A/N* Takes place during Civil War (as you will find out soon)- in order for this story to work I gave the Avengers a little time before the airport fight starts. I like to think that maybe they were scoping it out. If you have any questions please feel free to message me! This is my first time writing in 1st person, just thought I would try it out. More will come out every couple of days!

Please tell me what you think! Thanks for reading*

P.S the phone number is completely random. I don't own any of the Marvel characters, this is a fictional story that is based on fictional characters.

And I know I'm rambling but Happy New Year!

My eyes scanned the crowd at the airport as they settled on a man who had a baseball cap on, it was pulled low and his dark shoulder-length hair hid his face from me. He seemed distracted enough so creeping closer I gently, carefully slid his wallet out of his pocket, immediately he stiffened but if he knew what was happening then he didn't do anything. This was my cue to leave, so I walked away. If he knew what I had been through then he would understand. I bet his parents weren't murdered by Hydra. Briskly, I walked back to where I had set up camp. Every week I moved to a new part of the airport because I lived in such a huge airport no one ever noticed. All you have to do is act like you were overlaid and boom, you were ignored. I plopped down in my corner on top of my blanket and leaned against my backpack. The wallet was made of rough leather, my thumb ran along the tattered edges as I opened it and icy blue eyes stared at me from his driver's license. To the normal person, you would just see another face but... I couldn't help but see the haunted look on his face and the scars in his eyes. Something bad had happened to him and it had continued to haunt him ever since. I knew what that was like, watching your parents die in front of you... Changes a person. No longer was I their little girl...but that was years ago. Now at twenty years old, I am homeless and penniless. Sometimes I can still hear my mother singing to me as I tried to sleep but before the song could start I pushed it away. Eyes drifting back to the license I read his name "James Buchanan Barnes" something itched the back of my mind but nothing surfaced. Opening up the part that held cash, I felt my eyes widen as my fingers pulled out several fifties. More than enough to feed me for a few days and buy some new clothing. Stuffing them into my bag footsteps sounded in my ears as someone stopped in front of me and cleared his throat. I froze when I looked up, the same icy blue eyes from the license stared back at me but his eyes didn't hold any anger, only compassion. My hands closed the wallet and shoved it under my backpack as I spoke, trying to sound innocent.

"Can I help you?"

"I believe you found something that belongs to me?" His voice sounded almost...teasing? My face heated as I took the wallet out and returned the cash to the wallet, standing I held it out to him, clearing my throat

"I..uhm... Sorry." This was the first time this had happened. He grinned and took it, opening it up and handing the cashback to me. I felt my eyes widen as I looked at him in surprise, he spoke, sensing my confusion

"You can use it to take me for some coffee and keep the rest." Something glimmered in his eyes as he lifted an eyebrow, clearly waiting for a response.

"uhm..uh...ok" I don't think my brain was comprehending this conversation fully as I grabbed my backpack, stuffing the blanket inside and followed him to a nearby cafè, awkwardly fiddling with my sweatshirt. After we had settled in a booth we ordered, he asked for water and I..kind of went all out. It had been a day or two since I had eaten well.

"I would like a peanut butter chocolate blender please, and a chocolate chip muffin and.." Tapping my chin I scanned the menu once more

"One of your mini apple pies" Mr. Barnes gave me a look but it was replaced with a calm face as the waitress nodded and walked off. Silence played in my ears as I continued to fiddle with my sweatshirt until he broke it

"Obviously there are two reasons to pickpocket a person, one just because.. Or two because you need the money."

"What are your reasons for this Mr. Barnes" he sat there and didn't answer my question, only stared at me. It was then, as I studied his face I realized who this was. He had been a part of the people who had murdered my parents. I felt myself start to tremble

"Hydra killed my parents in front of me. They talked about you." I kept the fear out of my voice, focusing on the anger. The waitress came back with our orders and seemed to look from Mr. Barnes back to me, she shrugged and left. Mr. Barnes took a sip from his glass, I saw horrifying things playing in his eyes. But he shook his head and looked at his watch, standing

"You need to get out of the airport, there is going to be a fight here. I am sorry about your parents, I.. had no way of controlling myself when Hydra had me. If you have been watching the news lately, that stuff wasn't me. I don't do that anymore." Deep down I knew that it wasn't his fault... It was in the past and no one could ever bring them back. I stood and put my hand out

"Sierra Holt"

"Bucky, I would like to stick around but Steve is calling" he grinned and pointed to the commlink in his ear

"Make sure you get out of the airport and get safe. If you need somewhere to go there is a safe house in the neighborhood called "Whistling Bird" it's a fairly normal house and has a sign in the front that has a hummingbird on it. Not too far from here." I nodded, touched that he cared and surprised that he referred to Captain America so casually

