Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Harry Potter Franchise or characters. All characters used are the property of their respective owners.

Special Thanks: tweety-src-clt9 for helping me flesh out the story beats. If you love Harmony (Harry/Hermione) go read, her stories. If you just like excellent writing, go read her stories.

This is a Horcrux free zone.

Also, for reference, if a location change occurs and there is no accompanying date, those events are taking place on the same day.

Dangerous Part 9

Little Hangleton Church Graveyard, Little Hangleton, GB

Wednesday 28 June 1995

Harry's agonised screams echoed around the graveyard, as did Voldemort's cackling. "Wormtail, my magic is waning, make him suffer."

"Y-yes Master," Pettigrew replied sounding almost reluctant as he looked down at a spasming Harry. "Crucio!"

Once again Harry's screaming filled the graveyard, he felt his nerve endings being set on fire. Pettigrew lifted the spell after a few seconds, he then levitated Harry and shot him towards the Riddle family gravesite where Harry crashed landed, splitting his head open as he slumped down, barely conscious.

"Begin the ritual!"

Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, Scotland

Headmaster's Office

Hermione was wearing a hole in Dumbledore's carpet as she waited for news about Harry. She'd chosen to stay inside the castle during the task, Hermione knew if she'd been in the crowd, she would storm the maze to stop Harry going alone. Hermione would occasionally send a glare in the direction of the Headmaster, who sat at his desk with his fingers steepled and his eyes closed. Just before the task was about to start Director Bones received a message from Auror Shacklebolt informing them that Barty Crouch Junior had been detained. So now it was down to the tracking charms they'd placed on Harry to lead the Headmaster, Director Bones, Tonks, and Shacklebolt to Voldemort and prevent him from being resurrected and more importantly, in Hermione's opinion, save Harry.

Emma Granger, who'd been given special permission to be in the castle to support Hermione grabbed her daughter by the hand. "Pacing isn't going to make Harry return quicker love, you're just going to wear a hole in the Headmaster's carpet."

"If my Harry is even a little hurt, his carpet will be the least of his worries…" Hermione muttered, she blushed when she realised, she'd said it out loud as she quickly noticed a twitch of the lips from Madam Bones and Tonks. Headmaster Dumbledore remained serenely unaware, or at least that was the façade he was projecting.

Everyone turned towards Dumbledore when Cedric's Staffordshire Bull Terrier Patronus burst in and landed on his desk. "Harry is gone, we're on our way to the castle."

At this Dumbledore leapt into action unfurling a map of Britain, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Wales on his desk. He muttered an incantation and dropped his wand on the map. Seconds later the wand stood on its end as the map zoomed into the location the Portkey had sent Harry.

Dumbledore picked up a length of rope, handing one end to Tonks, and Bones and the other to Shacklebolt while he held the middle. "We will bring your Harry home, Miss Granger."

Hermione blushed as Emma Granger burst out laughing behind her as the four adults disappeared.

Little Hangleton Church Graveyard, Little Hangleton, GB

Voldemort had to suppress a yell of pain as he was dropped into the boiling caldron water. He knew the water had to be hot for the ritual, but it didn't make the pain any less excruciating. It would be worth it if at the end Harry Potter was dead and the Pureblood fools grovelled at his feet.

As Voldemort imagined torturing Harry Potter by making him watch as his beloved mudblood and Veela whore were raped and murdered in front of him he felt a shudder run through the caldron. Seconds later the heat of the fire and the water disappeared, the ritual wasn't over as he'd not been reconstituted into a new body, but something had forced Wormtail to stop. Voldemort inhaled ready to scream at his incompetent subordinate when his already cold blood turned to ice in his veins.

Albus Dumbledore's disappointed visage gazed down at Voldemort from above, as if waiting for him to speak. Voldemort's wand was him his cloak and the homunculus body Pettigrew and Crouch had constructed for him wasn't strong enough to allow wandless casting. For the first time since the boys in his orphanage ganged up to beat on him, Tom Riddle was afraid.

"Good evening Tom, I am deeply disappointed in you, you had so much talent and potential and you wasted it. Were all the lives you and your followers took worth it; did they fill the hole in your heart where love should have been?"

"Love is no substitute for power," Voldemort hissed.

