DO NOT OWN! JUST BORROWING THE CHARACTERS! I apologize beforehand for any mistakes


Few weeks/Months after Chitauri invasion/Post HP Movie-AU-set in future/Loki banished to Midgard after a month (Earth Time) in Asgard.

Fred x Hermione x George, Neville x Luna, Sev x Luc, Draco x Charlie, Bill x Fleur, Tony Stark/Iron Man x Bruce Banner/Hulk, Steve Roger/Captain x Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Clint Barton/Hawkeye x Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Thor, Loki, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill


The Avengers were sitting in the communal area when JARVIS spoke, "sir, incoming call..." only to break off as a British voice was heard. "...vis...JARVIS?"

The AI spoke, "I'm here young sir."

The voice spoke again, "is he near?"

"The Master is here young sir..."

Tony spoke, sitting straighter, none of his goofiness showing. "I'm here Harry..."

A shaky breath was heard. "I'm on my way."

Tony sat straighter, eyes narrow, concern on his face. "What's going on, Harry?"

"No time to explain..." he tried, but Tony wasn't having it.

"Harry, tell me."

Silence was heard for a few moments before a yell of Harry's name was heard. "HARRY! WE'RE LOSING HIM!"

Cursing was heard from the person, Harry, who began mumbling, even as Tony tried again.

"What the hell is going on, Harry?!"

"We just finished the fighting a few weeks ago. We've been rebuilding, like I've told you," at Tony's agreeing noise, he continued, "everything was going fine until Ron," he spat out, "and the four other Weasleys let their newfound fame go to their heads. They began encouraging everyone to vote for those affiliated with the Dark Side to be sent to prison without trial, for the Others to be killed or sterilized...those who don't support it have gone into hiding, so they cannot be killed."

Tony's eyes widened, as did the Avengers.

Tony stood and paced "what do you need me to do?"

He spoke authoritatively, "I need you to contact the American Ministry. We need paperwork for 11 adults and 1 child for political asylum."

"Got it, what else?" he asked.

"While speaking to the Ministry, have them send for a few Healers."

Tony stopped pacing and asked, "how many of you are injured?"

Silence for several minutes before he sighed and answered, "all of us to some degree. Our two oldest companions are worse off then the others, the baby has a scrape. Hermione and I are doing what we can to keep the eldest alive, and defend our youngest, and ourselves."

Tony frowned, "fine. I'll get working on it..."

A sigh of relief from the man. "Thank you..."

Tony smiled slightly, "be safe, and get to the Tower, preferably my floor. How many are a couple?"

"All of them but myself and the child," he answered softly.

Tony arched a brow, "how does that work? How old is the child? Why is there a child?"

"One of the couple is actually a triad; the child is two months old, and is an orphan, his mother and father having been killed in the battle, and his grandmother just recently passing," his breath hitched mentioning the three people. "He is my godson, left jointly to me and his grandmother, but with her death he fell into my care. He...he's also half Other..."

Tony closed his eyes. "Shit, Harry..." he took a breath before opening his eyes and continuing speaking, "get here as soon as you can, Harry. I'll get to work on my end."

"Thank you...we are trying to make sure that they cannot follow us, so it will be at least an hour, no more than four."

"Got it," said Tony, "stay safe."

"Will try...see you in a few, dad," he hung up, before he could say anything, not hearing the sharp inhales from the gathered group.

Tony stood still for a moment before taking a deep breath, even as the Avengers questioned him.


"Since when do you have a son?"


"What the hell's going on?"

Tony ignored them, waving off their questions, and spoke, "JARVIS, call Fury…"

At that, the Avengers fell silent, as Fury appeared on the screen. "Stark, what is the meaning of this?"

"Fury…I need your assistance," he admitted, getting worried looks from the Avengers.

Fury sat up straighter, "what is it?"

"I just received word from Harry Potter," Fury's, Natasha, and Clint's eyes widened, "I know you are a part of his world." Fury nodded, in shock and Tony continued. "He told me to contact the Ministry here; he needs assistance, but I do not have the means to do so set up, yet. He is coming over with eleven adults, and a baby, and needs to give them Political Asylum."

Fury sat straighter, "why does he need Asylum? How do you know him?"

"Some of the…the government over there is allowing people to be arrested, and thrown in prison without trial, and they are having the Others either sterilized or killed. The baby is half Other, and his godson…"

"And how do you know him?" he reiterated.

