Finn gently guides the Millenium Falcon under the command shuttle, safely attaching them undetected onto the enemy ship. They each have a mission to complete onboard and once again they are in it together. They sneak their way in through an escape pod hatch and with one last hug of good luck they part ways.

Rey runs down the opposite corridor as Finn and Poe and they make their way to the command center. Most of the troops and commanders of the ship are on the ground looking for the rebel base. Finn and Poe had their own mission to gather data on the fleets and render Kylo Ren's battle craft unusable. Rey joined so that she could do her own finding. She has lost Luke's lightsaber to Kylo Ren and she will get it back.

Rey easily found the lightsaber in a weapons vault and making her way back to regroup, she sees Finn and Poe at the end of the hall by the escape pod, their rendezvous point. She starts to run down the hallway towards them and then she senses the pull. A tall, dark shape steps into the space between her and her friends-Kylo Ren. His body facing away from her when he slid into the hallway, now he turns around, sensing her presence as well. He flips on his lightsaber, looks at her face and then turns back toward Finn and Poe.

"Rey!" Finn yells at her from down the hall. Panic rises in Rey, her love for her friends and her feelings for Ben conflicting inside her now.

"Ben." She calls out to him and she watches his step falter at his given name. "Please, you don't have to do this." He turns back to face her, his saber humming at his side. She clips her own saber onto her belt and with purposeful strides makes her way to stand in front of him. He lifted his saber slightly but the purpose in her eyes made him keep it away from her. She could still hear Finn yelling at her.

"Go." She says back to him. Kylo Ren whips around.

"No!" He roars, using his force strength he slams both of her friends up against the opposite walls.

"Ben, please." Rey keeps her voice soft as she speaks to him. "Let them go." She grabs his arms to pull him toward her and his hold on Finn and Poe goes, allowing them to slide down the wall to the floor.

"Why won't you come with me?" He asks her, voice full of anger.

"You know I can't." The look on his face shatters her heart. "But maybe for just a moment." His head snaps up and his eyes drill into hers. Questions are sitting on the edge of his lips as he looks down at her with a moment of hope. He turns off his saber now, his body rigid with anticipation. Rey places her hands on either side of his face, going up on her toes and places a gentle kiss to his lips. "You don't have to do this." She says again to him. He shakes his head side to side and she can feel the tug of the dark and light in him even now, in this moment with her.

"Take me to your quarters." She doesn't know if he'll take the bait, but she's desperate for her friends and she could never truly hurt the man standing in front of her.

"What?" He says, voice hoarse with fear and understanding. Sliding her hands down to rest on his chest, she looks up at him through her eyelashes and says it again, 'take me to your quarters.' He takes both her hands into his, squeezing her fingers slightly.

"Guards!" He calls as two stormtroopers come around the corner from an adjoining corridor. The stormtroopers jump slightly and then stand waiting for direction. "Take these resistance soldiers to my ship. Do not board them until I say." His eyes never leave her face.

"Yes Supreme Leader."

"Rey!" Finn shouts again and Poe pulls him along, nodding at Rey as they go, but she keeps her focus on Kylo Ren.

He pulls her through the large ship and she pays attention to every turn until they are in front of an unmarked door. He scans the door and they enter, his movements slow now and she senses nervousness rolling off him. He turns to her, unsure what to do. She steps around him and sits down on the bed at the border of the room. He follows her and sits down, his body hanging precariously on the edge of the bed and turns his head slightly to look over his shoulder at her. She sighs out a quiet breath of frustration and scoots closer beside him. "Lie down." His movements stiff, he obliges.

Rey brings her hands to either side of his head, "I'm sorry Ben" using her force power she puts him into a gentle sleep. She watches as his eyes spark with betrayal and then they slowly close. He looks so peaceful and vulnerable, guilt overwhelms her as she leans to kiss him lightly on the forehead. A single tear drops off the end of her nose on to his cheek, she wipes it away and then swiftly leaves the room. Her focus now is to follow the trail back to her friends and get them safely off the ship.