Hello everyone! Welcome back. Now I know it has been a while since the last update. Now I was planning to update earlier, but due to the pandemic, a family emergency, and my laptop's hard drive failing; my drive for writing dived down due to all of that. I know its not much, but that's sadly how's been for me these past three or four months. My heart goes to everyone and their families. Please stay safe in these difficult times. Godspeed everyone.

Anyway onto slightly more cheerful news, we now have the next update to GITM. Now, this chapter will have drama between the rookies and the jonin/sannin, especially with Naruto towards his sensei and two sannin.

Also, check out some of the new stories I plan to post that I have been brainstorming when I was not working on chapters for my current stories. Some will eventually appear here and others may get published before then. Check them out and let me know what you think!

Happy Fathers Day, Everyone! Have a wonderful day and enjoy the chapter!

World 1: RDK Part 2

"Now then you have been led to believe that the Kyuubi suddenly appeared on the night of October 10. No one knew why it came, but it brought devastation and death to your village. That was until the Yondaime Hokage appeared and found a way to defeat and kill the demon fox but at the cost of his own life. That is the story that you all know, right?" Medrick asked at the end of his explanation.

All of the rookies, except Naruto, nodded as that was the story they were told in the academy and by their families. The jonin and sannin all look at one another in concern as they were unsure how the genin and chuunin would take the truth of that night.

Naruto gritted his teeth as he heard Kurama's dark chuckles. 'I wonder how they take the truth, ningen. Let's see how many friends you have left after this.'

'Be quiet!' Naruto roared back mentally, but all he got in response was his tenant chuckling even more in dark amusement.

Medrick sighed as he knew this was gonna be the start of a VERY long talk and possible tangent, but this needed to be said. "However, this story that you have been told all your lives…..is. A. LIE!" Medrick emphasized.

The rookie's eyes widened as for the most part. They knew something was off with what they were told and when they saw the Kyuubi in the projection. Shikamaru's eyes narrowed as there seems to be a major cover-up on the events of the Kyuubi attack. Jiraiya's and Tsunade's reaction proved that much. However, he also noticed that the other jonin were rather tense; meaning they were in on the conspiracy.

The big question in his and nearly every other genin's mind. Where did Naruto fit in all of this?

"Now then I would like that you do not interrupt me until I have said everything I have to say. Are we understood?" Medrick asked in a serious tone. He preferred to get through this without too many interruptions. And he expected to get some interruptions, but he preferred if they were kept to a minimum.

Everyone nodded.

The watcher smiled. "Good. Now 13 years ago, Kushina was going to labor to give birth to her son while her husband, the Yondaime, tried to maintain the seal of the Kyuubi intact."

Medrick raised his hand as he already expected reactions to that tidbit.

"The reason that Kushina had the Kyuubi sealed inside of her was that she was the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi."

He saw their confused looks and elaborated. "Jinchuuriki are people who have one of the nine bijuu sealed within them. They are the village's ultimate weapons and used to keep the others at bay. However, the jinchuuriki are usually mistreated and have a rather depressing childhood as they are despised by their villages and seen as the bijuu itself and not their vessels. This can lead to the jinchuuriki being rather…...unstable. Even if the jinchuuriki were to die, the bijuu will eventually reform as they are constructs of sentient chakra."

Most of the genin's eyes widen in shock and horror. The idea of being forced to live with a bijuu with your entire village hating you for all your life. Who could handle such a harsh burden as carrying a bijuu?

Shikamaru's, Neji's, and Shino's narrowed as they quickly began to piece the truth in their heads.

Naruto flinched from Medrick's harsh, but truthful words about the life of a jinchuuriki. However, he thought of how similar he looked to the Yondaime Hokage and Kushina. She was the jinchuuriki before him and she even had a similar verbal tic to him. A pit began to form in his stomach at where his train of thought was taking him, but he had to immediately stomped it down as he couldn't accept what those thoughts entailed.

Inside the seal, Kurama had to chuckle in dark amusement. It seems that his vessel was figuring out the truth, but he refuses to embrace/accept it. Oh well, once the deity reveals it, he wonders how he would take it. He'll just have to sit and watch for now.

'And they said that the boy was a dope.' Kurama thought cynically. Truly humans were very blind.

"The truth of the matter is that you have all met a jinchuuriki before."

"What when?!" Kiba demanded. How could any of them have missed a jinchuuriki running around?!

"Remember Gaara? He was the jinchuuriki to Shukaku, the one-tailed sand tanuki."

Everyone paled as they damn well remembered the ginger sand shinobi. Hinata, Kiba, and Shino shivered as they remembered his brutality not only to the three rain ninja but also what he did to Lee.

"The reason he was so unstable was due to all the attempts at his life when he was younger and the fact that his seal was faulty, which allowed Shukaku to influence him more and cause him to be even more unstable and be incapable of going to sleep. If he ever did, then Shukaku would be able to take control."

All of the genin/chuunin, except Naruto, paled, as the thought of ever facing a bijuu, regardless of their numbers, was downright terrifying. Lee was thanking every deity he could think of that he did not have to face the bijuu when he faced Gaara. The only one that was calm was Naruto as he already knew this from Gaara and he fought the damn bijuu. If it wasn't for the Chief Toad and the Kyuubi's chakra (as much as he hates to admit it) he would be dead.

The jonin and sannin stayed silent as they were well aware of all these facts. Though most of them did not know the truth about Gaara until after the invasion, which made them all thankful that Gaara never lost control inside of the village during the invasion. That would have been a disaster. They knew that Naruto was the one to stop Gaara, but they decided to keep quiet on the incident unless it was brought up in the projections.

Medrick sighed as he spoke again. "Back on track, Kushina gave birth to a healthy baby boy, it was a time of celebration, but it was sadly cut short." Everyone felt a chill go down their spines.

"A masked man attacked and held the newborn hostage. Minato was able to save the child, but Kushina was abducted. The masked man would later use his Sharingan (cue gasps of surprise and outrage) to take control of Kurama and rip him out of Kushina."

Medrick sighed. " Though Kushina miraculously managed to survive which is an impressive feat in itself," he explained in an impressed/proud tone.

The rookies looked at their host in confusion. "Why is that?" Naruto asked.

Medrick shrugged. "Simply because when one has their bijuu ripped out, they die." he bluntly stated.

All of the teens went pale white. "WHAT?!" all of them shouted in shock/horror. Medrick nodded. "Having your bijuu ripped out is a death sentence. No one has ever survived a forced extraction before this."

Everyone turned to the jonin and sannin as they all nodded in unison. "He's not lying. In all the times that a bijuu has been forcibly extracted, death has followed." Jiraiya explained.

Medrick took over. "So you can imagine the strength that Kushina had to endure childbirth and a forced bijuu extraction and still be alive after all that." All of the kunoichis felt their respect for Kushina rise.