Tony crossed his arms over his chest, "considering he is my son, and has been for the last twelve years, almost thirteen, when his previous guardians were arrested for neglect and abuse. I had been sworn to secrecy since then, by a nice Other who came to tell me about Your World when I adopted him."

Fury nodded, "I will call the Minister to get the paperwork started. Was there anything else?"

"Yes, he needs Healers on Standby. All of them are injured to some degree, the two eldest are worse off, but I know Harry has some Healer capabilities. He apprentices to it during the Summer, and has since he was eleven years old."

Fury clenched his fist, "how injured is the child?"

"Scrapes from what Harry said," Fury relaxed slightly.

"When will they arrive?"

"Harry said at least an hour, at most four. He is doing all in his abilities to make sure that they cannot follow or find them, so they do not lead them here."

Fury nodded, "good. I will send the Healers to your home, after I speak to the Minister. Coulson and I will be coming with, as may the Minister…"

Tony nodded and Fury ended the call, leaving JARVIS to do the same.

Steve demanded, "what's going on Tony?"

Said man held up his hands, "I cannot say," as he opened his mouth, he continued, "not unless I wish to die," silence for a few minutes, before he continued, "and I do not, especially as my boy is coming home."

They fell silent as Clint and Natasha exchanged looks, but said nothing.

Meanwhile, Fury immediately pulled out his Floo Powder, and tossed some in, calling 'American Ministry of Magic: Minister's Office.'

The man, Alexander David, looked up and sighed, "what is it, Nick?"

"I received a call from Tony Stark," the Minister groaned, even as he continued, "who said he received a call from Harry Potter…"

The Minister sat up, "those two deserve each other…they are trying to drive me grey…" he sighed, "What did he need?"

"Harry is asking for Political Asylum," the man tensed, "for eleven adults and one baby, two months old…"

The Minister's eyes widened, as he asked, "what is happening?"

"I don't know if you're following the news, or if its even been reported," Alexander nodded, having read the England paper, so Fury continued, "From what Stark said, the government is sending people to prison without trial, and either sterilizing or killing Others, probably creatures."

His eyes narrowed as he reached into the desk drawers and began pulling out the paperwork for both the Asylum and citizenship, if needed.

"The child?"

"Potter's godchild."

The Minister nodded, filling out the paperwork, and saying, "as long as Potter has the Wills proving he is the godparent, then he won't have much difficulties. When are they arriving?"

"Anywhere from an hour to four. They don't want to risk anyone following them."

He nodded, "anything else?"

"Healers on standby," he replied.

The Minister's head snapped up, "who?" he ground out.

"All of them to some degree, the baby the least injured, and the elder two the most injured."

He relaxed, "I will be going with you when you go."

Fury nodded. "I planned to give them, and you, an hour or two."

He nodded, "where are we meeting them?"

"Avengers tower," he answered immediately, to which the Minister snorted.

"Should have known" he said, sighing, before becoming silent.

Fury asked, "may I use your Floo?" to which the man gestured.

He threw in the powder and called for the hospital, explained the situation, and told them the same thing he told the Minister. They told him that they'd meet him there at the tower in two hours, that they had to prepare. Then he sat in silence as they waited for the time to pass, commenting, "the Avengers probably need to be brought in on our World."

The Minister inclined his head, but said nothing.

Two hours later, the group of five healers, Fury, Coulson, the Minister, and two Aurors entered the Avenger Tower.

JARVIS warned Tony, "Sir, ten people have just entered the lower level." Tony looked at the clock, even as JARVIS brought up an image of their company.

"Bring them to this level, JARVIS. Some of our guests have arrived."

"Yes Sir…"

A few minutes later, the elevator doors opened, and three men walked forwards first, two of them guarding the third.

The third inclined his head towards Tony, who returned the gesture, before the man's eyes flickered over the room, lingering for a moment on Natasha and Clint. The reached into his pockets and pulled out three pieces of parchments, and handed them to his Tony.

He briefly scanned it to see that he was holding three Statute of Secrecy contracts, "why only three, sir?"

His eyes scanned the gathered group again, "the two Gods do not need them, Black Widow and Hawkeye are already part of the secret, you have already signed it."

Tony arched a brow. "I see. One for Pepper, one for Bruce, and one for the Capsicule."

"Yes, otherwise, they have to leave, and their memories altered."

