Due to a few of you asking for more, this one-shot idea will be turned into a short fic.

I'm unsure of how many chapters - might just have a little plot with lots and lots of smut chapters for your sinful eyes lmao.

Next chapter will be up soon-ish I have exams rn :)

A/N: Anna gets the job as the school janitor to pay her living expenses whilst she is on a scholarship. On the first day, she witnesses something she definitely was not meant to see. Nights after that were only filled with dreams of the piercing blue eyes that had stared at her with ravishing intensity. Short / Smut Fic! Elsa G!P !

Anna was running late. She had a free period in the morning but Principal Oaken specifically told her to meet him at 8 am sharp by the janitor's closet, although, it was technically her closet now.

8:24 am. She sprinted down the corridors of Arendelle College, avoiding the various crowds of students that congregated and blocked her way. To them, she looked like just another eager student who wanted to get to class early.

They obviously didn't register her as part of the staff despite the silly yellow lanyard she had to wear with the label 'Anna Green: Janitor'.

She grasped onto her backpack tighter as she narrowed her body between the sweaty mass of bodies, biting her lip as she took the last turn and spotted the tall figure of her boss walking her way, head down. Oaken then looked up, took notice of her and waved, whittling out a loud "Yoohoo!" with a big smile.

Okay, he's not mad at least. Anna let out a sigh of relief before meeting him and instantly letting out a string of apologies. "I am sooo sorry that I'm late! I promise – I had like 7 alarms ready at full volume and I even got like 11 hours of sleep last night which is a miracle because I normally get like 4 hours and I have no idea at how I managed to sleep through all of them and I'm really sorry! I promise I'll get up at 7- no, 6 am every morning to get here on time! No wait, 5 am! Final offer! I'm really sorry-".

Oaken put up a hand signalling her to stop, a deep chuckle emigrating from his mouth. Anna sputtered off her last sentence with a small "Sorry…" before flushing slightly red and looking around abashedly.

"Is okay, no? I arrived just now, ja so I'm sorry too!" He laughed again, a teasing smile curving with his moustache. He fished around in his pockets and pulled out 2 sets of key chains, one with 3 keys attached and the other had 1 key with a small red pompom attached.

He started pointing to each one individually on the one with 3 keys. "Dis one, is for closet, ja? Is not usually locked during school hours and the staff like to keep it open. And this one is for the sports building and this last one is the master key to the classrooms ja?". Anna nodded taking the set of keys.

"The other is for the hoover cupboard in the classrooms ja! If you need help, I'll be in my office anytime and come by later to drop them off ja!"

He handed the other set to Anna who took them tentatively and nodded her head. "Thank you – especially for the job! I'll try my best."

"No problem – now I must go so enjoy cleaning ja?" He started walking away and disappeared around the corner before Anna started walking down the corridor, eyeing the dark blue door with the gold plating labelling it as the 'Janitor's Closet'.

Nearing it, Anna's ears perked up. Small noises were coming from the closed door, each becoming noisier than the last. Anna stood in front of the door before leaning in and listened to the unmistakable sounds of kissing.

No, it couldn't really be called that – it sounded more like boots squelching on mud repeatedly in a small time period as if the person was trying to suck the face of the other.

Anna grimaced and decided she actually needed to get to work. "Uhm hello? Hi, I'm the new janitor and I'd be grateful if, um, if you could come out?" she knocked on the door, hearing the noises subside.

It took a couple of seconds before the door was opened and 2 figures stumbled out, giggling erratically.

"Sorry – we were busy." The small girl fluttered her eyes innocently at Anna before staring at the taller boy beside her with, what Anna could only describe as, 'bedroom eyes'.

Anna fought the urge to roll her eyes and forced out a small smile. "It's okay, just please do it somewhere else next time." She laid out in a polite tone.

The smaller girl hummed but said nothing with a sickly-sweet fake smile. She turned to the dumbfounded boy next to her and wiped some pink glossy lipstick off his face before dragging him off, possibly to the nearest classroom to continue hoovering the dirt off each other's face.

