The Dark Heir


Description: SPOILERS FOR TROS! An AU for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker. Rey is a scavenger from nowhere when she is found by an agent of The Final Order. She is taken to a planet called Exegol. There she will learn the truth of her lineage and ascend to take her grandfather's place. With The Final Order backing her, she will not be stopped. GREATERGOOD!LUKE DARK!REY, REYLO!

Pairings: Rey Palpatine/Kylo Ren AND Rey Palpatine/Kayla Ren.

Rating: Rated Mature. Contains Language, Violence, Descriptions of Sexual and Intimate Actions, Mentions of Rape and other content not suited for some of those under the age of eighteen.


Normal dialogue and script(Normal.)


Telepathic speech and abilities/visions(Bold.)

Previous chapter:

Rey Palpatine POV—

Kayla and Maul both look at her as she continues to think over the newfound information. "I need to meditate on what this means for my plans. Goodnight to both of you. Kylo is arriving at zero-five-hundred so be ready by then."

Rey walks out of the room, wondering if there might actually be a threat to her power. A feeling she hasn't felt since she lived on Jakku and one she very much hates.

Chapter 14(Tragedy)

Luke Skywalker POV—

Luke sits crosslegged on his meditation pillow in his chambers. Mara lies on the bed, her red hair splayed around her. As Luke focuses his mind on the Force, it guides him throughout the galaxy, showing him quick images of the happenings of the galaxy. His sight is nearly completely blocked by a swirling black cloud of darkness.

He sighs and cuts off his vision, standing up to walk towards Mara. "I can't see anything, Mara. My vision is completely impaired by darkness. I don't know who could be doing this as Snoke doesn't possess the power or knowledge to do so. The Emperor's granddaughter is a possibility but I do not believe she could possibly possess that much power in the darkness yet, even if she did destroy Ben in combat."

Mara sits up, her red hair flowing up behind her. "You seem to be overlooking the most obvious candidate, my love. My former master still lives and we both know that he is very powerful in the darkness."

Luke sighs as he nods his head, "That is true but for some reason, I do not feel as if he is the one behind this darkness. I am going to attempt to contact the spirits of the Jedi who came before for advice."

Mara nods her head, "I understand. I am here of you need me, Luke," she says.

Luke smiles and nods at her, "I know you are, Mara. I love you."

The red-haired woman smiles, "I love you too, farm-boy."

Luke smiles at Mara and walks out of the room. He slowly walks through the Resistance base, ignoring all of the awed looks he receives from the Resistance fighters as he enters the forest.

He walks into a clearing with the moon illuminating a fallen tree in the middle of it and sits down. He closes his eyes and focuses on the Jedi who came before. The sounds of the Endor forest ring in his ears as he hopes to hear the voice of the Jedi.

Suddenly, the sound around him cuts out and Luke spins around to see someone he hoped he would never have to again. The figure's wrinkled skin and glowing yellow eyes hold an amused malice to them that makes Luke feel uncomfortable. "Luke…Skywalker…" The figure hisses.

Luke shivers at the cold aura the figure exudes, "Darth Sidious." He says.

The man laughs cruely. "Such a pity. How much grander and more powerful you could have become if you had only chosen to side with me. If you had taken your place at my side."

Luke sneers, "As if I would ever join you. You ruined my family. You twisted my father and killed my mother."

The cloaked man shakes his head, "No. I did not kill Padmé Amidala. I had no desire to. She and I were both born on Naboo and I genuinely respected her. It was your father who used the Force to choke your pregnant mother, not me."

Suddenly, the darkness in the clearing lifts slightly as the Force Ghost of Anakin Skywalker appears, "Do not listen to him, Luke."

Luke gasps, "Father…where have you been for the past decades?"

The ghost sighs, "I followed a dark path at the guidance at that man…" Anakin says, gesturing at Palpatine. "It took me a long time to return to normal. Even now, my deeds haunt me. I killed thousands, Luke. I kill children who were barely even able to hold a lightsaber, let alone defend themselves from me."

Luke shakes his head, "No father. Those are the actions of Darth Vader. You were twisted and manipulated down a dark path, one that you had no control over once you entered it."