Tony nodded, and handed them out to the named people. "Read them, and sign them."

"Is this necessary?" asked Pepper, to which Alexander shrugged.

"No, but then you won't be able to recall this memory."

She frowned but read the documents, and looked at them stunned, "you…magic...? separate…world…? What is the meaning of this?"

The Minister arched a brow, "you saw Aliens a few weeks ago, are in the presence of two Gods, a man who turns green when unsettled, a man with a piece of metal in his chest and you find it hard to believe that a World exists separate to your own? One that deals with magic?"

Loki arched a brow, interested, as was Thor.

Alexander spoke, "if you sign those documents, you cannot in any way go back on your word, cannot mention it to anyone not in the know, or you are dead. Because that," he nodded towards the papers, "is a Magical Vow. Magic herself will kill you for breaking it." He paused a moment, before continuing, "if you do not sign it, I will have my guards wipe this meeting from your memory, and you will be sent to sleep in your quarters, while we wait for the others."

Bruce nodded, and signed, Steve and a reluctant Pepper following suit, even as the elevator doors opened again, letting in five people (3 men and 2 women) with bags on their shoulders, along with Fury and Coulson.

"Have you heard anything?" demanded Fury.

"I have not," Tony said, "but, they are running for their lives." He turned his attention to the room, "JARVIS, find Harry's location."

"Yes sir," said the AI, to which he fell silent for a moment before saying, "the young Master is in Inwood, NY. Wait, now he's in Bronx."

Tony nodded, and frowned, before looking at the Magicals, "he's apparating. That's what? Thirteen people, including himself and the baby?"

The group frowned, before asking, "is he strong enough..?"

Tony immediately spoke, "he's the strongest I know, and I know quite a few, being as they are interested in the Magical Resistant versions of the Stark Phone, like what Harry has…where is he now?"

But JARVIS didn't answer as a pop was heard, and twelve more adults were sprawled across the floor, causing the Medics to head to the two men who looked the eldest, while one of the younger men, with black hair, was cradling something. Pepper headed to his side, and cooed at the child, trying to ease him out of the teen's hold, only for a feral sound to rip from the teens throat, as his eyes snapped open, showing startling green eyes looking wild.

Loki moved swiftly, pulling the woman back, ignoring her struggles, as he shoved her at Bruce. "He's feral at the moment, like the green man. Do not approach him, or he will rip you to pieces."

Tony sighed and knelt down, keeping at a distance. "Harry, son, you are safe. Calm yourself," he said sharply, getting a whine. "We need to check you over, Harry."

The teen blinked slowly, and the wild green eyes met worried, but calm hazel eyes, and some of the wildness retreated.

"What happened, son?"

He hissed, closed to speaking Parseltongue, "tried to lock Teddy in werewolvesss campsss. Had to hexss Ronald Weasssley when he tried to use the Ssssecumssssepra Curssse…"

One of the healers said, "Your bleeding, young man. You need healing…"

He glared at him, "heal othersss firsst, sspecially Ssseverus and Luciusss."

The healer tried to argue, "you have a giant slice across your back!"

His glare deepen, "and the only one who knowsss the counter is Ssseveruss."

Alexander knelt beside Tony, and asked, "why would he know it?"

"He iss the one who invented it, Alessander…he never planned to usse it one anyone…"

He asked, "why are they with you? They were known Death Eaters, Harry?"

The teen shook his head, a little more of the wildness fading, "sspiess. Sseveruss made unbreakable vow to protect me…and Luciuss wass given Liquid Imperiouss by hiss now ex-wife," he explained as the wild look in his eyes disappeared completely.

The two men stood, and aided him in getting up, hissing at the blood their hands came away with.

"You need healing…"

He shook his head, "Dark Curse, won't heal without the counter spell, or a phoenix."

Tony arched a brow at that, before asking, "are you calm enough to hand over the baby?'

He hesitated but handed the baby to Tony, not trusting anyone else to hold him.

Alexander said to the already overprotective godfather, "I'm going to run a diagnostic spell on him, Harry, to see what all needs to be done."

Harry nodded, reached into his pockets and pulled out two documents, handing them to the Aurors, before he went to join the Healers, glaring at them for not helping Severus, or Lucius. One of the healers went to assist in the babies healing but Harry growled out, "stay away from my godson, Healer."