Anna only stared in slight discomfort before entering her new job area for the first time. It had a small hallway before it opened up to a rather spacious room on her left. It even had a comfy looking arm chair in the corner although she didn't really want to know what the various brown and grey stains on it were.

She prepared the equipment she was going to use for the morning before moving out to start the cleanse. The job was fairly easy and paid well which was all she could have ever wanted. She needed some way to feed herself just so she wouldn't drain her parent's empty pockets anymore – it was a miracle that she even managed to get good enough recommendations and grades to end up in Arendelle College in the first place!

Once the water she used became too dirty to keep cleaning with, she headed back to the blue door, only to be stopped again by noisy kissing.

Anna huffed. Jesus – is it them again? What's so appealing about sucking face like that? It's like making out with Henry the Hoover and he's probably a better kisser! Anna knocked on the door, a bit more oomph than necessary.

"Uh hello, could you please come out?".

Déjà vu hit her as a new couple came out of the closet, this time, two boys. The usual exchange happened before one of the boys dragged the other away. Anna honestly thought that the whole 'sneaking in the janitor's closet thing' would be left back in high school but apparently not.

Anna wasn't a prude by any means no. She wasn't a virgin, having had a relationship with a long term ex-boyfriend. It may just slightly hurt seeing these couples so happy when her own relationship crashed only a few weeks ago, catching Hans in bed with a ginger girl nonetheless. It would take time to heal but Anna couldn't help but scrutinize the couples who hid in her new workplace despite her telling herself she used to do the same thing all the time.

As Anna continued through the morning, it happened again. Not just one or twice – it happened 8 more times, each time with a new couple. Anna was on automatic mode by the end of her shift, having had the same reaction to each couple and she even accidentally walked in a couple of times without knocking because she wasn't focused enough to hear them.

It was mortifying and exhausting for her to see a new couple each time but at least her shift was over – although her only class of the day was next.

She knew she left a few classrooms not hoovered due to her late start and planned instead to do it at lunch because she didn't want to let Oaken down on the very first day. He'd been so nice to her so far and it was her fault she was late so she may as well finish the job for today. But, that would be later. For now, she just had to focus on the composition of the human body if her Biology class had anything to say about it. At least after lunch, she could go home.

She was humming as she walked out of class. Biology seemed like a good college major so far – she liked the teacher and the girl who sat next to her, Esmeralda was it? Anna grinned, she had a feeling it would be a good day.

She was suddenly in front of the now-familiar blue door, not having noticed she walked that quickly.

Snapped out of her trance, Anna started hearing small creaks and quick breathing behind the blue wood. Quirking an eyebrow, she just stared and listened for a bit before a dilemma reached her mind. Great, do I interrupt or just let them be?

She only needed to get the key for the hoover cupboard and the last time she remembered, she left it on the shelves of the hallway. She could sneak in super quick with her ninja movements and get out before they even stopped to notice her. She really did want to finish the job for today.

Taking a small breath for courage, Anna opened the door slowly and quietly, eyes trained on the ground and ignoring the kissing sounds hidden in the hidden room. They hadn't heard her open the door and they couldn't see Anna either as she stuck to the walls of the hallway, not daring to peep into the room.

She moved quickly, looking on the shelves that lined the hallway for where she last put the key.

A breath hitched and broke the quiet air. Anna started to hear, what she presumes to be, the armchair being dragged from the corner and into the middle of the room.

Ragged breathing from one person was all she could hear along followed by the unzipping of jeans and a breathy moan echoed the small room and out into the hallway.

Anna held her breath. They're doing this now?! Here? Oh my – Another, louder moan caught her ears. Jesus, let me find these keys asap so I can wallow in embarrassment. Anna searched and searched the hallway shelves, not finding the damn hoover cupboard key.

Fuck- where are they? Anna silently cursed and thought hard. Okay, retrace – you went back here, put the bleach back to the shelves, dropped off the mop, sat down on the chair – fuck. I left it on the chair.