"And that is why you lost," Dumbledore replied, he walked away from the mouth of the cauldron and seconds later the hole was covered with a heavy iron lid.

Outside Dumbledore surveyed the scene. Tonks was cradling a concussed and semi-conscious Harry in her arms as Bones ran over to provide first aid. Bones and Shacklebolt provided the distraction for Tonks, killing Riddle's familiar Nagini which allowed Tonks to stun and secure Pettigrew. Shacklebolt had taken a portkey back to the Ministry with Pettigrew and would secure him in a cell beside Crouch Junior.

Dumbledore frowned as he approached the two women. "How is Mister Potter?"

"He'll live, but he has a concussion and a serious wound on his leg. The sooner he's under the care of Poppy Pomfrey the better," Bones reported as she tied off a tourniquet just under Harry's knee.

"I can't let Mister Potter go back to Hogwarts yet, there is one thing I need him to do first," Dumbledore replied.

"Albus, he's barely conscious, I doubt he could tell us what day it is, and you expect him to go galivanting across England?" Bones spat angrily.

"Amelia, what happens next could impact the future of the World, I need for Harry to push Voldemort through the veil. I don't need for him to perform any magic, just a simple push with his hand will suffice, but it needs to be Harry."

"Why is it suddenly so important that Harry Potter be the one who disposes of Tom Riddle, what don't I know that I should know, Albus?" Bones demanded.

Dumbledore pinched the bridge of his nose. "There is a Prophecy in the Department of Mysteries about Harry Potter and Voldemort. It speaks to Harry defeating the Dark Lord with a power he knows not. I believe that power is love, the love Harry has for Miss Granger specifically. Nobody could have predicted the turn of events that was sparked when Miss Granger invited Harry to be her date for the Yule Ball. We may never have known about Voldemort's plot if they hadn't discovered that Barty Crouch Junior was posing as Professor Moody. The Prophecy states that neither can die while the other lives. This must end by Harry's hand, no one else."

"When this is over Albus, we are going to have a long chat…" Bones warned him.

"Yes, Amelia…" Dumbledore replied sheepishly, despite the vast difference in age Amelia Bones was a formidable Witch, and Albus Dumbledore knew better than to cross her.

"Auror Tonks, help me lift Mister Potter," Bones ordered as she slung Harry's arm over her shoulders, Tonks mimicked her actions and they lifted Harry off the ground as Dumbledore handed them the length of rope they'd used to get there. With one hand on the caldron, Dumbledore Portkey'd the four out of the graveyard.

Ministry of Magic, London, GB

Department of Mysteries

Death Chamber

The four along with the caldron containing Tom Riddle landed on a platform in front of a large portal with a curtain hanging over it. Dumbledore levitated the caldron and floated it forward followed by Tonks and Harry when they arrived at the threshold they stopped. "Harry, can you hear me?"

"T-tonks, my head is killing me… what's going on?"

"Listen, Harry, you need to do something for me, you see the big caldron in front of us, right?" Tonks asked to which Harry replied with a nod. "Good, all you need to do is give it a big push and then we'll go see Madam Pomfrey, ok?"

"I want to see Hermione and Fleur…" Harry mumbled.

"We'll see them too, but first you need to push the cauldron."

Harry raised his head listlessly his unfocused eyes looking in the general direction of the cauldron. He lifted an unsteady hand and gave the caldron a slap which gave it enough momentum to send it through the Veil. Thus the life of the greatest Dark Lord since Grindelwald came to an unceremonious end, trapped inside an empty caldron pushed into the great beyond by a concussed fourteen-year-old.

Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, Scotland

"Oh my god, Harry!" Hermione screamed as Tonks, Harry, and Dumbledore landed back inside Hogwarts, the three having left Madam Bones to return to her office to begin interrogating Peter Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Junior. After the Champions returned from the maze the three, along with Hermione, and Emma decided the best place to wait for Harry's return was the Infirmary, as it was the usual place Harry ended up after his end of term adventures.

Hermione and Fleur rushed to Harry's side taking in his battered and bloodied appearance. Hermione scooped Harry's head into her hands, giving him gentle kisses until Tonks and Pomfrey pulled her away. She sat watching, teary-eyed until Pomfrey had diagnosed him, treated his wounds and poured several unpleasant looking potions down his throat.

