Gizzard Wastelands, 3 days before the Tenka'ichi Budōkai

The full moon hung low in the night sky as the tranquil calm of this barren region of the world was disturbed by a titanic clash of two giant monkeys. Any bystander would mistake this as a scene from a monster movie, but this was not the case. The two Oozaru let loose a volley of strikes, the receiving end blocking, parrying, and dodging as much as they could. A keen eye would tell that these attacks were calculated and thought out, and not rampant and unfocused. With a large leap back, the two beasts brought distance between each other and bowed.

"I think we should call it thare, wouldn't you say, Gokū?" One Oozaru spoke in a deep voice and grin.

"Yep!" The other responded with glee. "And just in time, too. The moon's about to set."

As if on command, the full moon disappeared over the horizon, and the two giant primates began to shrink down to their original states. Gokū and Caulifla soon looked for their own designated mesa and found what they were looking for. They got dressed and met back in the center of the recently crushed rubble.

"Phew!" Gokū sighed as he wiped some sweat from his brow. "You almost had me there a few times."

"Oh please," Caulifla playfully slugged her friend's arm. "You weren't the only one on the ropes."

"I guess Saiyans are quick to adapt," Gokū shrugged as he picked up the shredded pieces of clothing from the earlier transformation.

Saiyans. That was what Gokū remembered he was. A warrior race hailing from another planet. He questioned at one point whether or not he should tell his friends about his heritage, but Caulifla quickly shot the idea down. If she could not handle the realization of where she came from, there was no telling how their friends would react.

"Hey Gokū," Caulifla said, realizing something. "The Budokai is 3 days away, right?"

"Oh right!" Gokū exclaimed upon hearing that realization. "You wanna run to the coast and swim there?"

"Actually, let's try our newest means of getting there," Caulifla suggested with a smirk. "We need practice with it anyways."

"Good call."

The two nodded, and as if by magic, the two Saiyan castaways began to float as if gravity meant nothing to them, and headed towards Papaya Island to where the competition will be held.

Open Ocean, Bulma's Personal Capsule Shuttle

Three years had passed since the 21st Tenka'ichi Budokai. During those three years, martial artists from around the world have trained for an opportunity to be crowned the strongest under the heavens. Gathered in the large freight shuttle custom-designed by Bulma herself were the woman in question, Lunch, who was piloting the craft, Yamcha, his eternal partner-in-crime, Pu'ar, Oolong, who was pigging out - pun intended - on several bags of peanuts, Muten Rōshi, Kuririn, Checka, and Gebo. Everyone was wearing relatively formal clothing for the trip, despite it being on Bulma's own plane. Suddenly, a static click came on over the loudspeaker.

"This is your allergetic captain speaking," Lunch announced over the loudspeaker, her voice making it difficult to discern which state she was in. "We will be beginning our final descent to Durian Airport on Papaya Island. Please put your tray tables in their upright position, fasten your seatbelts, and tell Oolong to stop stuffing his face before he chokes on a cluster of salted legumes!"

Immediately the shapeshifting pig coughed and sputtered violently in reaction to being called out, earning a laugh from most of the passengers.

"Very funny…" Oolong grumbled as he took a napkin to wipe his face of crumbs.

"Three years of training for the Tenka'ichi Budokai," Yamcha sighed, eager to test the fruits of his training.

"Don't forget I'll be there also,~" Kuririn cheekily added.

"Yeah, to be used as the mop for the arena," Yamcha playfully jeered in response.

"I'd hate to burst your collective bubbles," Bulma interrupted the two's banter. "But if Gokū and Caulifla are gonna show, the odds of you guys winning are probably nonexistent. Even moreso if Muten Rōshi is entering his alter ego again this year."

"Remind me to smack your ex above the head when we get off this crate," Rōshi grumbled, knowing that Yamcha had spilled the beans on Jackie Chun's true identity.

"To be fair, you told me," Yamcha defended. "At least I didn't go out onto the rooftops with a megaphone."

"Fair point," Rōshi sighed. "But you at least know why I set up that disguise."

"Keep the ego starved, keep training for the next big fighter," Kuririn explained in layman's terms, to which the Kame-Sennin tapped his nose to validate his statement.

"I-I've never seen a tournament like this before," Checka spoke up, her lab coat now adorned with a Capsule Corp logo on the shoulder. "I wonder what it will be like?"

"A bit like the fights back at Uranai Baba's place," Bulma explained. "Although there's a much lower chance of seeing killer halloween monsters in deathtrap arenas. It's more of a test to find out who's the best at martial arts."