"The masked Uchiha tried to kill Kushina with the fox, but Minato managed to save her at the last minute and take her to be with their child. While this occurred, the masked man unleashed the fox onto the village of Konoha."

The genin and chuunin stood silently as they ingested what they just heard. Everything they had been told all their lives about the Kyuubi and the Yondaime had been fabricated through the use of lies and half-truths. Kyuubi had been in Konoha for more than a decade(The irony being he has been there longer).

"So that's what really happened?" Neji asked. Medrick nodded. "Yes, that's what happened."

"The Kyuubi was being controlled? He never wanted to attack the village?" Naruto said aloud. A few of the jonin and sannin wanted to say something but decided best to keep quiet.

'I would still burn your village for imprisoning me for several decades and using me like I some tool for you ninjas' fucking wars!'

Naruto flinched, and while part of him wanted to shout at the fox, a part of him couldn't help but agree with the fox's words. No one would like being caged up and being told what to do by the jailor. Treating the tenant like a slave. Just like what he had done for Kyuubi.

How many times has the fox helped him when he was in dire situations? And he never showed the fox any gratitude. Sure the Kyuubi was always threatening to kill him and/or take over his body, but all Naruto did was scream at him and treat him like an annoyance. Like a monster. Just like the village did to him.

Naruto frowned at his thoughts. He wondered if this is how all the bijuu felt. Did they feel resentment for the jinchuuriki and the world just like their jailors curse them for the lives they were forced to live? Naruto was cut from his musing when Medrick resumed talking.

"Minato would later fight the masked Uchiha and free the fox from his control. However, the Kyuubi was still rather enraged and continued his onslaught in the village. That was until Minato appeared and teleported the fox out of the village and near his home. Kushina quickly bound the fox in her chakra chains."

Medrick sighed, knowing the bomb he was going to drop will be explosive. "The Yondaime knew they had to seal the fox again, but Kushina was in no condition to have the fox resealed into her. So the two made the heavy choice of sealing it into their son. That son was Naruto."

All of the rookies gasped as their jaws dropped to the floor. The jonin were no different as they all looked like gaping fish. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi clenched their jaws as the secret was out. But they all had the same train of thought. How would Naruto react?

Naruto's reaction was a lot more vocal than the rest. "NO! THAT'S A LIE!" Naruto shouted. Everyone was brought back to reality as turned to Naruto but flinched at what they saw. His eyes were a deep blood red with slits. His teeth and nails had grown sharp. His whisker marks had become more defined and feral looking. The most noticeable change? The tear tracks coming down his cheeks.

"IT CAN'T BE TRUE! HE CAN'T BE FATHER! YOU'RE LYING!" Naruto shouted to the deity as everyone else flinched at the volume of Naruto's voice and the sorrow laced within the shout.

Medrick looked sympathetically to the blonde. "It's not a lie." he calmly replied.


"NARUTO ENOUGH!" Medrick roared as he silenced the blonde and his audience into quiet shock. He sighed as he rose from his chair. He knew this was the reaction he would get. But he couldn't let Naruto go off the rails right now. He needed to get him and the audience to focus because it will only get tougher after this. Especially when he finds out what happened to RDK Naruto and the sins he had committed. He walked over and kneed in front of Naruto as he placed both of his hands on his shoulder.

"I am not lying to you, Naruto." Medrick calmly began. "You know I am telling you the truth. You should have noticed the resemblance you had between yourself with Minato and Kushina. More importantly, I know you were beginning to reach that conclusion but you denied it."

Naruto shook his head as he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "I know this is hard, but you must accept this. You are Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Son of the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki and the third jinchuuriki of Kurama the Kyuubi no Yoko."

Naruto just looked on in shock with the rest of the genin in a similar position. However, one frowned as his face was covered in shadow.

"Asuma-sensei." the chuunin spoke. Asuma twitched as he heard his student calling him. "Shikamaru?"

"Did all of you know that Naruto was the son of the Yondaime and the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki?"

The other jonin looked at one another in concern before Asuma addressed his student again. "We all knew that he was the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, but not about him being the Yondaime's son."

Silence enveloped the room for a solid minute as the other genin had their heads down as well. before Shikamaru spoke again. "Tell me this, how did the village learn he was a jinchuuriki?"

Again the jonin were getting very concerned with their students' reaction, but Asuma pressed on and answered. "Someone had leaked that information and my dad was forced to confirm it. He hoped that the people would see Naruto as a hero, but that was sadly not what happened. The people wanted him executed on the spot, but the Sandaime warned that anyone that tries would be executed and made it an S-rank law that no one could indulge in that Naruto was the jinchuuriki. However, while they couldn't kill him they told all of their families and friends to ignore, shun, and hate Naruto."

The genin turned to the jonin, and they all had to stop themselves from flinching. The genin did not say anything, but their faces told a thousand words a second. They were in disbelief, betrayed, hurt, ashamed, and angered. They were furious at the jonin and sannin. They knew that they and the majority of the leaf village had lost a great deal of respect from their students and it will be some time before they ever regain it again.

"You knew," Naruto spoke quietly, but loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"What?" a few of them asked.

"You three knew who my parents were right? Kakashi? Jiraiya? Tsunade?" Naruto asked with an undertone growl.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at one another. Both knew they could not deny this or Naruto will never trust anything they say ever again. "Yes." the two said in unison.

"And you said….NOTHING TO ME!" Naruto literally screamed at the end as several people flinched.

"Naruto we-" Jiraiya began as Naruto whirled to glare at the two of them as he covered in a crimson orange chakra aura as his features went feral again. Only there were no tears. Just pure anger and it scared all the genin/chuunin in the audience.


"Naruto we couldn't risk that! Your parents had too many enemies! You would-" Tsunade began to protest, but Naruto cut him off.


"Look Naruto I know you're angry but we were going to tell you eventually," Jiraiya replied in a diplomatic tone.

"Is that so?" Medrick asked as the two sannin and Kakashi glared at him.

"Yes, we would have!"

Medrick raised an eyebrow at them, though his mask made it difficult to see. "Really? When exactly would you have told him? When he would return from the training trip you planned? When he turned 17? 18? 21? When he was made chuunin or jonin? When he was married? Or when he was old and dying?"

"When we thought he was ready," Jiraiya replied as Medrick rose to his feet as his eyes glowed red as a dark aura covered his entire body, scaring everyone in the room, even Naruto in his rage-filled state shivered as the sight. Medrick growled as that was the same thing said in numerous worlds in the multiverse and the canon verse as well. And this pissed Medrick more because he was tired of hearing that bullshit excuse!

"And who the hell do you think you are to deny a child something that he has been begging to know since he could speak and understand words. You had no right to deny him that knowledge. You are a disappointment to Minato's and Kushina's memory! Especially you, Tsunade! Not to mention that Hashirama and Mito Uzumaki would be ashamed to even be related to you!"