The Force Ghost bows his head in acceptance, "That may be true but ultimately, it was my own actions that set me on that path. Palpatine set the path in place but I am the one who chose to follow it."

Luke nods sadly, "I understand, father. Now why are you here? Why have you chosen now to reveal yourself? Master Windu is on the way and will fortify our position against the First Order."

Anakin goes to respond but is interrupted by a cruel, cold laugh. "You fools. Do you truly think you stand a chance even with the help of Mace Windu?" Palpatine asks.

Anakin smirks, "Well, as I remember it, Master Windu beat you, didn't he? He can do it again."

Palpatine's smile only grows wider, "Defeating me has nothing to do with the fight that is to come. Don't you wonder why you cannot see anything in the Force? Why everything is clouded in darkness? This time, the darkness will triumph and there is nothing you can do about it."

Anakin looks at his former master, "If you aren't behind the darkness, who is? The Jedi Ghosts all know that Snoke does not possess the power or the knowledge to do this. Your granddaughter is too young and inexprienced to be capable of this level of power and my nephew is too conflicted to create this much darkness."

Darth Sidious smirks cruely, "Why would I tell you who is behind the darkness? You will find out soon enough." Palpatine vanishes after saying this, leaving no trace of his presence behind.

Anakin turns to Luke, "I truly am sorry, Luke. I never meant for any of this to happen."

Luke nods, "I know, father. I forgave you decades ago." Luke pauses for a moment before saying, "What should I do, father?" Luke asks.

Anakin sighs, "I do not know what to tell you, son. The darkness has entirely clouded the galaxy from the ghosts of the Jedi. I am only here because I possess the power to override the darkness for a small amount of time. The darkness is coming, Luke. It is like nothing I have ever seen. This darkness exudes a level of power that even I don't come close to. The power is twisted, dark. It draws on the negative emotions of a person and turns those emotions into more power. Whoever is creating this darkness, they would crush you Luke. With the level of power I felt, I could see this person destroying a planet with raw Force Energy."

Luke just stares at his father, "Who could possess that power, father? Is there someone else we aren't aware of? Has anyone ever possessed this level of power before?" Luke asks.

Anakin shakes his head. "No. Whoever this is possesses more power than any documented Force user ever. Master Yoda thinks that it might be a deity of the dark side but if that was the case, than there would be the light deity too. There must always be balance. The Force desires balance."

Luke nods his head, "Yes. That is the main error I have always had with the ways of the Jedi Council. They seem to have believed that light was the balance the galaxy desires but that isn't it. There needs to be a true balance between light and dark, Jedi and Sith." Luke is interrupted as the sun peaks over the horizon.

Anakin nods, "Yes. You are correct. Many of the members of the Jedi Council still see it that way though Master Yoda no longer does. He has accepted the fact that light needs darkness. There can never be a true victor in the fight of light versus dark as the Force will prevent a true winner."

Luke nods. Anakin opens his mouth but when he speaks, Luke looks at him in confusion. "Luke…coming…the darkness…overwhelming…I can't…" Suddenly, Anakin disappears and the sky darkens even as the sun rises.

Luke looks up and gasps in horror. In the sky above Endor, a fleet of First Order Star Destroyers sits. A trail of landing craft are already making their way towards the ground. Luke's eyes are drawn to the sleek black command shuttle of his nephew as it glides towards the ground.

Luke takes off through the woods, his legs running faster than they have in years. He reaches the Resistance base and is horrified to see that no one has noticed the fleet in the sky yet. "Wake up! They have found us! Get to a transport now!" Luke yells.

The Resistance falls into chaos as they notice the ships in the sky above them. Luke rushes into the base, entering his chambers. He makes his way to Mara's side and carresses her side. "Wake up, Mara! We need to go now!"

Mara opens her eyes, the green orbs wide with confusion. "What is it, Luke?" She asks.

Luke quickly responds, "It is the First Order! They are landing as we speak. We need to gather the others and get out of here." He says.

Mara quickly jumps out of bed and pulls on her clothes. Luke and Mara walk out of the room, bumping into Leia, Han, Lando, and Ahsoka as they do. "Where are Kira, Violet, and Finn?" Leia asks, worry in her voice.