Finally, the matron turned around to address her waiting audience. "Mister Potter, despite his best efforts, will be fine. He has a mild concussion a serve cut to the head and a chunk of his left leg was ripped out by a blasting hex. I have repaired the wound to his head and given him a potion which will regrow the tissue in his leg and a pain reliever. All he requires now is rest, the potions I've given him should allow him to fully recover in a few days, but only if he's allowed to rest. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey!" The assembled champions, lovers, mothers, and Headmasters sang out in unison. No one crossed Poppy Pomfrey in her infirmary.

Hogwarts Infirmary

Saturday, July 1, 1995

"Madam Pomfrey I'm fine!" Harry protested.

Pomfrey crossed her arms and fixed her patient with her patented stern look. "I will determine that Mister Potter."

Fleur raised an eyebrow and glanced over at Hermione who was sitting beside her as they sat at Harry's bedside. "Should we believe him?"

Hermione sighed and smiled. "Have you ever seen Monty Python's Holy Grail?"

A smile crept across Fleur's lips. "Oui, my father is a fan of their humour."

"Harry is the Black Knight," Hermione replied by way of an explanation.


Pomfrey gave a last wave of her wand and nodded. "Well, for once you are correct Mister Potter, despite your best efforts you are fine. I hope, now that You-Know-Who is finally gone you will give me a break next year."

Hermione snorted a laugh. "He's still on the Quidditch team Ma'am."

Pomfrey sighed. "An excellent point Miss Granger…"

Harry crossed his arms and pouted. "Why does everyone feel the need to gang up on me…"

"Because you're so easy to tease, Arry," Fleur replied giving Harry a peck on the cheek.

Harry groaned and got out of bed and took a quick shower and changed into his robes, after thanking Pomfrey for taking care of him the three, accompanied by Tonks and Emma Granger left the Infirmary and began walking towards the Great Hall.

Behind them, hidden in the shadow of a suit of armour, Severus Snape and Ron Weasley watched. Ron reached for his wand but felt Snape's hand on his shoulder. "Wait."

"Why, I thought you wanted me to attack them."

"I do you stupid boy, but not here, there is a corridor closer to the Great Hall that's better for this, come," Snape explained gesturing to Ron to follow, which he did reluctantly.

A couple of minutes later the five were walking down a deserted corridor when Tonks Auror training kicked into high gear. She shoved Hermione into Harry which caused him to tumble into Fleur as she pulled Emma with her towards the wall.

"Sectumsempra!" Ron yelled as he cast a dark curse into the space Hermione had been standing a moment earlier. Before he had time to realise, he'd missed he landed on the floor unconscious beside Snape who had emerged to hurl abuse at Weasley for missing. Once Tonks was sure both assailants were down, she rose from her kneeling position and moved to check on Harry, Hermione, Fleur, and Emma. Tonks then walked over and secured both men and called for back-up before shooing the four into a nearby classroom and locking the door.

As soon as the door was closed and locked Harry gathered Hermione in his arms and pulled her onto his lap, gently caressing her hair. "It's ok, Hermione, you're ok."

"That bastard, why did he do that, why does he hate me so much?" Hermione demanded, crying into Harry's shoulder.

"Ron's always been a jealous git, I suppose he saw you as a threat to his claim of being Harry Potter's best friend. We know now that he was always chasing off other people who tried to get close to me from Susan and Hannah, so is it any surprise, he wanted to stop you from being my best friend?"

"But why go that far, he was conspiring with Professor Snape for goodness sake."

Harry snorted a laugh. "We know how much Snape hates me, even more so after what happened with Sirius last year. He wants me dead and Ron was a convenient stooge."

Hermione was silent for several minutes as she sat on Harry's lap with Emma on one side and Fleur on the other. Finally, she spoke. "What kind of spell do you think he used?"

Harry smiled and kissed Hermione on the head. "Never change."

Half an hour later Tonks, Madam Bones, Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster entered, all looking grave. "Good afternoon everyone."

"Good afternoon, Headmaster."

"Did you find out why Ron attacked us?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately, I did. With permission from Arthur Weasley, we dosed Mister Weasley with Vertiaserum, the results were rather distressing."

"How so?" Emma asked.