Anna wasn't sure if she left it on the chair – her memory may help in memorising the different body parts but it sure did fuck all with important information. She needed to hand the keys back to Oaken later whilst her own set were being made – she really couldn't leave the keys behind.

She contemplated her options – she didn't really know if the keys were anywhere near the chair. She could just be wasting time waiting around without knowing if the keys were there but, if she somehow saw that the keys were in the room, she could swing by later when the couple were done and give it back to Oaken later in the afternoon.

Anna grimaced – she would have to look in the room wouldn't she?

Steeling her resolve and taking a quiet shuddering breath, she moved towards the edge of the hallway wall, the only barrier between her and the scene of sin.

She creeped forward, face nearly beyond the wall, finally seeing the scene before her and quietly gasped.

The first thought in her mind was that both ladies were seemingly fully clothed. One of the girls had long brunette hair and had her back to Anna. She was straddling the other over the arms of the armchair but it wasn't her who caught Anna's attention, no.

It was the other girl, sat down so confidently on the arm chair, with a slightly red but otherwise rather impassive face. Her blonde hair was braided elegantly over her shoulder with her bangs pulled back in an anti-gravity stance. The blonde's hands were gripping the other girl's rear underneath the brunette's skirt.

She was beautiful.

Small breaths of exertion clouded the soundscape as the straddling woman moved up and down, practically performing the splits on the arms of the armchairs. She was mewling and her hand encircled the taller girl's shoulder, pressing her chest to the other woman's face whilst the other hand reached for the bangs and encroached her fingers within them, messing them gloriously.

The girl above was currently moaning, lost in her world of pleasure although Anna was unsure why. The blonde lifted her hands, lifting the skirt at the same time, and Anna saw the most wondrous sight.

A thick veined shaft stood hard against the brunette's increasing pace. It looked like it could barely fit but judging by the sounds the brunette made, it fit perfectly.

Anna could only watch with increasing tension as the brunette girl rode her way to bliss – faster and faster, she drove down on the rod splitting her whilst the blonde watched the girl's facial expression with a blank but red face.

Anna saw one hand leave the girl's rear and make it's way to the front of the skirt and started rotating in a small circle. She couldn't see what the blonde was doing but the increase in the brunette's gasps and shudders made Anna clench in excitement.

Anna nearly let out a whimper – she knew she definitely not meant to see this obviously intimate act but this felt deliciously naughty.

The brunette was close and tension was high in the air.

Anna took a slow look at the blonde – starting from her rugged black boots to her faded jeans, to the skirt that covered her large crotch again, up to her simple elegant top and finally to her dark blue eyes hazed with lust.

Wait. Anna blinked twice. Blue eyes stared intensely back. Oh fuck.

A silent word was passed between them as the blonde suddenly gripped the brunette's rear tighter, igniting a loud moan from the top. She forced the brunette's hips to still, causing the woman to whimper at the loss of needed friction. It didn't last for long though.

Anna stared with wide eyes as the blue ones continued to stare right back.

Something snapped in the blonde and she started to slowly, painfully slowly, thrust above into the brunette who didn't notice that her lover wasn't looking at her anymore. The blonde dragged it out, pumping like a strong piston, in and out with deep reaching thrusts, eyes never leaving Anna's.

Anna's lips started to quiver as she saw the blonde lift up the skirt again, providing her with the perfect view to witness the shaft break into the tight heat again and again in slow agony. Anna's thighs clenched with pure want so unintended that she had to take a step back.

The blonde let out a low growl, seeing the redhead step back and continued to make eye contact, forcing Anna to freeze in place. She firmly grasped onto the brunette, who's head was on her shoulder by her braid, and suddenly pushed her hips down.

Anna's mouth opened in a small 'o' and a small whimper left her mouth before she could stop it. It was only masked by the loud elongated moan that erupted from the brunette's mouth.