Tsunade's entire body went rigid until her brain processed what Medrick just said. She glared hotly at the deity. "HOW DARE YOU!" she roared as she lunged at Medrick with her fist cocked back as she channeled the appendage with chakra and launched her fist.


However, all that happened was Medrick catching the fist with his finger. She looked shocked before she glared in anger at the deity. "Don't you dare bring my grandparents into this!"

Medrick snapped his fingers as Tsunade was teleported back to her chair. "I can and will bring it up if it means cracking that thick skull of yours Tsunade! Especially considering your grandmother was also the jinchuuriki to the Kyuubi!"

"WHAT?!" several people exclaimed.

"TSUNADE'S GRANDMOTHER WAS ALSO THE JINCHUURIKI TO THE FOX?!" Naruto shouted in shock as his features had returned to normal.

Medrick nodded. "Yes. Mito Uzumaki was the first jinchuuriki to the Kyuubi. Kushina was the second and Naruto is the third and current one."

Naruto looked shocked before he turned and glared at Tsunade. "And did you plan to tell me that or the fact that we are from the same clan?! Better yet why the hell was the Uzumaki Clan never mentioned in any of the lectures in the academy?!" he demanded.

The rookies frowned at Naruto's words. Why weren't they ever told of the Uzumaki? All of their clans were mentioned in their history classes, especially the Uchiha and the Senju clans. So why was the Uzumaki Clan never mentioned?

"The Sandaime felt it was best to keep that information off the records until he decided Naruto was ready to learn about it," Jiraiya replied.

"And now he ends up dead and keeping his secrets to his grave. How convenient." Medrick scoffed, which earned him glares from the sannin and jonin.

"Don't you dare insult the Sandaime!" They shouted in unison. They turned to their students for support but were shocked to see them all silent. Had they become so distrustful of them and the Sandaime?

None of the rookies were sure what to say as what Medrick said was true. It felt convenient that he said nothing to Naruto before he died.

"You keep on saying that Naruto was too immature or his parents had too many enemies. Those are the excuses you kept giving. Convenient excuses."

He raised one finger. "One Naruto has been alone for nearly all his life and raised himself, of course, he won't be like the others in terms of maturity. And considering the shit he had to live with, he ended as best as could be expected." he raises another finger. "Two, you keep saying enemies on the outside, but you have forgotten that Kushina and Minato had enemies inside the village as well."

Medrick glared at the two sannin "And three you did it because you and the Sandaime were afraid of him!"

"No, we weren't!" the sannin and Kakashi exclaimed in unison.

"YES, YOU WERE!" Medrick exclaimed back. "You were scared that when Naruto found out the truth he would go ballistic and destroy the village! That's why you told him nothing and did not want to! You three were all scared and decided it was best if he knew NOTHING! ADMIT IT!"

The aforementioned ninja stayed silent as they glared at the deity with everyone else watching on in silence. The other jonin were unsure what to think as they understood why they did it, but many couldn't help but agree with Medrick's words that it seemed they just didn't want to risk losing him.

The genin/chuunin were more angered and disgusted by what they were hearing. It was just like Medrick said. All they were hearing were excuses and not legitimate reasons for not telling Naruto everything. Especially since he was told about the fox, but kept it a secret until now. The respect they held for these individuals had greatly dimmed down due to these revelations.

Naruto was still glaring hatefully at them with eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. Hinata was looking rather emotional as she looked at her crush's state, wishing she could do something to help him.

Tenten's respect for Tsunade had gone down greatly as the woman she admired, kept secrets about one of her friends and refused to admit that she was wrong to do so.

Neji was thinking back to what he said to Naruto during their match in the chuunin exams and wanted to punch himself. Naruto understood pain better than anyone here, it was he who did not.

Shino was questioning the logic of not telling Naruto anything and thinking that he would be fine without that knowledge.

Medrick turned to the members of the rookie 12. "Now then I have a question for all of the genin." the aforementioned group turned to their host. "Now that you know Naruto's "dark" secret, what do you think of him?"

Naruto hung his head as he prepared himself to possibly lose all of the friends he's made so far.

"Nothing," Shikamaru replied. Naruto snapped his head up. "What?" he asked.

Shikamaru continued. "Nothing has changed. Naruto is still the same annoying guy we knew. He's our comrade. Nothing more and nothing less. A fox in his gut won't change that."

Shino pushed his shades up. "That's correct. It would be most illogical to confuse Naruto and a giant construct of chakra even if it lives in his gut."

"Naruto's flames of youths still burn brightly!" guess who.

"You're still one of us, Naruto," Ino said.

"Yeah, the same hyper goofball we all know," Kiba said. "Hey!" the blonde protested.

"Naruto." The blonde jinchuuriki turned to his pink-haired teammate. "Sakura-chan."

"We've been through a lot as teammates, so I can say with certainty that you are no demon. You're a teammate and my friend," she said honestly.

Naruto's eyes sparkled to hear that from his longtime crush. "Naruto-kun." a voice spoke. Naruto turned into his indigo haired friend. "Hinata?"

"Despite being the Kyuubi jinchuuriki and the hatred of the village, you never let that get you down. You faced those hardships head-on and never gave up on your beliefs. That is what I admire most about you Naruto. It's your indomitable will that no one can take from you. That's what makes you special. Not being the Kyuubi jinchuuriki or the son of the Yondaime. It's your heart." Hinata passionately said.

Naruto and the others looked at the shy Hyuuga in awe. This was the first time most of them heard her speak so much. For Naruto, this reminded him of his jitters before his match with Neji. He was feeling rather down and unsure that he would win. But Hinata managed to cheer him up and inspire him that he could win this match. And now she found a way to lift his spirits again.

"Hinata, Thank you," he said in a grateful turn. Hinata gave a smile in return. "Always, Naruto-kun."

Naruto then turned to the rest of the rookies. "Thanks, everyone." as they all nodded with smiles/smirks.

Naruto felt a tap on his shoulder and glanced back to see Medrick looking at him. "Feeling better, Naruto?"

Naruto nodded slowly. "Somewhat." he began. "It's still a lot to process, but now I know the truth. My parents never abandoned me. They really loved me. Everything would have been fine if that bastard did not intervene. Though why did I only get half of the fox?" he asked in confusion. Why did his father go through all that trouble to split the fox into two parts?

Medrick shrugged. "Honestly, the only reason you only got half was due to the fact you were just born. If you had been a bit older, you would have gotten the full Kyuubi. Not to mention you would have gotten the fox even if the attack never happened."

Naruto's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why?"

"Simply put, you were the only available Uzumaki. Only someone from your clan can hold the Kyuubi. Not to mention as you developed in your mother's womb, you were exposed to the fox's chakra. That's the reason why you have such high chakra reserves even for Uzumaki standards and why you have those whisker marks. You would have gotten the fox, you just would have been older and had your parents perform the process."