"Mister Weasley seems to harbour a deep resentment towards Mister Potter and Miss Granger, he felt slighted that Mister Potter cheated his way into the Tri-Wizards Tournament," Dumbledore began, raising his hand to forestall Hermione's protest. "Even though we have irrefutable evidence that he was entered against his will. He was also convinced that Miss Granger was destined to be his wife…"

At this point Hermione interjected. "Are you kidding?" She exclaimed. "He hates me, why the hell would he want me as his wife?!"

"Jealousy Miss Granger, I think he knew, before most of us that Mister Potter was interested in you, beyond being just friends. I would surmise his jealousy extended to taking something from Mister Potter, he couldn't take his title or his wealth, so he would take the woman he loved. In the fantasy, Mister Weasley had constructed Mister Potter would be Miss Weasley's husband. This is a fantasy that has been perpetuated by Molly Weasley since the summer holidays after your first year at Hogwarts. When it became clear you were serious about each other Mister Weasley formed a plan to harm one or both of you."

"How does Professor Snape fit into this?" Hermione asked.

"Ah yes, Severus, as you're both aware Professor Snape went to Hogwarts with Mister Potter's father, what you may not know is he was childhood friends with Mister Potter's mother, Lily."

"Mum and Snape knew each other?"

"Yes, unfortunately, Pro… Mister Snape and James immediately disliked each other from their first meeting on the Hogwarts Express. Much of that animosity came from James's infatuation with Lily. Eventually Severus and Lily had a falling out and James and Lily started dating. I believe you know the rest."

"That doesn't explain how Mister Snape was involved in attacking us?"

"Mister Snape was determined to get revenge on James Potter through abusing his son when he discovered Ron Weasley planning to attack Mister Potter, he redirected that anger towards you, Miss Granger. In Severus's words, he wanted to take Mister Potter's Lily away from him."

"What happens now?"

"Mister Weasley attacked the intended of a Most Noble and Ancient house, the slayer of Voldemort, at the very least he will have his wand snapped and his magic bound," Bones explained. "As for Mister Snape, for conspiring to harm the intended of a Most Noble and Ancient House he will be sentenced to Azkaban. The testimony of your Auror bodyguard combined with his confession makes this an open and shut case. Even among the Purebloods."

"Good," Harry growled tightening his grip around Hermione's waist, that combined with the tone of his voice made her blush and did funny things to her insides. She found Harry's protective side very attractive and judging by the look on Fleur's face, she felt the same.

Dumbledore smiled. "Now that unpleasantness is out of the way, I have one more surprise for you, Mister Potter."

Dumbledore gave McGonagall and nod and she walked out of the room only to return a few seconds later, which caused Harry's face to light up with a smile. "Sirius!"

Harry's Godfather opened his arms. "Hello Pup, oof!" Sirius said as Harry ran over and tackled him.

"You're free!" Harry exclaimed excitedly.

Madam Bones graced them with a rare smile. "Sirius was pronounced innocent while you were recuperating. He was given a full pardon by Minister Fudge."

"D-does this mean I can go live with you?" Harry asked timidly, trying not to let hope slip into his voice.

"No Harry, but we can go live with the Tonks's," Sirius replied with a grin.

"Really?" Harry asked shooting a look at Tonks.

"Yup, Mum is ridiculously excited to start spoiling you," Tonks assured him ruffling Harry's hair.

"Now, we have to go," Bones announced.

Harry's face fell. "You can't stay longer?"

Sirius shook his head. "Sorry Pup, Andi has me sequestered at St. Mungo's for my recovery, I was only let out today to see you because I promised I would return promptly. Then, because Andi doesn't trust me, she made Ami promise that I would return promptly. Besides as Lord Black, I have a mountain of paperwork to plough through. I promise I'll be with Andi at the Platform when you come home in a couple of days."

Harry's face brightened as he gave Sirius one last hug. "I'm looking forward to it."

Once Bones, Sirius, Dumbledore, and McGonagall were gone Emma got up and crossed the room to embrace her girlfriend. "Badass Nym is such a turn on," She whispered in her ear, before swatting Tonks on the ass. "But if you do that again you'll be in trouble."

"A good kind of trouble?" Tonks asked teasingly.

"Depends on if you're still in one piece," Emma replied.

The group returned to the Heads suite and changed before returning downstairs. McGonagall waved Harry, Hermione, and Fleur over to the anti-chamber where the other champions were waiting. As soon as they were inside Cho enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. "Merlin's balls Harry, why on earth did you take that risk!"