The conversation was brought to an abrupt halt as an equally abrupt jolt and hissing of pneumatic landing gear signalled their landing.

"We're here!" Lunch announced over the loudspeaker.

Slowly, the hatch opened up, and everyone disembarked, Muten Rōshi faster than the rest as he desperately needed to use the restroom. Bulma proceeded to capsulize her craft and tuck it away in her case as the group proceeded to enter the city. Everyone piled into taxi cabs to make their way to the temple where the Budokai was to be held. By the time they had arrived, registrations were still open, but only for another half hour, so Muten Rōshi began to file down everyone's names. The group as a whole then all turned their heads when they heard two distinctly familiar voices call out from down the road.


Strolling down the sidewalk were two short teenagers dressed in simple grey suits, brown furry tails fluttering from underneath their jackets. The hair on their heads was unmistakable.

"Gokū! Caulifla!" Several members from the group called out in unison, seeing their friends for the first time in three years.

"Long time no see, guys!" Yamcha greeted with a wide smile. "Looks like you two grew a bit."

"Yeah, you're right," Caulifla smiled, then turning her attention to Kuririn. "So much for eye-level conversations, eh buddy?~"

"Oh ha ha," Kuririn sarcastically laughed, not happy that his friends grew more than he did. "At least I make being short look good. I could knock down Gulliver over there no problem."

"Hey!" Yamcha whined as Kuririn gestured a thumb in his direction.

"Nice to see you guys all here!" Gokū said. "I was wondering when you'd show up, plus we still have a good half hour before registration!"

"Well aren't you early birds," Lunch commented. Gokū and Caulifla looked at their friend with a look of surprise and confusion. Her hair was neither blonde, or navy blue…

"Whoa!" Gokū shouted. "Lunch, your hair's green!"

"Yep!" Lunch said with a triumphant stance. "About a year ago, I had a crazy sneezing fit, and when it stopped, I guess both Blonde and Blue kinda mushed together to make, well, me. Even better..."

Lunch took out a bird quill and began to tickle her nose into sneezing. With a loud 'ACHOO!,' she cleared her sinuses, but her demeanor had not shifted, and her hair was still green as grass.

"Sneezing no longer causes me to shift from one personality to another!"

"Awesome!" Caulifla squealed with amazement.

"She's not the only one who's improved!" Bulma boasted.

Quickly she pulled out a large thick slab of steel from a capsule in her back pocket with relative ease. Were this the Bulma from 3 years ago, she would be struggling to merely lift it off the ground. She pointed her finger at the large metal plate and her face warped into an expression that showed concentration. From her finger, a thin beam shot forth and impacted the metal. Slowly, it cut cleanly through the plate until one half fell over and hit the pavement with a resounding clatter.

"Check it!" Bulma beamed as she showed her friends the clean cut she made. "I no longer need big tools to fabricate stuff for my projects!"

"Doubly awesome!" Gokū exclaimed, amazed to see how far his friends had come.

"By the way," Muten Rōshi said as he cleared his throat. "How'd you two get here?"

"Not with Kinto'un if that's what you're wondering," Gokū answered. "We got here about an hour before you guys did and took care of registration."

"So, how did you guys get here? Swim?" Kuririn asked.

"Nope," Caulifla shook her head. "We flew."

"I thought you said you didn't use Kinto'un," Yamcha retorted.

"We didn't," Caulifla nodded. "Try again."

"...Did you buy an airplane ticket?" Rōshi guessed.


"Wrangle a large bird or dinosaur?"

"Rocket Jump?

"Launch yourself with a Kamehameha?"

"Nope, nope, and somewhere in the same ballpark," Caulifla answered Bulma, Lunch, and Kuririn's guesses respectively.


As Gokū beckoned everyone to watch, he began to float up in the air, a gentle breeze wafting from underneath his feet. Everyone gasped in amazement as Caulifla began to follow suit. The only one who did not share this amazement was the Kame-Sennin.

"Where did you two learn that technique?!" Rōshi shouted, a twinge of anger in his words.

"Learn?" the two Saiyan children repeated.

"We didn't learn it from anyone, Muten Rōshi," Gokū explained. "A few months ago we were helping to deliver some much-needed supplies across Yunzabit."

"Y-Yunzabit?!" Rōshi stammered, hardly believing these two would brave such harsh conditions.