Naruto nodded as that made a lot of sense. He always wondered why he had those whisker marks.

Medrick clapped his hands as he turned his attention to everyone. "Now then everyone, it's time to get back to watching the projections."

Everyone blinked. That's right they were supposed to be watching alternative worlds. "Wow, I kinda forgot about them," Naruto said honestly.

"Me too."

"Same here."

Medrick waved his hands. "Yes. Yes. Now everyone get to your seats."

Once everyone was back in their seats, Medrick spoke again. "Now I want to warn you all that this chapter may reveal some dark information that you all may not like to hear."

Everyone got rather nervous at Medrick's tone. "What do you mean exactly?"

*SNAP!* Medrick snapped his fingers as buckets appeared near each ninja. One for each of them. "What are these for?" Naruto asked.

"Call it Insurance. Naruto, be prepared because you may not like how Acnologia reacts. In fact, you might actually hate it." Medrick warned.

Naruto gulped before nodding. Everyone became rather tense as they were unsure what to expect next.

Medrick sat down. "Now then let us continue."

Naruto held onto Hinata for what seemed like hours, but he didn't mind at all. He wanted to let the girl vent out all her pent up emotions for him. Plus, he enjoyed the warmth coming off of her; it was really intoxicating.

Both Hinata and Naruto blushed at Acnologia's thoughts. They had kinda forgotten that their alternative selves were a couple. This made things rather embarrassing. Even worse when they heard all the cooing and chuckles from everyone around them.

It was like sitting next to a huge fireplace. It was warm and comforting. It was really an amazing feeling. And her scent. Kami, her scent was something else! It reminded him of lavender mixed with honey. The two were melded together so perfectly that his nose felt like it was in paradise.

If Hinata and Naruto were blushing before, now they had gone completely red in the face. Naruto was red due to embarrassment at his other self's words. Hinata was embarrassed/happy that Acnologia hugged his Hinata and wondered if her Naruto would feel similarly someday.

Naruto flinched when he felt glares directed towards him. He slowly turned to see Kurenai and Neji glaring down at him coldly. He quickly turned around to look back at the projections.


Seriously, how more desirable could this girl get for him?! She was perfect in every sense of the world. Beautiful inside and out, strong-willed, and without a hint of malice to her unless you're her enemy. She was a goddess, plain and simple. Just like Anna and Irene were his goddesses, once upon a time. Returning from his daydreams, he looks down to see that the girl's crying had diminished to soft sobbing, but he can hear her say something, but it was too muffled to understand a word.

Literal steam was coming out of Hinata's head. 'A goddess?! Acnologia thinks of his Hinata as a goddess.'

Naruto was steaming at the idea of Hinata being his goddess. 'I wonder who Anna and Irene are, and what was their relationship with his other self.'

"Oh, Naruto. I didn't think you could be romantic like that Naruto."

"S-Shut up, Ino." Naruto stuttered out.

Looking at the other occupants, he sees Kurama watching the scene with an amused expression on his face. Naruto had to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He hadn't changed at all. He was still the same smug, sneaky bastard he remembered.

Naruto blinked. Why did the other Kyuubi seem so happy to see Acnologia again? Were they...actually friends in that world.

'...' Kurama stayed silent in the seal as he watched the projection with interest.

He turned to the other two occupants and saw his parents watching the scene in shock. His mother was shaking while covering her mouth with her hands, while his father was just too shocked to say or do anything.

"So he does know, but it doesn't sound like he's attached to them," Naruto said out loud.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Kakashi looked at one another in concern.

He decided he needed to address the other occupants, so he looked down at the girl before cupping her face with his hands and bringing it up, so she was looking right at Naruto. The two stare at one another for some time, before he spoke.


"Yes, Naruto-kun?" she asked softly.

"While this reunion is heartwarming and very welcomed, we need to figure out how we came here." Hinata nodded.

Naruto used his thumbs to wipe the last of the tears in her eyes before walking toward the other three with Hinata close behind. Naruto walks towards the other occupants at a leisurely pace.

"Awwwwwww." several of the girls and guys cooed at the scene.

Hinata looked very close to fainting. Naruto hid his face in his hands. 'Someone end this, please!' he mentally begged. Sadly no one answered his pleas.

Meanwhile, Minato and Kushina were a nervous wreck. They had no idea how they came here. One minute they were in the afterlife, and then there was a flash of light and they were here in this white void with Hinata and the Kyuubi. They were about to accuse the Kyuubi of being the cause, but Hinata quickly diffused the potential fight that was about to erupt between the two sides as she quickly explained that the Kyuubi had nothing to do with them being teleported here.

Then the black dragon suddenly appears, and the pair finds out that it's their son! HOW?! How did their son become a dragon?! The better question is what happened to him and what's his relationship with Hinata? Not to mention, why did they feel like their son hated them? That left a cold pit in their stomachs at the thought. Just what happened to their son?

"A lot, apparently," Shikamaru muttered with everyone that heard him nodding in agreement.

As the aforementioned boy...no man approached, they wondered what he would say or do to them. Will he hug or attack them? However, Naruto did neither of the two. Naruto just walks right past them and not even acknowledging them and continues until he is right below the Kyuubi.

Everyone flinched at Acnologia ignoring his parents. "Damn, that's cold," Kiba remarked. The two sannin and Kakashi narrowed their eyes.

"It's good to see you, Kurama. It has been a very long time." Kurama smiles. "Yes, I guess for you it has been a long time. For me, it's been eight to nine years. Still, I'm glad to see your ugly mug again, kit."

"Kit?" Naruto blinked in confusion.

"Aren't those baby foxes or something?" Shikamaru asked aloud. Kiba nodded in confirmation.

"Guess Acnologia is close to his Kyuubi," Naruto remarked.

'Hmph.' Kurama stayed silent as he continued to watch.

"I see death has not changed your smart mouth, you baka-kitsune. But I still missed you."

Kurama snorted. "Please, compared to your vixen, our reunion isn't that great. Oh by the way, how did your vixen feel? You got an up-close experience with her 'assets'. How was it?"

Most of the genin blushed at the Kyuubi's question while the jonin and sannin watched with wide eyes. No one ever expected THE KYUUBI of all beings to say something like that. Anko was just grinning ear to ear, while Kurenai looked furious.

Hinata was blushing madly at the question that the Kyuubi asked Naruto. Naruto's answer just made it worse.

"They were soft, warm, and comforting. Overall best feeling I've had in a LONG time." Hinata was by this point reaching atomic levels of red before covering her face with her hands as steam blew out of her head.


"Ow! What the hell Sakura?!" Naruto exclaimed in annoyance.

Sakura glared at him. "That's for being a pervert, Naruto!"

Naruto looked incredulous at her. "What the actual fuck?! In case you've forgotten that was the other me!"