Luke shakes his head, "I do not know, Leia. I haven't seen Kira and Violet since we dismissed them yesterday. I saw Finn last night when Mara and I were training him. I do not know where he is now."

Ahsoka adds, "The darkness on this planet is more than I have ever felt. We need to leave. Now. We cannot allow all of us to be captured. Master Windu won't be here until it is too late and even if he arrives, his fleet will be crushed. We need to escape and warn him."

The six all nod in grim agreement and make their way to the landing platform. Hundreds of Resistance members run around, all trying to find a ship to get in. The six make their way around the crowd, trying to avoid being seen. They reach the Millenium Falcon and find Chewbacca already in the ship and ready to take off. Han sits down next to Chewbacca but Ahsoka places a hand on his shoulder. "I know that you are a fantastic pilot, Han, but this situation may call for the enhanced reflexes the Force will give me."

Han reluctanly nods and allows Ahsoka to replace him. Han smiles in crudging admiration at the practiced ease Ahsoka's hands fly across the controls. The Falcon take off, and shoots up into the atmosphere of Endor, passing by many First Order craft as they do. The seven beings on the ship hold their breath but are confused when none of the ships make a move to attack them. Leia and Luke both take a collective intake of breath as they sense Ben fly right over their head in his command shuttle.

The Falcon reaches open space and Ahsoka enters coordinates for Lothal as the First Order possesses no holding on the planet. The stars before the ship disappear as the Falcon enters lightspeed.

Kylo Ren POV—

Ten Minutes Earlier—

Kylo paces the bridge of his flag ship, anticipation and eagerness flowing through him. The lines of hyperspace are clear before the ship and the bridge of his personal Star Destroyer is filled with officers preparing the ship for arrival above Endor. "Sir, we have arrived."

Kylo turns his attention to the front viewport as Endor appears before the ship. Kylo watches as over fifteen other Star Destroyers appear in formation on all sides of his flagship and then he turns and walks brisquely out of the bridge, ordering, "Ready my command shuttle and prepare the landing craft. Alert all fighters and pilots that they are not to fire on the Millenium Falcon."

General Hux sneers at him, "Excuse me? The Supreme Leader would not want any—." Hux is cut off by Kylo tightening his Force grip and General Hux's neck.

He hears the answering 'Yessir' as he walks out, along with the sound of Hux choking. Kylo's cloak billows out behind him as he walks. His hand reaches for his lightsaber at his hip, gently touching it to reassure himself. He reaches his personal hanger and makes his way to his command shuttle, a sleek, black Upsilon-class ship. He boards it and orders the pilot to fly towards the surface until Kylo tells him otherwise.

He closes his eyes and reaches out with the Force, "Milady. I am here. The fleet is in orbit and I am on my way down in my command shuttle. If you send me your location, I can come get you right now."

The Sith Empress quickly responds, "Alright. Also, do not forget to capture FN-2187. I am sending you a connection to me. Just follow it and you will find us."

Kylo nods wand walks up to the pilot, making the pilot get up so he can take his place. He follows Rey's signature all the way until his shuttle skims over the tree tops. He arrives at an apparently empty clearing but he can sense his Empress right beneath him. "Is your ship invisible?" Kylo asks.

His Empress sighs, "Yes. I will go deactivate the cloaking device. Maul, Kayla, and I are ready. As soon as you can see my ship, pick it up and then send your division to capture FN-2187."

Kylo nods and waits a moment. When the ship appears, Kylo slowly lowers the bottom of his command shuttle until it hangs right above the parked ship. He presses a series of buttons, activating magnetic lifts on the bottom of the ship and picking up the smaller craft.

Kylo guides the command shuttle out of the trees and back into the open sky. He flies it back to his personal hanger where he gently sits the ship down. He turns on his comm, "General Hux, tell Captain Phasma to make sure to capture FN-2187 but make sure he is alive. Also, tell her to bring Force-suppressing cuffs. FN-2187 is Force Sensitive. Have her bring him to my personal hanger."

The red-haired General mutters in ascent before deactivating the comm. "As soon as Snoke is dead, I am asking Rey for permission to kill Hux."