"Thank you...Bucky. Stay safe yourself" With a sad smile he turned and walked away. I felt a pang of sadness as I watched him go but then the airport speakers started to blare

"Evacuate the airport immediately. Several fugitives have been seen, the police and FBI are on their way" the messages repeated as people started to rush past me, I was pushed and shoved to the floor. I felt someone step on my hand and I shrieked

"Get your foot off of me!" Several people gave me sour looks as I pushed them away from me and tried to get up. Loud sounds played outside and an explosion rumbled the ground beneath me. Within minutes the airport was clear and I was alone, my footsteps echoed off the hallways as I peered out of the windows. What I saw before me stopped me dead in my tracks. A battle of epic proportions was playing out, but I was saddened to see the world's greatest defenders fighting each other. No one noticed me standing by and watching from the window but it seemed to be escalating more, probably better to be safe than sorry. So I kept walking, watching the battle as I went. Out of nowhere a large truck appeared and crashed into a nearby plane, they continued to slide...right towards the building. It seemed to happen so quickly that I couldn't understand what was happening until it was over. The moment the truck and plane hit the building, it exploded. I felt myself catapult backward as the flames scorched my skin. I felt something hard push into my body, it kept going... Whatever it was had gone right through me. A gurgling scream sounded and it took a moment to realize it was from me. A sticky dark substance was pooling on the floor, my vision cleared and flames were all around me. My breathing was ragged and my thoughts were thin, I couldn't seem to hold onto them.

"Help, someone" I wheezed, I was so tired… I needed a nap. But deep inside I knew that if I went to sleep that I would never wake up. My whole body was scorched and I cautiously moved my hand to where pain radiated. It hit something hard, solid, it felt like a chair leg. I had a chair leg stuck in my body. I gasped and felt myself let out a gurgling scream, when I raised my hand, I found that it was covered in blood..my blood.

King T'Challa had been fighting Bucky Barnes when the explosion happened, his cat-ears picked up a human scream. Bucky must have heard it too because both of them froze, T'Challa spoke

"Someone was in the building." Bucky nodded and T'Challa saw fear spark in his eyes as T'Challa reached up to his commlink and spoke

"Stark, someone was in the explosion, both Barnes and I heard a scream." it took a few moments before Tony Stark responded, his voice strained

"Call off all the fighting for now and then I will check it out." T'Challa nodded and relayed the message to Barnes who agreed. Several moments later an odd calmness settled over the airport. The crackle of flames was heard as the Avengers met in the middle.

"Both myself and Barnes heard a scream when the explosion happened," T'Challa explained to the group. Captain America spoke up

"I heard something too." Swiftly Tony Stark flew up and into the giant hole in the building, putting out flames as he went. Moments later he came to the edge, his eyes dark

"She's badly injured."

I heard footsteps, almost hoping it was an Angel here to take me to Heaven. I tried to speak but it came out sounding distorted

"Elp..meh." The man knelt beside me, I sensed his presence and I moved my hand to the chair leg that was still in me. He seemed to see it, rising, he left. I had to resist the urge to scream "please don't leave me...I don't want to die alone." But it seemed that this was how I was going to die, my head leaned back at an awkward angle and I knew that one or both of my legs were broken. Quietly I replayed what had happened in my mind. When the flames had first hit me they had scorched my skin but after a few moments, I had almost seemed to absorb them. More footsteps interrupted my thoughts and my vision cleared just in time to take in the faces around me. Iron Man stood in front, a man in a catsuit stood slightly behind him along with Captain America..and Bucky, this Bucky seemed different from the person I had met earlier. His posture was tenser and he had a black eye. I stared right at him and tried my hardest to get out one sentence

"I never got to finish my coffee" The effort it took and the pain made my lungs take in a sharp breath. Everyone seemed frozen for a moment, Captain America was looking from me to Bucky, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. Bucky was the first to move, he came forward and crouched down, his eyes immediately seeing the chair leg that stuck out of my stomach area. Iron Man also approached and my vision blurred again, my head leaned back once more and I felt a cold spray spread on my arms and legs. It made me shiver, quietly I heard Bucky murmur

"I told you to leave the area." my mouth moved but only a few squeaks came out

"Too..ma..n.y.. Pe..ople...saw..stop to...watch" My chest heaved and I leaned my head to the other side and threw up. I was so cold and tired, every inch hurt and I felt like death was at my doorstep, waiting for me to answer.

"Does she have anyone we can call?" I heard someone say, I think it was Captain America.

"No, Hydra murdered her parents and she lived at the airport. Met her today, her names Sierra Holt." he chuckled before saying one more thing

"She tried to pickpocket me."