"Easy Nai-chan, our Naruto had nothing to do with the other one. Not to mention. Those two seem to be a couple in that world." Anko soothed her long time friend.

"He's still a pervert." Kurenai huffed.

Kurama snorted before he began laughing like a maniac. His laughter echoing throughout the void.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA. Aw man, I really do miss these conversations with your kit. You always made them entertaining. Never a dull moment with you."

Naruto smirked, "I wouldn't be me if I wasn't unpredictable."

"Huh. I really am close to the fox in this world." Naruto commented.

'I can't wait till we get to Neo Uzu. Oh, that's going to be fun.' Medrick thought in amusement. For some reason, both Naruto and Kurama felt a chill go down their spines, but they did not know why.

Kurama then shifted to a serious expression before looking at Minato and Kushina, then looking back down at Naruto.

"Aside from the fun and games, Naruto. I think you have to settle some things and this is as good as time as any."

Naruto sighed. He knew he was right. He couldn't avoid this, no matter how much he wanted to. It was time to bury this part of his past for good. He nodded before turning around and walking to the two sources of his past. His parents.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Naruto said.

"So do we." nearly everyone else replied.

The same ones that decided it was a smart idea to seal the Kurama in him and leave him with the most irresponsible adults to watch over him, and a village that wanted his blood. Blood that they kept trying to take for nearly thirteen years. Many times they nearly succeeded, but Kurama healed him from his near-death beatings.

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted in shock and horror. Medrick sighed. Here we go.

"Naruto...were you beat by the villagers?" Tsunade asked slowly while keeping her anger in check. If the villagers think they could get away with beating a child, they would be reminded of who they're messing with.

Naruto flinched as he felt the undertone anger coming from Tsunade. "No, they never went that far. The worst I ever got was some stuff thrown at me and my house getting vandalized once or twice. It never got that bad."

Tsunade and Jiraiya made a mental note to find out who vandalized his home and give them the appropriate punishment. Everyone turned when they heard when they saw their host sigh.

"Sadly Naruto, your life in the multiverse can be seen as a pendulum. One side represents a good, happy childhood and the other is the bad one. Sadly Acnologia is on the near end of the bad spectrum." Medrick explained before giving his audience a grave look.

"And it will only get worse," he warned. Everyone gulped as turned back as the projection.

Then there was also the Sandaime Hokage, who did jack shit when it came to helping him. All he did was send the mobs that hunted him to I&T, but they always got out and came right back to hunting him. All because the useless old man could do nothing against the civilian and shinobi councils. The clan heads were also just as useless. Don't even get him started on Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade. The less said, the better. He stops his train of thought as he was about a meter away from them before standing still.

He continues to look at them with the blankest expression any human being or dragon could produce. He almost looked like a statue, which worried Minato and Kushina even more.

Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade flinched and wondered how badly did their alternative selves screw up with RDK Naruto.

"That's an unnerving look to see on Naruto's face," Ino said.

"I never thought Naruto could ever make a face like that," Choji replied.

"You won't hear any argument from me," Naruto remarked to the two.

"Hello, Minato, Kushina. You look healthy for two dead people." The aforementioned duo flinched at the dull, bland tone in their son's voice.

Everyone flinched at RDK Naruto's tone. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Kakashi were getting concerned with the other Naruto's tone towards his parents.

Minato gulped before looking at Naruto's blank, cold eyes.

"N-Naruto, do you know who we are?"

"How would I not know the great Yondaime Hokage? The great slayer of the Kyuubi and the savior of Konoha. Then we have his wife, Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze. You are like gods to the people of Konoha. Why wouldn't I know who you are?" Naruto spoke blankly.

"Naruto I meant-"

"I know what you meant, Yondaime." Naruto cuts him off before he continues.

"So, you know?"

"That you are the parents that ruined my life and left me for dead in Konoha. Yes, I know exactly who you two are." The two flinched at his cold tone, but they were confused by what he said.

"Oh, that's not a good sign," Anko said as they could all feel the tension rising.

"Red flag alert?" Naruto asked.

"I am pretty sure we're at crimson by now," Ino replied.

"Definitely crimson," Shikamaru confirmed.

"Naruto, what do you mean we ruined your life? I mean I know having the Kyuubi in you may have been bad, but you had Sarutobi, Kakashi, Jiraiya, who we named as your godfather, and the good people of Konoha to look after you." Minato smiled wondering what he learned from everyone.

"Don't forget about Tsunade-ttebane," Kushina exclaims.

"Oh shit." nearly everyone said aloud.

"And now this shit storm is about to begin to pour down," Medrick replied quietly.

"WHAT?!" Naruto exclaimed as he turned to Jiraiya in anger. "YOU'RE MY GODFATHER?!"

Jiraiya stayed silent as Medrick decided to answer. "Yes, he is. You see when Minato and Kushina were deciding your name, they chose the name of the main character of the first book that Jiraiya published. Isn't that right Jiraiya?"

The toad sage glared at the deity before looking back at his student. "Yes."


"NARUTO! That's enough-" Tsunade began before Naruto rounded to her and pointed at her with a vicious glare.

"STAY OUT OF THIS TSUNADE! THIS IS BETWEEN HIM AND ME!" Tsunade was stunned as Naruto NEVER spoke to her like that. "WELL, I AM WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!" Naruto demanded from his now revealed godfather.

"Look I couldn't look after you alright! I had my spy network to look after and there was also the Akatsuki and Orochimaru to keep track of."


"I know it's now what you want to hear but-"

"But what Jiraiya?" Medrick asked. Jiraiya glared at him. "Stay out of this!" Medrick tilted his head in confusion. "Excuse me? What have I done wrong? I am merely stating the truth and facts."

"Truths he did not need to learn yet."

"THAT WAS NOT YOUR DECISION TO MAKE! YOU ABANDONED ME!" Naruto roared. Jiraiya flinched at Naruto's accusation. "That's not true! I provided for you! Who do you think paid for all your expenses to get you into the academy and that apartment?!"

Naruto scoffed. "That hardly replaces actually raising him, Jiraiya," Medrick said.

"Stay out of this!" Jiraiya shouted at the god.

Medrick felt a vein pop on his forehead from annoyance. "No, I won't. I am going to make up for the fact that you screwed up, whether you like it or not."

"First off, while your job did make it difficult, you could have found workarounds. You could have sent him letters through your messenger toads. At least then he would know of your existence and have a beginning relationship with the toads. He could have learned to better control his chakra, learned useful jutsus, and learned about fuinjutsu from books you could have sent him. But no you took the easy way out."

"EASY?!" Jiraiya exploded. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HOW I FELT?!"

"I know you abandoned Naruto and only came back when Orochimaru was involved. Yet all you've so far taught him was summoning and the rasengan. And I use the term teach, very loosely." Medrick explained.