Kylo lands his ship next to Rey's and walks out of it, coming to a stop in front of the exit ramp of her ship. A few moments later, Kayla walks out. Maul is next, his glowing yellow eyes standing out against his red and black skin. Then Rey exits and Kylo nearly gasps. She has never looked so beautiful and it awakens the image he saw in his vision once more. He quickly suppresses the image and then does a double take when he sees Rey's eyes. One is the old, glowing, red color. But now, one is a cold, dark black color. The black eye seems to draw shadows towards her.

Rey and Kayla are back in their usual Sith outfits and Maul wears a black cloak and has a metal cane that Kylo instantly can tell is a lightsaber. Rey has her unique saber hanging on her hip and Kayla has her's in her hand.

Kylo walks forwards and lowers himself onto a knee. "Milady." He says.

Rey smiles, "Kylo. You have done well. Have you captured FN-2187?" She asks.

Kylo nods his head. "Yes, milady. I sent my best captain to capture him. If he hasn't been captured, he will be soon."

Rey nods her head, "Good. We will wait for his arrival." Rey turns to Kayla. "Kayla and I need to hide our appearances so FN-2187 won't recognize us because if he does he may be able to warn them to my identity."

Kayla nods and the two women pull hoods over their faces. Kylo turns to face Maul, "It is an honor to meet you, Lord Maul. I was told stories about your fighting ability and power."

The former Sith Lord just smirks, "It is certainly pleasant to be back in combat. I was so bored in my…retirement."

Kylo returns his smirk inside his mask. A minite later, Phasma's shuttle appears and Kylo quickly hands cuffs to Maul, Kayla, and Rey. "Put these on until we reach the throne room. They resemble Force-suppressing cuffs but are actually just normal cuffs."

The three nod and place the cuffs on their arms. Phasma's shuttle lands and she walks out, her silver armor thumping against the floor of the hanger. Behind her, four Stormtroopers surround a beaten and bleeding FN-2187. Phasma walks up to Kylo and hands him FN-2187's lightsaber.

"Well done, Phasma. You are dismissed. I will take the prisoners to the Supreme Leader." Kylo says, fingering the saber in one hand.

The captain nods and walks back on to her ship with her troopers close behind. Kylo turns to face FN-2187. "Traitor." He hisses through his mask.

The former Stormtrooper flinches but doesn't say anything. Kylo begins walking, making sure that FN-2187, Rey, Maul, and Kayla are following him. He leads them on to his lift that takes them to the throne room and then turns and looks at Rey. "The Supreme Leader is excited to meet you all." He says, his voice filled humor.

Rey smirks, "I am sure he is. He will be in for a rude awakening." She says, laughing shortly.

FN-2187 looks at the cloaked figure in shock. "Wait…Rey? Is that you? Why are you here? Why are you dressed in black? Who are the people with you?"

Rey smirks behind her hood, "Hello FN-2187. I would like you to meet my friend Darth Maul, and of course, my girlfriend Kayla Ren."

Kylo's eyes snap to Kayla in shock. "Rey and Kayla are together!? Since when? I am glad Kayla has found someone but did it have to be Rey?"

FN-2187 gasps in horror, "You! You are a traitor!? How dare you betray Luke and Leia! Why are you doing this?" He asks.

Rey's face turns cold, "Me? A traitor? I am not the one who betrayed the ones I had sworn my allegiance to. And besides, you cannot betray what you were never truly a part of. And as for how I am willing to betray Luke and Leia, I have many reasons. Luke murdered my parents in cold blood when I was only a few months old. Luke tried to kill Kylo here in his sleep because he feared the darkness within him. And of course, Kayla Ren. The daughter of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Mara ran away with her before she was even born. She did not know her father was Luke until I told her a week ago."

FN-2187's eyes widen, "Who are you?" He asks.

Rey smirks, her hand reaching for her hood as she pulls it off. "Hello FN-2187. It is good to meet you. I am Darth Rhaelyx, Rey Palpatine, the Sith Empress…You may call me any of those titles but one thing remains constant; I am evil, FN-2187. And nothing will ever change that."

FN-2187 just looks at her in horror, his eyes drawn to her eyes. "That isn't possible…" he mutters.

Rey smirks, pulling her hood back on. "Oh, I am afraid it is."

The metal doors of the lift open, revealing Snoke's throne room. Kylo walks out, saying, "Come. The Supreme Leader is ready to meet you."