"Vision, take her to New York and make sure she's in the best hospital." someone spoke...Iron Man most likely. A response was heard but I had started to focus on my heartbeat. It seemed to be growing fainter, I felt someone pick me up and I heard his voice

"Miss Holt I cannot remove the chair leg because it will start internal bleeding. Please stay calm, I will fly as fast as possible." I was barely able to nod as I felt us lift into the air. But whatever happened after that was a mystery to me because I was no longer conscious.

"Miss Holt you have to wake up." A woman's voice played in my ears

"Miss Holt, it has been long enough. You are alive." I felt my chest heave and I know I rolled over to empty my stomach into something. It felt like fire scratched at my throat. After I had finished my eyes opened and a woman was standing over me. I felt the words out of my mouth before I could comprehend them.

"WhereamIwhahappened...howlongwasIout?" The words seemed to merge together, the woman suppressed a smile and responded

"You are in New York but before this, you were at an undisclosed location somewhere. It's been a while." Someone opened the door and a dark-haired nurse walked in, she spoke, her voice crisp with a slight accent,

"I can take it from here. Doctor Johnson needs you on floor twelve." The nurse that had been talking to me seemed confused but nodded anyway and left. The moment she was gone the new nurse took off her hair...a wig. Underneath was bright red hair. She smiled confidently and came closer, crouching by the bed she spoke to me softly, her accent becoming strong

"What I am about to tell you is confidential. Right now I am an enemy of the world. You have been in Wakanda for the past year in the "ice" as Bucky would say." The name rang a bell and it all came back.

"Bucky..is he okay?"

"The people at Wakanda are working hard to try and figure out a way to get rid of the words. Right now he is still in the ice. But he left something for you." The woman took two pieces of paper out of her pocket and handed them to me. My arms felt normal except for the pain, when I tried to look at them I saw that they were covered in layers of plaster. My hands were covered in scar tissue and I felt myself gag at the sight of them. It looked repulsive and my arms trembled when I tried to pick the papers up. I looked at the woman, the question in my eyes

"They did everything they could in Wakanda but you will have to relearn a lot. The fire ate away at your muscle and nerves, Shuri, the head scientist said that it may be possible that the fire is going to give you..side effects. If that happens, call me" She nodded towards the notes then turned on her heel, putting the wig back on. She left. I struggled a few moments but once I had picked up the papers my eyes hungrily read the writing. The first one was from Bucky:


I know we didn't know each other well but something inside of me cares for you. I wish they would wake you up, often I hear clatters in the room next to mine, along with worried voices. Several times I know you died but somehow you were too stubborn to give up. The internal bleeding must have been worse then I had thought. Sierra, I'm sorry. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time and this freak accident happened. It's my fault. I am trying to keep this short but it seems my thoughts are all jumbled. I don't know when you will get this or if you ever will but just know I am really sorry. About everything, you should know that I was tasked with finding your parents and making sure that they and you were in the right place for the murders. I don't think they meant for you to live. You won't remember this but I had gone undercover at your father's workplace, from what I can remember he was murdered because he had caught one of Hydras paper trails as they were trying to be rid of it. Your mother was a detective so naturally, your father told her, that made all three of your targets. It's ok to hate me. Stay strong and don't try to pickpocket a super-soldier again.

-Mr. Barnes.

For some reason, his stupid letter had made tears come to my eyes. They spilled out and ran down my cheeks, landing on the paper. He had been apart of my parent's murder. I should hate him, but I don't. When I pickpocketed him he was nothing but kind to me. Instead of hate something else bloomed but I couldn't deal with that right now. Still blubbering I read the second letter

Dear Sierra,

You may not know who I am so let me introduce myself. My name is Wanda Maximoff. I was the person who delivered these letters to you. Currently, I am in hiding with the rest of my team. I have been tasked with explaining to you what happened after you were taken to New York. Vision took you to the best hospital he could but it wasn't enough. After the Avengers finished fighting and everything was over King T'Challa contacted Tony Stark and told him that they would be able to save you. Because Sierra you were dying, slowly. It was an awful thing, to watch someone waste away without being able to help. So he handed you over to the Wakandans, they had you in surgery for over a day. They had to regenerate tissue and bones from scratch. When the first surgery was done they decided that it was too risky to wake you because the pain alone would have killed you. So they put you in the ice. This let your body heal naturally and put your mind at rest. Often they would take you out and give you things to help speed up the process. It didn't help that Bucky was constantly at the doors trying to see if you were alright. That man has it for you Sierra, whether you like it or not. He may not know it yet but he has something for you. I often used my powers to enter your subconscious and ease the pain, give you pleasant dreams. You probably don't remember but that is ok. The King's hope is that in a few weeks he can bring you back to Wakanda to enjoy the fresh air. Honestly, I think he sees you as his responsibility now. I might drop in to say hello but if you need to reach me or the King through me before then just use this number. 894-903-234. They will ask you a question that only you and Bucky know the answer to.