"What are you trying to say?!"

The watcher shrugged. "You're a lousy teacher."

"I am NOT! I taught Minato!"

Medrick facepalmed and sighed as he dragged his hand down. "And that is your issue right there. Naruto is NOT Minato. He is Minato's son, something you and the rest can not seem to get when you teach him the same way you taught Minato. That won't work for Naruto, especially since besides Iruka he did not have anyone that gave a damn to try to help him, but he could not care about getting help by that point."

"He is not a child. He should just act like a shinobi! Not someone that needs to hold his hand all of the damn time."

"And that is why you failed not only as a godfather but as a teacher as well. A godfather is supposed to guide and raise the child under their protection. Not leave them to their own devices and tell them to act like an adult. A good teacher could tell you that's one of the worst ways to teach a student. That is straight up, neglect!"

"You're not the one to decide that!"

Medrick sighed as nothing he says will get through to him right now. "Let's get back to the viewing."

However, their cheerful mood drops when they feel an immense KI aimed at them. They look to see Naruto glaring venomously at them. The whites of his eyes glowed, giving him a very eerie look. Kurama and Hinata flinched knowing the bomb those two set off. Naruto continued to glare for a good while before he spoke in a cold whisper.

"Not that bad? Looked after? Good people of Konoha?" His voice was growing much angrier and louder.

"You stupid, naive, idealistic, IDIOTS!" At this point, his voice was raised higher. He was now screaming at them.

Everyone flinched. "Ouch."

"And here comes the rage-filled rant." Medrick proclaimed.

"Oh boy." everyone said.




Everyone looked as white as a ghost. "WHAT?!" Everyone screamed in horror.

Naruto looked between palling more or turning green at the sick thoughts of what the villagers did to RDK Naruto. "I was….He was…." he could not complete any coherent thought at what he had just heard.

Medrick nodded slowly. "Yeah. Remember what I said about your life being a pendulum, he was on the shitter end of the stick."

"So they tried multiple times to kill him?" Naruto gulped as he tried to finish his words, "They…... They tortured…...and raped him?"

Medrick nodded slowly. "Sadly yes."

"How could they….." Hinata whispered slowly as she began to shake. But in shock or fear. But in anger.

"H-Hinata?" Neji asked in concern for his cousin.

"Those ungrateful hypocritical sons of bitches!" Hinata exclaimed in anger, which shocked everyone as they never expected her to cuss or even yell like that.

"Hinata!" Kurenai tried to scold her for her language, but Hinata rounded to glare at her sensei with the Byakugan active. "Be silent, Kurenai!" the genjutsu jonin flinched back as she never thought Hinata would talk to her like that.

"They all should have been killed by the Kyuubi and burn the rest of the village if they were all okay in allowing something like that to happen to someone as innocent as a child! If you can't agree then you're different from them!"

"Hinata," Kurenai said sadly as she was hurt by her student's words. Most of the others agreed with her words but still too in shock to comment.

"How many?" Naruto finally asked as he looked to Medrick.

"Excuse me?" he asked, though he had an idea of what Naruto was about to ask.

"How many worlds have you seen where….THAT...has happened to me?"

Medrick looked up as he thought about his answer before looking back at Naruto. "I have observed many worlds. There have been a few worlds that have suffered like RDK Naruto. One eventually became a half-demon and wanted nothing to do with the village as he left it. Another one was violated by a member of the council to see if they could create a super-soldier. The other one was a victim of a serial rapist. There have been many others where those close to you have suffered that fate. There are many others you lose those loved ones because of it."

Everyone stayed silent as they digested what they heard. This was not a one-time occurrence. It happened multiple times throughout the multiverse. Which meant they may see these events again. The thought alone pushed the bile up their throats as their faces paled. They commanded themselves to push it back down, though.

"Let's keep going," Tsunade suggested, which no one disagreed with.

By the end of his rant, Naruto was panting so heavily that he was wheezing. He had been keeping all his hatred bottled up for a LONG time, and hearing that garbage from their mouths finally set him off and he just let it all go. Still, it felt good to release all his pent up rage. Plus, he took a sadistic pleasure in breaking their naive, perfect views of their beloved village. He was a very fucked up individual, that's for sure.

Now if they didn't believe him, he'll just kill them and find his way out of here with Hinata's and Kurama's help. Though could he kill them, since they were spirits? Maybe his magic can test out that theory. Taking souls from the living is one thing, but he's never tried it against the dead. He is cut from his train of thought when he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks over it and sees Hinata looking at him in concern. He gives her a nod to confirm that he was fine.

"Wait, he can kill spirits/ghosts?! How?!" Naruto asked. He was terrified of ever facing a ghost. To hear that a solution made him feel like he found buried treasure.

"It's something he picked up from a certain dragon. You will learn about her at a later time."

"Yo...e ...y….ng." A voice softly says. Naruto and Kurama with their heightened hearing picked it up immediately. Naruto sighed in annoyance before looking at the two and saw both their heads down, their bodies shaking. "Excuse me? You wanna repeat what you just said, human?" Naruto growled out to his human father.

Minato looks up. "You're lying! There's no way that happened to you! Konoha is one of the best villages in the Elemental Nations! Konoha would not do those things to you!" Minato yelled in denial. Kushina looked like someone whose world had been completely crushed and hoped everything she heard was a lie.

That couldn't be true. The people of Konoha loved him and his wife, surely they would love their son as well! Surely they would see Naruto as their savior and protector and not the fox sealed within him. And even if they didn't, the Sandaime, Jiraiya, and Kakashi would have watched over him. They promised that the boy would live to have a happy childhood and become a great ninja. The people they trusted and risked their lives for, wouldn't turn their backs on them and their son so easily, RIGHT?!

Everyone flinched at Minato's outburst, many had never seen the Yondaime so emotional before. Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Kakashi flinched the hardest at Minato's outburst and his rant about them.

They knew deep down that they failed Minato and Kushina. They could have taken better care of Naruto, but they kept their distance until much later in his life. That was NOT what Minato and Kushina desired, but it was what they decided was the best option that the Sandaime proposed. They agreed with it, but now they are seeing the repercussions of their actions to not only Naruto but also to Minato and Kushina.

Naruto palmed his face with both hands as he was trembling in rage. He slowly takes his hands off, as his parents took several steps back in fear as Hinata and Kurama got very worried. Naruto's eyes were completely white and brightly shining with a pale glow.

Everyone flinched at RDK Naruto's glare and the oppressive aura they were feeling emitting from him. It was like nothing they had ever felt before.

Sakura was shivering. Even Orochimaru did emit such a potent amount of KI when her team confronted the traitorous snake sannin in the Forest of Death.

The jonin and sannin flinched as they had experienced KI before, but they shivered from Acnologia's KI. The genin were shivering as they were not used to feeling such an oppressive force. Kiba was shaking like he was freezing and Akamaru had fainted after spilling his bowls. Hinata and several others were hyperventilating from the KI.