Kylo leads the way with Maul right behind him. Rey and Kayla are behind him, forcing FN-2187 to walk into the throne room.

The Supreme Leader rises from his throne, "Well done, my good and faithful apprentice. You have exceeded my expectations."

At his side, Kylo can hear Rey muffling laughter. "Who are these prisoners, Kylo Ren and why are they still armed?" Snoke asks.

Kylo smirks, "Master, I would like you to meet Darth Maul, FN-2187, and…Darth Rhaelyx."

Snoke steps forwards, "I see. Well, why are they still armed?" He asks once more. He turns to face Rey. "And who is Darth Rhaelyx?"

Rey begins to openly laugh, a cold cruel sound echoing around the throne room. "Supreme Leader Snoke. It is good to finally meet you. I…am Rey Palpatine. I am the Sith Empress."

The Supreme Leader looks at her in shock and spins towards Kylo, an angry look on his face. Before he can do anything, red lightning engulfs him, causing him to scream in agony. Rey ignites one end of her saber, a red blade appearing, and slowly walks towards Snoke, a stream of lightning still emitting from one hand. She walks forwards to stand right before Snoke. "You are nothing, Snoke. Nothing more than an experiment my grandfather created in a lab. And you will die as nothing."

The Praetorian Guards all move to attack but stop when they see what happens next.

Rey ignites the other end of her lightsaber and Kylo gasps along with his master. A black blade appears, humming with dark energy. "The Sith Empress…" Snoke mutters.

Rey nods, "Correct. Goodbye, Snoke." In one brutal downwards strike, Snoke is cut all the way in half from forehead to groin.

A moment of silence descends on the throne room, only interrupted by FN-2187 sobbing quitely in horror. Rey turns to face him. "I hate traitors."

FN-2187 cowers, "Rey…please don't hurt me." He whimpers.

Rey smiles sadistically, "Fine. I won't hurt you." She turns to Maul. "Kill him." She orders as she walks towards Kylo.

The former Sith smiles coldly as he stalks towards the cowering deserter. He lifts up his walking stick and ignites one end of the blade. He swings the blade down but before it can reach FN-2187, the strike is blocked by a blue saber.

Maul is so surprised at FN-2187 summoning the lightsaber into his hand that he is unabl to block a strike that slices deep into his left leg.

Maul falls to a knee, clutching his leg in pain. Rey spins around, fury dancing across her features. She begins to walk towards FN-2187 but before she can, Kylo says, "Please, milady. Let me kill this traitor."

She nods her agreement and walks over to stand at Kayla's side, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her cross.

She watches in anticipation as Kylo stalks towards FN-2187, his red, crackling blade appearing at his side. As Kylo nears the deserter, he begins to move quicker. His strides lengthening until he crashes his blade against the blue one.

Rey smiles, knowing that FN-2187 stands no chance against Kylo Ren. She watches as Kylo disarms FN-2187, flinging the blue saber off to the side. Kylo turns to face her, a question clear. Rey nods her head and Kylo turns to kill the deserter only to be met with a blue blade right to the stomach.

Rey and Kayla both gasp and Rey's eyes fill with fury. A terrible realization comes to her as she remembers the vision she had of Kylo's death. She rushes towards Kylo's fallen form, fury and horror on her face. She lowers herself onto one knee and pulls Kylo's head into her lap. "I…I am…I am sorry…" He says, coughing blood. "I have failed you, milady."

Rey feels her horror displayed on her face as she says, "You are not going to die, Kylo. We just killed your master, we cannot lose you. I cannot lose you…"

Kylo reaches his shaking hands up and unlatches the clasps holding his mask in place. He removes it and Rey's eyes widen. Kylo's face is beaded in sweat and his eyes are gorwing more and more drowsy. "I…I am happy for you, Kira." He says, looking at his surrogate sister. "You deserve happiness as much as anyone."

Kayla Ren removes her hood, tears rolling down her face. "Don't die, Ben. I cannot lose you."

Rey's eyes widen at the use of his real name but Kylo doesn't react. "You will…never truly lose…me." Kylo says with a cough, struggling to speak. "No one is…ever really gone."