"Yeah," Gokū nodded, his feet back on the ground. "We got stuck in this deep canyon, and it was raining for almost two days, so we couldn't climb out. In the end, we had to get creative."

"Gokū here took inspiration from my fight with Kuririn during the last tournament," Caulifla added as she landed back to earth. "Basically take the thrust application Kuririn used with his Kamehameha, but channel it into a muted kiai. Basically, we force our ki downwards, and use it as thrust to fly."

"Huh," The Kame-Sennin hummed as he scratched his beard. "My apologies for jumping to conclusions then."

"What conclusions?" Kuririn asked his teacher.

"Well I-"

"Well, well, well!" A sudden shrill voice crowed out, interrupting the turtle hermit's train of thought. "If it isn't the Kame-Sennin!"

Muten Rōshi turned to see a face he had not hoped to see until the afterlife, and even then he would have been better off. Standing before him was his rival, the Tsuru-Sennin, along with three pupils of his, judging by the matching qipao.

"Well now!" Rōshi said. "Tsuru-Sennin! I'm surprised you don't have an IV bag connected to your arm, given how shriveled you are."

"Still the blunt and vulgar oaf I see," Tsuru-Sennin scoffed. "I heard a little rumor that your students made quite the showing in the last Tenka'ichi Budokai. Clearly the standards of this once prodigious competition have become lax, so I figured I would show the world true martial arts, and enter my own students. And as it turns out, one of my students even has a deep-seated vendetta with two of yours."

The second-smallest of the Tsuru-Sennin's students stepped forward, and immediately, Gokū and Caulifla looked at the new arrival with confusion. The student was a brunette girl with long, straight hair, and her gaze was cold and unmoving as a glacier.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Caulifla asked innocently.

"I'm not surprised you forgot about me you thistle head," The girl spat.

"C-Chi-Chi?!" Gokū stammered, not believing what he was seeing.

"Wait! Gyūmaō's daughter?!" Muten Rōshi exclaimed "When?! How?!"

"Shortly after Son Gokū broke his promise to marry me and ran off with her," Chi-Chi explained, punctuating her last word with extra venom and a hiss. "I'm here for payback. From both of you."

Gokū and Caulifla remained silent, guilty beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads.

"Fitting that the daughter of one of your past students would seek out the superior school!" The Tsuru-Sennin cackled. "Feel free to run home and save yourself the embarrassment!"

"Still the warped sense of humor!" Muten Rōshi harrumphed. "Gokū, Caulifla, could you demonstrate what you showed us earlier?"

The two shrugged and nodded. With relative ease, they began to float and sat cross-legged in the air. The Tsuru-Sennin saw this and was absolutely dumbstruck at this display, while his pupils were a mixture of nonplussed and surprised.

"How did those two brats learn my Sky Dance technique?!" The Crane Hermit shrieked in frustration and anger. "Only a select few are taught that sacred technique!"

"HAHAHA! They figured it out on their own!" Rōshi laughed triumphantly. "Maybe if you didn't spend so much time decorating your scalp with some dumb bird effigy, you'd realize how flawed your teachings are!"

"Coming from the Turtle-shelled hunchback of the ocean!" Tsuru-Sennin retorted back.

"At least my shell looks better than some bird cap that looks as if it came from a video game!"

"Well at least I have hair!"

"Your hair makes you look like a woman!"

"And you look like a discount Santa Claus from a budget Christmas porno!"

The two masters of rival schools began to growl at each other with seething anger. One could almost see the static sparking between their foreheads as they angrily glared at one another.

"Feh," Tsuru-Sennin scoffed, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. "Let's go. No use wasting our time with these sad pieces of driftwood outside of the tournament."

The whole of the Crane School marched off, leaving the students of the Turtle School to give looks of disdain at the rival group.

"Who was that old hag?" Yamcha asked his teacher.

"An absolute jackass," Muten Rōshi grumbled. "As well as an old rival. He's the master of the Crane School, Tsuru-Sennin."

"Definitely doesn't seem like a people person," Bulma muttered.

"Especially since he has a reputation for training killers and assassins, like his brother, Tao Pai Pai."

"Tao Pai Pai is this guy's brother?!" Caulifla exclaimed. "I thought this guy seemed familiar, but now it makes sense!"

"Y-You've run into Tao Pai Pai before?!" Rōshi stammered in disbelief.

"He was the assassin that killed Bora and tried to kill us over the Dragon Balls," Gokū explained. "After training with Master Karin, we beat him."

