nodded, she then leaned on the rail again while Arian just simply stared at the ocean.

"Yep and Aaron also." Haruko said

"Wait Aaron has a crush?" Arian said

"On Ruby." Haruko said

"Childhood friends into lovers... sounds a bit cheesy." Arian said

"Yeah sure, but it's the good kind of cheesy." Haruko said with a smile

"You are right, I'll give you that... wait what's the plan?" Arian asked

"There's gonna be a dance later, so iIdecided to have that time be the best time for them to ask each other out." Haruko explained

Silence happened for a couple of moments, Arian smirked a little.

"I'm in." He said

"Wait what?" Haruko asked

"Like I said, I'm in on the plan." Arian said

"Oh, well okay then. I'm gonna need you to get a suit ready for him while I get the items for Ruby, that sound good?" Haruko asked

"Of course." Arian said

They were about to go to the bullhead, that's when Arian asked this.

"Wait, should we do anything about Dani?" He asked

"She's not into men and we let her make her own choices." Haruko said

They nodded, they had the plan anyways. They headed on the bullhead and headed back to Beacon, It was time for the meeting.

Aaron had gathered them in the library, he had walked back and forth.

"As you know, we are now Beacon students and as such, we need to prepare for missions and other things. So here's what we need to do, tomorrow morning we'll make some secondary weapons in case we lose our primary ones or can't get them at that time." Aaron said

"That's a good idea actually." Weiss said

"My bro know what he's doing."

"Yes, it is and yeah, I do. We'll put tracking devices on our primary ones in case we do need to find them, luckily I already made the devices." Aaron explained

He then set down a case and opened it, it had some chips in it that were high tech.

"This is our tracking devices, as soon as they are put on, they'll analyze the weapon and send the information to your scroll which will belong to the person's said weapon. I would recommend putting it on now for safe keeping, but you don't have to do that now." Aaron said

Everyone then took a chip and put it on their weapons, everyone's scrolls except Aaron's since his was a gauntlet had given them a message.

|Weapon GPS activated|

Aaron had nodded, everyone else had gained the same message.

"Alright, now that's of the way. We can get down to business, I want you to make or choose your weapon designs for tomorrow and we'll prepare them then. Understood?" He asked

Everyone nodded, Aaron then gave his thumbs up.

"This meeting is over, we'll talk again when we need to." He said

The teams except for Aaron who had 'teleported' out, then left the library but nearby was a listening ear.

"Tracking chips and secondary weapons huh?" The voice said

It was revealed to be a young man with brown hair and seemed to be a bit of a jerk.

"Looks like that freak has some plans, i better smack him around a little on Monday." The young man said

He then left the area, not before Aaron had reappeared.

"Thank you Conceal." Aaron said to himself

Aaron looked at the spot where the young man was hiding in.

"I better prepare an extra function to my back up weapon and maybe make a plan while i'm at it." Aaron said

He then actually teleported out, which left the area actually empty.

The next day...

Aaron had just finished up his backup weapon along with everyone else, he looked at everyone else's.

"Alright, let's see what we got." Aaron said

Aaron looked at Weiss's, it was a small revolver that had the same color scheme was her rapier.

"Seems pretty similar but good nonetheless." Aaron said

Aaron looked at Ruby's which was a small red and black shock pistol that also was a knife, Aaron nodded slightly.

"Good choice for a backup, seems to be pretty good as a weapon for not harming people but also harming Grimm." Aaron said

Aaron then looked at Yang's, which was a double-barreled shotgun.

"Interesting choice." Aaron simply said

Aaron looked over Blake's, it was a Dust powered Katana.

"A Katana, nice." Aaron said

Aaron looked over Haruko's which was a simple arm gun.

"Stealthy, good idea." Aaron said

Aaron looked over Amber's, which was a Dust powered dagger.

"Small but efficient." Aaron said

Aaron looked over Arian's, it was an SMG.

"A classic, nice." Aaron said

Aaron looked over Jaune's, it was a pistol.

"Okay then, that's interesting." Aaron said

Pyrrha's was a compact dust spear, Nora's was a small cannon, Ren's was a sniper rifle, Billy's was a six-shooter, Cody's was a snake sword, and Ellie's was a pistol that can also transform into a kunai if needed, Aaron looked at them a nodded.