Naruto was pale as his breath became erratic. He had felt plenty of times before. The villagers, Zabuza, Orochimaru, The Kyuubi, Gaara, etc. But right, none have shit on the malevolent KI being released by Acnologia. It resembled the KI he felt from the Kyuubi. The same rage and anger. But it was different. It felt much more focused.

However, before anyone could react Naruto appeared in front of them looking at the two with a malicious smirk. A smirk that promised pain and suffering. Without a second to react, Naruto slammed a swift uppercut into Minato's gut. The air left the Yondaime's lungs as he felt his muscles and organs twist due to the sheer force of the punch.

Everyone flinches at the blow.

"That's gonna leave a mark," Kiba said.

"Yup." everyone said.

Naruto's smile widens as he hears the sounds of muscles and organs being twisted and squeezed to the brink of being ripped apart. It was music to the dragon king's ears. And OH BOY! Doing it to his human father (Naruto using the term very loosely) made it all the more enjoyable.

Naruto flinches at Acnologia's sadistic pleasure at hitting his….their father. Sure he always thought of slugging the Yondaime in the face, chest, or maybe even a blow to the nuts. But not enjoy it this much.

Minato coughed out blood and spit as he flew back a few feet. He began coughing profusely as he held his stomach in pain. However, Minato had little time to contemplate his injuries as Naruto appeared right in front of him. Kushina lunged forward to try and stop Naruto, but the blonde king merely disappeared in a blur before hoisting her into the air through a vicious vice grip to the throat.

"Kushina." Minato croaked. Naruto smirked as he viciously slammed her into the ground as Kushina grunted in pain. Minato tried to get up, but one swift kick from his son sent him back to the ground. Minato grunted in pain as he and Kushina looked up to see their son going through several hand gestures that resembled hand signs. Suddenly a seal appeared in each of their abdomens.

"What did he just do?" Naruto asked in confusion. He does not recognize what his other self had done. The other genin were just as confused, though Shikamaru looked like he had an idea.

The jonin were all staring at the projection in shock. "Did that other Naruto perform a fuinjutsu?!" Tsunade asked.

Jiraiya nodded. "I think he did!"

Minato and Kusina began panicking as they couldn't feel their chakra anymore. Hell, they couldn't move a muscle. What was happening?!

"What have you done to us?!" Minato coughed out. Naruto smirked. "I just added a seal that seals away your chakra and makes you immobile. Making sure you can't run away." Naruto explained as he lifted Minato by the collar of his shirt.

Everyone stared at the projection in shock and amazement. "Holy shit." Naruto summed up everyone's thoughts.

"To seal a person's chakra and their movements…." Kakashi began.

"And to perform the seals that intricate and so quickly…" Shizune continued.

"Would mean he would have to be a sealing master." Tsunade finished.

Jiraiya shook his head. "No. Not a master. More like a grandmaster. Perhaps even higher. His skills easily beat mine and he outclasses both Minato and Kushina as well."

Everyone turned to the toad sage in shock. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

Jiraiya turned to all of them. "Very."

"Woah." everyone muttered in awe. "He's amazing," Naruto said. "Scary, but amazing."

Minato was panicking and was about to say something, but a harsh punch in the gut made him choke on his words.

"No more talking. Now take your beatings like a man!" Naruto sneered as he reared his arm back and….





Naruto punches Minato again and again. He could hear his ribs shattering and his organs taking damage. His face was getting more bloody and broken. He coughed blobs of blood as he was continuously pummeled.

Everyone flinched as they watched in horror as the Yondaime was being beaten to a pulp.

"STOP THAT!" Jiraiya and Kakashi shouted in unison as they could not bear to see their student/mentor get beaten like this. And by his son, no less?!

Naruto was as white as a ghost as he gulped down the bile he felt rising. Sure he was angry, but this was taking it too far. Even for him. Kurama was chuckling as he cheered for Acnologia to continue beating the Yondaime.

Kushina watched in horror as her son beat her husband viciously. Naruto finally paused as he saw the bloody mess that the Yondaime was in. He decided it was time to finish this up. He threw the beaten Yondaime to the side as he landed next to his wife. Kushina started asking if he was right, but all Minato could do was groan.

Anything Kushina was going to say was cut off as Naruto appeared right in front of them. He raised his arm as his magical energy poured into his palm as it formed into a very familiar sphere. The rasengan. However, Naruto continued to pour his mana into the sphere as it grew until it was the size of a ten-foot sized beach ball.

"Naruto...please!" Kushina pleaded, but Naruto just gave her a dull look. "Farewell, Kushina Uzumaki. Minato Namikaze. Go back to the afterlife knowing that you failed your son."

"NO STOP!" Naruto shouted as he couldn't take it anymore.

"DON'T DO IT!" Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Kakashi exclaimed in unison.

Naruto was about to launch the rasengan but a hand suddenly stopped him. Naruto growled in annoyance as he turned to see who stopped him. His glare vanished as he blankly looked back at the lavender eyes of Hinata.

Everyone sighed in relief as the beating stopped. "Oh, thank god," Jiraiya said.

"This is gonna be good," Anko remarked.

"Why?" was all he asked. Hinata frowned sadly as she continued to look at her crush/lover/husband. She gave a glance to Kushina and Minato, and her frown deepened as she saw the petrified looks on their faces. She quickly turned back to Naruto's blank stare.

"I have never seen Minato or Kushina ever look so scared in my life," Jiraiya commented.

"Yeah well, they nearly just got killed by their son," Kakashi replied.

"Thank kami, Hinata was there to stop them," Tsunade said in relief.

"Guess that's the power of being the gaki's girlfriend." Naruto and Hinata both blushed a bit at the reminder.

"That's enough. Don't do this." Hinata finally said. Naruto's stare became fierce, but before he could say anything, Hinata continued.

"Naruto..." she began slowly. "I understand you are angry. I get it. Kurama gets it. You've bottled up all your anger and hatred for Konoha and your parents for so long, and I can tell you have been through much in this world. And after hearing what your parents said, you finally just snapped and vented it out on them. I understand, Naruto. But I can't allow you to continue. I will not allow you to get consumed by your anger and hatred and make a mistake that you will regret."

The Kyuubi growled softly from within the seal. The words of that older Hyuuga girl. They reminded him of his father. He always told him and his siblings to never be consumed by the hatred of humanity. Sadly they had let down the old man throughout the millennium as they waited for the one that he spoke about.

Naruto was about to speak, but Hinata cut him off. "No, I am not done, so you will listen to me, Naruto. Right now we have bigger things to worry about. Such as figuring out who brought us here. So I need you to calm yourself down and not let your anger consume you. This is not you. You are not the masked Uchiha and you are nothing like Sasuke. So prove that right now that you are not an Uchiha and just cooperate with them until this matter is settled. You don't have to like or forgive them. I can't ask you to do that nor can I force you to. But you promised that we would work together to find out who brought us here. So can you settle down or are we going to be stuck like this until you do? Because I will if I have to."