Harry had a slight chuckle returning the hug. "Because it was always going to be me, I banished the stupid bastard and he was a petty little man. But I'm fine, see?"

Harry stepped back and indicated to his body. Hermione rolled her eyes and wrapped an arm around him possessively. Cho smirked and laughed. "Relax, Granger, I already have my man."

"She chased me all over Hogwarts too," Cedric noted, which earned him a slap on the arm.

Viktor and Draco then approached, Harry and Draco regarded each other steadily. "Are you well, Draco?"

"I'm fine, better, my father sends his congratulations for vanquishing the Dark Lord."

Harry shrugged. "I didn't do much, I got to be a punching bag for assholes…"

"Language Harry," Hermione muttered.

"Sorry love," Harry said kissing Hermione on the head.

"Are we ready?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes, Professor," The seven replied as they lined up in ascending order of points, except for Fleur who was going to accompany Harry and Hermione.

McGonagall gave Dumbledore a signal which caused the old wizard to rise. "Thank you all," He said as the crowd fell silent. "We have arrived at the end of another year, tomorrow you will all return home, hopefully, enriched not just by what you've learnt but by the friendships you've made. I would like to thank our guests from Beauxbaton and Drumstrung for joining us for the Tri-Wizard's Tournament over this year. But now it is time for an end of year party, please remember you're going home tomorrow so try not to overindulge. Finally, for the final time, I would like to welcome our champions, in third place, Mister Viktor Krum of Drumstrung, accompanied by Mister Draco Malfoy of Slytherin House."

"In Second Place Mister Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts, accompanied by Miss Cho Chang of Ravenclaw House."

"And finally, in fourth Miss Fleur Delacour of Beauxbaton and the winner of the 1994/95 Tri-Wizard's tournament, Mister Harry Potter, accompanying them Miss Hermione Granger of Gryffindor House!"

The crowd cheered as Harry, Hermione, and Fleur entered with Harry wedged between the two girls. Hermione gave Harry and Fleur a peck on their respective cheeks and walked over to join Neville, Daphne, Tracy, Susan, Luna, Hannah, and Marietta at their table while Harry and Fleur sat down with the other Champions.

"Before we start dinner, I have a couple of announcements to make. First, Professor Moody has decided to leave his position and return to retirement. I am saddened that he will not be able to enlighten you with his wisdom in the coming year. Secondly, I would like to welcome our new Potions Master, Miss Merula Snyde to Hogwarts, I hope you will give her a warm welcome next year."

The students politely applauded as Professor Snyde stood up, she was a brunette with a single blonde bang over her right eye, dressed in Slytherin green robes. The applause died as she surveyed the students with a sneer that Snape would have been proud of.

"Oh Merlin, are you serious…" Tonks commented from behind Harry, almost laughing.

"Do you know her?" Harry asked.

"Yup, I went to school with her, do you remember that Hit Wizard I told you about, my friend?" Tonks asked and Harry nodded. "She had a massive crush on him all through school, although she'd never admitted it. Merula and Nick had an adversarial relationship, a bit like you and Malfoy, but there was a lot of sexual tension from like year four to seven."

Harry frowned. "I guarantee you there will be no sexual tension between myself and Malfoy."

"I don't know Arry, I've seen the smouldering looks you've sent his way this year, I'm not sure I shouldn't be jealous on Viktor's behalf," Fleur responded teasingly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Miss Delacour, I only go for tall dark and handsome, foreign wizards," Malfoy responded.

"I'm tall dark and handsome to you Draco?" Harry asked, grinning.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "You wish…"

Fleur patted Harry on the hand, kissing him on the cheek. "I think you're tall dark and handsome Arry."

"Thank you, Fleur," Harry responded, poking his tongue out at Draco.

Harry paused when he heard a clearing of his throat from several seats down. He looked up and then ducked his head as the Headmaster was giving him a stern look, but from this distance, he could see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "As I was saying, there is one last piece of business," Dumbledore began taking off his Half-Moon spectacles and placing them on the dais. "I have spent much of this year considering my life and the choices I've made. I've realised that as much as I love Hogwarts, it's time to leave and spend some time learning. I think as I depart as Headmaster the greatest gift, I can give you is this advice, never stop learning. When you start believing you know everything it's the start of a steady decline into bad choices that may not hurt you but will hurt the people around you."

