A.N.: I am not pretending this is original, but I am pretending it is cute.

Prologue: A Tale of Two Princes

Once upon a time there was a just and noble king. The king married a radiant princess from a faraway kingdom, making her his queen and securing a powerful alliance. Together, they produced a strong, healthy heir. Not long after, the queen died, leaving behind her young son to be raised by nannies and nurse maids while his father ruled the kingdom.

Several years later, the king remarried. She was a lady of humble birth, and their marriage was one of love and affection instead of advantage. The queen quickly gave birth to a son. This time, the queen lived.

The first son watched from afar as his brother was doted on by both parents and praised for every small accomplishment. It raked against his little heart, and he pushed himself relentlessly to be the best and earn his father's approval.

That approval never came.

His life revolved around lessons and training with very little time to play or frivolous attention from his father. All he had to fill his days were mounting expectations and empty desires for affection.

Under these conditions, the first son grew to be somber and taciturn, earning him a reputation of being cold and aloof.

The second son thrived in his home life. He was open and kind, the favorite of his father's subjects with no end of friends and admirers. This further soured the first son's reputation, and when he came of age, his father had to search far and wide to secure an advantageous marriage for him. But a marriage contract was secured, and though the first son's heart wilted to be so tied to a woman he didn't know or love, he nonetheless stepped up to his duty without complaint.

Soon, a daughter was born to him.

As it is want to do, history repeated itself and death stole away the first son's wife, leaving him alone with his newborn daughter.

At first sight of her he knew he'd never be able to cast her aside and threw himself into raising her, delighting in her sweet disposition and finding contentment in the strong bond between them.

But his brother's coming of age rapidly approached, and he knew there would be no trouble securing a good match with his charming personality. With that would come the end of his mourning period, and hope kindled in his heart that he might be able to find some happiness for himself at last.

That just like his father before him, he might he able... to find love.