The blonde changed then, hearing the small whimper, she started picking up the speed in her thrusts. She started driving her wet hot shaft faster and faster inside the brunette, erratic breathing and cheeks red as she continued to stare at Anna.

The brunette's eyes were firmly shut, feeling the change in her lover to become more primal and started grinding down her hips for more friction.

Anna stared in awe at the very dark eyes intensely holding her gaze as their owner continued to grind up in increasing speed, her shaft moist with bodily juices as she pile-drove the woman above.

"Oh baby – fuck, nngh, please, oh god," the brunette let out in small broken moans, hands gripping the blonde locks as a way to keep her grounded in her moment in heaven.

"I'm-I'm, oh, baby. That's it ughh – god, fuck, Elsa!"

The blonde drove harder against the brunette's skin and grunted, momentarily closing her eyes as she drove up to the tight heat once more, staying there for a few moments before letting out a shaky breath and looking straight back at Anna.

The brunette stayed still, head on top of the blonde's shoulders, ignorant to the obvious predicament in the room.

Anna broke eye contact, looking down at the pulsating cock deep inside the other woman, noticing the slight leaking of white substance starting to drip down it.

Anna gulped and looked down further, finally noticing the red pompom and key, safely deposited a few metres away from the sinful chair.

The blonde followed her gaze, seeing the red pompom on the floor before looking back at Anna.

Anna was unsure of what to do but what she knew was that she had to go – she had definitely overstayed her welcome and whilst it was fun, reality was here and she needed a shower. An ice cold shower.

So she took one last look over the blonde who still looked at her blankly, before turning around swiftly, back down the hallway and out the door in the quietest manner. She practically ran out of the college and made her way to her dorm.

She felt how wet she was and was strangely disgusted and, at the same time, incredibly turned on. Holy fuck. She could barely think. All she saw were the two beady dark eyes that stared at her with ravishing excitement.

She quickly drew up a shower and hopped in, feeling the cold simmer her hot skin to cool down.

As she cleaned herself, her fingers were scared to venture to the throbbing heat between her thighs. She could indulge herself just this once right?

Tentatively reaching down, she gave the lightest of touches outside her heat. She gasped, trembling slightly. God, she was so sensitive.

Feeling braver, she stroked slowly and lightly the outside, teasing herself to where she needed it the most. She cupped her sex, breathing heavily as she ground into it instinctively, needing heavy friction as she worked herself up.

She moved her hand towards her sensitive nub, lightly grazing it and feeling an electric current run through her. She hadn't touched herself in so long but the darkened blue eyes continued to urge her on as if she herself was there watching.

Anna started circling the nub, letting out audible groans and constantly thrusting against her fingers for more.

More – I need more nngh. She twirled one long finger around the entrance, covering it in in the combination of her juices and the water. She could only imagine the blonde lover doing this for her. Such thoughts made her jerk against her hand.

Unwilling to punish herself further, she pushed her lubricated finger in, letting out a guttural moan at how good it feels. She closed her eyes, blonde ones stared straight at her in her mind as she drew out her finger and pushed back in with two.

Oh my goddd. Anna rocked with a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out as she pretended that a specific blue eyed lover was watching her masturbate. She buckled, holding her weight against the bathroom wall as she picked up the speed. "Fuck, this feel so good.".

She moved her other hand to her lips in a fist and bit down, shutting her moans to any nearby listeners. Her grunts only increased in frequency as she built herself up to a high, fingers recklessly thrusting with abandon, searching for the quickest release.

"Fuck, oh god – mmnh, I'm gonna – ahh ELSA!". A throaty moan ripped out of her mouth as her fingers continued to pump in and out, prolonging the delicious high she just tasted. It brought the energy out of her and she shuddered until her body started to calm down.

She withdrew her hand, trembling with sensitivity and finished off her shower, satisfied for the time being.

Only one thought was evident in her mind.


AN: Hope y'all like this one! :) My first ever smut scene rip so idk if I laid it out well but any feedback is greatly appreciated!