"With that morbidity out of the way," Dumbledore said brightly after a moment. "I encourage you to eat and enjoy tonight's entertainment. This is a celebration, please join me in a toast, to our Tri-Wizards Champions!"

"Our Champions!" The students roared.

The students of Beauxbaton, Hogwarts, and Drumstrung partied late into the night until their Professors and Headmasters shooed them up to bed. Tonks retired to bed to give Harry and Hermione some privacy, Harry smiled down at his girlfriend. "I had fun tonight."

"Me too," Hermione replied with a blush and a smile.

"So, um…" Harry said nervously reaching into a pocket of his robes. "I was wondering if you'd consider wearing this."

Harry pulled a small box out and opened it for Hermione. Inside was a simple platinum ring with a small emerald on top. "H-Harry, are you a-asking…?"

Harry blushed and smiled, shaking his head. "No, not yet. But this, this is a promise ring. It's the one my Mum wore when they became Head Boy and Head Girl, they'd been going steady for a while, but my Dad wanted to make it clear they were exclusive. I want that for us, I want every jealous git in this Castle and outside it to know that you are mine and I am yours."

"Oh, and where's your ring, Mister Potter?" Hermione asked mischievously.

Harry chuckled and reached into the other pocket of his robes and pulled out another grey ring box, inside was an unadorned platinum band. Harry looked up nervously at Hermione. "Will you wear it?"

"I would be honoured to wear the Potter Family promise ring."

Harry's face lit up as he slipped the ring on Hermione's finger. "Thank you, Hermione."

"Did you get one for Fleur?"

Harry blushed and nodded. "Y-yeah, is that ok?"

Hermione leaned in after she slipped Harry's ring on his finger, kissing him on the cheek. "I suppose it's ok…"

Harry looked worried, but he caught the glint in Hermione's eyes. "You're a minx."

Hermione stuck out her tongue at him as she skipped away towards her room. "Goodnight Harry, I love you."

"I love you too, Hermione," Harry replied as he entered his room.

Sunday, July 2, 1995

Entrance Hall

Harry and Hermione stood with Fleur at the doors to Hogwarts, the last of the Beauxbaton students were lining up to board the carriage for the final time, after eating breakfast with the Hogwarts and Drumstrung students. Harry and Hermione had one of each of Fleur's hands in one of theirs. She smiled shyly, squeezing their hands. "I will miss you."

"And we will miss you," Harry replied.

"You'll write?" Hermione asked.

"Oui, every day," Fleur promised. She looked down and rotated her wrist so her promise ring glinted in the spotlight. "I would have been ok if you'd just given one to Hermione, Arry."

Harry blushed. "I know, but, we're a team, we're equal partners. I know we haven't been together long but I want this to work, I don't want it to be a holiday romance."

Fleur's face went pink. "Neither do I."

"How did you get these?" Hermione asked.

"W-well, I-I may have passed some notes to your Mum through Tonks… and Missus Tonks and Missus Granger went to Diagon Alley to make an identical ring to the original for Fleur. I've had them since the Third Task but, uh…"

"You had to be stupidly noble?" Hermione asked, poking him in the ribs.

"S-something like that."

"Fleur, it's time!" Madam Maxine called.

"Oui, goodbye Arry, goodbye Hermione," Fleur said giving both a pair of kisses on the cheek before running to the Carriage. As she arrived she was stopped by Dumbledore who handed the Blonde Veela something before returning to the castle. The two gave him a curious look but he merely tipped his imaginary cap to them and kept walking. They stayed until the Carriage was out of sight.

"Come along Mister Potter, Miss Granger, you both have a train to catch," Professor Flitwick announced herding them towards the other students a few minutes later.

Soon they were seated with Neville, Daphne, Cedric, and Cho, with Susan, Hannah, Marietta, and Luna seated in the next compartment. No one commented on the rings Harry and Hermione now wore, but Daphne and Cho gave the pair some knowing looks. As the journey wore on Malfoy was briefly spotted in the corridor, but he merely gave them a curt nod as he continued walking with his friends.