Everyone whistled in an impressed tone. "Well damn. There's at least one positive, Hinata grew one hell of a backbone." Ino said.

"Uh-huh." everyone replied. Hinata blushed red at the praise.

"She's amazing," Naruto said out loud. Hinata blushed even more as she looked at her crush. "Y-Y-Y-You really think so?" she asked him.

Naruto blushed a bit as he did not realize he said it out loud. "Y-Y-Yeah of course."

Naruto was torn between growling in anger or laughing in amusement. Hinata had truly changed since the last time he saw her, which made her all the more desirable to take at the moment.

The aforementioned duo blushed crimson from Acnologia's thoughts. Their snickering friends did not help at all.

The only time she ever remotely talked like she did now was during their time together. While brief, it was one of the best times of his life. He wanted to argue, but deep down he knew she was right. Despite hating his parents, killing them will get him nowhere. They needed to work together to figure out how they got here.

He sighed before dispelling the rasengan as his eyes went back to normal. The others sighed in relief, though Minato and Kushina were more noticeable. The two flinched as they saw Naruto staring at them.

Naruto flinched at seeing the terrified looks that his alternative parents were giving his other-self.

He still thinks his other self went too far, though considering what he has gone through; he can understand why he was so angry. And if what the other Hinata said was true, he had not released that pent up rage in a long time. But still there had to be other ways to vent besides trying to kill your birth parents.

The three stayed in a deafening silence until Naruto raised his arm, which caused the two to flinch until he flicked his wrists as the seals on their bodies disappeared. Naruto flicked his arm once more as Minato's body glowed as all the injuries he sustained disappeared. The two stood up as they looked up at Naruto in confusion.

"Wow. He actually healed them." Tenten said.

"Guess he can cooperate with them," Shikamaru replied.

"Especially if his wife asks him too." Ino teased, much to Naruto's and Hinata's embarrassment.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I did it because if we want to find out who brought us here, we need to be in tip-top shape, and have you beaten and bloody, while amusing for me, would be nothing but a hindrance." the two flinched but nodded. Naruto turned to Hinata who gave him a proud smile.

"Awwwww. How cute." Ino gushed.

"Please stop, Ino." Naruto groaned.

"Now Naruto, who do you know that would be capable of summoning the five of us here?" she asked.

"Perhaps we can answer that question, young lady." a voice stated.

The occupants turned their heads to the source of the voice and were shocked at who the origin of the voice was.

"Oh great now what?" Naruto groaned. What else could happen now?!

"Looks like we are having new guests arriving," Shikamaru said.

"Does it sound like anyone familiar?" Neji asked, but everyone shook their heads.

"Then it must be someone from Earthland."

Everyone shrugged. "Best guess."

Two figures approached them. Both of these beings were equal in size to Kurama, and were dragons like Naruto was when he first appeared in the white void.

The first one had aqua-marine scales covering the top half of his body, while his lower body was covered in gray scales. His wings were bat-like just like the typical depiction of a dragon and colored aqua like his skin. His eyes were a very light blue that matched the sky on a bright summer day. He had a white flowing bear tied with a golden band going down his chin, and had four horns on his head; two horns on the top of his head and two on his side that was golden at the tips and extended outwards and inwards respectively. A white unibrow covered his forehead and went up to his hair. He had two golden plates on his shoulders that connected at the front of his body with a chain. At the end of the chain was a large, blue jewel. Past the plates was a long, dark blue cloak that reached the end of his tail that had two golden bands like his beard. He also had two brown packs on both of his sides that were filled with books and scrolls.

"Wow." everyone said.

"He looks so old," Naruto said.

"He reminds me of the Sandaime. In terms of age." Kiba said.

"Let's hope he's more honest than him as well." most of the genin muttered in unison.

That dragon surprised Naruto, but it was the second that surprised him the most and made him feel something he has not felt in a LONG time. Fear.

Everyone, including Kurama, blinked in confusion. "Excuse me?" Naruto asked aloud.

"Fear? What the hell could scare that version of the brat." Anko said. This version of Naruto eradicated an entire country of all sentient life. What in the nine levels of hell could scare him?

"Must be someone he knows pretty well." Kurenai guessed.

"Let's find out," Jiraiya said.

The second occupant was a completely black dragon, similar to Naruto's form, but his underbelly was a much darker shade of grey. He had four fingers for his claws and talons. His wings were also bat-like in design and had black transparent skin on them. He had two horns on his head and four on his chin. He had amber eyes with black horizontal slits. He also had bone-like horns that started on his head and then went down his spine to the end of his tail that was in the shape of an ax. The most noticeable attire on this dragon was the silver necklace around his neck that seemed to have an indentation in the center for some kind of jewel.

"He looks really cool," Naruto said.

"I wonder what their history is," Lee asked.

"Something tells me we're about to find out," Tenten remarked.

"You will learn soon enough," Medrick replied.

Naruto was shaking at who was in front of him. Hinata looked at him in concern at how afraid he seems right now. She taps him on the cheek with her hand which snaps him out of his trance for him to look at her in fear, which worries her even more.

"Naruto-kun what's wrong? You look so shocked and scared. Please, tell me." Hinata pleaded. Naruto remained quiet, but a cough from the dragons got their attention.

"That's what we want to know," Ino said.

"I believe we may answer why young Naruto is feeling so anxious in front of us." The blue one said with a smile. Hinata looked at them in worry, while Kurama looked ready to fight if necessary. The blue ones' smiles increased when the girl asked who they were.

"You see young Hinata, I am known as The Chronicler, one of the elder dragons. I am the watcher for all dragon kind. I have recorded the history of the dragons since its infancy to its present state. My fellow draconian is Thoron. The Dragon of Energy, The Sixth Dragon King, and Naruto's or should I say Acnologia's predecessor and surrogate father. The same father he killed with his own hands."

"WHAT?!" everyone shouted in shock. The other Naruto killed his father. Well, that explains his reaction, but not why he would do such a thing.

"HE KILLED HIS OWN FOSTER FATHER?! WHY DID HE DO THAT?!" Naruto exclaimed. Just what the hell is up with his other-self. He destroys an entire country, nearly wipes his entire race, laments about the slaughters, nearly kills his birth parents, and he finds out that he killed his surrogate father. Seriously he was not used to feeling so many different emotions about a person. Especially when that person is another version of himself.

"That will be answered in the next recording. So I would give you a small recess to go to the bathroom and stretch your legs." Medrick explained.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I promise to make sure updates are more regular than before, but with the country is right now; it still has me a bit anxious about everything. I promise to at least attempt to more regular with new chapters.