Kuwabara doesn't get enough love and it really shows. So I have decided to make this little wacky oneshot for him!

I don't own YYH nor do I own Inuyasha.

It was a hot sunny day and Team Urameshi just finished a fight with an S-class demon. "Geez, all that fighting has me starving," Yusuke said while stretching, "You guys want to order some when we get back?"

Kurama nodded in agreement before calling Botan to call a portal for them.

"Tsk, I don't need to indulge in your human food," Hiei said wiping the blood off the blade of his sword.

"I'll drop by the store and grab a carton of ice cream for you," Yusuke said to the small demon. He then turned to Kuwabara "What about you idiot?" Yusuke inquired.

"Hey, who are you calling an idiot Urameshi," Kuwabara screamed at the boy, "I actually have a date with my girlfriend tonight."

"Pfft, yeah right," Hiei taunted, "As anyone would actually date you."

"Hey, maybe he found a nice blind and deaf girl." Yusuke joked gaining a snicker from the demon.

"I'll show you," Kuwabara yelled at the two, "I'll show both of you."

"Pizza night is canceled I presume," Kurama said to the group of boys.

"Hell yeah, it is," Yusuke said with his hands on his hips, "I want to see what ugly duckling this dumbass managed to catch."

At Kuwabara's apartment

"She's on the way guys," Kuwabara said frantically.

"What are you worried about," Yusuke said, "If she dates you then she can't do any worse."

With that comment, the two boys started to brawl in the living room. Neither of them heard the soft knock on the door. The small demon opened the door to reveal one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen. She was fairly short, shorter than him by a few inches, but curvy. The woman at the door had a skin-tight long white dress, The color went well with her slightly tan skin. The woman's hair was raven black, yet with the sun hit the beautiful tresses of hair there was a hint of blue. She looked up at the demon with her sapphire eyes, eyes full of curiosity and purity.

"Hello, I'm here for Kuwabara," the woman told Hiei taking him out of his slight stupor.

"Kuwabara, your onna is here for you," Hiei said before disappearing into the apartment.

The two men stop fight and Kuwabara and Yusuke rushed to the door. Yusuke couldn't believe his eyes, this angel in front of him was the ugly man's girlfriends.

"Kagome!" Kuwabara exclaimed before giving her a bone-crushing hug and showering her in kisses, earning a giggle.

Bells. That's what her laugh sounded like. Yusuke was so shocked he could barely move.

"I'll be back at around 10, Urameshi," Kuwabara said smugly at the shellshocked male in the doorway.

"Well, I'll be damned," Yusuke said as he watched the odd pair walk away.

How did you like it? I could go back and make changes if needed!