Another hour past and the group were shocked out of their stupor by Ginny Weasley tearing the door open. She gave them a withering glare as she entered. "Hello Harry, I'm sitting down the other end of the train with some friends, we'd love it if you joined us."

Harry frowned, Ginny hadn't been openly antagonistic towards Hermione or Fleur since the three got together, but she had been upset with the notion of Harry having a girlfriend and it not being her. "No thank you, Ginny, I'm quite comfortable right here."

"Yes, comfortable… One day Granger, he'll grow tired of comfortable and come crawling to me."

"Is that a threat, Ginny?" Harry asked cooly.

"Oh please, I'm not as stupid as my brother, I'm patient, I can wait," Ginny replied smugly.

Harry got up and pushed the door back open. "You'll be waiting a very long time then, goodbye Ginny."

"Bye, oh, and you're both disinvited from the Burrow, Mum hit the roof when you decided to press charges against Ron," Ginny added.

"I think we'll survive," Harry replied, shutting the door on the redhead.

"She'll be trouble…" Hermione commented.

"We'll handle it," Harry replied sitting back down, wrapping his arm around her.

Platform 9 and ¾

After helping Hermione with her trunk, the two farewelled their friends and followed Tonks towards their family. Emma Granger was standing with Sirius Black and Andromeda Tonks. Harry caught the look on Sirius's face as Emma and Tonks embraced, he'd seen the same look earlier in the day when Dumbledore walked into the castle. The two had been conspiring. "Hello, Sirius."

"Hello, Pup, did you have a good day?"

"It was swell, what's up?"

Sirius shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing, what's up with you?"




"Bien." A third voice agreed.

Harry spun around and his face lit up with joy, standing with them on the platform was Fleur and a man with Fleur's eyes which Harry guessed was her father. "You're here!"

"Oui, I couldn't stay away," Fleur replied draping her arms over Harry's shoulders and kissing him.

Thirteen Years Later…

Paris, France

Saturday, July 2, 2008

An elderly couple walked down a busy French street, it was nearing midday and the two were running late for an appointment. "Albus, your time-management skills continue to amaze me."

"Minerva, we only meet once a year, and you continue to scold me," Albus Dumbledore complained as he tried to move as quickly as he could to keep up with his younger companion.

"You've spent far too long away from Hogwarts, you've allowed yourself to become lazy while you galivanted around the world."

Dumbledore chuckled. "My dear, at my age, I think you'll find I don't gallivant much of anywhere."

Minerva McGonagall huffed as the two stopped as the corner of a building. The entire first floor holding the restaurant that was their destination. "Here we are, Muguet!"

Albus smiled. "Lily of the valley, appropriate."

"Indeed." McGonagall agreed as she walked forward to knock on the door.

A beautiful Blonde, French woman approached the door as a smile brightened her face. "Headmistress, Headmaster, please, come in, we've been expecting you!"

Albus laughed as he received a kiss on each cheek. "You're very kind Lady Black, but I have not been Headmaster of anything for quite some time."

"To me, you will always be the Headmaster," Fleur Black replied with a bright smile, leading them through the restaurant.

Dumbledore glanced around the room, the restaurant was lit by lamps that were hung every couple of meters, the cream coloured walls and the dark tones of the seats and tables gave the room a warm feel. After the three ordered they were able to hear the Head Chef, Harry Potter calling out Albus and Minerva's requests to his troops.

After leaving Hogwarts Harry returned to the mundane world to complete his education, while Hermione studied law and Fleur studied curse breaking, Harry poured his energy into his other passion, cooking. He could honestly say that it was the only good thing that came out of living with the Dursley's. After graduating from culinary school, he moved to France and the three lived out of a small apartment in Paris, even though his family had bundles of money. Harry wanted the genuine experience of working his way up like his culinary heroes. After working for some of the most famous chefs in the world and gleaning every bit of knowledge he could, Harry opened a restaurant of his own. At the same time, he had a mundane wedding for Hermione and a Magical one for Fleur. In the mundane world, Hermione was his wife, but in the magical world, Hermione was Lady Potter, while Fleur was Lady Black. Sirius had given up his title when it was determined he was sterile from his time in Azkaban.