Kylo's eyes close and Rey feels the life finally disappear from Kylo Ren's body. His head falls limp and Rey gently lowers it to the ground of the throne room. "You will be avenged, Kylo Ren. I will get you back. I possess the power to bring you back and I will. You are not gone." Rey says, a lone tear sliding down her face.

A moment of silence splits the throne room as Rey begins to shake in anger. She slowly stands up and turns to face the murderer standing across from her. Everyone in the throne gasps at the aura of power the Sith Empress emits as she stalks towards FN-2187. "You…are going to die the most painful death I can give you. You are going to suffer the pain of a thousand deaths as I watch. You are going to suffer for the rest of time. I will not kill you until I feel you have suffered enough. Now…let's begin."

Rey gestures with her right hand and FN-2187 floats up into the air, a look of unadulterated fear on his face. Rey gently squeezes her left hand and snaps every bone in the traitor's left arm, causing him to scream out in agony.

The others in the throne room watch in stunned fascination as their Empress tortures FN-2187 well beyond insanity. When she finally stops, the man collapses to the ground, not moving. Only the staggered rise and fall of his chest signals that he still live. Rey walks forwards and ignites the black end of her saber. She places it against the man's face and allows it to burn off the skin there. Then she takes a step back and in one swift movement, plunges the blade all the way through FN-2187's head.

She swings her arm upwards, causing gore and blood to spray out as the brain of FN-2187 falls onto the floor.

Rey turns and stalks out of the throne room, ordering, "Stay here, I am bringing Kylo back." She brings Kylo's body with her. She reaches Kylo's hanger and brings the man onto her ship. She places him gently in the co-pilots chair and then enters the coordinates of Exegol. She jumps the ship into hyperspace, her eyes not leaving Kylo's pale, dead face.

When a few hours later the ship arrives at Exegol, Rey orders into her comm. "Ultimus, prepare for my arrival and set a course for the Hosnian system. It is time to test out this super weapon…"

Leia Skywalker POV—

Leia sits in the cargo hold of the Millenium Falcon, laying her head on Han's shoulder. Luke and Mara enter the room, grim looks on their faces. "We contacted Master Windu. He is going to rendevous with us at Lothal in a single transport. He is sending his fleet back to the Mid-Rim for now."

Leia nods and stands up. Before she can, a wave of light washes over her followed by the feeling of a powerful Force user dying. "What was that?" She asks Luke.

"Snoke is dead." Ahsoka says, entering the room.

The seven beings on the ship share confused looks, "Who would kill him? Could it be Ben?" Leia asks.

Silence falls as Luke thinks before he says, "I am sorry, sister. I can sense that Ben Solo is still gone. Kylo Ren is still the one in control."

Leia sighs but nods her head. She closes her eyes, wishing her son would return to her. Then, the most intense pain she has ever felt washes over her. The cries out, as do Luke and Ahsoka. Leia senses a death that she hoped she would never feel. "Ben…" She whispers, a sob escaping her throat.


Okay, first off, don't kill me. Please? I promise that the pairing is still Reylo. I am sure some of you might have a loose idea as to how he will come back. Secondly, what did you thing of the beginning of Rey's ascension? If you felt it was too dark, well, then this isn't the story for you. Most of the main characters who are firmly light will meet a similar fate as FN-2187 at some point.

ALSO, thank you so much for 100 followers! It means a lot to me! 3

Character appearances go as follows:

Daisy Ridley as Rey Palpatine.

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren. (Character Deceased)

Alexandra Daddario as Kayla Ren.

Ian Mcdiarmid as Sheev Palpatine.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker.

Carrie Fisher(RIP) as Leia Organa.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

Sophie Turner as Mara Jade.

Oscar Issac as Poe Dameron.

John Boyega as FN-2187(Finn). (Character Deceased)

Domhnall Gleeson as General Armitage Hux.

Anthony Daniels as C-3PO.

Richard E. Grant as Allegiant General Pryde.

Pilou Asbæk as Kier Ren. (Character Deceased)

Andy Serkis as the voice of Supreme Leader Snoke. (Character Deceased)

Ashley Eckstein as the voice of Ahsoka Tano.

Sam Witwer as the voice of Darth Maul.

Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker.

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian.

Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu.

Word count: 5,199