"Oh dear…" The Kame-Sennin sighed with resignation. "I suspect Chi-Chi isn't the only one with the vendetta."

"Does Jackie Chun plan on entering this-"

"Cat's out of the bag, lad," Muten Rōshi interrupted Gokū's question, earning an understanding nod from both the boy and his friend. "Only among our circle though. But to answer your question, yes."

"Contestants, your attention please!" A voice called out from the loudspeaker system. "We will proceed with the preliminary rounds in 15 minutes! Please finalize your preparations and make your way to the main gymnasium!"

"Welp, time to get this show on the road," Caulifla said as she began to crack her knuckles.

With that, the Turtle School as a whole got ready for the preliminary rounds, eager to test their strength once more.

"You're certain it's those two that killed my brother?" Tsuru-Sennin sternly questioned his female student.

"Positive," Chi-Chi nodded. "Otherwise I wouldn't have secured those pictures."

"They don't seem like much," Tenshinhan commented, sparing one last glance at the Turtle School group. "Though looks can be deceiving. This should be interesting."

"With your permission, Sensei," Chi-Chi bowed politely towards her master. "I wish to fight Caulifla first. I know exactly how to get inside her head and break her constitution."

"I see no harm in it," The Tsuru-Sennin said with a nod. "Provided your performance is adequate."

"I've been training for 3 years for this chance," Chi-Chi smirked devilishly. "We get to settle two vendettas with one stone as well."

Tenka'ichi Budokai, Gymnasium

Gokū, Caulifla, Kuririn, and Yamcha all stood in a large crowd of other competitors. Many of the fighters who did not proceed to the main event immediately recognized the four and began to quietly murmur to themselves, whispering comments about respect, how they could easily crush them this time, and, to a lesser extent, regretting trying again.

Kuririn and Yamcha both wore the Turtle School standard orange gis, complete with their respective '亀' kanji on the front and back. Gokū and Caulifla, however, opted to switch up their gis. The former still wore orange with the same kanji on the front, but encircled on the back was the kanji '人参,' not to mention his gi top was no longer tucked in, and was tied up by his obi. Caulifla opted for a similar approach, except her gi was purple with pink, as she usually wore, and the encircled kanji on her back was '花野菜' instead.

"Switching things up, are ya?" Yamcha commented on his friends' appearances.

"I didn't see why not," Caulifla shrugged. "At least we're still representing the Turtle School."

"I get the choice in kanji for you, Caulifla, but what's with Gokū's?" Kuririn inquired, reading their respective marks on their backs.

"I had a bit of a… revelation, shortly after we split up," Gokū answered, keeping his answer cryptic. Fortunately, Kuririn shrugged and accepted the vague answer.

"Well, it's you again!" A saged voice called to Gokū from a few meters back. The Turtle School representatives all turned to see 'Jackie Chun' offering a single-handed salutation. "This should be a fun rematch."

"Likewise!" Gokū agreed with excitement. "I'm guessing you've trained for it, but I won't pull that stunt I did last time."

"Much appreciated, lad," The disguised hermit politely bowed, which Gokū returned in kind.

"Ahem," A clearing of an old man's throat echoed through the chamber, amplified by the loudspeakers installed into the facility. The voice belonged to an old and healthily rotund monk. "Thank you all for coming from all corners of the world for this, the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budokai. As you are all aware, in recent years, the number of participants has increased so much that from this point onward, we will hold this prodigious tournament once every 3 years. The number of contestants present here today do not disappoint, at an astounding 182! Like always, however, only 8 will be selected for the true competition. Give everything you have! Please take a number for your assigned blocks."

As various competitors drew their lots, eventually the Turtle School picked theirs and compared their drawn numbers with those on the large board.

"First half of Block 3," Kuririn read aloud.

"And I have the second half of Block 3," Gokū added, causing Kuririn to frown. "What's the matter?"

"Oh nothing," Kuririn sarcastically answered. "Just lamenting about how my chances of reaching the semifinals got shot down."

"Relax, buddy," Gokū consoled with a pat on his shorter friend's back. "I'm sure you have some sneaky moves to trip me up!"

'Oh yeah, I've got a few,' Kuririn mischievously chuckled mentally.

"First half of Block 4," Caulifla read aloud.

"Phew!" Yamcha sighed, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "I lucked out! First half of Block 1!"

"The preliminary rounds to determine the 8 finalists shall now commence!" An official called out over the intercom. "Please confirm your assignment by comparing the number you drew with the chart, and gather at the appropriate ring!"