Harry not only bought a restaurant he bought an estate to house Sirius, the Tonks and Emma Granger. They'd all finally decided that Magical Britain was too corrupt to fix and decided to get out shortly after Harry and Hermione graduated. Eventually, their Hogwarts friends joined them, Cho and Cedric Diggory were the last to cross after Cedric's failed attempt to run for Minister against Theodore Nott, the blood purist was enacting some draconian laws to prevent Mundane born Wizards and Witches from getting ahead, so Hermione was working with the French Ministry to help mundane born emigrate to Europe. While at the same time still campaigning for the rights of magical creatures and taking care of her and Harry's two kids, Lily Luna and Daniel Sirius.

Fleur meanwhile worked at the restaurant, she managed the books and ran the front of the house. Having a part Veela in charge kept the number of nuisance customers to a minimum. She and Harry had only one child so far, Appoline Emma Black. Fleur smiled as she sipped her wine. "Appoline is visiting her Grandmother at the Enclave this week, she will be returned having been spoiled rotten, only to have Harry spoil her worse."

"It doesn't sound like you mind," Minerva noted with a humorous note in her voice.

"It's difficult to stay angry at him when you see the pure joy he gets playing with his children. My heart melts when I see it…" Fleur replied getting a wistful look on her face.

"Bragging about our kids again dear?" Harry asked carrying Albus and Minverva's entrée's out.


Harry placed the food on the table and then hugged Albus and then Minerva. "It's so good to see you."

"And you Mister Potter, you look fantastic," Minerva replied.

Harry blushed rubbing the back of his head. He stood just over six-foot-tall and years of working in a kitchen had filled out his figure, giving him a lean muscular look. Fleur gave him an appraising look and nodded. "Oui, he is quite easy on the eyes."

Minerva rolled her eyes as Albus laughed. "Be careful Mister Potter, there might be another Potter to add to your brood."

Harry's eyes lit up as Hermione and their children entered the restaurant. "Excellent."

The End

Well, that's it, I've sort of been dragging my feet a bit with this chapter, but it's finally finished. I hope it was ok.

I wanted to add a bit about Harry being the surrogate for Emma and Tonks son, so Teddy would make an oblique appearance, but it was a shoehorn too far. (That's a reference to a flame that I deleted.)

I appreciate everyone who has read and enjoyed this story, but now it's time to decide what comes next. I have several stories I want to write, in addition to Dance Macabre. But only one at a time, so I leave it up to you, my readers to decided what goes on next. Four choices, there will be a poll on my profile page, so if you want to let me know what you want to go there. Or you can send me a private message. Five stories let's go!

(The poll will wrap up on the 31st, or sooner if there is a clear winner.)

Heart-Shaped Box (Harry/Fleur/Tonks Hermione/Daphne)

(Post War) Tonks, Fleur, and Hermione take refuse at 12 Grimmauld Place when their respective relationships fall apart. But Ginny and Ron take exception and they're willing to go to extreme lengths to get what they view as their property back.

Modern Crusaders (Harry/Hermione/Tonks)

Slight AU. Harry is declared a heretic by a cult leader for practising magic on international television and is forced to go on the run. With only his best friends Neville and Hermione on his side, he must find the puppet master threatening his life and the future of magic.

12 Grimmauld Place (Harry/Hermione/?)

Dark Harry war story. After Dumbledore dies Harry discovers the full extent of his manipulations and all the things that have been kept from him. This is a story about what happens inside the walls of Grimmauld Place when Harry goes to war.

Untitled Harry/Hermione/Emma story

Post War, Harry leaves Britain because he's heartbroken Hermione is with Ron, settling down as Harry Evans he meets a beautiful brunette who soothes his wounded heart. But what happens when Hermione comes looking for him, and Harry's new girlfriend is someone she knows extremely well.

Untitled Soul Bond Harry/Fleur/Hermione Tri-Wiz story

Prompt Fic, Fleur bonds herself to Harry at the end of Fourth Year. Hermione is not giving her boyfriend up, but she doesn't want the Veela chick to die. So, she decides she will share. Maybe it won't be so bad. The Veela chick is hot, after all. Manipulative Dumbledore and Weasley bashing.

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Chaos Snow Kitsune, BMS, mwinter1, DS2010, Vanadir, nkh1, gamer85, Yaw6113, decadenceofmysoul, arrowmaster007, sykartracer, Smithback, Mitchsen, IWantABetterWebsite, fiahy567.