"Good backups, mine is a thing I like to call a Mega Buster." Aaron said

He then got it out, it was cannon similar to Mega Man's but it was also a glove.

Everyone in the room clapped at this, Aaron bowed slightly.

"Thank you, thank you. I try my best." Hesaid

After trying out the weapons, they went back to their dorms and rested a bit since they had done everything the need to for today.

Meanwhile, a young man was signing up him and Aaron to be the first match of the day, he smirked at his plan.

He was gonna win against him and he'll be the talk of the school

The next day...

Aaron had gotten up an hour early, he woke up his team and got them to class which Team RWBY, DECK, and JNPR were almost late for. Later at Combat class, Marie (Aaron's mother who has been working there for over a year now) was looking over the list of volunteers.

She was wearing a chestplate with some small greaves, her hair was still tied up. She noticed that the young man and Aaron were paired for the first fight, she looked up.

"Cardin Winchester and Aaron Thompson are the first fight for today." Marie said said

Aaron looked shocked while the young man known as Cardin smirked, Aaron glared at him slightly.

"Alright, I'll be there." He said

They had both walked down, Marie had the meters ready. The countdown had begun, Aaron had smiled slightly while Cardin had an evil smirk.

The fight had began as soon as it reaches zero, the Gamer was doing pretty well in the fight which impressed more then a few people.

He dodged all of his attacks while being able to counter-attack at the right moments, people were feeling a little pity for Cardin.

Keyword a little, he's an asshole to people after all.

Until Cardin had punched Aaron in the gut and knocked his weapon away from him, he looked up at the racist a little angry.

He expected Cardin to cheat but not like this, Aaron got up holding his stomach.

"What, why did you." he said

"Well a freak like you must not understand, you're weak." Cardin said

Aaron had an angry look on his face, then a smirk was on his face.

"I may seem weak, but i do know how to make a hell of a plan." He said

Aaron then summoned his Mega Buster, which he had on him. Everyone except the rest of Team ATAC, Team RWBY, DECK, and JNPR.

He smirked slightly, Cardin had a small shocked look on his face.

"Didn't expect this did you?" Aaron asked

"How did you-"

"Have it? It was my glove the whole time, I made it for this situation as a extra function." Aaron said

Aaron then charged the Mega Buster, Cardin glared at Aaron.

"See ya!" Aaron said

He then shot it, Cardin skidded back a little. Aaron was about to shoot again but it was knocked off of his hand by Cardin, he looked to see it on the side of the arena after he backflipped away.

Aaron looked back at a charging Cardin, he was knocked back a little.

"Aaron!" Haruko yelled out

Cardin walked over to Aaron slowly, the Gamer looked up and glared at his opponent.

"Your gonna lose." Cardin said

He tried to hit Aaron but he dodged out of the way, the Gamer growled as he thought this.


Aaron, suddenly, caused a magical circle to appear near him.

"YEAH NO!" Aaron said

He got up, Cardin was going to attack again but it was blocked by a barrier.

He touched the circle nearby him, causing it to spin in place.

"Yeah, you just fucked up majorly." Aaron said

[Play Ending One]

Next time on The RPG Hunter

"What is this?" Cardin asked shocked

"A part of my Semblance, now. I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" Aaron said/yelled

Cardin was falling while he patted Cerberus's head.

"Alright Cerberus, attack!" He yelled pointing at a falling Cardin

Next time on Dragon Ball Z, will Aaron defeat-

Okay, I got you there with that joke.

So yeah, that's that.

I decided on how the shipping is gonna occur, so I chose some options that would work and this one seemed the best.

I made some stuff happen that didn't seem to correlate to much because I wanted too.

That flashback is canon for this fanfiction, so it did happen with Aaron.

Making a backup weapon is a good idea. Always. Never forget that.

The Mega Buster is not like Mega Man's 100%, just the look and design. It'll not be overpowered, that will not be the case.

I wanted Cardin to seem to be the type of guy that does cheat his way to victory sometimes, and that can be the case in the series possibly.

I'll see you guys in the Fandom