The official began to recite the rules of the Budokai for any newcomers as the Turtle School began to split apart to their respective matches. Yamcha went up first against a tall man with a neatly trimmed mohawk, clad in a black tank top and jeans.

"This'll be too easy," The man grinned, all while Yamcha simply cracked his neck.


The ex-bandit took a fortified stance as the other man began to charge forward with a battle cry. Yamcha's expression was blank, and faster than the average human eye could register, he delivered a swift backhand punch to the other man's throat, knocking him out cold.

"Nice one, Yamcha!" Gokū cheered as his friend got down from the ring.

"That was almost too easy," Yamcha shrugged. "Looks like Kuririn got a big guy."

Over in the Block 3 mat, Kuririn politely bowed before his absolute behemoth of an opponent, who gave a stupid grin, assuming his very diminutive opponent was going to be an easy win.

"Your move," Kuririn politely offered.

"Heh. Smart mouth, you little baby octopus head!" The giant jeered, chuckling at his own joke.

"'Octopus head…?'" Kuririn growled, giving a deadpan frown.

"How's about I make you into sushi?!" The man roared as he shot a massive fist towards the much shorter monk.

Kuririn saw this coming from a mile away, and deftly gripped the man's massive finger, before hefting him over his shoulder and launching him against the wall of the gym. The large man crashed and slumped down, all while Kuririn kept his deadpan expression, but changed the frown to a smile while holding up a victory gesture.

"Nice!" Caulifla cheered. "Bigger they are, the harder they fall, am I right?"

"And you make fun of me being short,~" Kuririn retorted with a playful grin.

"Oh please," A sarcastic voice drawled out. The Turtle School contestants turned to see it belonged to the tallest, and most trinocular of the Crane School students. "A squirrel with your basic training could pull the same stunt. Speaking of which, I saw one looking around for a chestnut. Maybe it mistook your head for one?~"

Kuririn harrumphed at the triclops's words, while Gokū simply frowned.

"Does that spicy wit come with the third eye?~" Caulifla jeered with a smirk. "'Cause I've heard eyes can be fooled. Must be more so with you."

"Be glad you're not going up against me, little girl," Tenshinhan retorted. "You'd be even luckier if you didn't have to go up against Chi-Chi either. But, luck does tend to run out."

"Alright, how about you piss off, triclops?" Yamcha butted in, getting up in Tenshinhan's face.

"Oh I will," Tenshinhan nodded. "After I mop the tiles of the arena with your face. If you get to that point. At any rate, good luck, I guess."

The Crane School triclops gave a disingenuous wave as he went to his Block 1 match, his opponent being a large sumo wrestler.

"I'll bet he'll be first out," Kuririn grumbled.

"I don't think so," Gokū retorted, getting an ominous vibe from the three-eyed warrior.

"Lemme know how he wins," Caulifla requested. "My match is up next."

The remaining Turtle School students turned their attention to Tenshinhan as he removed his qipao and cap, now left with long-sleeved green gi pants, and matching bracers.


Immediately the large sumo wrestler charged at Tenshinhan, who responded with several lightning fast movements that hit home and stopped the obese man in his tracks. The three-eyed warrior then turned around with a smirk, and not 2 seconds later, the sumo wrestler collapsed onto the ground, out cold.

"4 arm chops," Yamcha muttered, able to keep up with the display.

"And 2 kicks," Kuririn added.

"And that's only the tip of the iceberg, I bet," Gokū said, genuinely impressed with his rival colleague's display. "Definitely keeping his cards close before the big event."

"Hey guys," Caulifla called as she returned to the group. "Got done knocking the lights out of this supposed 'genius of Martial Arts.' Panpoot, I think his name was."

"Well, that was quick," Gokū shrugged. "That three-eyed guy took down a sumo wrestler without breaking a sweat, so he looks like a good challenge."

"Contestants 147 and 148, please step forward!"

"And that's my cue!" Gokū said as he bounced up onto the Block 3 mat.

His opponent stepped up - A dark-skinned man with a natural black afro and a well-groomed goatee, the most distinctive attribute about his face being the red dot on his forehead. He was adorned in a yellow toga and matching trousers, and gave a polite bow as Gokū returned one in kind, and wrapped his tail around his waist.

"Such a small opponent," The man said, staring down at his comparatively diminutive opponent. "Worry not, I will not kill you."