The Healer stopped, hearing the warning in his voice, "why will you not allow me to see to him?"

"Because he is mostly healed; a scrape and bruise at worse. You still have six other patients. If you do not do your job, I will have your job…"

The Healer narrowed his eyes, "on what authority?"

He stood, and turned to them, his eyes flashing in anger, "as the Lord Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Emrys." The healer paled, "if you do not do your job, I will have your job, and your magic, because I am not in a good mood. I have just traveled over the Atlantic Ocean, running from and fighting against my birth country."

Alexander said, "take a breath, Harry, and calm down."

Harry arched a brow, "she hasn't exploded yet, has she?" at his shook head, he continued, "then I am calm," but he followed the instructions anyways, and got back to healing Severus and Lucius, laying a hand on both of their chests, as he closed his eyes.

Loki glided forwards, drawing their attention, and went to aid Harry, taking over the healing of Lucius.

The black haired teen opened an eye, and seeing the Healing taking place, nodded his thanks, and closed his eyes again.

Alexander spoke, "as you said Harry. He has a scrape and a bruise that's healing quickly. Other than that, he's fine."

Harry nodded his acknowledgement, not leaving his healing trance, as the Aurors handed over the documents that Harry gave them, written statements of the two Elder men's closed trial by the previous Britain's Minister, before he had to go into hiding, along with the documents for Teddy, including the Wills.

Tony cradled the baby to his chest, glad the reactor was covered.

An hour later, they had healed all they could, and Severus was about to begin working on Harry, when Teddy woke hungry, and let out a wail, wanting food in his tummy.

Harry winced and reached into his pocket and tossed the bag to the Aurors, saying, "everything Teddy needs is in there." He looked at the clock before turning back to the Aurors, saying, "he's hungry. If one of you will do so," he looked over his shoulder at Severus, and said, "I doubt Severus will allow me to do it."

Said man snorted, "damn right. Remove the remains of your shirt, and drop any glamour's…"

Harry did as ordered, and they sharply inhaled.

A lightning bolt wound that was still healing, in reverse to his other, was on his left pectoral; scrapes and bruises in varying shades of healing, cuts, in varying stages of healing, and depths.

"What in the world happened to you, child?" asked Natasha, horrified.

"It was war…I was tortured, being as the megalomaniac was obsessed with me," he answered, eyes focused on Teddy.

Severus stood, and sighed, seeing the result of his spell on his nephew, before he began a melodious chant, getting everyone's attention, to see the large cut across his back beginning to slowly heal. "When did this happen? And who did it?"

"While you and Lucius were unconscious," he answered. "It was done by Ron…he was aiming at Teddy, Sev…I knew I could survive it, but he's just a baby…"

The air around them grew colder.

"Someone tried to kill a babe?" demanded Thor, getting looks from the gathered group.

Harry nodded, and laid his head on his knees, feeling tired.

A half hour later, Severus had done all he could for the wound. "I've done all I can, Harry, but it's going to scar."

Harry nodded, before he stood, swaying, to which Steve caught his arm.

"Easy there, lad."

Harry nodded and waited a few moments, before slowly pulling away from him, and approaching Tony. "Hi dad…"

Tony looked at him and smiled, "welcome home son."

The green eyes teen smiled, amused, "not quite the home coming I expected but it works I suppose. I was going to return soon anyway. I was growing tired of the bigotry, the prejudice. It'll probably sound evil of me but I'd let the British Magical Community destroy itself, if it wasn't my responsibility to bring it kicking and screaming to the 21st Century."

They all arched a brow, before Alexander asked, "how is it your responsibility?"

Harry pierced him with a look. "I am the Lord Slytherin, Gryffindor and Emrys, Alexander. I am the descendant of the Founding Fathers of the Wizarding World, who settled in Britain. I made one law while on their soil, that they cannot change, only I can; they cannot mingle with, or bring in, a non-magical being."

An Auror, Dominic, asked, "why that law?"

Severus answered, "they were trying to integrate with the non-magical community. Tell me, sir, if the phrase Salem Witch Trials means anything to you?"

They paled, and Bruce asked, horrified, "they actually happened?"

Severus locked at him and answered, "yes. A fifth of our citizens were wiped out during those Trials, and the British non-magical community is all about appearing to be perfect, normal. What do you suppose they'd do if they found out we survived, with this century's technology, especially as witchcraft is evil according to the Bible?"