"Hold up," A cheetah man said as he pointed to the taller man atop the fighting map. "Isn't that King Chappa?"

"K-King Chappa?" Yamcha repeated. "Hoo boy, Gokū's gonna be in for the long haul, here."

"Who's King Chappa?" Kuririn asked, unaware of the man in question.

"Supposedly, an incredible master of martial arts," Yamcha explained. "Almost god-like. He won the 20th Tenka'ichi Budokai without a single scratch."

"Question is, did he have to face competition like us?" Caulifla asked, genuinely curious as to how well this man would perform, earning a few confused looks shot her way.


"Your move, boy," King Chappa offered as he settled into a looming stance.

"Alright," Gokū agreed with a smirk.

Faster than most could register, Gokū bolted forward to deliver an open palm strike directly to King Chappa's face, causing him to stagger back a bit and rub his nose to numb the pain.

"Alright then," Chappa sighed. "My error for assuming you were some lost boy off the street. However, do not begrudge me for your loss."

"And here comes the Hasshuken," Jackie Chun commented as he watched King Chappa seething.

Immediately the taller man launched a series of jabs and punches so fast that it looked as if his arms had split from 2 into 8, hence the name of the technique. Gokū, however, was able to follow these movements and parried each attack. King Chappa took a split second to breathe, and this was exactly the opening Gokū had hoped for. With a quick pivot of his center of gravity, the Saiyan delivered a sweeping leg kick to upset his taller opponent's balance, causing him to fall backwards.

"Problem with 8 arms, illusion or not, is that you forgot to defend your feet!" Gokū said with a sporting grin.

"You insolent little…!" King Chappa snarled before launching a swift punch at the boy, only to be met with thin air. "What?! Where did he go?!"

"Up here!" Gokū called out from above, springing off the ceiling and launching towards his opponent.

"Oh dear!" Jackie Chun "He's made an error!"

"Hahaha! Taking to the air was a terrible move, boy!" King Chappa boasted. "You cannot move around in free-fall! This fight is mine!"

Just as King Chappa was about to deliver a punch to intercept Gokū's descent, his fall had slowed down all of a sudden, surprising the toga-clad man.

"You fell for it!" Gokū cheered as he delivered an uppercut kick to the man's chin, sending him crashing outside of the ring. Gokū deftly landed in the center of the ring, and gave a polite bow.

"Goodness…" Jackie Chun muttered in disbelief. "I didn't realize he had the sky dance technique so figured out…"

"And to be able to beat King Chappa so easily…" Yamcha gasped in amazement and mild fear.

"Heh. Careful not to exert yourself too much!" Kuririn nervously chuckled as his friend returned from the mat.

"I know!" Gokū nodded, folding his arms behind his head. "That wasn't anywhere close to my best.

"Hey, uh, Chi-Chi should be fighting next, right?" Yamcha said as he saw the block 4 bracket breeze through.

"Might as well see how far she's come since we last met," Caulifla shrugged.

With that, the Turtle School walked over to the Block 4 mat and saw the match was getting underway. Chi-Chi was settled in a comfortable fighter's stance against a large wolf man, though if you called him that, he would get angry and correct you by saying he is a man wolf.


The larger and hairier opponent charged at Chi-Chi with savage abandon, while the Frypan princess held a cold glare. With a swift knifehand jab to the side of his neck, the man wolf gasped for air and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Officials came over with a stretcher to haul the unconscious man away, while Chi-Chi cracked her neck as she left the mat.

"Whoa…" Kuririn gasped. "She's more brutal than the triclops."

"But no less efficient," Yamcha added, seeing the vengeful daughter of Gyūmaō leave.

Over time, the Turtle School and Crane School cleaned up the competition with flying colors and little to no effort. By the time the preliminaries had finished, only 8 fighters remained. 4 representing the Turtle School, 3 representing the Crane School, and the mysterious - to the common person - Jackie Chun. Little could anyone guess that this was going to be a tournament for the books, and one that will shake the foundations of the earth.

人参 - Carrot

花野菜 - Cauliflower

Panpoot - Pamput

A/N: Aaaaand I'm back! The 22nd tournament is on its way, and Chi-Chi has made a return! Regarding Lunch being green, it seemed like a logical step, considering I made her personalities aware of each other's actions. As for Goku and Caulifla learning to fly before the tournament, I figured "Hey, why not?" and found a logical reason to go with it. Good enough to give Roshi a scare, that's for sure. :P Please do leave a review letting me know what you think, and I hope this was a fun read. :)