They paled further, and Harry brought the attention back to him, speaking to Tony. "I also turned Hogwarts into a safe haven, dad."

Said man arched a brow, "how? Why?"

"I am two of the Founder's Heirs. As to why? They are hunting anyone with a dark core, including the people who had nothing to do with the War, as well as the Creatures, innocent or not. I have turned Hogwarts into a safe haven, where no harmful spells can be cast in the building, until I return."

Tony stiffened, "what do you mean, return?"

Harry looked at him, "I'll have to go back, dad. I can't leave the Magical Creatures and the lesser insane Beings to suffer at their hands. Not when I can stop them, but I need to recuperate first. Its only been three weeks since the War..."

Tony sighed, and gathered his son to him, holding Teddy in one arm. "You're a good kid, son. Don't know how the hell that happened."

Harry muttered, eyes closed tiredly, "because I remember what its like to be a slave, I decided not to be arrogant, I decided not to be like them."

Tony tightened his hold on Harry, even as his face, and the others, tightened. "What do you mean? You were five years old when you left them? How would you remember them?"

Severus closed his eyes as he realized, "you've remembered since third year, when the Dementors were at the school..."

Harry made an agreeing noise, as he leaned into Tony's shoulder, dozing.

Tony noticed and lifted his shoulder, "Harry, son, go on to bed. We can talk more in the morning."

He blearily opened his eyes, "dad?"

"To bed, son," he said, wrapping his arm around him, before looking at the Wizards that accompanied him. "Follow me, witches and wizards, and I'll show you to your room. We can speak more in the morning." he looked at the American Wizards and Witches, "are you staying?"

Alexander shook his head, "I have to get home to my wife and kids, after I get a promise from the Healers and my Aurors not to reveal what was learned here." At Tony's arched brow, he explained, "we cannot have what he's said getting out before he can execute the necessary. But right now, he needs to rest. I will return tomorrow, around noon, or there about, to speak to the refugees, and Harry."

Tony nodded and walked from the room, after inclining his head towards the other occupants, and the Aurors handing him the baby's bag, before escorting the group to his floor, where he directed them to their rooms.

The men and women nodded their thanks and went into the room, doing a quick cleaning spell before falling into an exhausted sleep.

Tony gently settled Harry on the bed, Severus and Loki having followed them, to which Severus used a cleaning charm on the teen and then preceded to set up Teddy's crib, and the attached changing station. He then gently took Teddy from Tony and changed his diaper before laying him in the bed with Harry. "Teddy's not used to the noises in the city, so he needs to be close to his caretaker for a few days, to grow accustomed to it. No worries though, he won't squish him. He's a statue, unless..."

Tony finished his sentence, "...he has a nightmare. I know."

Severus nodded, and excused himself, heading to his room, while Tony kissed their foreheads, watching as Harry pulled the baby close to him, before gesturing Loki to follow him, walking back to the sitting room.

Pepper asked, "where's the child?"

Tony narrowed his eyes at her, "sleeping," he answered, to which she stood, and he blocked the way. "Leave him. He is not your concern, Pepper."

She placed her hands on her hips, "he needs someone to look after him, and not a teenager."

Tony's brow rose, "while he may physically be only a teen, I have no doubt he is mentally Capsicule's physical age. And you have no authority over who can watch that child."

She huffed and stormed to the elevator.

Tony spoke softly, "JARVIS, block access to my floor to everyone but me until Harry's awake and been updated on the situation."

"Already on it sir," the AI responded, falling silent for a moment, "done sir."

"Good," he said as he sank into a chair, and sighed, "our boy's home, JARVIS…"

"Indeed sir. Indeed he is."

Steve asked, "why did you not tell us you had a son? Why would you do something so reckless?"

He arched a brow, "why would I tell anyone of my most precious person, when no one even acts like I'm a teammate? Or they act like I'm too much of a hassle, a nuisance, until recently?" They winced, but couldn't refute it. "As for why I would do something so reckless? For that boy that when he finally came home, he wouldn't have to worry about an alien invasion…so he could heal…so he could finally be his age again…" he stood, "excuse me. I'm going to bed." With that, he took the elevator to his floor, checked in on Harry, before going to his own room, finally able to fall into a deep sleep, knowing his boy was home and safe.

The others exchanged guilty looks before following his lead and going to bed, Loki thinking about the green eyed Stark.